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AIMS: To study the adhesion properties of a biotype 4, serotype O:3 (human pathogenic) strain of Yersinia enterocolitica and to determine if adhesion in vitro and colonisation in vivo can be prevented by competition with a biotype 1A, serotype O:6,30 (non-pathogenic) strain. To study interaction between Y. enterocolitica biotype 4, serotype O:3 and cultured epithelial cells using the synthetic tripeptide arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD).

METHODS: The human intestinal epithelial (HEp-2) cell line was used for in vitro studies. Inocula of Y. enterocolitica biotype 4, serotype O:3 radiolabelled using tritium were incubated with HEp-2 cells and RGD tripeptide, or with Y. enterocolitica biotype 1A, serotype O:6,30 sequentially or concurrently, then washed and lysed, and radioactivity measured to determine the effect of RGD on adhesion, and competitive exclusion of pathogenic by non-pathogenic bacteria. For in vivo studies, two groups of 5-week-old piglets (n=5/group) were sequentially inoculated orally with 5x109 colony forming units (cfu) of either a non-pathogenic biotype 1A, serotype O:6,30 strain of Y. enterocolitica followed by a pathogenic biotype 4, serotype O:3 strain, or vice versa. Pigs were monitored for carriage of strains using bacterial culture and a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

RESULTS: The RGD tripeptide significantly inhibited adherence of the pathogenic Y. enterocolitica strain to cultured epithelial cells, suggesting that adhesion involved the RGD tripeptide sequence. The non-pathogenic biotype 1A, serotype O:6,30 strain of Y. enterocolitica prevented adhesion of the pathogenic strain to cells in vitro when allowed to adhere first. Pathogenic Y. enterocolitica was consistently isolated from rectal swabs from 80-100% of pigs on all sampling occasions but not from oral swabs after 14 days in pigs first inoculated with the non- pathogenic strain or at 26 days in pigs first inoculated with the pathogenic strain.

CONCLUSIONS: A non-pathogenic strain of Y. enterocolitica reduced adhesion of a human pathogenic strain in vitro but not in vivo.  相似文献   

AIMS: To study the adhesion properties of a biotype 4, serotype O:3 (human pathogenic) strain of Yersinia enterocolitica and to determine if adhesion in vitro and colonisation in vivo can be prevented by competition with a biotype 1A, serotype O:6,30 (non-pathogenic) strain. To study interaction between Y. enterocolitica biotype 4, serotype O:3 and cultured epithelial cells using the synthetic tripeptide arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD). METHODS: The human intestinal epithelial (HEp-2) cell line was used for in vitro studies. Inocula of Y. enterocolitica biotype 4, serotype O:3 radiolabelled using tritium were incubated with HEp-2 cells and RGD tripeptide, or with Y. enterocolitica biotype 1A, serotype O:6,30 sequentially or concurrently, then washed and lysed, and radioactivity measured to determine the effect of RGD on adhesion, and competitive exclusion of pathogenic by non-pathogenic bacteria. For in vivo studies, two groups of 5-week-old piglets (n=5/group) were sequentially inoculated orally with 5 x 10(9) colony forming units (cfu) of either a non-pathogenic biotype 1A, serotype O:6,30 strain of Y. enterocolitica followed by a pathogenic biotype 4, serotype O:3 strain, or vice versa. Pigs were monitored for carriage of strains using bacterial culture and a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RESULTS: The RGD tripeptide significantly inhibited adherence of the pathogenic Y. enterocolitica strain to cultured epithelial cells, suggesting that adhesion involved the RGD tripeptide sequence. The non-pathogenic biotype 1A, serotype O:6,30 strain of Y. enterocolitica prevented adhesion of the pathogenic strain to cells in vitro when allowed to adhere first. Pathogenic Y. enterocolitica was consistently isolated from rectal swabs from 80-100% of pigs on all sampling occasions but not from oral swabs after 14 days in pigs first inoculated with the non-pathogenic strain or at 26 days in pigs first inoculated with the pathogenic strain. CONCLUSIONS: A non-pathogenic strain of Y. enterocolitica reduced adhesion of a human pathogenic strain in vitro but not in vivo.  相似文献   

