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海星的大量繁殖与入侵可对滩涂养殖贝类造成极大威胁。对海星繁殖生物学的研究可为有效控制海星过度增殖提供信息,同时也可为其胚胎和幼虫培育以及发育生物学的深入研究奠定基础。本研究以韩国和中国沿海常见的多棘海盘车(Asterias amurensis)为材料,研究KCl诱导海盘车排放生殖细胞的最佳剂量,以及水温和盐度对胚胎和幼虫发育的影响。采用不同剂量(1.0mL、3.0mL、5.0mL和7.0mL)0.5mol/LKCl注入性成熟海盘车体腔,皆可诱导生殖细胞的排放,3mL注射组的排放个体比例最高(80%),雌性个体排卵量最大(536.5×10^4个/ind),同时用诱导获得的精/卵进行人工授精后也获得了较高的受精率(92.7±2.9)%。水温和盐度对多棘海盘车胚胎和幼虫的存活率具有显著的影响。在盐度为35时,20℃时多棘海盘车羽腕幼虫的存活率最高(90.1±2.1)%,15℃时次之(84.4±5.2)%。在温度为15℃时,盐度为35时幼虫培养60h后存活率最高(87.6±4.1)%,盐度为30时次之(85.4±4.0)%。多棘海盘车各期胚胎和幼虫的发育速度(1/t,h^-1)随水温升高而加快,在一定温度范围内有明显的正相关性,其关系式为:至2-细胞:1/t=0.1108Tw-0.5997(r^2=0.9465);至8-细胞:1/t=0.0454Tw-0.2334(r^2=0.9477);至桑椹胚:1/t=0.0179Tw-0.0679(r^2=0.8687);至囊胚:1/t=0.0042Tw(r^2=0.89);至羽腕幼虫:1/t=0.0006Tw-0.0087(r^2=0.8784)。盐度为35时,胚胎和幼虫的发育速度最快,发育至羽腕幼虫需55.4h。根据不同水温和盐度条件下,胚胎和幼虫的存活率和发育速率,确定15-20℃是多棘海盘车发育的适宜温度,最适温度为20℃;适宜盐度为30-35,最适盐度为35。  相似文献   

对室内培育的多棘海盘车(Asterias amurensis)胚胎和幼虫的发育以及外部形态进行了显微观察。多棘海盘车为雌雄异体,体外受精,成熟卵卵径为130-150 μm,卵裂属完全均等型。水温10.5-11.5℃时,受精卵经20 min左右出现第1极体,约50 min进行第1次卵裂,约7 h时进入桑葚期,19 h 40 min发育成为膜内旋转囊胚,23 h 40 min发育成为脱膜旋转囊胚,26 h 30 min发育成为早期原肠胚,纤毛幼虫(初孵幼虫)出现在46 h,从受精到短腕幼虫历时25 d。由纤毛幼虫到短腕幼虫的过程中幼虫体长经历了先增大后减小的过程。进一步发现,投喂混合饵料(小新月菱形藻(Nitzschia closterium f. minutissima)和海洋红酵母(Rhodomonas sp.)1:1)的幼虫发育速度比单独投喂小新月菱形藻的快,但差异不显著(P > 0.05)。  相似文献   

In order to establish a large-scale hatchery technique for the sea squirt Halocynthia ritteri , the influences of water temperature on spawning induction, larval development and survival of H. ritteri were studied under laboratory conditions. The larvae of H. ritteri exhibited high sensitivity to changes in temperature. As temperature increased from 10 to 21 °C, the duration of larval stage was inversely related to temperature and the time to reach attached larvae stage decreased from 42.0 to 59.4 h. The biological minimum temperature for the early development of H. ritteri was estimated to be 0.22 °C. In relation to temperature, quadratic equations showed significant fits to the data of spawning rate, fecundity, fertilization, larval survival and attachment. Optimal temperatures for spawning rate, fecundity, fertilization rate, larval survival rate and attachment rate were estimated to be 14.9, 14.7, 13.2, 14.1 and 14.7 °C respectively. It is concluded that the range of 13–15 °C is optimal for spawning and larval rearing of sea squirts.  相似文献   

