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红铁木豆类 红铁木豆类有3种,俗称红檀。树种均为苏木科(Caesalpliniaceae)。 1.马达加斯加铁木豆 木材特征:散孔材。心边材区别明显。心材红褐至紫褐色,径切面具深浅相间条纹。边材浅褐色。轴向薄壁组织弦向带状及轮界状。结构细而匀。纹理交错。气干密度中。波痕可见。新剖面略有气味。略有光泽。主要产地:非洲赞比亚、喀麦隆、津巴布韦。  相似文献   

陈年 《林产工业》2020,57(6):47-51
简述了珍贵木材利用概况,提出通过优化锯材下锯工艺、低质材集成利用、低质材贴面包覆利用、低质材原木艺术创作利用与分类分级综合利用等方法提高珍贵木材综合利用率,为珍贵木材加工企业提供参考。  相似文献   

11种针叶树木材密度与切削阻力关系的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
管宁 《林业科学》1991,27(6):630-638
对我国11种针叶树木材密度与切削阻力关系研究的主要结果是:1)11个树种内,木材密度与切削阻力关系的相关性,90-90方向切削普遍明显高于0-90和90-0方向,其回归系数有随树种平均密度增大而增大的趋势;2)种间密度与切削阻力关系的相关性性较种内者高,其回归系数与各种内关系的回归系数的平均值接近;3)切削厚度、刀具前角和木材含水率对种间密度阻力关系的影响表现统一的趋势,即各树种的平均切削阻力越大,密度与切削阻力关系的回归系数越大;4)试验中发现了若干表现密度与切削阻力关系分散性的某些特点的现象。  相似文献   

15种阔叶树木材密度与切削阻力关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
管宁 《林业科学》1994,30(1):57-63
继11种针叶树材之后,对15种阔叶树木材密度与切削阻力的关系进行了研究。针叶树材试验中发现的主要规律在此得到进一步证实。  相似文献   

五种珍贵热带硬阔叶树材的干燥基准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先通过百度试验法研究交趾黄檀、奥氏黄檀、非洲崖豆木、安哥拉紫檀、古夷苏木共5种珍贵热带硬阔叶树材的干燥特性,并拟定了5种木材的预试验干燥基准,再通过验证试验对拟定的干燥基准进行修订,得到5种珍贵木材的优化干燥基准.结果表明,采用优化基准干燥5种珍贵木材,其干燥质量均满足GB/T 6491-2012《锯材干燥质量》对干燥质量二级要求.  相似文献   

正近期,由中国林科院木材工业研究所主持的国家林业公益性行业科研专项"濒危与珍贵热带木材识别及其新技术研究"顺利通过国家林业局科技司组织的验收。专家委员会由中国林科院、国际竹藤中心、东北林业大学、南京林业大学和北京林业大学等单位的专家组成。该项目主要研究成果包括:1)建立了包括30种(106号)热带木材的示范  相似文献   

根据吉林省长白山林区森林资源特点,提出了适宜培育珍贵树种大径级用材林的主要林型和树种,并论述了采育改培、抚育改培、补植改培、管护改培、全面改培、综合改培六项技术措施。  相似文献   

采用热压、水煮和汽蒸对云南松人工林的云南松材进行了处理,对经处理的云南松材剖面密度进行了测定。结果表明,3种处理方式对其云南松材的剖面密度都有影响。其中水煮处理的影响最大;而3种处理方式对云南松材不同部位的剖面密度的影响也不同,以对端部的影响为最大。  相似文献   

铜钱树木材基本密度较大。经测定为0.733g/cm~3。自髓心向外,其基本密度初期为递增状态,约14年后变化趋于相对平稳,后期略有下降趋势。基本密度自基部向上逐渐减小,但在树高4m以上略有增大趋势。基本密度与生长轮年龄、纤维长度、细胞壁厚度呈正相关。  相似文献   

十种人工林木材pH值和酸、碱缓冲容量的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对10种人工林木材pH值和酸、碱缓冲容量的研究结果表明: 1)株间pH 值变异较小, 而酸、碱缓冲容量变异较大,其pH 值大都在4~5之间变动, 但“三北一号”杨的pH达7以上;2)针叶树材的酸缓冲容量在3~7内变化,但火炬松心材部分达到8以上;阔叶树材的酸缓冲容量变化范围较大,在0.2~30; 3)多数针叶树材的碱缓冲容量在2~8范围内变化,只有火炬松心材部分达到8以上。阔叶树材的酸缓冲容量变化范围较大, 在3~34变动;4)除“三北一号”杨外,多数人工林木材幼龄材的pH值低于成熟材, 即随年轮段的增大,pH值从低向高变化。  相似文献   

