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采用水培方法,研究了毒死蜱对两种叶菜类蔬菜菠菜和生菜生长的影响、在不同培养液中的降解速度以及在蔬菜中的吸收和转移规律。结果表明,低浓度毒死蜱(1.0和10.0mg·L^-1)对两种供试蔬菜的生长没有明显影响,但高浓度毒死蜱(100.0mg·L^-1)对两种蔬菜的生长均有一定的影响,而且生菜对毒死蜱较菠菜更为敏感。两种蔬菜均能明显促进毒死蜱在溶液中的降解,在不同溶液中的降解速度如下:菠菜-培养液〉生菜-培养液〉塘水〉培养液。两种供试蔬菜对毒死蜱均有很强的吸收能力,而且具有相似的吸收规律。毒死蜱在菠菜根中达到最大吸收值所需的时间比生菜根所需的时间短,但在茎和叶中所需的时间两种蔬菜相同。  相似文献   

不同高粱种质对污染土壤中重金属吸收的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用重金属含量较高的污水污染土壤,以未污染土壤作对照,种植8个甜高粱品种、2个饲用高粱品种和1个粒用高粱品种,检测8种重金属在高粱植物体内不同器官的含量,以研究不同高粱种质对重金属的吸收特性。结果表明:甜高粱对汞(Hg)、镉(Cd)、锰(Mn)和锌(Zn)的吸收在两种土壤间差异显著,对钴(Co)、铬(Cr)、铅(Pb)和铜(Cu)的吸收差异不显著。Mn在甜高粱体内含量表现为未污染土壤高于污染土壤;而Zn含量在不同器官之间存在差异,未污染土壤叶中含量远高于穗,穗中含量远高于茎和根。不同重金属在甜高粱体内的储存部位不同,污染土壤上Hg、Cd、Co、Cr和Zn在根中积累量较高,Cu、Mn和Pb在穗中的积累量较高。甜高粱、饲用高粱和粒用高粱对重金属的吸收、运输及储存在品种之间差异较大,同一品种对不同重金属的吸收也存在差异。饲用高粱表现为叶部对Cr和Zn的储存量较高,而粒用高粱‘晋中0823’则显示了茎对多种重金属的储存能力。高粱根对土壤中重金属的富集系数较高,为0.02(Pb)~0.23(Cd),转移系数变幅为0.21(Co)~3.42(Pb)。对同一种重金属的吸收量品种间差异较大,甜高粱‘西蒙’根对Co、Cr、Cu、Mn、Pb和Zn具有高富集系数,粒用高粱‘晋中0823’茎对Hg、Cd、Mn、Pb和Zn富集系数较高。高粱对重金属的吸收能力与转移能力不同步,甜高粱‘绿能1号’具有对多种重金属的高转移能力,粒用高粱‘晋中0823’只对Zn有较高的转移能力。因此本文认为甜高粱对不同重金属的吸收和转移有选择性。对Zn吸收并转移到地上部后,首先储存在叶和穗中,当吸收量足够大时,茎和根也成为储存器官;对Mn的吸收与其他重金属的吸收存在竞争作用,Hg吸收后很少向地上部转移;而对Cu、Mn和Pb吸收后在穗部的储存量较大。饲用高粱与甜高粱相比对重金属的吸收未显示明显的不同,甜高粱‘西蒙’根对多种重金属具有强储存能力,而粒用高粱‘晋中0823’的茎秆显示了比甜高粱更强的储存能力,甜高粱‘绿能1号’对多种重金属的转移能力较强。所以,选择富集和转移能力均强的高粱品种能更有效地吸收土壤中的重金属,达到修复污染土壤的目的。  相似文献   

毒死蜱农药环境行为研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
研究了毒死蜱农药在环境中的水解、土壤吸附和土壤消解行为。实验结果表明,毒死蜱在水体中降解较慢,半衰期为25.6d;土壤具有较强的吸持毒死蜱农药的能力;该农药在土壤中的消解也较慢。  相似文献   