在水温14~33℃(盐度34)、盐度18-40(水温25.5-26℃)范围内各设12个梯度,采用突变法进行温、盐度对方斑东风螺[Babylonia areolata(Link)]卵囊孵化及幼虫生长实验。结果显示:(1)方斑东风螺胚胎发育适宜水温为23~31℃,最适水温为25-30℃;适宜盐度为28-38,最适盐度为30~38。在适宜水温和盐度范围内,孵化速度随水温和盐度升高而加快,但以水温的影响效应最明显;温度或盐度超过其适宜范围时,孵化率明显下降或幼虫畸形率明显增大。(2)幼虫适宜水温及最适水温与胚胎发育的基本一致;适宜盐度和最适盐度存在向高盐度延伸的现象,其适宜和最适盐度下限分别为30和32。温盐度超过适宜范围时,死亡率明显增大,生长受到抑制。  相似文献   

纹稿虾虎鱼胚胎、早期仔鱼发育与盐度的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对纹缟虾虎鱼受精卵和早期仔鱼发育与盐度的关系进行了初步研究。结果表明:受精卵在盐度0~40时均表现出沉性;受精卵孵化的适盐范围为5~40,最适盐度为20~35;仔鱼在盐度低于30时,主要分布于底层,活力较差,盐度高于30时,主要分布中上层,活力较好;仔鱼在盐度5~45和无投饵状态下,SAI值为2.93~15.66,其中在盐度30~35时,SAI值最大(14.43~15.66)。从不同盐度下仔鱼的分布状态及仔鱼的生存指数综台分析,纹缟虾虎鱼仔鱼培育的最适盐度范围为30~35。  相似文献   

温度、盐度对似刺鳊鮈胚胎发育过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设置10℃、15℃、20℃、24℃、27℃、30℃6个温度组和0‰、2.5‰、5‰、10‰、15‰、太湖湖水组6个盐度组,探讨了温度和盐度对似刺鳊鮈(Paracanthobrama guichenoti)胚胎发育的影响。温度实验结果表明:似刺鳊鮈胚胎发育的起始温度(生物学零度)为9.5℃,适宜的发育水温为20~24℃。水温10℃时胚胎卵裂异常,未能进入原肠期;水温升至30℃时胚胎在发育至原肠期前后死亡。水温度为24℃时孵化时间仅为73.5 h,孵化率高达80%,畸形率为0,为最适孵化水温;水温对胚胎发育速率的影响后期较前期大。盐度实验表明:似刺鳊鮈胚胎对盐度有一定的耐受力,各盐度梯度下的胚胎发育速率差异不大,但孵化率的差异极显著。在水温18℃、盐度为2.5‰的水体中胚胎的孵化率为81.67%,高于太湖湖水组的孵化率,此盐度应为似刺鳊鮈胚胎发育较适盐度。  相似文献   

温度和盐度对宝石鲈胚胎发育的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
宝石鲈(Scortum barcoo)是原产于澳大利亚的一种杂食性、中型经济淡水鱼类,对饵料要求不高,生长速度较快,肌肉的Omega-3不饱和脂肪酸含量很高,具有较高的食用价值。2001年首次被引进中国,2004年人工繁殖获得成功。为了让人们充分了解该物种的繁殖生物学特性,同时为宝石鲈的开发利用提供基本数据,本研究对宝石鲈的胚胎发育时序及不同水温和盐度对胚胎发育的影响做了较为祥细的观察与研究。采用人工催产、授精获得受精卵,在水温(27.0±0.5)℃孵化,观察胚胎发育情况。成熟卵圆形、透明、漂浮性,卵径0.87~0.92 mm,吸水后卵膜膨胀直径为2.10 mm左右;胚胎明显特征是有一个直径为0.50 mm左右的大油球。出膜仔鱼全长2.00 mm左右,出膜4 d后卵黄完全吸收,并开始摄食,此时仔鱼全长3.5~3.7 mm。胚胎发育的最低和最高临界水温分别是21℃和31℃,最适水温范围是24~27℃,胚胎发育所需时间与水温成负相关关系。胚胎发育的最适盐度范围为0~8,盐度8时,各个发育时期的胚胎和仔鱼的存活率最高,12为临界盐度。因此在生产实践中要掌握好温度和盐度,以获得最佳的种苗生产效果。  相似文献   

银鲈胚胎和仔鱼的发育   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
本文对银鲈(Bidyanus bidyanus)胚胎和仔鱼的发育进行了观察,详细描述了发育各期的形态特征和所需时间。受精卵充分吸水后呈圆形,为浮性卵,在23-25℃时,孵化时间约为32h,仔鱼出膜后第3天卵黄囊消失,第5天开始摄食,到第7天基本发育完善。  相似文献   

