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Anaerobic degradation of the herbicide diuron, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl-1,1)dimethylurea, was studied. Enrichment cultures were established with seven different media in the presence of diuron (40 mg/liter). Media included combinations of sediment extract, mineral salts, and various organic amendments. Cultures were inoculated with aliquots of sediment collected from a pond previously treated with diuron and were maintained under an atmosphere of 95% N2 and 5% CO2. All enrichment cultures completely degraded diuron in 17–25 days. In all cultures showing diuron degradation, the product identified as 3-(3-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea appeared in approximately stoichiometric amounts. Reinjection of diuron into each culture after 26 days resulted in rapid degradation of the parent herbicide with the appearance of proportionately more 3-(3-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. No other product was detected after 80 days in culture and the metachloro derivative was not degraded further during this time.  相似文献   

烟嘧磺隆属磺酰脲类除草剂,因其对玉米安全,对一年生和多年生禾本科杂草及部分阔叶杂草、莎草科杂草高效而在玉米田广泛应用,但其在土壤中的残留则易对后茬敏感作物产生药害。微生物对烟嘧磺隆的降解有望成为修复污染土壤的有效措施。文章从烟嘧磺隆的使用及危害,可降解烟嘧磺隆的微生物种类及降解特性、降解途径、降解酶及其编码基因等方面进行了综述。目前有关烟嘧磺隆微生物降解的研究多集中于其降解菌的筛选、降解特性及降解途径等方面,对于其微生物降解过程中起关键作用的酶和基因方面的研究仍较少,因此未来的研究趋势将主要体现在降解复合菌系的培养、降解微生物的环境生态学、降解基因以及降解酶制剂等方面。  相似文献   

三唑类杀菌剂因具有高效、低毒的特性已在中国得到广泛使用,但同时也因其残留期较长、易污染土壤而备受关注。微生物降解被认为是修复被污染土壤的有效措施。文章从降解三唑类杀菌剂的微生物种类、降解机理及影响微生物降解的因素等方面进行了综述,同时指出,目前有关微生物降解三唑类杀菌剂的研究多数仅限于降解菌的筛选及影响降解的因素分析等方面,对于三唑类杀菌剂的微生物代谢途径、降解过程中起关键作用的酶和基因,以及对手性三唑类杀菌剂的对映体选择性降解机制等机理方面的研究仍较少,相关研究有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

咪唑啉酮类除草剂是中国广泛应用的除草剂,具有杀草谱广、活性高、选择性强等优点,但其在土壤中残留期长,影响后茬作物.本文综述了典型的咪唑啉酮类除草剂甲氧咪草烟、咪唑乙烟酸和甲咪唑烟酸残留对后茬作物的影响,探究了降解部分咪唑啉酮类除草剂(甲氧咪草烟、咪唑乙烟酸和咪唑烟酸)的微生物所属类群及降解途径,分析了影响微生物降解咪唑...  相似文献   

微生物降解二苯醚类除草剂的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述了降解二苯醚类除草剂的微生物种类、降解机理及影响微生物降解二苯醚类除草剂的因素,指出利用微生物修复土壤中二苯醚类除草剂残留是一个有效的手段; 同时指出二苯醚类除草剂微生物降解过程中起关键作用的酶及基因有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