In two studies, seven different culture protocols were compared to test naturally contaminated faecal samples from pigs for isolation of Y. enterocolitica serotype O:3/biotype 4 (n = 70 and n = 79). Four of the protocols were based on the Nordic Committee on Food Analysis (NMKL protocols), while three protocols were based on a rapid and selective method (here called ITC protocols). The protocols differed mainly in time of pre-enrichment (1, 10 and 24 d) and enrichment (2, 10, 24 d) and the type of selective enrichment media (ITC vs. MRB). The sensitivity of the rapid ITC protocol (24 % and 9 %) was comparable with the lengthy NMKL-protocols (16 % and 11 %), while the results of direct plating after 3 h (4 %) and the extended enrichment in ITC-broth (4 %) were very low. In addition, there was a marked reduction in the number of false positive plates in the short selective protocol (62 % vs. 12 %). The results indicate possibilities of shortening the culture methods by replacing most of the biochemical tests with an agglutination test based on a monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   

A simple colony immunoblotting method using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) was developed to detect Y. enterocolitica serotype O:3 in pig feces. One of the MAbs studied was able to detect single colonies of the organism in the presence of calculated 3.1 x 10(8) heterologous organisms in pig feces. The MAb was found to be specific for the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigens of Y. enterocolitica serotype O:3. No significant cross-reactivity was found against a variety of closely related serotypes and Gram-negative organisms. The MAb could also be used in a slide agglutination test and an indirect fluorescence antibody assay for rapid identification of Y. enterocolitica serotype O:3.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to describe two fatal cases of Yersinia enterocolitica bioserotype 4/O:3 infection in non-human primates and to characterise the isolates by PCR and PFGE. In July 2004, two marmosets (Callitrix jacchuss) born in captivity in Zagreb Zoo, died following a few days of intermittent diarrhoea in intervals of 2 weeks. The pathomorphological diagnosis of the female (born in 1997) and the male (born in 1995) marmoset, was disseminated miliary necrosis of the liver. Y. enterocolitica 4/O:3 was isolated from both livers showing that monkeys are susceptible to this bioserotype. The ail gene, which is an essential chromosomal virulence factor in pathogenic Y. enterocolitica isolates, was present in the marmoset isolates. Two different PFGE patterns were obtained from the isolates of the male liver with NotI enzyme. One genotype of the male marmoset isolate was indistinguishable from the genotype of the female marmoset isolate when NotI, ApaI and XhoI enzymes were used indicating a common infection source for the marmosets. The genotypes of the marmoset isolates differed only slightly from one human (of seven Croatian isolates) and from one pig isolate (representing a common genotype found among human and porcine isolates in Germany) suggesting that raw pork fed to the marmoset could have been the infection source.  相似文献   

Diarrhoeic faecal samples from 210 humans and 192 swine were screened for Yersinia enterocolitica in 1990. Ten and 8 Y. enterocolitica strains were isolated from pig and man, respectively. The isolates were found to belong to Wauter's biotypes 1, 2, 3 and 4. Biotype 2 was isolated mainly from human stool samples. Biotype 3 was found only in swine while biotypes 1 and 4 were isolated from both man and swine. All the 18 strains showed varying degrees of sensitivity to antibiotics used in this investigation. The organisms were consistent in their resistance to ampicillin and penicillin.  相似文献   

To develop an effective method to isolate an injured pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica O:8 organism from environmental samples, we compared the isolation of freeze-injured and non-injured Y. enterocolitica O:8 and found that the isolation was more successful when immuno-magnetic separation (IMS) with anti-Y. enterocolitica O:8 antibody was used. Plating onto cefsulodin-irgasan-novobiocin (CIN) agar and Virulent Yersinia enterocolitica (VYE) agar by means of the agar layer method was found to be effective in isolating the injured cells. The alkali treatment which is generally used for selective detection of Yersinia organism failed to isolate freeze-injured pathogenic Y. enterocolitica O:8 cells. Recovery methods without using the alkali treatment were superior for detecting freeze-injured Y. enterocolitica O:8. Our results demonstrate that the IMS and the agar layer methods should be used to isolate injured pathogenic Yersinia organisms from environmental samples such as water.  相似文献   

