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The spectral interactions of 45 insecticide synergists and related compounds with oxidized and reduced cytochrome P-450 from microsomes of insecticide-resistant and -susceptible house flies were investigated. The type III interaction typical of piperonyl butoxide was the most common spectral interaction for the compounds studied. In addition to this, several other varients of the type III interaction were noted. In general these responses with house fly microsomes were similar to those reported for mammals, although some minor species and strain differences were observed. The cytochrome P-450 from susceptible house flies, although reported previously not to exhibit type I difference spectra with many xenobiotics, was found to elicit this spectral response with several methylenedioxyphenyl compounds.  相似文献   

The in vivo and in vitro metabolism of vamidothion [O,O-dimethyl S-[2-(1-methylcarbamoyl)-ethylthio] ethylphosphorothiolate] as well as the in vitro metabolism of thiovamidothion [O,O-dimethyl S-[2-(1-methylcarbamoyl)ethylthio] ethylphosphorodithioate] was investigated in insecticide-resistant and susceptible house fly strains. Vamidothion was converted in vivo to the sulfoxide, the principle metabolite, and subsequently to the sulfone at a slower rate. Vamidothion and vamidothion sulfoxide were hydrolyzed at the PS and SC bond. The resulting primary alcohol metabolite was further oxidized to a carboxylic acid followed by decarboxylation. No metabolism of vamidothion or thiovamidothion occurred in vitro without the addition of NADPH. The addition of NADPH resulted in rapid conversion of vamidothion to the sulfoxide, and thiovamidothion was oxidatively metabolized to six metabolic products. No qualitative differences were found between resistant and susceptible strains, but there were signficant quantitative differences. The metabolism was highest in the Rutgers strain followed by Cornell-R, Hirokawa, and then CSMA strain. The route of vamidothion and thiovamidothion metabolism was via the cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenase system, and none of the resistant strains showed glutathione S-transferase activity toward vamidothion or thiovamidothion. No further oxidation of vamidothion sulfoxide to the sulfone was observed and also no hydrolysis products were formed, in vitro.  相似文献   

A new form of acetylcholinesterase insensitive to organophosphorus inhibitors was identified in house flies collected from animal farms in the U.K. Its degree of insensitivity to a number of inhibitors ranged from 4-fold (omethoate) to >40-fold (tetrachlorvinphos and dichlorvos) compared with our standard susceptible enzyme, and its spectrum of response to inhibitors differed widely from that of a previously studied insensitive form. In addition, the form of acetylcholinesterase reported here is unusual in having a 3.4-fold greater affinity (lower Km) for acetylthiocholine than the normal enzyme. The possible toxicological significance of this is discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between glutathione S-transferase activity toward 3,4-dichloronitrobenzene and O-alkyl or O-aryl conjugation of diazinon was investigated in eight strains of house flies. No significant difference was found in the amount of O-aryl conjugation. In contrast, house flies which had higher glutathione S-transferase activity toward 3,4-dichloronitrobenzene also had higher O-alkyl conjugating activity toward diazinon. The glutathione S-transferase(s) in phenobarbital-pretreated flies degraded diazinon faster than those in the nontreated ones. The present results showed that the formation of the O-alkyl conjugate was enhanced by phenobarbital pretreatment, while the formation of the O-aryl conjugate was not affected by induction. Based on these findings, it would appear that one of the multiple forms of glutathione S-transferase is specifically induced and responsible for the increase in O-alkyl conjugation.  相似文献   