A laboratory study was performed to investigate the relationship between chemical (non-biological) and microbial degradation of cyanazine and atrazine in soils ranging in pH from 5.3 to 8.1. Atrazine degradation was dominated by chemical processes in both a moderately acidic and a neutral pH soil, but showed a significant microbial involvement in the neutral pH soil. The primary cyanazine degradative mechanism was dependent on soil properties. Cyanazine was short-lived in neutral to slightly basic soils, due to rapid microbial degradation. Cyanazine amide and cyanazine acid were the major metabolites formed. In a moderately acidic soil, microbial degradation was slowed and chemical processes were the primary means of cyanazine degradation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Clomazone is a popular herbicide used on California rice fields and exhibits rapid anaerobic microbial degradation (t1/2 = 7.9 days). To test the potential of direct and indirect photolytic degradation as a cofactor in the overall degradation rate, sacrificial time‐series microcosms were amended with water, non‐sterilized soil + water and sterilized soil + water. Clomazone was added to each microcosm, which was then exposed to natural and artificial sunlight over 35 days. Water and acetonitrile extracts were analyzed for clomazone and metabolites via LC/MS/MS. RESULTS: The calculated pseudo‐first‐order degradation rate constants (k) were kwater = 0–0.005 ± 0.003 day?1, ksterile = 0–0.005 ± 0.003 day?1 and knon?sterile = 0.010 ± 0.002–0.044 ± 0.007 day?1, depending on light type. The formation of ring‐open clomazone, a microbial metabolite, correlated with clomazone degradation. Trace amounts of 5‐hydroxyclomazone (m/z = 256 → 125), aromatic hydroxyclomazone (m/z = 256 → 141) and an unknown product (m/z = 268 → 125) were observed. CONCLUSIONS: The photolytic degradation rate depends on both light type and the quality of the chromophores that induce indirect photolysis. Microbial degradation was found to be sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Overall, microbes are shown to be more detrimental to the environmental fate of clomazone than photolysis. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The sensitivity of brain acetylcholinesterase and neurotoxic esterase to inhibition by several organophosphorus compounds was studied in selected ectothermic vertebrates. These enzymes are associated with organophosphorus compound acute and delayed toxicity, respectively. In addition, the susceptibility of several of these species to delayed neurotoxicity induced by organophosphorus compounds was studied. Larvae of the gray treefrog, Southern leopard frog, and narrow-mouthed toad were exposed dermally to tri-o-tolyl phosphate or phenyl saliginen cyclic phosphate (PSCP); no symptoms of delayed neurotoxicity were observed in any of these animals up to 2 weeks after metamorphosis. No symptoms of delayed neurotoxicity were seen in juvenile bullfrogs exposed to multiple ip doses of PSCP. The specific activity of neurotoxic esterase was highest in the larval bullfrog, with juvenile channel catfish and adult mosquitofish demonstrating intermediate levels. The larval Southern leopard frog, adult Northern leopard frog, juvenile green treefrog, and adult marine toad exhibited extremely low activities. The specific activity of acetylcholinesterase was highest in the juvenile channel catfish. Neurotoxic esterase in the larval bullfrog was more sensitive to organophosphate inhibition than that in either fish. PSCP was a more potent neurotoxic esterase inhibitor than leptophos-oxon. The juvenile channel catfish had the acetylcholinesterase most sensitive to organophosphate inhibition. Under the conditions tested, no evidence of in vivo sensitivity to the organophosphate-induced delayed neurotoxicity phenomenon was observed.  相似文献   

A fluorine atom attached to an aromatic or heterocyclic system is quite stable in many chemical and biochemical reactions. Its size, in contrast to other halogen atoms, is comparable to that of a hydrogen atom and therefore, fluorine substitution does not distort the steric configuration of most compounds involved in biological processes. This can result in the incorporation of fluorinated compounds at some stage into the life cycle of various organisms. The high electronegativity of the fluorine, however, may alter considerably the reaction kinetics and mechanism of such intermediates at a later stage of the cycle causing biological disruption and possible pesticidal effect.  相似文献   

Peat moss has been found to be an effective ‘organic matrix’ for the absorption and degradation of diazinon in experimental disposal pits. High concentrations of diazinon sorbed onto nutrient-enriched commercial grade peat moss were rapidly degraded. Pits treated with diazinon concentrations ranging from 4000 to 32000 mg kg?1 contained less than 1 to 7 mg kg?1 after 18 weeks. Initially, degradation probably was due to hydrolysis resulting from the effects of heat, moisture, low pH and some microbial activity. Further degradation of the hydrolysis product, IMHP, was most likely due to microbial activity. The results obtained suggest that a managed degradation pit, containing a nutrient-enriched organic matrix (peat moss), might provide a useful means for absorbing and neutralizing waste pesticide formulations because the materials used in this system are readily available and the system may be regenerative so that it can be used repeatedly.  相似文献   

