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面对当今变幻莫测的市场环境和日益激烈的市场竞争,建立科学、规范的经营管理体系,增强企业竞争能力,已成为我国种子企业非常重视的管理手段。企业的竞争就是人才的竞争。人力资源是企业获取竞争优势的第一资源,人力资源管理是获取企业竞争优势的关键手段。种子企业能否在市场竞争中立于不败之地,能否获得高绩效,不仅取决于企业的战略是否正确,更取决于企业战略能否得到有效执行,而构成企业战略执行力的核心在于企业的人才激励竞争机制。  相似文献   

随着国内外种子市场供求状况的变化以及全球经济一体化、管理信息化和种子管理体制改革步伐的加快,种子企业管理也发生了新的变化,突出表现为:由追求利润最大化转向追求整体价值最大化;人由“劳动力”转变为“人力资源”,进而成为“人力资本”;由传统的监控型管理转向授权型管理,最终转向以潜能开发、人力资本的价值增值为主体;由金字塔式的权力型组织结构转向扁平化组织结构、团队式的管理运行模式;由传统的物力、财力竞争转向企业对市场瓜分能力的竞争;由依靠严格完备的规章制度转向以共同远景来集聚企业的向心力;由短期激励转向长短期激励相结合,物质推动型激励转向情感满足型激励;员工由被动接受型转向参与管理型,进而转向自我管理型。在种子市场新秩序下,新的理念新的理论层出不穷。这就要求种子企业必须学习,在竞争中争取主动,不断研究国内外企业管理的新思维、新趋势,结合自身发展水平,坚持在企业战略、以人为本、协调发展、国际化经营的管理理念上创新。  相似文献   

种子企业经营体制是形成企业有效竞争的盛础,本文总结了赤峰地区国有种子公司成功改革的经验,提出了国有种子公司经营体制改革的建议。  相似文献   

Human Capital in Remote and Rural Australia: The Role of Graduate Migration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we examine the spatial employment patterns of Australia's university graduates in nonurban locations. Using a 2006 data set recording the employment status of 65,661 university graduates 6 months after their graduation we examine how the personal and human capital characteristics of the individual university graduate affect the type of rural location into which he or she enters for employment purposes. The importance of identifying which types of graduates work where is essential for our understanding of the forces that are currently shaping the spatial distribution of human capital across Australia's regions. In order to do this we allocate postcode‐based data of graduate employment to one of five remoteness classes, as defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, that allow us to distinguish between different degrees of rurality. The postcode data are used to associate the ways in which the human capital characteristics of the graduate in terms of the types of university degrees awarded and the universities attended, as well as the personal characteristics of the graduate, are related to the degrees of rurality in his or her employment outcomes.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper analyzes the productivity growth of the Spanish regions between 1965 and 1995, decomposing productivity gains into technological progress and efficiency change by means of Malmquist indices. Once estimates of efficiency are obtained, the aim of this paper is to analyze the effects of human and public capital on growth in terms of their impact on Total Factor Productivity (TFP). Public capital is believed to increase the productivity of the private factors of production whereas human capital is thought to contribute to the production process as an additional input and to have a dynamic influence on growth through its impact on technological innovation (shifts in the production frontier) and technological diffusion (movements toward the frontier), which are the components of this TFP measure. Considering inefficiencies will then allow the effects of these variables on TFP growth to be estimated via technological progress and efficiency gains.  相似文献   

参股顶尖跨国种子公司,是中国大中型种子企业跻身全球种子行业的一个重要策略。参股是我国大中型种子企业应对全球化挑战的一个现实选择。借助三个参股杠杆,实现“全球应对全球”,赢得中国大中型种子企业在全球种子行业的主流市场和发展中市场,尤其是发展中市场的重大突破。[第一段]  相似文献   

This paper examines the roles of physical capital, human capital, and social capital in China's economic growth during the reform period 1981–2010. Empirical estimation confirms that physical capital and human capital contribute to the economic growth, probably due to the capital accumulation and the improvement of labor productivity. The impact of social capital turns from being insignificant in the 1980s and the 1990s to be positive in the 2000s, suggesting its rising importance in recent decades. A declining role of physical capital in the economic growth in China from 1990s to 2000s is also found. The findings hold for several additional robustness checks, including focusing on longer term determinants of the economic growth, subregional analysis, and endogeneity. Furthermore, the foreign direct investment inflows and adjustment of economic ownership structure are also important for economic growth in China.  相似文献   

业务员是企业的重要组成部分,本文从业务员的素质、技能、发展以及注意事项等四个方面进行阐述,旨在为企业正确培养和使用业务员以及业务员正确认识与提升自己提供参考。  相似文献   

杨日 《种子科技》2002,20(4):213-214
根据《中华人民共和国种子法》(以下简称《种子法》)第二十七、二十九、三十条的规定 ,以下四种情况不需办理种子经营许可证就可以办理其它相关手续经营种子 :第一种 ,农民个人自繁自用的常规种子有剩余的 ;第二种 ,种子经营者专门经营不再分装的包装种子的 ;第三种 ,受具有种子经营许可证的种子经营者以书面委托代销其种子的 ;第四种 ,具有经营许可证的种子经营者按照经营许可证规定的有效区域设立分支机构的。以上四种经营行为 ,《种子法》除对第一种指出由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府制定管理办法和第四种应当备案外 ,对其它两种没有任何…  相似文献   

The externality of surrounding is introduced into the 2-capital of economical increasing models, which includes human factors, to explore the influences of circumstances contradiction on the human capital formation. The normal and special nash equilibrium of environmental and human capital is presented through a limited boundary model of overlapping generations. The character of equilibrium trail and its economical meaning are examined. The study on the model shows that laissez faire economy will be either stagnant,growing,or collapsing in the long-run,depending on the returns of the learning technology with respect to the two kinds of capital,the initial state of economy,and the relative price of the environmental and consumption goods.  相似文献   

随着我国经济体制由计划经济模式向市场经济转轨的变化,市场活动的主体-企业,越来越突显出独特的作用,在经济活动中扮演着主要角色,成为推动经济发展的主导力量.我国种子企业的发展,是随着我国经济体制改革的逐步深化,也是<中华人民共和国种子法>(以下简称<种子法>)颁布以后,才由过去政、事、企三位一体的种子管理站或种子公司,经改革后将管理和经营彻底分离,种子公司才成为独立的法人经营实体,成为真正意义上的企业,参于市场活动.应当说我国种子产业是一个比较年轻的产业,通过近几年的改革与发展,企业的经营格局、规模、经营理念发生了深刻的变化,怎样把种子企业做强做大,推动我国种业发展,已形成了种业内外高度关注的问题.  相似文献   

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