几种淡水动植物对14C-毒死蜱的吸收、分布和消长的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用^14C-毒死蜱研究了5种淡水水一物对毒死蜱的吸收,分布,消长的规律。结果表明:5种生物在14C-毒死蜱的水溶液中暴露4h,均能迅速吸收^14C-毒死蜱,经过24h,5种生物对14C-毒死蜱的CF从高至低的顺序为:食蚊鱼〉石螺〉扁卷螺〉浮萍〉西洋菜。当暴露24或48h,3种试验动物对^14C-毒死啤吸收的量已达高峰。食蚊鱼,石螺和扁卷螺的CF分别为375,249.69和30。两种植物对14C-  相似文献   

毒死蜱及代谢产物对土壤过氧化氢酶活性的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

毒死蜱对土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了毒死蜱胁迫对3种土壤酶(脲酶、淀粉酶、过氧化氢酶)活性的影响。结果表明,毒死蜱对3种土壤酶都有明显影响,胁迫浓度越高,对土壤酶活性的影响越大。毒死蜱对脲酶具有激活作用,但对淀粉酶和过氧化氢酶活性的抑制,将降低土壤肥力。3种土壤酶经毒死蜱胁迫处理的酶活性恢复时间与毒死蜱浓度有关,浓度越大,恢复越缓慢。  相似文献   

植物对土壤中汞的吸收积累及耐性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

应用带TSD检测器的气相色谱仪、CP—SIL19弹性石英毛细管柱,采用固相萃取技术提取土壤中毒死蜱和阿特拉津,对土壤中的毒死蜱和阿特拉津同时测定,回收率分别为81.5%~116.7%、80.3%~118.2%,方法的变异系数1.1%~4.8%和0.9%~5.3%,方法检出限分别为阿特拉津0.0006mg·kg^-1、毒...  相似文献   

对大气中中CH4浓度不增长将会影响全球气候变化的担心促进了人们研究和估算土壤作为大气中CH4汇的潜在能力。为确定采自各种生态系统的土壤吸收CH4的影响因素,进行了实验室研究。结果表明,采自湿地和森林系统的新鲜土样都具有降低大气中CH4浓度的能力。但是把耕土壤置于高逍度(CH4上(>100μ11^-^1)几天后,可诱发其吸收。当活性土壤置于高浓度的CH4下时,其吸收CH4的初始速率也提高。两种活性土  相似文献   

农作物对秦山核电站周围不同类型土壤中90Sr的吸收   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵文虎  徐世明 《核农学报》1994,8(3):129-134

通过室内盆栽试验模拟自然环境条件,采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)和末端限制性片段长度多态性(T-RFLP)技术,研究了土壤使用推荐剂量(5 mg·kg~(-1))及推荐剂量的2倍、3倍和4倍(10 mg·kg~(-1)、15 mg·kg~(-1)、20 mg·kg~(-1))毒死蜱对棉花根际土壤细菌群落多样性和结构的影响,以不施用毒死蜱的土壤为对照。结果表明,5 mg·kg~(-1)、10 mg·kg~(-1)、15 mg·kg~(-1)和20 mg·kg~(-1)毒死蜱在土壤中的半衰期分别为10.04 d、11.36 d、11.55 d和12.16 d,60 d时基本完全降解。毒死蜱处理60 d后,棉花生物量显著降低;毒死蜱浓度越高,棉花生物量越低。无毒死蜱条件下不同取样时间根际细菌多样性无显著差异,毒死蜱处理组前30 d细菌多样性均显著降低,60 d时毒死蜱处理组细菌多样性恢复到正常水平。研究发现毒死蜱浓度越高对细菌多样性抑制作用越显著,恢复越缓慢。主成分分析结果发现,第10 d、30 d和60 d毒死蜱处理组与对照组细菌群落结构差异显著,其中60 d时20 mg·kg~(-1)毒死蜱处理组差异最显著,即使土壤中毒死蜱完全降解,根际细菌群落结构仍不会恢复到正常水平。60 d时,被毒死蜱抑制的细菌有硝化刺菌属(Nitrospina sp.)和Cellulophaga sp.等,被激活的有芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus sp.)和链霉菌属(Streptomyces sp.)等。可见,毒死蜱的引入,重新构建了土壤细菌群落结构,显著影响棉花生长,对棉花根际土壤微生态环境冲击较大,应对其生态安全性予以重视。  相似文献   

