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Modification of soil porosity after application of sewage sludge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of the application of sewage sludge on soil porosity over 28 months is discussed here. Anaerobic sludges of urban refuse waters were applied on a degraded limestone soil in a mining land by two ways. First, a previous mixture of sludge and soil was carried out; this was then applied to the target land. Second, a direct application of sludge to soil and tilling. Porosity and pore morphology were measured on thin sections prepared from undisturbed soil samples. Data were obtained from backscattered electron images and image-processing computer equipment. The application of sludge induced an increase of both soil fine microporosity (φ<50 μm) and coarse microporosity (φ>50 μm). However, this effect showed transient, since no significant differences were reported in relation to the control plot after one year from application. The incorporation of sludge and developed vegetation modified coarse micropore irregularity and orientation. On the other hand, fine micropore morphology remains unchanged.  相似文献   

This work sets out to verify whether the application of municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) or treated urban sewage sludge (USS) organic amendments efficiently promote organic matter (OM) increases in a Haplic Podzol (PZha) and in a Calcic Vertisol (VRcc). For that purpose, carbon (C) mineralization and C kinetic parameters were studied, using a laboratory experimental incubation setup. The results showed that the addition of the amendments to the soils increased their mineralization capacities, and that the highest C mineralization rate was reached at the end of the first 2 d of incubation. The different characteristics of the soils seem to have influenced the C mineralization rates during the 28-d incubation. The USS induced higher C mineralization than the MSWC, and the PZha soil gave rise to higher C mineralization than VRcc. For all treatments, C mineralization adjusted well to an exponential plus linear kinetic model, suggesting that the organic C of the amendments was made up of two organic pools of differing degrees of stability. With the exception of the application of USS 60 t ha−1, all the treatments increased the OM content on both soils, or at least the OM remained constant throughout the incubation.  相似文献   

Two different biosolids were obtained composting anaerobic (A) and aerobic (B) municipal sewage sludge (SS) with rice husk. Higher amounts of SS (1:1 v/v) could be used in this composting process than in conventional ones. The two biosolids were characterized by chemical analysis and compared with a conventional green manure plus municipal solid waste and municipal SS compost. The effect of these products on soil functionality was studied in a 14-week incubation experiment by their addition to two different soils (silty clay—Ustic Endoaquert—and sandy loam—Aquic Xeropsamment). The total organic C ranged from 20 to 26 % and total N from 1.6 to 2.5 % in the two biosolids. The most relevant difference was due to dissolved organic C that was lower in the anaerobic biosolid (1 mg?C?kg?1) than in the other products (5–6 mg?C?kg?1). The total trace elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) contents were under the limits fixed by the European legislation for soil application of SS (EC Directive 86/278/EEC, 1986). The three biosolids did not show strong negative effects on soil functionality during the incubation experiment, although some significant differences were found. The aerobic biosolid B mainly increased cumulative N release, microbial activity, basal respiration rate, microbial biomass-C-to-total organic C ratio, β-glucosidase, alkaline phosphomonoesterase and aryl-sulphatase activities. The anaerobic one (B) decreased basal respiration rate, microbial biomass-C-to-total organic C ratio and aryl-sulphatase activity. DTPA soil bioavailable heavy metals were not affected by biosolids additions.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to measure the mutagenic potential of municipal sewage sludge amended soil. Two separate sludge samples were collected from one municipal wastewater treatment plant and applied to undisturbed soil lysimeters over a 9 mo interval. Soil and sludge samples were collected for approximately 2 yr following sludge application. Samples were solvent extracted using methylene chloride and methanol, and the bacterial mutagenicity of the resulting residue determined using the Salmonella/microsome assay. The maximum specific activity of the sludge amended soil was 416 net revertants per 10 mg of residue induced by the methanol fraction extracted from the Weswood soil collected 154 d following the first sludge application. In the Padina sand, the maximum specific activity was 320 net revertants per 10 mg of residue induced by the methanol fraction extracted from the sample collected 154 d following the first sludge application. The specific activity of the sludge amended soil was observed to decrease slowly with time. For both the Padina and the Weswood soils, mutagenic organic chemicals were detected in soil samples collected 510 d following the second sludge application. For the Weswood soil, the mutagenic activity per unit weight of soil with metabolic activation of the samples collected 510 d after the final sludge application was decreased by 15 and 76% for the methylene chloride and methanol fractions, respectively, when compared to the maximum weighted activity observed 56 d after the final sludge application. The results indicate that municipal sewage sludges may contain organic mutagens which are persistent in the soil.  相似文献   

