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Measurements of primary, regular and irregular secondary dentine and pulp dimensions were made on transverse, sub-occlusal and mid-tooth sections, of 40 maxillary and 42 mandibular control equine cheek teeth (CT) of different ages. Maxillary and mandibular CT primary dentine in different age groups had a mean thickness of 922–1065 μm and 1099–1179 μm, respectively, on the lateral aspects, and 1574–2035 μm and 1155–1330 μm, respectively, on the medial aspects of pulp horns. Surprisingly, some increase in thickness was found in some mandibular CT primary enamel in the first few years following eruption.Regular secondary dentine thickness increased with age, for example at mid-tooth level in mandibular CT from 124 μm at 3 years dental age to 290 μm at >7 years dental age on the lateral aspect of pulp horns, and from 166 μm to 509 μm on the medial aspects of pulp horns, indicating a deposition rate of 0.5–10 μm/day. This type of dentine was thicker sub-occlusally than in the mid-tooth region. Maxillary dentinal dimensions showed a similar age-related increase in thickness. Maxillary CT dentine was significantly thicker (72% in primary, 43% in regular secondary dentine) on the medial compared to the lateral aspects of pulp horns, but mandibular CT dentine was just 15% and 14% thicker in primary and regular secondary dentine thickness, respectively, on the their medial as compared to their lateral aspects. Dentinal and pulp dimensions varied between individual pulp horns, Triadan tooth position, and dental age, with complex interactions between these variables for some parameters.  相似文献   

Histological measurements of dimensions of primary, regular secondary and irregular secondary dentine, pulp diameter and assessment of the levels of predentine, resting lines and enlarged areas of intertubular dentine were performed in apically infected mandibular and maxillary cheek teeth (CT). These examinations showed significantly reduced regular and irregular secondary dentine thickness in diseased as compared to control CT, with 21/26 infected maxillary CT and 15/18 infected mandibular CT having reduced regular secondary dentine (varying between 27.4% and 89.1% reduced secondary dentine levels compared to age and site matched control CT values). As a result of decreased dentinal deposition, significantly wider pulp horns were present in diseased compared to control CT.No significant differences were found between diseased and control primary dentine thickness in maxillary CT, and minor differences in mandibular CT were not believed to be clinically significant. The significantly reduced presence of predentine and of intertubular dentine and the increased presence of resting lines in diseased compared to control CT confirms that long-term disruption of normal dentine deposition had occurred in many infected CT.  相似文献   

Examination of 41 extracted, apically infected mandibular cheek teeth (CT) without obvious causes of infection included radiography, computerised axial tomography and decalcified and undecalcified histology. In CT with recent infections, some pulps remained viable, with proliferative soft and calcified tissue changes confined to the apex. With more advanced CT infections, occlusal pulpar exposure was sometimes present (in 34% of the 41 CT), some infected pulp chambers were filled with necrotic pulp or food, and extensive destructive or proliferative changes were present in the calcified apical tissues.No physical route of infection to the apex was found in 24 CT (59%) that consequently were believed to have anachoretic infections. Fractures involving pulps, including fissure fractures between the clinical crown and infected pulps, were found in eight (20%) CT. Some CT had vertical, full length periodontal destruction between the infected apex and the gingival margin that were believed to be the route of infection in four (19%) CT and dysplastic changes were believed to have caused one (2%) infections.  相似文献   

Examination of 57 apically infected maxillary cheek teeth (CT) showed one or more viable pulps and minimal apical calcified tissue changes present in recently infected CT. With chronic infections, pulps were necrotic or absent, pulp horns were filled with food if occlusal pulpar exposure was present, and gross caries of dentine was occasionally present. With chronic infections, the apical changes varied from gross destructive changes in some teeth, to extensive proliferative calcified apical changes in others. Infundibular caries was believed to cause apical infection in just 16% of infected (maxillary) CT, anachoretic infection in 51%, periodontal spread in 12%, fractures and fissures in 9%, dysplasia in 5% and miscellaneous or undiagnosed causes in 7%.Histology showed viable pulp and absence of circumpulpar dentinal changes in some recently infected CT, but chronically infected teeth had loss of predentine and progressive destruction of the circumpulpar secondary, and even primary dentine, with bacteria identified within the dentinal tubules surrounding infected pulps. Tertiary dentine deposition was rarely detected. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy confirmed these histological findings and showed extensive destructive changes, especially to the dentinal architecture surrounding the pulp chambers of some infected teeth.  相似文献   