The toxicity of spinosad, a new insecticide derived from the bacterium Saccharopolyspora spinosa, was evaluated against susceptible and resistant strains of house fly (Musca domestica L.). Spinosad was highly toxic to house flies based on 72-h LD50 values and the symptoms of poisoning were consistent with a neurotoxic mechanism of action. Spinosad was relatively slow acting, with the maximum toxicity noted at 72 h. Piperonyl butoxide and S,S,S,-tribu-tylphosphorotrithioate synergized the toxicity of spinosad by 3·0- and 1·8-fold, respectively, while diethyl maleate had no significant effect. These results suggest that there is a small degree of monooxygenase-mediated spinosad detoxification in house flies, while hydrolases may be only minimally important and glutathione transferases may have no role. There were no substantial levels of cross-resistance detected, except in the LPR strain where a low 4·3-fold cross-resistance was observed. The cyclodiene-resistant OCR strain was 2·7-fold more sensitive to spinosad than the susceptible strain (CS). These results suggest that cross-resistance may not be a limiting factor for the use of spinosad against house flies. © 1998 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Electrophysiological responses of labellar hairs of resistant and susceptible strains of the house fly were recorded at times following treatment of the hairs with DDT. Under the influence of DDT, the receptors of a hair discharged groups of impulses in high-frequency trains instead of the usual regular volley. The effect was observed to gradually spread to nontreated hairs. Among four strains chosen for gradation from high resistance to high susceptibility, in general the relative effectiveness of DDT corresponded to overall resistance as indicated by LD50 data. The highly resistant strain showed essentially no effects, and the other strains showed effects with some degree of recovery. Results for the highly susceptible strain were anomalous in not differing significantly from those of the moderately resistant strai. Unexpectedly small effects in the highly susceptible strain point to a strain characteristic not necessarily correlated with LD50 data.  相似文献   

When applied at concentrations of one nM or higher to a house fly larval neuromuscular preparation, deltamethrin (DM) and fenvalerate (FV) greatly increased miniature excitatory postsynaptic potential (mepsp) rate and blocked neuromuscular transmission. The DM-induced mepsp discharge was abolished by tetrodotoxin (TTX), removal of Ca2+ from the saline, or by application of hyperpolarizing stimuli to the nerve, indicating that it was due to depolarization of the presynaptic terminals. Also, in the presence of TTX, K+ depolarization increased mepsp rate at the same external K+ concentration before and after DM treatment, confirming that DM released transmitter by depolarizing the nerve terminals rather than by altering the voltage dependence of transmitter release. The potassium channel blocker tetraethylammonium (TEA) increased mepsp rate somewhat, while aconitine (20 μM), which keeps sodium channels open, increased mepsp rate consistently. Pretreatment of nerves with a subthreshold dose of TEA greatly increased the mepsp rate-increasing activity of DM and aconitine, while a subthreshold level of aconitine did not synergize DM. These observations suggest that DM, like aconitine, depolarized nerves by modifying the sodium channels. Knockdown resistant (kdr) larvae were resistant to the depolarizing action of DM and aconitine but not to that of TEA, indicating that the kdr gene produced a modified sodium channel which was less sensitive to the action of pyrethroids and aconitine. During sustained transmitter release by DM, evoked release gradually declined, resulting in a condition called early block in which spontaneous release was high and release could be evoked by electrotonic depolarization of the nerve terminals, but not by a nerve action potential. Early block was probably due to conduction block in the nerve terminals. Early block eventually gave way to late block, characterized by the decline of spontaneous release to subnormal levels and complete failure of evoked release. After late block, the calcium ionophore X-537A could not release transmitter, suggesting that late block was due to depletion of available transmitter. DM did not have a direct effect upon extrasynaptic muscle membrane. However, after late block, muscles were left insensitive to the putative transmitters glutamate and aspartate when these were bath or iontophoretically applied. A low rate of mepsps persisted after late block, indicating that the muscles were still sensitive to the natural transmitters.  相似文献   

EPN is twice as toxic as EPNO to house flies from both the Diazinon-resistant strain and the susceptible strain. EPN and EPNO are also eight times more toxic to the susceptible than the resistant strain. This is due to the ability of the resistant strain to metabolize these compounds to a greater extent. Metabolism by the glutathione S-transferases present in the 100,000g supernatant is more extensive than that by the NADPH-dependent microsomal mixed-function oxidases. The glutathione S-transferases are the major route of metabolism for EPN and appear to be the principal mechanism conferring resistance. EPN was metabolized by the microsomal fraction via oxidative desulfuration to the oxygen analog, EPNO, and by oxidative dearylation to p-nitrophenol. EPNO was metabolized by the same system to p-nitrophenol and desethyl EPNO as well as to an unknown metabolite. The soluble fraction metabolized EPN to p-nitrophenol, S-(p-nitrophenyl)glutathione, O-ethyl phenylphosphonothioic acid, and S-(O-ethyl phenylphosphonothionyl)glutathione. The identification of the latter conjugate demonstrates a new type of metabolite of organophosphorus compounds. EPNO was metabolized by the soluble fraction to p-nitrophenol and S-(p-nitrophenyl)glutathione.  相似文献   