There is a need to improve the way in which wastes, such as sewage sludges, are managed and a potential way to proceed would be to transform them into biochar. On the other hand, there is a growing interest in the use of soil biochemical properties as indicators of soil quality because they are sensitive to alterations in soil management. Thus, we have studied the effect of a biochar obtained from sewage sludge on soil biochemical properties in an organic soil using two doses of biochar and comparing these results with the control soil and with soils amended with the same two doses of unpyrolyzed sewage sludge. Microbial biomass C, soil respiration, net N mineralization and several enzyme activities (dehydrogenase, β-glucosidase, phosphomoesterase and arylsulphatase) were monitored. The geometric mean of enzyme activities (GMea) was used as a soil quality index. Individual biochemical properties showed a different response to the treatments, while GMea showed an increase in the quality of soils amended with the high biochar dose and a decrease in those amended with a high sewage sludge dose. The geometric mean of enzyme activities was a suitable index to condense the whole set of soil enzyme values in a single numerical value, which was sensitive to management practices.  相似文献   



Degraded soils, such as those encountered in areas of mine activities, need to be ameliorated by liming to correct soil acidity and by addition of organic inputs to improve soil properties and fertility.

Materials and methods

Non-amended mine soil and soil amended with stabilized sewage sludge were incubated for 45 days. Soil physicochemical and biological indicators were periodically measured along incubation and other enzyme activities at the end of incubation. In improved soils, a study of plant development in 250-g pots was carried out with three vegetal species: tomato, rye grass and ahipa. Germination and mortality rates, biomass production and photosynthetic pigments were measured.

Results and discussion

Soil incubation with sewage sludge slightly increased soil pH and led to an enhancement of soil electrical conductivity, organic carbon and dehydrogenase activity, especially for the higher doses (5 and 10%). However soil respiration was more promoted with the 2% dose, pointing to a possible toxic effect of the sludge. At the end of incubation, physicochemical and biological properties were in general enhanced. Biomass production was improved in tomato and rye grass by sewage sludge addition (more at the 2% dose), whilst ahipa growth was not affected by sewage sludge treatments. Tomato mortality reached 73% with high sludge doses (10%).


According to this set of parameters, amendment with sewage sludge of a limed acid mine soil would be considered as a good strategy for soil amelioration in view of plant establishment and development.  相似文献   

Leaching column experiments were conducted to determine the degree of mobility of heavy metals (HMs) and nutrients after the addition of municipal solid sewage sludge (MSS) in a sandy‐loam soil. Treatments were (1) soil application of low metal content MSS, (2) soil application of metal‐enriched municipal solid sewage sludge (EMSS), and (3) control. The MSS application represented a dose of 200 Mg dry weight (dw) ha–1. Soil columns were incubated at room temperature for 15 d and were irrigated daily with distilled water to make a total of 557 mm. Leachates were collected and analyzed for HMs and nutrients. The Ni and Pb added to soil via MSS and EMSS were found to be leached through the 20 cm columns of calcareous sandy soil although Ni and Pb concentrations in the percolate were small relative to the total amounts of metals applied. Losses of K+ from the EMSS, MSS, and control were 92.5, 82.0, and 52.5 kg ha–1, respectively. Losses of Mg2+ were in the range from 104.4 (control treatment) to 295.2 kg ha–1 (EMSS), while the loss of Ca2+ was in the range from 265.0 (control treatment) to 568.2 kg ha–1 (EMSS). The results showed that the amounts of P leached from EMSS (3.02 kg ha–1) and MSS (2.97 kg–1 ha–1) were significantly larger than those from the control treatment (1.54 kg ha–1). The geochemical code Visual MINTEQ was used to calculate saturation indices. Leaching of P in different treatments was controlled by rate‐limited dissolution of hydroxyapatite, β‐tri‐Ca phosphate, and octa‐Ca phosphate. The results indicate that application of MSS to a sandy soil, at the loading rate used in this study, may pose a risk in terms of groundwater contamination with Ni, Pb, and the studied nutrients.  相似文献   