赴南美考察专家组的报告   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文介绍了赴南美竹类研究专家组在智利、秘鲁、厄瓜多尔等国的考察情况和三国的竹子资源与竹材加工利用概况。  相似文献   

Tropical countries face special specific problems in implementing sustainable forest management (SFM). In many countries, questions are raised on whether tropical forests should be publicly, commonly or privately owned and managed in order to enhance sustainability. Other debates also focus on whether small-scale enterprises are better positioned than large-scale industrial concessions to reduce poverty and attain sustainable management. In countries where large tracts of forest are state-owned, concessions are viewed as a means of delivering services of public and collective interest through an association of private investment and public regulation. However, the success of an industrial concession model in countries with large forest resource endowment to achieve multiple goals such as sustainable forest management and local/regional development depends on two critical assumptions. First, forest functions and services should be managed and maintained as public goods. In many cases, additional uses – and corresponding rights – can take place alongside logging activities. Industrial concessions can be more efficient than other tenure models (such as community-based forest management and small-scale enterprises) in achieving SFM, add value to raw material and comply with growing environmental norms. This is especially the case in market-remote areas with low population density and poor infrastructure. Secondly, to achieve these different outcomes, any concession system needs to be monitored and regulated, especially in contexts dominated by asymmetrical information between regulating authorities and concessionaires. New institutional responses have recently been put forward in several countries, providing valuable materials to design a renewed policy mix which associates public and private incentives. This paper provides a survey of the experience of forest concessions in several Central African and South American countries. The concession system is examined in order to clarify the issues involved, the problems encountered, and what can be learned from the shared experience of these countries in the last decade. This paper argues that despite a sometimes patchy record, concessions can help promote SFM so long as they are packaged with a certain number of specific measures.  相似文献   

Wood specific gravity was determined for 29 half-sib families of 4-year-old Pinus tecunumanii from the Mountain Pine Ridge, Belize, planted at three locations in Brazil and Colombia. Although there was a significant (p 0.05) family by sites interaction (F × S), it was found that only 5 of the 29 families were major contributors. The test planting at the highest elevation (1750 m, La Arcadia, Colombia) was the most interactive site.CAMCORE Cooperative, College of Forest Resources, North Carolina State University  相似文献   

原木在我国木材产业发展过程中具有基础性作用,随着木材加工业的发展,原木进口量逐年上升。目前进口原木存在着进口木种种类多、进口国家多、木种价格差异大、木种鉴定难度大等特点,导致进口商为了追求利益虚报木种、逃避关税等现象越来越严重。文章概述了进口原木的现状与存在问题,重点总结分析了当前木种鉴定方法的优点和缺点,并对今后木种鉴定方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

华南园林绿化乡土树种探讨(一)   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:17  
初步统计,在华南园林绿化中已见应用的乡土树种有维管植物65科210种(含20变种);具有潜在应用前景的乡土树种82科282种(含4变种),共计104科492种(含24变种)。文章阐明了乡土树种的概念及其在园林中应用的意义;华南乡土树种的特点和树种选择原则;简述了这些树种的名称、特性、分布和花果期;还叙述了乡土树种研究利用的概况和存在问题,并提出讨论和建议。该文为华南园林绿化乡土树种的选择应用和深入研究提供基本资料,具有现实意义。  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):99-105
South Africa has made excellent progress in breeding plantation trees fulfilling the primary demands of improved volume growth, stem and branching characteristics, tolerance to pests and diseases, and general adaptability. This has had marked positive impacts on wood quality, as straight stems normally contain no or very little reaction wood, while problems associated with pith eccentricity and wandering pith are kept to a minimum. The breeding of trees with small, well-distributed branches, forming large angles with the vertical axis of the tree stem, reduced performance problems associated with knots and knot-associated features. However, tree breeding and intensive silviculture are causing the average corewood diameter to increase, creating a wood resource that is increasing in variability, especially when combined with earlier harvesting. Reducing the size and improving the properties of the corewood zone have therefore become of utmost importance to ensure that the South African pine timber resource continues to meet quality demands related to strength, stiffness and stability. Breeding programmes to date have created sound bases for further wood quality improvement of the various pine species, especially of the corewood zone. Opportunities for success are excellent as large variation in corewood properties still exists within the current breeding populations, combined with operationally important wood properties, such as wood density, microfibril angle, spiral grain and transitional age, all being under moderate to strong genetic control. Corewood properties seem to be inherited largely independently of tree and growth characteristics, making it possible to combine improvement in these characteristics with desirable wood properties. This paper discusses results from several young field trials, which have shown marked family, species and site differences in wood stiffness. This suggests that there is good opportunity to increase the dynamic modulus of elasticity of corewood by early selection and breeding, using highly reliable non-destructive acoustic technology. The results also proved that vegetative propagation through cuttings has no detrimental effect on corewood stiffness. The latter may even increase with increasing physiological age of the cutting.  相似文献   