The polysubstrate monooxygenases (PSMO or cytochrome P-450) of house fly larvae were studied at the mature larval or “clear gut” stage. Fat body and gut tissues were most efficient in the conversion of aldrin to dieldrin. Microsomal fractions of larval homogenates had the highest PSMO activities, with lower PSMO activities also found associated with mitochondrial fractions. Microsomes from Rutgers (resistant) larvae had higher levels of NADPH:cytochrome c reductase (2×), cytochrome P-450 (2×), aldrin (4×), and heptachlor (9×) epoxidases than microsomes from CSMA (susceptible) larvae. Cytochrome P-450 of Rutgers larvae had an absorption maximum at 449 nm, 2 nm lower than the cytochrome P-450 of CSMA larvae. n-Octylamine spectra showed that the level of high-spin cytochrome P-450 was higher in Rutgers larvae. NADPH:cytochrome c reductase, cytochrome P-450, and aldrin epoxidase were induced by phenobarbital, and Rutgers larvae were shown to be more sensitive to this inducer than CSMA larvae. Induction of larval PSMO by phenobarbital did not affect the expression or the inducibility of PSMO in adults.  相似文献   

Phosphorothionate and phosphate degradation was investigated as a factor which could influence the tolerance of organochlorine compound-resistant and susceptible mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) to parathion and methyl parathion. The greater toxicity of methyl parathion than parathion can be attributed in part to a higher rate of degradation of methyl paraoxon than paraoxon (7-fold), but not to any difference in phosphorothionate dearylation. Resistant fish possess higher levels of microsomal mixed-function oxidases which can degrade methyl parathion (1.3-fold); these higher levels could contribute to the increased methyl parathion tolerance by this population over the susceptible population. Environmentally induced tolerance to parathion in the resistant population may be the result of increased levels of parathion degradation by induced mixed-function oxidases which can dearylate parathion. The increased tolerance of either insecticide by the resistant population is not caused by degradation of the phosphates by phosphotriesterases.  相似文献   

The metabolism of propetamphos by insecticide-resistant and susceptible houseflies, in vivo, was investigated. Two major pathways of propetamphos degradation were found. The first is the major route of detoxification for both resistant and susceptible strains at low doses and involves a hydrolysis of the P–O-vinyl bond, ultimately resulting in the formation of carbon dioxide. The second major pathway involves conjugation. As the dose increases, so does the importance of this pathway. Those strains of houseflies with greater conjugative capacity are able to tolerate greater doses of propetamphos than those strains with lesser conjugative capacity. The properties exhibited by this conjugate are consistent with those of glutathione conjugates. This is further supported by a parallel between reported values of glutathione S-transferase activity in the houseflies tested and tolerance to propetamphos.  相似文献   

The fate of malaoxon was studied in a susceptible and a resistant strain of house fly following topical application. Sublethal doses were used: 160 pmol for the S-strain (0.17 × LD50) and 1570 pmol for the R-strain (0.1 × LD50). The penetration rates are dose dependent and semilog plots of the external amount vs time show that these rates are not proportional to this external amount. Internal concentrations of malaoxon rapidly increase following administration, reach maximum values between 30 min and 2 hr (depending on dose), and then slowly decrease. The rate of metabolic degradation is highest in the early stage of the intoxication process. A three-compartment pharmacokinetic model is postulated to explain the experimental data quantitatively. The first compartment represents external malaoxon, the other two represent internal parent compound. Statistical analysis shows that the penetration rate is better described with a sum of two exponentials rather than with a single exponential decay. In the model, degradation occurs in the first internal compartment and is assumed to be first order. Malaoxon is distributed between the two internal compartments slowly with first-order kinetics. Parameter estimation with curve-fitting procedures for the internal processes (degradation and exchange) shows that there is not one set of parameter values that can be used for both strains simultaneously. This prompted a study of possible interstrain differences in degradation capacities. It was found that in vitro the R-strain had a fourfold higher oxidative breakdown rate of malaoxon. Taking this difference into account it is possible to explain the two sets of data with one kinetic model, although other alternatives cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Soluble cytochrome P-450 prepared from the microsomal fraction of abdomen homogenates of an insecticide resistant strain (Rutgers) and a susceptible strain (NAIDM) of the house fly, Musca domestica L., was characterized by spectral and electrophoretic methods. Six chromatographically distinct fractions were obtained after chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and hydroxylapatite. Examination of the six fractions by difference spectrophotometry indicated that the wave lengths for maximum absorption of the cytochrome P-450-carbon monoxide complexes were at 450, 451, and 452 nm for the NAIDM fractions and at 449, 450, and 451 nm for the Rutgers fractions. The type II binding spectra of the cytochrome P-450 in each fraction were measured with n-octylamine. Several of these resembled spectra which, in studies of hepatic cytochrome P-450, have been shown to be due to the presence of the high spin form of this hemoprotein. Four of the fractions from the resistant strain were of this type compared to one from the susceptible strain. Electrophoresis experiments indicated that there were at least three hemoproteins in the 40,000–60,000 molecular weight range in the fractions from the resistant strain while four could be detected in those from the susceptible strain. The specific aldrin epoxidase activity of the most active Rutgers fractions was considerably higher than that of similar fractions from the NAIDM microsomes in reconstitution experiments.  相似文献   