Avian repellents derived from natural products and human food flavorants may be less expensive to register under United States environmental pesticide registration requirements. However, one difficulty faced by workers attempting to target repellents for development is the need to screen large numbers of compounds for activity, as well as consideration of formulation and environmental constraints. In this study, we compare the bird repellent activity of aldehyde-based human food additives and compare the levels of activity with our previously elucidated model for structure–activity relationships (SAR) for bird repellents. We find that a previously elucidated SAR model for identifying acetophenone and anthranilate bird repellents is applicable to predicting the activity of aromatic aldehyde flavorants as well. In particular, of the nine flavorants tested, four, benzaldehyde, cinnamaldehyde, o-tolualdehyde, and o-anisaldehyde, warrant further consideration as bird repellents. L© 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Little research has been done on pesticide dissipation in cold climates and there is a need to focus on the influence of climate on pesticide degradation in soil. Glyphosate, N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine, is a herbicide frequently used for controlling perennial weeds through application after harvest and was used as a model compound for this study. The effect of freeze-thaw activity on the availability of glyphosate in soil, and consequently its mineralization by soil microorganisms, was studied through laboratory incubations of repacked soil cores treated with 14C-labelled glyphosate and subjected to different freeze-thaw treatments. Winter simulation regimes applied were constant thaw (+5 degrees C), constant freezing (-5 degrees C), unstable conditions with short fluctuations (24 h of -5 degrees C followed by 24 h of +5 degrees C), and long duration fluctuations (3 weeks of -5 degrees C followed by 3 weeks of +5 degrees C). Distribution of 14C-glyphosate was followed during the incubation through measurements of the mineralized fraction (14CO2), soil water fraction, KOH extractable fraction, and non-extractable fraction. Microbial parameters used to characterize the soils were estimates of size of microbial biomass, overall microbial activity and microbial diversity. The constant freezing treatment exhibited the lowest amount of glyphosate mineralization. The constant thawed treatment and the treatments with fluctuating temperature exhibited significantly increased mineralization. These results were in accordance with the observed concentration of glyphosate in soil water; the higher the activity, the lower the concentration. The amount of glyphosate extractable with KOH and the resulting non-extractable fraction, however, were not significantly affected by soil type or temperature regime. The glyphosate mineralization pattern was comparable with the overall microbial activity in the soils. Observed different levels of diversity might explain some of the difference in total glyphosate mineralization between soils.  相似文献   

基于定量结构-生物降解性相关(QSBR)研究芳香族类化合物的性质具有重要意义。采用分子电性作用矢量(MEIV)表征芳香族有机物的分子结构,运用多元线性回归建立定量QSBR模型,同时采用逐步回归结合统计检测筛选模型变量,建立了60个芳香族化合物生物降解最大去除率(QTOD)与其结构间的回归方程。另外采用内部及外部双重验证的办法深入分析和检验模型的稳定性。建模的复相关系数(Rcum)、留一法(LOO)交互校验复相关系数(Qcum)和外部样本校验复相关系数(Qext)分别为0.891、0.809和0.877。表明用MEIV表征芳香族有机物分子结构信息较好,所建QSBR模型的稳定性和预测能力良好。  相似文献   

In France, corn rootworm (Agriotes sp.) is controlled by applying insecticides such as carbofuran to the soil. In recent years, the failure of carbofuran to control this pest has been observed in the south-west area of France in continuous corn cropping. A soil survey was conducted in order to determine the main factors which could influence carbofuran degradation in various soils. Degradation estimates were based on measurement of the release of [ 14 C]carbon dioxide from [carbonyl- 14 C]carbofuran. The enhanced degradation of carbofuran observed in laboratory conditions corresponded to the growth of micro-organisms able to use carbofuran as sole carbon and nitrogen source. The size of this microbial population and the rates of carbofuran degradation were higher in the samples taken from plots with a history of carbofuran use than in samples from previously untreated plots. Abiological degradation was only observed in alkaline soil conditions. Statistical analyses showed that carbofuran-degrading activity was not related to any particular pedological characteristics.  相似文献   

Rates of carbon dioxide evolution and degradation rates of metamitron, metazachlor and metribuzin were measured in two soils in the presence of three microbial inhibitors. The nonselective microbial inhibitor sodium azide reduced both carbon dioxide evolution and the rate of loss of all three herbicides in both soils, although the reduction in degradation rate of metamitron was small. The antibacterial antibiotic novobiocin enhanced carbon dioxide evolution from both soils but had variable effects on the rates of herbicide degradation. It inhibited degradation of metazachlor and metribuzin, and in one of the soils its effects on metazachlor degradation were similar to those of sodium azide. Novobiocin inhibited degradation of metamitron to a small extent in one soil only. The antifungal antibiotic cycloheximide also enhanced carbon dioxide evolution from both soils. In general, its effects on herbicide degradation were similar to those of novobiocin, although the extent of inhibition was usually less pronounced. The results are discussed in terms of the relative involvement of microorganisms in degradation of the three herbicides.  相似文献   