Soil properties are one of the most important factors explaining the different toxicity results found in different soils. Although there is knowledge about the role of soil properties on the toxicity of individual chemicals, not much is known about its relevance for sewage sludge amendments. In particular little is known about the effect of soil properties on the toxicity modulation of these complex wastes. In addition, in most studies on sewage sludges the identity of the main substances linked to the toxicity and the influence of soil properties on their bioavailability remains unknown.In this study, the toxicity of a sewage sludge to the soil collembolan Folsomia candida was assessed in nine natural soils from agricultural, grassland and woodland sites, together with the OECD soil. Correlations between the relative toxicity of sludge for collembolans in the different soils and their physical and chemical soil properties were assessed in order to identify the main compounds responsible for the effects observed. Furthermore, the relationships between the toxic effects to collembolans and water-soluble ions released by sludge, pH and electric conductivity were also assessed, together with the modulating effects of soil properties.Sludge toxicity was directly linked to the water extractable ammonium, which explained most of the mortality of the collembolans, and part of the inhibition of reproduction. For the last endpoint, nitrite also contributed significantly to the inhibition observed. The varied levels in water extractable ammonium in the different soils at equal dosages seem to be, in turn, modulated by some soil properties. Higher organic carbon contents were associated with lower toxicity of sludge, both for survival and reproduction, probably related to its higher ammonium sorption capacity. In addition, for reproduction, increasing the C/N ratio and pH appeared to increase the toxicity, probably due to both the greater difficultly in nitrification and the known unsuitability of alkaline soils for this species.  相似文献   

Toxic trace metals may percolate to the ground water from sewage sludge disposed onto land. Analyses are presented of the soil solution from a slightly acid loamy soil treated 7 years earlier with single applications of digested sewage sludge in amounts equivalent to 0, 150 & 330 t dry matter ha−1
These very heavy dressings correspond to 2 & 4.5 times the recommended 30–year limit. Samples of soil and soil solution from four depths to 80 cm were analysed for Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cl, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, S, Sr, V, Zn, together with the OM of the soil, and the pH, alkalinity, dissolved organic carbon, and absorbance at 350 nm of the solutions.
These very heavy sludge applications were apparently still releasing substantial quantities of NO3, and some SO4 even after 7 years. Nitrate, SO4, Mg, Ca, Sr, B, and possibly Ba are still moving through the profile, possibly to the ground water. Solution concentrations of Cu and Zn are considerably higher at all depths than those in the untreated plot, but they fall off sharply with depth. It is unlikely that any Cu or Zn is now reaching the ground water.
The paper also presents a set of published solution analyses for soils, sludge–treated soils and digested sludge, as a basis for further studies.  相似文献   

城市污泥专用复合肥在草皮生产中的应用   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
随着经济的发展,作为一个新兴的产业,我国的草皮生产业迅猛发展起来.但是与发达国家相比,我国的草皮生产及草坪建设仍存在着一系列的问题[1~3],其中草皮专用肥料品种很多,但良莠不齐[4,5].  相似文献   

城市污泥的蚯蚓分解处理技术研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
城市污泥成分复杂,其中有机质、N、P、K含量丰富,Ca、Mg、Fe等矿物营养成分含量较高,此外还有许多重金属(Zn、Cu、Cd、Cr、Pb、Ni、Hg、As、Sn等)、有机有害成分以及病原菌。本文分析了国内外关于污泥处理处置的主要方法及其优缺点,重点讨论了一种新兴城市污泥处理技术,即城市污泥的蚯蚓分解处理技术(Vermicomposting),利用蚯蚓处理城市污泥,不仅可以将污泥中的重金属富集于蚯蚓体内、去除病原菌、转移消化有机有害物,而且可将城市污泥转化为富含营养物质的有机肥,是一种无害化处理城市污泥的有效途径。最后,总结了目前城市污泥蚯蚓分解处理技术研究中存在的问题,并展望了其研究发展趋势。  相似文献   