The inhibition of glutathione S-transferase by endogenous compounds present in the soluble fraction of house fly homogenates was investigated. The highest inhibition was found with the female abdomen and increased with incubation time and with an increase in the tissue concentration. The correlation of increased inhibition with a parallel increase in the darkening of the soluble fraction indicated a possible association with melanization, thereby suggesting quinones as the possible endogenous inhibitiors of glutathione transferase. In vitro experiments demonstrated that quinones produced by mushroom tyrosinase did indeed inhibit glutathione S-transferase. Inhibition by quinones can be prevented by including glutathione or bovine serum albumin in the homogenization buffer. The inhibitory activity of a variety of quinones and related compounds on purified glutathione S-transferase was investigated. Oxygenated aromatics with hydroxy groups in the 1,2- or 1,4-position or ketonic carbonyls in the 1,4-position are good inhibitors of glutathione S-transferase.  相似文献   

The metabolism of etrimfos, O,O-dimethyl-O-(6-ethoxy-2-ethyl-4-pyrimidinyl) phosphorothioate was studied in vitro in a diazinon-resistant (Rutgers) and a susceptible (CSMA) strain of house flies. Practically no metabolism of etrimfos occurred without the addition of cofactors. However, the addition of the cofactor, reduced glutathione, resulted in a substantial amount of metabolism in both strains, the metabolism being higher in the resistant strain. The major route of metabolism was via the glutathione transferase system and the predominant metabolite was desmethyl etrimfos. Although the oxygen analog could not be isolated, microsomal oxidation of etrimfos resulted in the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, suggesting the formation of the oxygen analog. Bovine serum albumin also degraded etrimfos yielding desmethyl etrimfos and 6-ethoxy-2-ethyl-4-hydroxypyrimidine.  相似文献   

The frequency of resistance of eight strains of house flies, Musca domestica L., collected from caged‐layer poultry facilities across New York state, to nine insecticides (dimethoate, tetrachlorvinphos, permethrin, cyfluthrin, pyrethrins, methomyl, fipronil, spinosad and cyromazine) was measured relative to a laboratory susceptible strain. Percentage survival was evaluated at five diagnostic concentrations: susceptible strain LC99, 3 × LC99, 10 × LC99, 30 × LC99 and 100 × LC99. The highest levels of resistance were noted for tetrachlorvinphos, permethrin and cyfluthrin. There was substantial variation in the levels of resistance to the different insecticides from one facility to another, independent of their geographical location. There was very little cross‐resistance detected in these populations to either fipronil or spinosad. Overall, there was a good correlation between insecticide use histories and the levels of resistance. The apparent isolation of fly populations within poultry facilities suggests that there are good opportunities for the implementation of successful resistance management strategies at these facilities. Differences between these results and those of a resistance survey on New York dairy farms in 1987 are discussed. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Pyrethroid-hydrolyzing activity in whole body homogenates of three insecticide-resistant and one susceptible strain of the predator mite, Amblyseius fallacis Garman has been examined in vitro. The highest esterase activity was found in the synthetic pyrethroid-resistant GH-1 strain body homogenate. All three pyrethroid-resistant strains had esterases that hydrolyzed trans-permethrin two times faster than cis-permethrin but isomer specificity was not observed in the susceptible strain. The pyrethroid esterases of the GH-1 strain were very sensitive to inhibition by dichlorovos, S,S,S-tributhylphosphorotrithioate, and 3-octylthio-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanone. Carbaryl and tetraethylpyrophosphate exhibited moderate inhibition in the GH-1 strain. Eserine sulfate and piperonyl butoxide only inhibited permethrin hydrolysis at higher concentrations. Fifteen esterase bands were resolved from body homogenates by gradient gel electrophoresis in the GH-1 strain, and were identified as carboxylesterases. The major pyrethroid-hydrolyzing activity was located in E5–E12 bands from GH-1 and composite susceptible strain esterases. Six esterase bands exhibiting low pyrethroid-hydroloyzing activity were also obtained from the two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Koch).  相似文献   