The present study was made to know the morphology of the initial invasion and lesions involved in the intestinal colonization of Yersinia enterocolitica serovar O3 in the epithelium of Peyer's patches of mice. Microfold (M) cells formed a specific structure like a pseudopodium and the bacteria were observed on the surface of the pseudopodium-like structure 4 hr after oral administration of serovar O3. The colonies of serovar O3 were observed in the epithelium and the lamina propria of the Peyer's patches dome region, and the bacteria grown in the Peyer's patches were in direct contact with the lumen without covered with the host tissue 24 hr after the administration.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of Yersinia enterocolitica, a bacterium that has been isolated frequently from healthy swine, was studied in piglets by oral challenge of two litters, one derived by cesarean section and deprived of colostrum, and the other delivered at full-term. Eight cesarean-derived piglets were divided into groups of two and challenged with four serotypes of Y. enterocolitica (O:8, O:21, O:3, O:13). Two deaths occurred and two piglets were killed because of severe illness before termination of the experiment eight days after challenge. Surviving piglets showed no clinical signs of illness. Rectal cultures were consistently positive and all cesarean-derived piglets were colonized in the small intestine and throat at necropsy. Full-term piglets were allowed access for 36 hours to sow colostrum containing low levels of antibody against the challenge strains. Six full-term piglets challenged with three serotypes of Y. enterocolitica (O:8, O:21, O:13) survived for 15 days without any signs of illness. These piglets had fewer positive rectal cultures and showed less extensive colonization of internal organs at necropsy than did cesarean-derived piglets. It is uncertain whether this increased resistance to infection with Y. enterocolitica resulted from colostrum-derived antibody, intestinal colonization with other bacteria, or an improved physical condition which accompanied full-term development. Nevertheless, the results of this challenge experiment suggest that piglets are capable of restricting colonization by Y. enterocolitica to the throat and intestinal tract without development of serious illness.  相似文献   

The current study was conducted to evaluate 5 bacteriologic culture methods (methods 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) for recovery of Salmonella enterica from swine feces, both for sensitivity of detection (ability to recover Salmonella from a positive sample) and for specificity (not to inadvertently identify an organism as a Salmonella species in a negative sample). Fifty-six negative samples and 46 positive samples were processed using each of the 5 methods, which differed primarily in the combinations of enrichment media used. All negative samples were negative for Salmonella when cultured by all 5 methods (100% specificity). Two of the methods (methods 1 and 4) resulted in the recovery of significantly less (P < 0.05) Salmonella when compared with the remaining 3 methods (methods 2, 3, and 5). No one method was successful in recovering Salmonella from all positive samples, although recovery with method 2 was statistically similar to the total number of positive samples analyzed (42 vs. 46 Salmonella-positive samples, P > 0.05). This study shows that culture methods differ significantly in their performance regarding the isolation of Salmonella from swine fecal samples.  相似文献   

Yersinia enterocolitica serotype 0:3/biotype 4 was isolated from the oral cavity of altogether 32 (68.1 %) of 47 freshly eviscerated slaughter pigs. Most efficient recovery was achieved by cultivation of tissue samples from both tongue and tonsils of the same individual. The isolation rate so obtained was significantly higher than that obtained by separate examination of either tonsil swabs or tongue swabs. However, the isolation frequency achieved by combined swabbing of the 2 sites was not significantly different. In general, tonsils were more productive for the recovery of 0:3 strains than were tongues, and tissue samples yielded higher isolation rates than did swabs. Three-week cold enrichment in a low selective medium proved essential for optimal recovery. However, the highest number of isolates was obtained using a combination of methods, including direct plating and selective enrichment in a modified Rappaport broth in addition to cold enrichment.  相似文献   

Sera from calves immunized with Yersinia enterocolitica serotypes O:9 or O:16 were tested by indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using lipopolysaccharide (LPS) preparations from Brucella abortus or Y. enterocolitica O:9 or O:16 for their antibody content of the IgG1 or IgG2 subclasses. High IgG1 responses were present with the three antigens in both groups although some individual variations between animals were noted. The IgG2 responses were modest and in some cases not above background 'noise'. Thus IgG2 antibody was not measurable in sera from serotype O:9 injected calves when using serotype O:16 LPS or in serotype O:16 injected calves when using B. abortus or serotype O:9 LPSs. A competitive ELISA using B. abortus O-polysaccharide and a monoclonal antibody to B. abortus LPS (initially designed to differentiate the antibody responses of cattle naturally infected with B. abortus from those vaccinated with strain 19) was used on sera from both groups of calves. Using this test, no antibody was detected in the group immunized with serotype O:16 and except for one animal in the serotype O:9 immunized group, only low levels of antibody were transiently in evidence. One animal in this group responded with quite high levels of competing antibody which, however, declined towards the end of the test period. The competitive ELISA may prove a useful serological tool for differentiating vaccinal and field infection titers to B. abortus and also to eliminate cross-reactions observed with Y. enterocolitica serotypes.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty seven samples of pig faeces collected from 14 herds located in different parts of Finland were examined for Yersinia enterocolitica biotype 4 serotype 0:3. Twenty six (17.7%) animals and 5 herds (35.7%) were positive. The tonsils of 350 animals from 35 herds with high condemnation figures at meat inspection and the tonsils of 131 animals from 13 herds with low condemnation figures collected from 2 abattoirs in southwest Finland were also examined. The prevalence raes of Y.e. in animals were 38.3% and 31.3% and in herds 74.3% and 61.5%, respectively. The prevalence of Y.e. in herds with the high and low partial condemnation percentages did not differ significantly. No isolation of Y.e. was made from 104 samples of pork and minced pork collected from retail markets in Helsinki and from exporting slaughterhouses.  相似文献   