目的 内蒙古大兴安岭南段赛罕乌拉森林生态系统是内蒙古罕山次生林的典型地段。研究该地区的倒木分布情况以及倒木对森林更新的影响。 方法 采用样地调查法对样地内的倒木及其森林更新的情况进行调查。 结果 研究发现,倒木样地更新密度为(4 050±824)株·hm−2,枯立木样地更新密度为(2 950±265)株·hm−2,对照样地更新密度为(2 625±237)株·hm−2;赛罕乌拉倒木平均储量有(58.51±16.56)m3·hm−2,其中分解等级II、III、IV、V级的倒木分布密度分别为(50±21)、(806±198)、(189±76)、(22±5)株·hm−2。研究区倒木主要以“干基折断”的形式存在,占倒木总数的68.78%。 结论 大量倒木积累在林内,对种子、幼苗、幼树等更新产生障碍、拦截、遮阴作用,同时倒木在倾倒瞬间和倾倒后较长时间会对林下的更新幼苗等植物产生严重的压死、砸伤等负面影响,压死砸伤率为5.3% ~ 7.8%。但是适量高分解等级的倒木可促进幼苗、幼树生长,合理利用倒木与森林更新之间的关系,可有效促进森林健康发展。  相似文献   

Timber investment returns were estimated for the principal exotic and selected native species in the Southern Cone of Latin America and in the Southern United States. Exotic eucalyptus plantations in South America were most profitable, with internal rates of returns (IRRs) ranging from 13% to 23%, followed by exotic loblolly pine, with IRRs from 9% to 17%. Average loblolly pine plantation returns in the US South were less profitable, with an IRR of about 9.5%, and natural forest management in the South had IRRs of 4% to 8%. Subtropical native species plantations of the best araucaria and nothofagus species had reasonable financial returns, with IRRs ranging from 5% to 13%. Subtropical or tropical native forests had fewer commercial timber species, and had much lower growth rates and returns. Their IRRs were less than 4%, or even negative for unmanaged stands. State subsidy payments for forest plantations or for timber stand improvements increased IRRs somewhat and reserving areas for environmental protection reduced their IRRs slightly. Including land costs in the cash flows decreased these internal rates of return substantially. Natural stand returns in Latin America were much less than those of plantations, but management of those stands offered better rates of return than only holding the land.  相似文献   

Reduction in the rotation ages of softwood saw-log plantations in South Africa is causing increased proportions of low stiffness sawn lumber at final harvest. It has been shown for some species that the microfibril angle (MFA) of the S2 layer of tracheids is strongly related to the modulus of elasticity (MOE) of wood, even more so than wood density, especially in wood formed during juvenile growth. The objectives of this study were to describe the variation in MFA in young Pinus patula trees and to determine the relationship between MFA and the dynamic MOE of sawn P. patula lumber. Thirty 16- to 20-year-old trees from six compartments from the Mpumalanga escarpment were processed into discs and lumber. The MFA, density and ring width were measured at two height levels using Silviscan 3. The average annual ring MFA varied between 7° and 29°; the pattern of variation depended mainly on height level and the ring number from the pith. The MFA in P. patula followed the same within-tree variation trends as in New Zealand-grown Pinus radiata but the average MFA was lower in absolute terms and differences between height levels were less pronounced. The MFA and density exhibited highly significant Pearson correlations of 0.73 and 0.70, respectively, with board dynamic MOE. A multiple regression model, which included MFA, density and ring width, explained 71% of the variation in the dynamic MOE of boards. A sensitivity analysis on the model showed that MFA and density had approximately similar influences on predicting the dynamic MOE of Pinus patula boards.  相似文献   

国际林业研究组织联盟(IUFRO)第25届世界大会于2019年在巴西召开。文中从木材生长、木材性质与质量、木材识别、木材加工利用和木文化5个方面分别论述了这次大会在木材科学与技术领域的国际最新研究热点与进展,以反映全球木材科学的研究现状,并梳理学科发展方向。木材形成、木材质量、木材高附加值利用、木材识别新技术等议题依然是木材科学与技术领域的未来研究热点。  相似文献   

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