Biodegradability of lindane analogs using house fly whole body, microsomes, and microsome supernatant fraction was examined. It decreased in the order of alkoxy ~ methylthio > methyl analogs > lindane in the whole body experiments, as well as with microsomes in the presence of NADPH. With the supernatant in the presence of glutathione, a different trend was observed. The synergistic effects of piperonyl butoxide when used together with lindane analogs were mostly explained in terms of the inhibition of the microsomal metabolism. Piperonyl butoxide was also shown to inhibit the penetration of compounds into the fly body and to make the central nervous system of the American cockroach less sensitive to the action of insecticides causing after and repetitive discharges. It was observed that the value of the percentage of metabolic disappearance of insecticides after a certain period decreases as the dose level initially applied in the whole body experiments increases. The synergistic ratio parallels the percentage of disappearance value after the insecticidal activity test period when a dose corresponding to the unsynergized LD50 is initially applied. When quantitative comparisons are required for biodegradability of insecticides using house flies as the test insects, it should be on the basis of direct metabolism experiments using a fixed dose throughout the series of insecticides, but not on the basis of the synergistic ratio.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of resistance to pyrethroids were studied in a permethrin-selected (147-R) strain of the house fly, Musca domestica L. Approximately 12-fold synergism was obtained with a mixture of (1R)-trans-permethrin:piperonyl butoxide (1:5) so that the resistance decreased from 97-fold to 22-fold. Tests with the esterase inhibitor S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate produced very little synergism in either the resistant (R) strain (1.6-fold) or the susceptible (S) strain (1.9-fold). An investigation of the microsomal components revealed that compared to the S strain, the R strain demonstrated twice as much cytochrome P-450 and cytochrome b5 and double the rate of NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity. In addition, the rate of p-nitroanisole O-demethylation was found to be six times greater in the R strain. An in vivo accumulation study showed that the R strain displayed a decreased rate of penetration of trans-[14C]permethrin. When treated at equitoxic doses the R strain was found to tolerate 50-fold more internal permethrin than the S strain. An in vitro metabolism study indicated that there was no difference between strains in the overall rate of metabolism of trans-[14C]permethrin. The evidence obtained supports the conclusion that several resistance factors are involved but that decreased sensitivity of the nervous system to the action of pyrethroids is the principal mechanism of resistance in the 147-R strain.  相似文献   

House flies were collected from dairies across New York state and the levels of resistance to seven insecticides were measured using standard laboratory assays with three to five diagnostic concentrations. The highest levels of resistance were found for tetrachlorvinphos, permethrin and cyfluthrin. Although levels of resistance to methomyl were somewhat lower, they were among the highest ever reported for field‐collected house flies. Resistance to pyrethrins was limited primarily to the lowest diagnostic concentration. House flies were susceptible to fipronil at all dairies, suggesting that this material would be highly effective for fly control. The levels of resistance were similar at all the dairies, irrespective of their insecticide use, suggesting substantial movement of flies between facilities. Relative to resistance levels found at New York dairies in 1987, resistance levels had increased for permethrin, were unchanged for tetrachlorvinphos and had decreased for dimethoate. To identify a single diagnostic concentration that could be used in the laboratory assays to assess accurately resistance levels in future studies, we carried out a ‘simulated’ field bioassay using formulated materials. A diagnostic concentration for each insecticide is proposed on the basis of a comparison of our bioassays. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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