Examination of 110 cheek teeth (CT) that were clinically extracted (between 2004 and 2008) because of apical infection (n = 79; mean dental age 3.5 years) or idiopathic CT fractures (n = 31; median dental age 8.5 years), including examinations of transverse and longitudinal sections, showed the apical infections to be mainly (68%) due to anachoresis, with the residual cases caused by periodontal spread, infundibular caries spread, fissure fractures and dysplasia.The idiopathic fracture patterns were similar to previously described patterns. Occlusal pulpar exposure was found in 32% of apically infected CT, including multiple pulps in 27% and a single pulp in 5%. However, 10% of apically infected CT had changes to the occlusal secondary dentine, termed occlusal pitting, but did not have exposure of the underlying pulp. Multiple pulpar exposures occurred in some CT with apical infections, and the combination of pulp involvement reflects the anatomical relationships of these pulps. A higher proportion (42%) of CT extracted because idiopathic fractures had pulpar exposure (26% multiple, 16% single pulps), especially with midline sagittal maxillary and miscellaneous pattern mandibular CT fractures, but only (3%) had occlusal pitting.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term results of apicoectomy and retrograde endodontic treatment in 12 horses with apical cheek teeth infections. The affected apices were removed using a diamond bur mounted on a dental drill, and after pulp removal the root canals were filed with Hedstrøm files and then alternately flushed with sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. The pulp canals were dried and filled with endodontic cement and gutta-percha points. An undercut was made in the apical aspect of the root canals that were then sealed with self-curing glass ionomer cement.Follow up information was obtained 38–67 months following treatment and indicated that the treatment had been successful in 7/12 horses (58%), partially successful in 2 horses (17%) and unsuccessful in 3 (25%). With good case selection, apicoectomy can preserve a proportion of apically infected cheek teeth. The use of advanced imaging techniques and improved surgical techniques could increase the success rate.  相似文献   

An orthograde endodontic method, similar to that used in human dentistry, is described for use on endodontically diseased permanent cheek teeth in horses. The technique has been adapted to meet the anatomical and physiological differences between hypsodont and brachyodont teeth and is performed in sedated horses. The techniques of debriding the pulp cavity and use of dental materials which fulfil the requirements for equine teeth are presented here. The results of this technique appear to be promising but have yet to be evaluated in a peer‐reviewed study. By using orthograde endodontic therapy on sedated horses it is now possible to save endodontically diseased permanent cheek teeth.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: There is little published information on the pathology of idiopathic fractures of cheek teeth (CT). OBJECTIVES: To perform pathological examinations on equine CT with idiopathic fractures in order to establish fracture patterns and to gain information on their aetiopathogenesis. HYPOTHESIS: Gross and histological examination of CT with idiopathic fractures, including measurements of dentinal thickness, will provide information on fracture patterns, and on the duration and aetiopathogenesis of these fractures. METHODS: Of 35 CT with idiopathic fractures that were examined to determine their fracture patterns, 20 underwent gross, histological and ultrastructural examinations, including dentinal thickness measurements, with the latter compared to dentinal measurements of dental age and Triadan position matched control CT, to help determine the duration of any pre-existing endodontic disease. RESULTS: The fracture planes involved the pulp chambers in 30 out of 35 CT examined, and ran through coalesced, carious infundibula in the other 5 (maxillary) CT. The maxillary CT, particularly the Triadan 09 position were preferentially affected. The most common fracture plane, which was termed a maxillary buccal slab fracture, occurred through the 2 lateral (1st and 2nd) pulp chambers of maxillary CT and usually involved only the clinical crown. Buccal slab fractures of mandibular CT (through 4th and 5th pulp chambers) and midline sagittal fractures through the infundibula (of maxillary CT) were the next most common fracture patterns. Reduced dentinal thickness (probably indicating prior pathological changes in the fractured CT) was present in 25% of fractured CT. CONCLUSIONS: Most idiopathic equine CT fractures involve the pulp chambers, especially those on the buccal aspect of both upper and lower CT. No predisposition to fracture was found in the majority of affected CT that appeared to have a normal endodontic appearance prior to development of fractures through their pulp chambers. The remaining idiopathic CT fractures were caused by advanced infundibular caries. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: All CT with idiopathic fractures are all at risk of pulpar or even apical infection.  相似文献   

