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Conflicts over the management of common pool resources are not simply material. They also depend on the perceptions of the protagonists. Policy to improve management often assumes that problems are self-evident, but in fact careful and transparent consideration of the ways different stakeholders understand management problems is essential to effective dialogue.  相似文献   

The traditional notion of aggression as an antisocial instinct is being replaced by a framework that considers it a tool of competition and negotiation. When survival depends on mutual assistance, the expression of aggression is constrained by the need to maintain beneficial relationships. Moreover, evolution has produced ways of countering its disruptive consequences. For example, chimpanzees kiss and embrace after fights, and other nonhuman primates engage in similar "reconciliations." Theoretical developments in this field carry implications for human aggression research. From families to high schools, aggressive conflict is subject to the same constraints known of cooperative animal societies. It is only when social relationships are valued that one can expect the full complement of natural checks and balances.  相似文献   

Managing natural resources: A social learning perspective   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This article presents a social learning perspective as a means to analyze and facilitate collective decision making and action in managed resource systems such as platforms. First, the social learning perspective is developed in terms of a normative and analytical framework. The normative framework entails three value principles, namely, systems thinking, experimentation, and communicative rationality. The analytical framework is built up around the following questions: who learns, what is learned, why it is learned, and how. Next, this perspective is used to analyze two managed resource systems: Fishery management in Lake Aheme, Benin and water resources management in Gelderland, The Netherlands. To assess platform performance in resource use negotiation, emerging lessons from the case studies are combined with propositions concerning membership of platforms, accessibility of platform meetings, skills and relations of platform members, realization of platforms, and third party facilitation of platform activities.  相似文献   

通过田间试验结合室内生物测定的方法,对不同大豆品种(系)进行了耐草甘膦特性的筛选,以期获得耐草甘膦大豆育种的新种质资源。结果表明,在草甘膦常规剂量下,不同大豆品种(系)对草甘膦耐性程度有着较大差异。褐皮豆和绥无腥豆1号耐性程度较强;DS系列大豆对草甘膦的耐性明显高于其他品系。通过室内生物测定对耐性程度较高的品种(系)进行进一步研究发现,DS品系等4个品系的耐性程度较高,其耐性倍数分别为4.23、3.82、2.93、2.59和2.48。室内考种数据表明,草甘膦虽然对耐性品系的株高有不同程度的抑制;但耐性品系可以正常的成熟结实,在单株荚数、百粒重等重要指标上具有可利用价值。  相似文献   

民营企业人力资源管理刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1现存的问题 我国的民营企业在改革开放以后取得了长足的发展.自1980年以来,非国有企业的工业总产值以年均30%左右的速度增长,在工业增加值中的比重已经达到了60%.这种发展速度令人振奋,但仔细研究一下不难发现,他们大多数虽然发展势头强劲,但在人力资源管理方面却存在许多问题,且已成为制约企业发展的瓶颈.  相似文献   

在知识经济起主导作用的 2 1世纪 ,根据知识经济时代的特点及我国人力资源的现状和存在的问题 ,分析情况 ,找出差距 ,构筑适应现代知识经济发展需要的人力资源高地 ,对于确保知识经济的充分发展 ,综合国力的提高 ,具有重大理论意义和现实意义。1 知识经济的特点  迄今为止 ,  相似文献   

为科学评价、合理利用农业自然资源,加强自然资源统一管理,实现农业高质量可持续发展。通过对比分析国内外农业自然资源评价框架及指标体系的理论研究和应用实践,围绕我国农业自然资源“开发-利用-保护-修复”的动态过程,提出并构建了我国农业自然资源全过程、多维度评价框架及指标体系。结果表明:该框架与指标体系面向气候、土地、水和生物四大农业自然资源在不同阶段的管理目标与核心内容,具体涵盖9个准则层、111个单项指标。研究表明,该概念框架及指标体系具有动态性、全过程性、系统性及与自然资源管理实务充分衔接的特点,具有良好的应用前景,实现了对农业自然资源的立体空间的连动式全面评价。  相似文献   

长白山区天然资源保护与开发研究动态   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
概述了长白山区的自然概况和生物、旅游、矿产等资源概况以及保护与开发现状,并就国内长白山区天然资源的研究动态进行了简述。  相似文献   

The Totonac homegarden is a traditionally designed agroecosystem mixing different elements, such as cultivated and wild plants, and livestock. Our objective was to understand the role and importance of homegardens as a strategy for subsistence and natural resources management. Anthropological fieldwork was carried out in Coxquihui, Veracruz, Mexico, a Totonac community. Conventional sampling using a questionnaire yielded a sample of 40 individuals, each representing a family group. Personal interviews, life stories, observations, and field transects enriched survey information. Fieldwork permitted identification of four types of Totonac homegardens: backyards, cropping fields, acahuales or fallow fields, and fences or field edges. Each of these gardens yields an array of products and services important for several cultural roles and natural resource management aims. Totonacs see land as the dominant and most critical resource. A great deal of terrain is steeply sloped and soils are poor. Homegardens play a key role in a production system that minimizes these site limitations, striking a balance between resource maintenance and subsistence needs. Their functions are ecological, to foster a multistrata vegetation cover, and a continuous supply of organic matter to the soil; economic, serving as living storehouses where diverse products (food, timber, firewood, forage, animals, ceremonial supplies, medicinal products), are kept through the annual cycle; and social, performing various social roles such as growing medicinal, ritual, and edible plants, thus supporting beliefs and culture continuity. Studies like this contribute to a better understanding of Totonac culture and native ecology, and give ideas for a better land management.  相似文献   

大黄堡湿地自然保护区昆虫类资源调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年对天津大黄堡湿地自然保护区内昆虫进行本底调查,掌握湿地昆虫的动态规律及其与湿地环境变化的关系,及时应用于湿地的保护和监测,充分合理地利用湿地资源。  相似文献   

论长白山天然资源的保护与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了长白山天然资源的保护与开发在延边大学自然科学科研中的地位,确定其研究方向和主要研究课题的原则,提出了开发研究和成果转化的实施意见.  相似文献   

通过对图书馆传统人事管理误区的分析,提出了要发展图书馆事业必须建立起现代新型人力资源管理和开发的模式.本文从绩效考评机制和人才培养机制两个方面来论述人力资源管理的开发,提出应在图书馆的人力资源管理中引入人本管理的理念,进而提升图书馆人力资源管理的水平.  相似文献   






农业自然资源是农业发展的重要基础,而农业可持续发展离不开资源的合理开发利用,福建山多海阔,气候多样,生物种类繁多,品种资源丰富,为农业发展提供了丰富的物质基础,但人均资源占有量少,分布不均,自然灾害频繁,农业基础脆弱,成为开发利用中的限制因素,因此,如何趋利避害,因地制宜,从资源开发的内涵上,即从农业自然资源的深度开发上,寻求高产高效,集约持续发展的路子,便是实现我省农业可持续发展的关键所在。  相似文献   

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