The Mediterranean spider crab, Maja squinado, is depleted due to overfishing. The crab has virtually disappeared from areas where it was abundant, such as the Balearic Islands and the Catalan coast. Maja squinado, is economically and ecologically very valuable, and it is essential to obtain information on its biology and rearing conditions to attempt to repopulate the damaged stocks of the species in the Mediterranean basin. Herein, we describe the first successful rearing of M. squinado under laboratory conditions. Our results show that M. squinado is an excellent candidate for restocking using cultured juveniles. Two consecutive broods with a 1–4 day interbrood period were observed in the laboratory in wild‐caught females, the maximum observed duration of embryonic development of the egg mass being 32 days at 18.4 ± 0.9°C, and went through four different stages. The complete larval and first juvenile development was studied in laboratory cultures fed enriched Artemia metanauplius. At 19.6 ± 0.6°C, development from hatching to first crab moult took 17 days, and it comprised two zoeae stages and one megalopa stage. The survival rate at the different stages was monitored, and 7.13 ± 2.3% was achieved at the first crab instar.  相似文献   

为研究盐度对紫海胆受精、孵化、胚胎发育、浮游幼体生长发育、摄食和变态的影响,本研究采用实验室培养幼体的方法,设置了不同盐度(15、20、25、30、35和40)的水体,对紫海胆的胚胎和浮游幼体进行实验。结果显示,紫海胆在盐度20~35范围内的受精率超过95%,但在盐度15和40下无法受精;盐度30下胚胎发育最快,孵化率显著高于其他盐度,为89.8%;浮游幼体期适宜盐度为25~35,最适盐度为30,盐度20和40下幼体仅能发育至八腕幼体Ⅰ期,而盐度15下幼体发育受抑制,一直停留在四腕幼体阶段,7 d后死亡;盐度为15~40时的八腕Ⅳ期幼体在72 h的变态率超过21.4%,其中盐度30下幼体变态率最高,为54.7%,且变态速率最快,能在24 h时出现稚胆。浮游幼体在盐度35时前侧腕和口后腕生长最快,胃面积在盐度30时最大,摄食率在盐度30时最大。研究表明,盐度对紫海胆的早期发育有较显著的影响。本研究能够为紫海胆人工育苗培育提供基础资料。  相似文献   

温度和水流对扁吻鱼胚胎发育的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨了温度及水流对扁吻鱼(Aspiorhynchus laticeps)胚胎发育的影响。结果表明:在水温15~25℃条件下,扁吻鱼胚胎发育均可以完成,并且温度x与发育时间y呈负相关关系,y=667.72 e-0.0996x,R2=0.9829;与积温的关系为y=-91.017x+3662.3,R2=0.7996。胚胎发育的适宜水温为15~23℃,最适水温为15~21℃。孵化期间辅助于一定的充气条件可缩短出苗时间、提高出苗率,降低畸形率。  相似文献   

盐度对黄鲷胚胎发育及早期仔鱼生长的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
施兆鸿 《水产学报》2004,28(5):599-602
The effect of salinity on embryo and early larva development of Dentex tumiforns was discussed. Floating forms of egg in different salinities, optimal salinity for embryonic development and early larva growth was studied. The results showed: 1. In immobile condition, all eggs sank at salinity of 32.0, most of egg ssuspended in the middle of water at 34.0, and all eggs floated on the surface when salinity above 36.0. 2. Eggs did not hatch out at salinity of below 10.0 or above 60.0 and the death time of egg gradually moved up with increase or decline of salinity. Eggs hatched out at salinity range of 15.0 and 50.0, including abnormal larva. There was indistinct difference in speed of embryonic development (about 36-40h) within the salinity of 15.0 and 50.0. However the salinity had a great effect on larval survival after hatching and abnormal rate. The relation between hatching rate and salinity variation showed parabola but abnormal rate showed inverted parabola. The hatching rate was 81%-86% and abnormal rate of yolk sac larva was 27%-30% in suitable salinities of 27.0-39.0. The hatching rate was 89%-91% and abnormal rate was 13%-16% in optimal salinities of 33.0-36.0. The oil ball of abnormal larva was located in the central or front position. With increased extent of salinity, spondyle of larva bended and number of larva with arrhythmia increased. 3. The optimal salinities were 30.0-35.0 based on SAI. The test with SAI showed that SAI of early larvae was 41.25-47.53 at salinities of 30.0-35.0, the yolk and oil ball of 7-8 days larva was completely absorbed with a survival rate of 88%.  相似文献   

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