Ten normal cheek teeth (CT) were extracted at post mortem from donkeys that died or were euthanased for humane reasons. Decalcified histology was performed on three sections (sub-occlusal, mid-tooth and pre-apical) of each tooth, and undecalcified histology undertaken on sub-occlusal sections of the same teeth. The normal histological anatomy of primary, regular and irregular secondary dentine was found to be similar to that of the horse, with no tertiary dentine present. Undecalcified histology demonstrated the normal enamel histology, including the presence of enamel spindles. Scanning electron microscopy was performed on mid-tooth sections of five maxillary CT, five mandibular CT and two incisors. The ultrastructural anatomy of primary and secondary dentine, and equine enamel types-1, -2 and -3 (as described in horses) were identified in donkey teeth. Histological and ultrastructural donkey dental anatomy was found to be very similar to equine dental anatomy with only a few quantitative differences observed.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Cheek teeth (CT) diastemata are a major equine dental disorder that can be treated by mechanically widening the diastemata. There is limited anatomical knowledge of the spatial relationships of the individual pulps to the adjacent interproximal surfaces; on the risks of exposing the 6th pulp horn when performing the clinically unproven ‘bit seating’ procedure on Triadan 06s. Objectives: To describe the anatomical relationships between the occlusal and interproximal surfaces of CT and the adjacent pulp horns; and between the 6th pulp horn and the occlusal and rostral surfaces of Triadan 06s. Methods: The CT from 30 skulls of horses subjected to euthanasia for non‐dental reasons were sectioned to expose the rostrally and caudally situated pulp horns to allow the anatomical relationships between the pulp horns and the occlusal and interproximal aspects of the CT to be assessed. Results: Pulp horns were mean ± s.d. of 5.74 ± 1.45 (range 1.3–10.8 mm) from the nearest interproximal surface, with 5.3% of pulp horns being <3.5 mm from the interproximal surface. In contrast to expectations, pulps tended to became closer to the interproximal surface (and also to the occlusal surface) with increasing age. Teeth with physiologically tall clinical crowns, and also those in the Triadan 09 position had pulps that were closer to the interproximal surfaces than the remaining CT. The more caudally situated pulp horns, i.e. in particular, the 4th maxillary and 5th mandibular pulp horns were closer to the interproximal surfaces than the remaining pulp horns and these pulp horns also had the thinnest sub‐occlusal secondary dentine. Pulps that were close to the interproximal surface were also found to be close to the occlusal surface of the CT. Conclusions and potential relevance: While diastema widening is theoretically safe between the majority of CT, a small proportion of pulp horns are only 1.3 mm from an interproximal surface and others lie just 1.6 mm beneath the occlusal surface, and such pulps are at risk of pulpar exposure and to thermal injury during this procedure. The risk of pulpar exposure increases when dental tissue is removed from the caudal aspects of CT.  相似文献   

Post-mortem examination of 19 donkey skulls showed that donkeys have a greater degree of anisognathia (27% width difference between upper and lower jaws) compared to horses (23%). Teeth (n=108) were collected from 14 skulls and examined grossly and by computed axial tomography (CAT). A greater degree of peripheral enamel infolding was found in mandibular cheek teeth (CT) compared to maxillary CT (P<0.001). A significant increase in peripheral cementum from the apical region to the clinical crown was demonstrated in all CT (P<0.0001). All donkey CT had at least five pulp cavities with six pulp cavities present in the 06s and 11s. A new endodontic numbering system for equid CT has been proposed. A greater occlusal depth of secondary dentine (mm) was present in older donkeys (>16 years) than in the younger (<15 years) donkeys studied. Based on gross and CAT examinations, donkey dental anatomy was shown to be largely similar to that described in horses.  相似文献   

Equine uterine infections inflict major losses on the equine industry. Persistent inflammation of the oviduct and uterus leads to loss of the conceptus and mares susceptible to infection have weakened uterine defences partly due to retention of inflammatory exudate. Bacteria may trigger inflammation, resist phagocytosis, or adhere to the endometrium and types of infection range from genital commensals in susceptible mares to reproductive pathogens in normal mares. Uterine infections are diagnosed by history, detection of uterine inflammation, and isolation of typical organisms and susceptible mares may be identified by detection of intrauterine fluid during oestrus, or at 6-48 h post-breeding. Therapy includes oxytocin, uterine lavage, antibiotics, and prostaglandin analogues and clinical studies indicate additive benefits of oxytocin and antibiotics. Improved conception rates have been associated with autologous, intrauterine plasma, despite controversy about its bactericidal efficacy. Because of the potential for endometrial damage, intrauterine antiseptics require caution.  相似文献   