Sewage sludge in doses of 200 and 400 Mg ha−1 (dry weight) were applied in an experimental rehabilitation of a limestone quarry to improve soil physical condition. The effect of this organic waste on soil aggregation and structural stability has been tested measuring aggregate size distribution by dry- and wet-sieving procedures over a period of 28 months. We discuss the influence of the organic components of aggregates on soil structure. The main effect of sewage sludge was to increase aggregate stability to raindrop impact (splash) just after application of the former but one year later this effect decreased notably. Organic matter is distributed in different ways between macro- and microaggregates, and this parameter seems to be responsible for the structure changes observed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sequential extractions were used on soils from a long-term experiment treated with either metal-contaminated sewage sludge or inorganic fertilizers between 1942 and 1961. The four extracts employed were CaCl2, NaOH, EDTA and aqua regia. These showed that large increases in the proportions of Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni and Cd in at least one of the first three fractions occurred during the first 10 years of sewage sludge additions. Cr always remained predominantly in the aqua regia-soluble fraction. For 30 years after this, including a period of more than 20 years after application of sludges to the field had ceased, there was very little change in the percentage of each metal extracted by each reagent. Although the ‘residual’ (aqua regia-soluble) and EDTA fractions usually contained the largest amounts of metals in either sludge- or fertilizer-treated soils, there were clear differences between the metals: Pb represented the largest fraction of any metal extracted by EDTA, Cu of any metal extracted by NaOH and Cd of any metal extracted by CaCl2. The same extractions were made of the sewage sludges that were applied to the field, and the distributions of the metals differed from those found in the treated soils. It was particularly apparent that more Pb and Cu was present as the ‘residual’ (aqua regia) fraction in sludges than in the soils.  相似文献   

A long-term field experiment was carried out in the experiment farm of the Sao Paulo State University, Brazil, to evaluate the phytoavailability of Zn, Cd and Pb in a Typic Eutrorthox soil treated with sewage sludge for nine consecutive years, using the sequential extraction and organic matter fractionation methods. During 2005-2006, maize (Zea mays L.) was used as test plants and the experimental design was in randomized complete blocks with four treatments and five replicates. The treatments consisted of four sewage sludge rates (in a dry basis) : 0.0 (control, with mineral fertilization), 45.0, 90.0 and 127.5 t ha-1, annually for nine years. Before maize sowing, the sewage sludge was manually applied to the soil and incorporated at 10 cm depth. Soil samples (0-20 cm layer) for Zn, Cd and Pb analysis were collected 60 days after sowing. The successive applications of sewage sludge to the soil did not affect heavy metal (Cd and Pb) fractions in the soil, with exception of Zn fractions. The Zn, Cd and Pb distributions in the soil were strongly associated with humin and residual fractions, which are characterized by stable chemical bonds. Zinc, Cd and Pb in the soil showed low phytoavailability after nine-year successive applications of sewage sludge to the soil.  相似文献   

The persistence of two herbicides, simazine and terbuthylazine, and appearance of their principal dealkylated chloro-s-triazine metabolites have been studied in agricultural soil after the addition of urban sewage sludge as organic amendment. Both herbicides and metabolites were monitored during long-term laboratory incubation (140 days) and analyzed by gas chromatography with a nitrogen-phosphorus detector (GC-NPD). Residues were confirmed by gas chromatography with a mass selective detector (GC-MSD). A sonication microextraction method was used to extract the compounds. The organic amendments used were urban sewage sludge and the humic fraction of this sludge, to increase the organic matter content of the soil from 1% to 2%. For both compounds, simazine and terbuthylazine, the degradation began earlier in the amended soils. Simazine showed a higher dissipation rate than terbuthylazine, the percentage of the former at the end of the experiment being lower than 2% in all cases, while for terbuthylazine the corresponding percentage ranged from 5% to 46%. Organic amendment, mainly its humic fraction, caused a certain stabilization of terbuthylazine in the soil, but did not greatly influence the residual amount of simazine at the end of the experiment. The periodic aeration of the soil caused a greater degradation in the case of terbuthylazine. Only mono-deethylsimazine and deethylterbuthylazine were isolated from the soil during the time the experiment lasted, while the di-deethylated metabolite of simazine was not found.  相似文献   