以3,4-亚甲二氧基苯酚(芝麻酚)为原料,经醚化、Vilsmeier反应、Horner反应、酰胺化等步骤制备了12个未见文献报道的3-(3,4-亚甲二氧基-6-烷氧基)丙烯酰胺类化合物,所有化合物的结构均经红外光谱、质谱、1H NMR确证。初步的杀虫活性测试结果表明:化合物 5a~5l 对粘虫3龄幼虫均有一定的杀虫活性,其中化合物 5h和5j 在150 mg/L质量浓度下对粘虫3龄幼虫的校正死亡率分别为50.0%和66.7%。  相似文献   

UV absorber compounds were tested to reduce the photolytic decomposition of deltamethrin, applied to 100 % cotton fabric, to be used as a target screen for tsetse fly control. In the absence of UV absorbers, over 90% of deltamethrin was degraded after 6 h irradiation under an Osram UV-sun radiation lamp (equivalent to 96 h sunlight) at 35(±1)°C. The degree of protection increased with increase in the proportion of the U V absorber compound. With a mixture of 2,4-dihydroxybenzophenone (I) and deltamethrin (3 + 1, by mass) 7% of deltamethrin was degraded. Similarly, I protected alpha-cypermethrin and cyfluthrin against photolysis, I and 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone-5-sulfonic acid (IV) both protected deltamethrin from “Glossinex 200” SC formulation against photolysis, but I was more effective than IV.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A study was undertaken to determine the efficacy of seven natural compounds compared with piperonyl butoxide (PBO) in synergising pyrethrum, with the intention of formulating an effective natural synergist with pyrethrum for use in the organic crop market. RESULTS: Discriminating dose bioassays showed PBO to be significantly more effective at synergising pyrethrum in houseflies than the seven natural compounds tested, causing 100% mortality in insecticide‐susceptible WHO and resistant 381zb strains of housefly. The most effective natural synergists against WHO houseflies were dillapiole oil, grapefruit oil and parsley seed oil, with 59, 50 and 41% mortality respectively, compared with 18% mortality with unsynergised pyrethrum. Against 381zb houseflies, the most effective natural synergists were parsley seed oil and dillapiole oil. Esterase inhibition by the natural compounds and PBO in vitro showed no correlation with pyrethrum synergism in vivo, whereas the inhibition of oxidases in vitro more closely correlated with pyrethrum synergism in vivo. CONCLUSION: Dillapiole oil and parsley seed oil showed the greatest potential as pyrethrum synergists. PBO remained the most effective synergist, possibly owing to its surfactant properties, enhancing penetration of pyrethrins. The results suggest the involvement of oxidases in pyrethroid resistance in houseflies, with the efficacy of synergists showing a high correlation with inhibition of oxidases. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

为有效防控柑橘绿霉病,分别测定丙酸乙酯、异丁酸乙酯、2-甲基丁酸甲酯、异丁酸和2-甲基-1-丁醇5种微生物挥发性有机化合物(volatile organic compound,VOC)单剂及其混剂(5种VOC体积比为1:1:1:1:1)对指状青霉Penicillium digitatum菌落生长和产孢的抑制作用、对指状青霉产孢关键调控基因表达量的影响和对分生孢子梗形态的影响及对柑橘绿霉病的室内防控效果。结果显示,丙酸乙酯、2-甲基-1-丁醇单剂和混剂对指状青霉菌丝生长有明显的抑制作用,EC50分别为1.816、0.154和0.230μL/cm3;5种VOC单剂及五者混剂对指状青霉产孢均有不同程度的抑制作用,其中混剂对指状青霉产孢的抑制作用最明显,EC50达到0.006μL/cm3;5种VOC单剂处理后,指状青霉帚状枝变短,侧枝发育不良;一定浓度丙酸乙酯、异丁酸乙酯、2-甲基丁酸甲酯或异丁酸处理后,指状青霉体内brlA和abaA基因过表达,然而2-甲基-1-丁醇和混剂处理后,其体内brlA、abaA和...  相似文献   

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