利用微生物消除农药污染是一项安全、经济、有效的方法,降解动力学模型的构建有助于理解污染物的生物降解行为和估测系统中特征污染物的浓度变化,菌株对高浓度污染物的降解效果是降解菌在受污染水体中实际应用的关键。本研究采用基础培养基中定量添加毒死蜱和定时取样分析毒死蜱残留浓度的方法,探讨两株蜡状芽孢杆菌(HY-1和HY-2)的接种体培养时间、接种量和降解菌对毒死蜱的降解动力学,同时研究了降解菌对高浓度毒死蜱的降解率。结果表明:HY-1和HY-2最适接种体培养时间分别为10 h和19 h,接种体培养时间对菌株降解毒死蜱的影响较大。两菌株最适接菌量为8%(v/v),接种量从4%增至8%时,接种量对HY-1降解毒死蜱的影响大于HY-2。当毒死蜱的初始浓度为40 mg.L 1、80 mg.L 1、100 mg.L 1和120 mg.L 1时,一级动力学方程ln(C0/Ct)=kt可以用来拟合两菌株对毒死蜱的降解动力学及确定降解动力学参数,当毒死蜱初始浓度再次增加时,仅HY-2对毒死蜱的降解符合一级动力学方程。当毒死蜱初始浓度为40~120 mg.L 1时,菌株HY-1对毒死蜱的降解速率常数分布在0.013 5~0.015 7;当毒死蜱初始浓度为40~200 mg.L 1时,菌株HY-2的降解速率常数分布在0.008 0~0.015 3。菌株HY-2比HY-1可以在较高的毒死蜱浓度下发挥降解作用,且降解率较高。因此,两菌株在毒死蜱污染水体的净化去毒方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal(VMA) fungi have been credited with improving the growth and mineral nutritons of many host plants but these effects are moderated by soil factors and nutrient balance.The combined effects of VAM,Zn and P application on the growth and translocation of nutrients in wheat were investigated using a calcareous soil marginal in P and Zn concentrations.Wheat was grown in a growth chamber under various combinations of VAM,P and Zn with measurements done at heading stage and maturity,Vegetative dry matter accumlation was increased by P application and reduced by VAM treatments.Both P and VAM increased grain yield.Zince oncentration and uptake were generally reduced by P addition and VAM infection,There were no antagonistic effects of Zn on P acquisition in the plant,The role of VAM in enhancing the translocation of Zn and P from root to grain would be beneficial to seed setting and yield.  相似文献   