A culture technique employing cold enrichment at 4 degrees C followed by selective enrichment and plating at higher temperatures (30 degrees C) was used to isolate Listeria monocytogenes from faecal samples. The samples were held at 4 degrees C for 15 weeks and cultured weekly to assess the sensitivity of the culture after cold storage for different lengths of time. No media, Listeria selective enrichment broth (LSEB), nutrient broth (NB) and saline were used as cold storage medium. Cold storage increased the frequency of Listeria positive samples. The sensitivity of the culture for Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes was 72 and 94%, and 56 and 61% after third and seventh week of cold storage, respectively. When the results of third and seventh week of cold storage were combined, the sensitivity was 100% for Listeria spp. and 94% for L. monocytogenes. LSEB and NB as storage medium increased Listeria positive samples after the first week of cold storage but did not maintain the increase thereafter while saline had an adverse effect on the growth of the bacteria. However, samples held in no media in a pilot study involving monthly sampling of a herd revealed better results. Detection limit of the culture media was also investigated. The lowest concentration detected by culture media was 3.17 organisms/ml. This was seven organisms/g for known Listeria positive sample. The faecal samples spiked with 10-fold dilutions of L. monocytogenes and held at 4 degrees C revealed that the sample spiked with 3.17 x 10-1 cfu/ml organisms resulted in growth after the second week of cold storage. The results suggest that the culture technique employing cold enrichment followed by selective enrichment and plating is more sensitive, the storage of faecal samples in no media when compared with the samples in storage medium, LSEB, NB and saline, during cold enrichment is a better application and culture of faeces, immediately after collection, at third and seventh week of cold enrichment produce more satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Measurable Brucella titres were produced by slow agglutination, slow agglutination at 57 degrees C (heat test), and complement fixation reaction with Brucella antigen in infection experiments with gilts in which Yersinia enterocolitica Serotypes 0:9 and 0:6 were used. Slow agglutination gave brucellosis titres up to 1:1280 and titres against Yersinia enterocolitica, Serotype 0:9, up to 1:20480. The antibody titres stayed persistent throughout the 80 days of the experiment. Yersinia enterocolitica infection was found to be transmissible between the animals. Aspects relating to the development and course of the infection as well as to pathogen detection are discussed.  相似文献   

猪瘟抗体阴性猪是猪瘟活疫苗安检的重要实验动物,目前对于猪瘟抗体阴性猪筛选是采用兔体中和反应法,实验复杂,工作量大并且易受实验兔个体差异等因素影响。随着生物学及其技术的发展,ELISA被广泛用于生物制品的各个领域。本试验应用ELISA法和兔体中和反应法对猪瘟抗体阴性猪进行筛选,共检测160份血清,检测结果显示两种方法结果有很高的一致性,但ELISA法更为敏感,快捷,更适用于猪瘟抗体阴性猪的筛选。  相似文献   

The VIDAS Salmonella Test (VST) is an enzyme-linked fluorescent immunoassay for the detection of Salmonella-antigens. The suitability of VST for the detection of Salmonella in faecal, tissue, and feed samples was evaluated by the comparison with routine culture methods. From 312 naturally contaminated samples 17 were classified as Salmonella positive by routine methods and 28 by VST. Salmonella were isolated from 15 VST positive samples by the routine method and from eight samples only by an extended culture method. Five positive VST results could not be proved by culture. Two samples were classified as positive by the routine method and as false-negative by VST. The sensitivity varied between 88% and 100% and the specifity between 92% and 100%, depending on the kind of sample. Matrix or serovar specific factors resulting in a false VST result could not be determined. The performance of VST was easy and did not require special experiences. Mostly, samples with Salmonella negative results were faster detected than by culture methods. VST is suitable for the detection of Salmonella in the studied kind of samples especially as a screening method.  相似文献   

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