One of the principal components of equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) is hyperinsulinaemia combined with insulin resistance. It has long been known that hyperinsulinaemia occurs after the development of insulin resistance. But it is also known that hyperinsulinaemia itself can induce insulin resistance and obesity and might play a key role in the development of metabolic syndrome. This review focuses on the physiology of glucose and insulin metabolism and the pathophysiological mechanisms in glucose homeostasis in the horse (compared with what is already known in humans) in order to gain insight into the pathophysiological principles underlying EMS. The review summarizes new insights on the oral uptake of glucose by the gut and the enteroinsular axis, the role of diet in incretin hormone and postprandial insulin responses, the handling of glucose by the liver, muscle and fat tissue, and the production and secretion of insulin by the pancreas under healthy and disrupted glucose homeostatic conditions in horses.  相似文献   

The dissemination of equine herpesvirus types 1 (EHV-1) and 4 (EHV-4) among various horse populations in Japan was investigated through the isolation and typing of virus strains from horses with respiratory diseases. Type specific monoclonal antibody pools were used for the typing of isolates. The 42 strains of EHV-1 and 64 strains of EHV-4 were isolated from 4593 nasal swabs and/or blood plasma samples collected from 3326 horses during a period from 1979 to 1990. All the strains of EHV-1 were isolated from racehorses only and during the winter season exclusively, when the epizootic of respiratory diseases occurred among racehorse populations at two Training Centers of the Japan Racing Association. In contrast, the strains of EHV-4 were isolated from horses irrespective of the season, facility, or horse population; foals and yearlings in breeding farms and our institute, rearing horses in rearing farms, and racehorses. Especially, 4 strains of EHV-4 were isolated from plasma samples containing buffy coat cells. We believe this is the first reported case of EHV-4 cell-associated viremia in the world. All 87 strains isolated from aborted fetuses were identified as EHV-1. The results suggest that EHV-1 is responsible for epizootic respiratory diseases in racehorses in the winter and abortion among mares at the late stage of gestation, and that EHV-4 causes respiratory diseases throughout the year among all horse populations.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Infundibular changes are frequently encountered computed tomographic studies of the equine maxillary cheek teeth but the possible importance of this finding is not known. Infundibular caries is a possible cause for pulpitis and apical infection in some horses. Objectives: To study the relationship between the 2 pathologies and the frequency of changes. Methods: The maxillary cheek teeth 108‐ 208 , 109–209 and 110–210 of 25 horses were evaluated using computed tomography and both the prevalence of infundibular and apical infection changes as the possible link with apical infection evaluated statistically. Results: The prevalence of infundibular changes was high in both normal and diseased teeth. Both apical infection and the occurrence of infundibular changes were more prevalent in 109–209 and 110–210. In spite of this, the 2 processes could not be linked to one another. No differences were noted between the left and right sides. Conclusions: A direct relationship between the 2 processes was not established statistically and other underlying causes for the high occurrence of both apical infection and infundibular changes in diseased and normal 108‐ 208 , 109–209 and 110210 are considered.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to investigate the ultrasonographic appearance of the patellar ligaments in clinically normal horses and to describe the clincical features, diagnosis and outcome of patellar ligament injury. The medial, middle and lateral patellar ligaments of 5 Thoroughbred and 5 Warmblood horses, free from lameness and in full work, were examined ultrasonographically. The ligaments were all of uniform echogenicity and each ligament was fairly consistent in its shape. The size of the ligaments of the Warmblood horses tended to be bigger than the lighter bodyweight Thoroughbred horses. The bone surfaces were smooth at the ligament insertions on the patella and tibia. Nine horses, including 7 showjumpers, were identified with a unilateral hindlimb lameness associated with ultrasonographic evidence of damage to one or more patellar ligaments. Four horses had primary desmitis of the middle patellar ligament, one of which had concurrent intermittent upward fixation of the patella and a second had abnormal movement of the patella. Two additional horses had desmitis of the middle patellar ligament associated with previous medial patellar desmotomy. Two horses had desmitis of both the middle and lateral patellar ligaments, and one horse had desmitis of the lateral patellar ligament alone. None of the 9 horses were able to return consistently to their former level of competition. Careful clinical evaluation and ultrasonographic examination of the patellar ligaments should be considered in horses with hindlimb lameness of otherwise undetermined cause.  相似文献   

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