Heavy metal(HM) contamination in soils is an environmental issue worldwide that threatens the quality and safety of crops and human health. A greenhouse experiment was carried out to investigate the growth, mycorrhizal colonization, and Pb and Cd accumulation of pakchoi(Brassica chinensis L. cv. Suzhou) in response to inoculation with three arbuscular mycorrhizal(AM) fungi(AMF), Funneliformis mosseae, Glomus versiforme, and Rhizophagus intraradices, aimed at exploring how AMF inoculation affected safe crop production by altering plant-soil interaction. The symbiotic relationship was well established between pakchoi and three AMF inocula even under Pb or Cd stress, where the colonization rates in the roots ranged from 24.5% to 38.5%. Compared with the non-inoculated plants, the shoot biomass of the inoculated plants increased by 8.7%–22.1% and 9.2%–24.3% in Pb and Cd addition treatments, respectively. Both glomalin-related soil protein(GRSP) and polyphosphate concentrations reduced as Pb or Cd concentration increased. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation significantly enhanced total absorbed Pb and Cd(except for a few samples) and increased the distribution ratio(root/shoot) in pakchoi at each Pb or Cd addition level. However, the three inocula significantly decreased Pb concentration in pakchoi shoots by 20.6%–67.5% in Pb addition treatments, and significantly reduced Cd concentration in the shoots of pakchoi in the Cd addition treatments(14.3%–54.1%), compared to the non-inoculated plants.Concentrations of Pb and Cd in the shoots of inoculated pakchois were all below the allowable limits of Chinese Food Safety Standard.The translocation factor of Pb or Cd increased significantly with increasing Pb or Cd addition levels, while there was no significant difference among the three AMF inocula at each metal addition level. Meanwhile, compared with the non-inoculated plants, AMF inocula significantly increased soil p H, electrical conductivity, and Pb or Cd concentrations in soil organic matter in the soils at the highest Pb or Cd dose after harvest of pakchoi, whereas the proportion of bioavailable Pb or Cd fraction declined in the AMF inoculated soil. Our study provided the first evidence that AM fungi colonized the roots of pakchoi and indicated the potential application of AMF in the safe production of vegetables in Pb or Cd contaminated soils.  相似文献   

‘Lvbao-701’ is a cultivar of Chinese flowering cabbage(Brassica parachinensis) that exhibits low cadmium(Cd) accumulation and high Cd tolerance.In this study, this cultivar was compared with a high-Cd accumulating cultivar, ‘Chixin-4’, to characterize the mechanisms influencing Cd accumulation in B. parachinensis. Root cell walls were isolated by dissolving the cytoplasm with an organic solvent, and root Cd and phytochelatin(PC) contents were analyzed. In addition, a PC synthase gene fragment was cloned and expressed under Cd stress conditions. The proportions of Cd bound to root cell walls were higher in the ‘Lvbao-701’ plants(68.32%–76.80%) than in the ‘Chixin-4’ plants(35.36%–54.18%) after exposure to Cd stress. The proportions of Cd bound to root cell walls measured using cell walls isolated with a non-destructive method were higher than those obtained using a conventional method that required grinding and centrifugation. Exposure to Cd stress induced the PC production and resulted in higher PC contents in the ‘Lvbao-701’ plants than in the ‘Chixin-4’ plants. Cloning and expression analysis of a B. parachinensis PC synthase cDNA fragment indicated that PC synthase gene expression was induced by Cd and occurred mainly in the roots of both ‘Lvbao-701’ and ‘Chixin-4’ plants. However, the PC synthase gene expression level was higher in the‘Lvbao-701’ roots than in the ‘Chixin-4’ roots. Therefore, a higher abundance of Cd in the root cell walls of ‘Lvbao-701’ and up-regulated PC production in the roots are probably the main reasons why ‘Lvbao-701’ exhibits lower Cd translocation to the shoots and higher tolerance to Cd than ‘Chixin-4’.  相似文献   

A glasshouse experiment was conducted to elucidate the influence of elemental sulfur (S) application rates (0, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 g S kg?1 soil) on the release and uptake of S at 0, 20, and 40 days after incubation. Results showed that there was a progressive upward trend in maize leaves, stem, and root S content with application of elemental S. However, maize production followed a nonlinear model. Plants grown in untreated soils suffer from S deficiency and addition of elemental S at a rate of 0.5 g S kg?1 soil alleviated S deficiency. The decrease in maize performance due to the highest S application rate was not related to S toxicity. The greatest leave, stem, and root productions were obtained at S concentrations of 0.41, 0.58, and 0.2%, respectively. Overall, application of elemental S at a rate of 0.5 g S kg?1 soil is recommended for maize performance improvement.  相似文献   