Application of sewage sludge on agricultural land becomes more and more common in many parts of the world in order to recycle the nutrients from the sludge. A range of sewage sludge stabilization techniques are available to make the sludge more stable prior to storage, transportation, and application. These stabilization techniques include dewatering, drying, anaerobic digestion, composting, and reed bed sludge treatment. However, very few studies have investigated the effect of these techniques after the sludge has been applied to agricultural land. The objective of the current study was therefore to investigate the effect of sewage sludge stabilization techniques on the C and N mineralization and gaseous emissions from soil. A soil incubation was conducted to determine the rate of C and N mineralization and N2O and CH4 emissions of sewage sludge stabilized using different techniques. Unstabilized sludge released up to 90% of their C content as CO2, part of which could be caused by release of CO2 from carbonates. Compared with this, sludge stabilization including anaerobic digestion and drying resulted in a reduction of the C mineralization rate of about 40%. Liming reduced C mineralization with around 29%, while treatment in a reed bed system reduced it by 74%. The current study thus clearly demonstrated that stabilization techniques resulted in sludge that was more stable once they were applied to agricultural land. Stabilization also reduced the N immobilization phase, potentially improving the value of the sludge as a fertilizer. Emissions of CH4 were also reduced through sludge stabilization and mainly occurred after application of easily degradable sludge types, which is likely to have enhanced the creation of anaerobic microsites. The stabilization processes also decreased emissions of N2O. The results for both CH4 and N2O indicate that the stabilization tends to reduce the chance of developing conditions where these gases could be produced.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of fly ash on N mineralization in sewage sludge was studied during a 5-week aerobic incubation of soil-waste mixtures at different loading rates under controlled conditions. Periodically, the mixtures were leached with distilled water and the inorganic N released was determined in the percolates. The data were tested by an analysis of variance with repeated measures. Significant differences were found among different incubation periods and also between different treatments. The net N mineralization, expressed as a percentage of organic N added in the sludge, was drastically reduced when higher rates (500 Mg ha-1) of fly ash were added.  相似文献   

Effects of N-enriched sewage sludge on soil enzyme activities   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Sewage sludge is increasingly used as an organic amendment to soil, especially to soil containing little organic matter. However, little is known about utility of this organic amendment with N-enriched or adjusted C:N ratios in soil. We studied the effects of adding of different doses (0, 100, 200 and 300 t ha−1) and C:N ratios (3:1, 6:1 and 9:1) of sewage sludge on enzyme activities (β-glucosidase, alkaline phosphatase, arylsulphatase and urease) in a clay loam soil at 25 °C and 60% soil water holding capacity. Nitrogen was added in the form of (NH4)2 SO4 solution to the sludge to reduce the C:N ratio from 9:1 to 6:1 and 3:1. The addition of different doses and C:N ratios of the sludge caused a rapid and significant in the enzymatic activities in soils, this increase was specially noticeable in soil treated with high doses of the sludge. In general, enzymatic activities in sludge-amended soils tended to decrease with the incubation time. All activities reached peak values at 30 days incubation and then gradually decreased up to 90 days of incubation. Sewage sludges also the increased available metal (Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) contents in the soils. However, the presence of available soil metals due to the addition of the sludge at all doses and C:N ratios did negatively affect all enzymatic activities in the soils. This experiment indicated that all doses and C:N ratios of sewage sludge applied to soil would have harmful effects on enzymatic activity. Some heavy metals found in sewage sludge may negatively influence soil enzyme activities during the decomposition of the sludge.  相似文献   


Background and Aims  

In soils, the most commonly mentioned hazardous substances are metals. One of the sources of its accumulation is the application of sewage sludge. However, little information is available regarding the estimation of the toxicity of sewage sludge or soil treated with sewage sludge, even by means of a battery of bioassays. In this study an evaluation of a battery of bioassays was carried out for toxicity assessment of sewage sludge and sewage sludge-treated soil. The objectives of this study were a) to compare the sensitivity of the different bioassays for the toxicity determination of sewage sludge contaminated with metals and soil treated with this sewage sludge, b) to elaborate a procedure for the attribution of sewage sludge samples to hazard classes based on the ecotoxicological data, and c) to evaluate the suitability of elutriate bioassays and microbial toxicity tests for the assessment of sewage sludge-treated soil.  相似文献   

Various urban and industrial sewage sludges were applied to a soil at two doses (50 and 100 t ha−1 y−1) during eight years in a field experiment. The soil was analysed at two depths (0–30 and 30–60 cm) for extractable cadmium and nickel. In general these trace metal increased with dosage. However, cadmium formed complexes with organic matter and nickel bound to iron and manganese oxides. Hence, the available fractions of these metals constituted a small proportion of the total content. The results obtained show a low risk of contamination due to the available fractions of these metals at sludges dosages of up to 100 t ha−1. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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