以济麦22为试验材料,在大田条件下设置条旋耕(SR)、深松+条旋耕(SRS)、深松+旋耕(RS)、旋耕(R)和翻耕(P) 5个耕作方式处理,研究了耕作方式对冬小麦氮素积累、分配和转运及土壤硝态氮含量的影响。结果表明,1)深松+条旋耕和深松+旋耕处理小麦开花至成熟期20140 cm各土层的土壤含水量较低; 拔节期之后的小麦氮素吸收强度、开花和成熟期植株氮素积累量、成熟期氮素向子粒中的分配比例及开花期营养器官中贮存的氮素向子粒中的转运量均高于条旋耕和旋耕处理; 深松+条旋耕和深松+旋耕处理成熟期氮素向子粒中的分配量高于翻耕,翻耕高于旋耕和条旋耕处理。2)深松+条旋耕和深松+旋耕处理成熟期080 cm各土层的土壤硝态氮含量低于翻耕处理,翻耕低于旋耕和条旋耕处理,条旋耕最高; 深松+旋耕在120160 cm土层的土壤硝态氮含量高于其他处理; 各处理在160200 cm土层的土壤硝态氮含量无显著差异。3)深松+旋耕和深松+条旋耕的子粒产量和氮肥偏生产力最高且两者无显著差异,翻耕次之,旋耕和条旋耕低于上述处理。在本试验条件下,综合考虑氮素利用、子粒产量和土壤中硝态氮的淋溶,深松+条旋耕为最佳耕作方式,可供生产中参考。  相似文献   

大豆和小麦对土壤中镉的吸收与富集研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在温室条件下,采用盆栽方法研究了大豆和小麦在全镉含量为0.211~2.011 mg/kg的土壤中生长状况以及对镉的吸收与富集特征。结果表明,试验所设土壤镉含量对两种作物的株高和单盆籽粒数没有影响。随土壤镉含量的增加,两者单盆产量呈先增加后降低的趋势。大豆籽粒在土壤全镉含量为0.211~0.811 mg/kg时,小麦籽粒在土壤全镉含量为1.411~2.011 mg/kg时更容易积累镉。添加镉能明显增加两种作物植株各部分镉含量。外源添加镉对大豆的转移系数影响不明显,但能增加小麦的转移系数。两种作物的富集系数基本表现为根>茎叶>籽粒。在土壤全镉含量低于0.511 mg/kg时,大豆根和茎的富集系数接近或大于1.0,对镉的吸收较强。在土壤全镉含量高于0.811 mg/kg时,小麦茎叶的富集系数接近或大于1.0,对镉的吸收较强。小麦根的富集系数均高于大豆,且大于1.0,前者具有更高的镉富集能力。  相似文献   

Sap mixtures of the xylem, phloem, and vacuoles from low and high Cd accumulator varieties of Brassica parachinensis L. H. Bailey were analyzed under Cd stress to understand the biochemical mechanisms of Cd accumulation in plants. Low Cd accumulator (‘Teqing-60') and high Cd accumulator (‘Chixin-2') plants were grown in Cd-treated soil in pots in a greenhouse. Percentage of cell wall-bound Cd was estimated, pH level and the concentrations of amino acids, organic acids, anions, and cations in both stem and root saps were determined for the calculation of Cd speciations using the computer program GEOCHEM. The results showed that ‘Teqing-60' had a significantly higher (P ≤ 0.05) percentage of Cd bound to cell walls in roots and a significantly higher (P ≤ 0.05) pH in the root sap. ‘Teqing-60' also contained a higher concentration of total amino acids in both roots and stems compared with the high Cd accumulator variety ‘Chixin- 2'. However, between the two accumulators, for stems and for roots, there were no significant differences in non-amino organic acids. GEOCHEM calculations showed that Cd in the root sap of ‘Teqing-60' mainly combined with amino acids, especially alanine. Compared with ‘Chixin-2', in the root sap of ‘Teqing-60', much lower levels of Cd as free ions or bound to simple ligands were found, indicating that less ‘Teqing-60' is transferred to stems and leaves. Cadmium activity in the shoot sap of ‘Teqing-60' was much lower than that in ‘Chixin-2'; therefore, ‘Teqing-60' exhibited higher Cd resistance. However, direct determination of the Cd complexes from xylem and phloem sap is needed to verify these results.  相似文献   

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