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Using a face-centred composite experimental design with three central point replicates, we investigated the effects of cooking time (60–180 min), acetic acid concentration (60–95% of liquor weight) and HCl concentration (0.05–0.15% of liquor weight) on the yield, residual Klason lignin content and total polysaccharide content of pulps obtained from Miscanthus sinensis bark by the acetosolv process. Response surfaces fitted satisfactorily to the experimental results showed the most influential of the independent variables to be acetic acid concentration; increasing acetic acid concentration reduced yield and lignin content, and increased total polysaccharide content (except at the highest concentrations of the acids). The response surface for lignin content was used to design a Box–Wilson steepest-descent optimisation procedure to determine the conditions minimising pulp lignin content; the minimum achieved, 0.5%, was obtained using a cooking time of 147 min, an acetic acid concentration of 93.25% and an HCl concentration of 0.122%, under which conditions pulp yield was 52.6%.  相似文献   

The capitula of Cynara cardunculus contain hairs and pappi representing 7% of the total plant biomass. These low density biomass components could be mechanically separated without apparent losses using a whole-plant processing prototype. Hairs and pappi are filamentous structures made up of longitudinally aligned fibre cells, without intercellular voids or pitting, with the following dimensions regarding length, width and wall thickness: 1.35 mm, 19.8, and 4.8 μm for hairs and 1.78 mm, 10.4, and 2.9 μm for pappi. Chemically hairs and pappi have low content of ash (1.9% and 1.1%, respectively), extractives (5.4% and 6.0%) and lignin (10.6% and 17.8%), and high content of holocellulose (77.5% and 72.8%) and α-cellulose (55.2% and 46.8%).Pulps could be produced using a conventional kraft process with high yields and low residual lignin, e.g. 63% at Kappa 7 for hairs and 48% at Kappa 11 for pappi, low coarseness values (0.04 and 0.03 mg m?1) and adequate pulp properties for paper (40 and 42 N mg?1 tensile index; 3.6 and 3.4 kPa m2 g?1 burst index in unrefined pulps of hairs and pappi, respectively). The results also indicated that there is scope for improving pulp quality by optimising pulping conditions to this type of new raw materials. The differences between hairs and pappi may also be further exploited namely the lower lignin content of hairs and the higher slenderness and wall thickness of pappi fibres.The utilization of hairs and pappi may strengthen the differentiated use of biomass fractions of the Cynara plant and its potential as a bioenergy crop.  相似文献   

This study examined possible feasibility of eggplant (Solanum melongena) stalks in the production of particleboard. Three-layer experimental particleboards with density of 0.53, 0.63, 0.73 and 0.78 g/cm3 were manufactured from eggplant stalks using certain ratios of urea formaldehyde (UF) and melamine urea formaldehyde (MUF) adhesives. Modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), internal bond strength (IB), thickness swelling (TS) properties of the boards were evaluated and a statistical analysis was performed in order to examine possible feasibility of these stalks in commercial particleboard manufacturing. The experimental results have shown that production of general purpose and furniture grade particleboard used in dry conditions using eggplant stalks is technically viable. The results of the study demonstrate that eggplant stalks can be an alternative raw material source for particleboard industry.  相似文献   

Castor (Ricinus communis L.) stalks, which are a readily available by-product of this plant mainly cultivated for seed production, derived from experimental plantations grown in Northern Greece during the period April–October 1996 were assessed for their suitability as feed stocks for direct substitution of wood in particleboard. The average stalk yield of castor reached about 10 dry t/ha, which is higher than the average yield of forest in temperate zones. After harvesting, castor stalks were dried in a greenhouse to about 12% moisture content, and chipped by an automobile chipper and re-chipped in a hammermill. Castor particles and industrial wood particles mixed in various proportions were used as raw material for one-layer and for the middle layer of three-layer particleboards. A commercial E2 grade UF-resin was used as binder. Castor particles were characterized by a lower slenderness ratio and lower bulk density than industrial wood particles. The evaluation of the mechanical and hygroscopic properties of panels showed the following results: Partial substitution of wood by castor stalks resulted in the deterioration of all board properties. The presence of the unlignified pith and the configuration of castor particles seem to be responsible for the deleterious effect of castor stalks on board properties. However, comparing the properties of the boards produced in this study to relevant European and American Standards, it was found that, with the exception of screwholding strength for three-layer boards, the experimental one layer-, and three-layer boards containing up to 25% and 75% castor particles respectively meet or exceed the Standards requirements for interior boards.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2005,91(2-3):207-215
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is rather unusual among field crops in that it is not the seed that is of economic value, but rather the stalk. Sucrose is extracted from the large stalks that are produced by sugarcane plants. Considering their economic value, it is rather surprisingly that there is very little information concerning the development and size of the individual internodes over the length of sugarcane stalks. The objective of this study was to document internode volume over the sugarcane stalk of four cultivars and to observe changes in individual internode volume later in the growing season and in response to lodging. When harvested in August, the size of the internodes varied in a continuous manner along the stalk with the largest internode occurring at the bottom of the plant at approximately internode #15. One cultivar (CP80-1743) had much less of a decrease in internode volume below internode #15 than the other cultivars, indicating that growth was more concentrated in the lower internodes of this cultivar. Since the internode volume diminished as the apex was approached, much of the harvested material was concentrated in the bottom nodes. Comparison of a mid-season harvest (August) and a final harvest (January) indicated both that additional internodes were added to the stalk and that the size of all internodes increased. That is, plant growth was distributed all along the stalk and not focused on one particular zone. Similarly, the negative impact of plant lodging was uniformly distributed over the entire stalk, although there appeared to be differences in cultivars in the extent to which the growth of the stalk was decreased.  相似文献   

Kinetics of ethanol–alkali delignification of fibre crop Arundo donax L. (giant reed) has been studied. The improved approach for determination of the reaction rate constants by accurate quantification of lignin fractions with different reactivity during standard procedure of graphical differentiation was applied. Following to a simplified model, the delignification process was considered as a complex of n-parallel irreversible first-order reactions with similar final product and analysed as a multi-component reaction system. Three kinetically distinguishable lignin fractions of A. donax were revealed and quantified in proportion of approximately 61, 23 and 16% (as initial, bulk and residual lignin, respectively) and their effective degradation rate constants were determined for different pulping conditions. The proportion of lignin fractions was different from that reported for wood, but close to another crop—wheat straw, where the initial lignin fraction was also found as a major fraction (about 90%). The values of apparent activation energy were estimated respectively as 64, 89 and 96 kJ mol−1, and were generally within the range of those reported for wood kraft and organosolv pulping. The simulation of ethanol–alkali delignification using found kinetic parameters showed the high reproducibility of experimental data on lignin removal, providing thereby the adequate test on validation of the suggested kinetic approach. The data reproducibility was substantially higher in comparison with conventional consecutive kinetic model (sum of square residuals (SQR) 0.0036 versus 0.0856).  相似文献   

3月下旬,利用“圆叶青”和“湘苎三号”良种,进行分蔸移栽。5月下旬进行幼苗破杆,加强麻园水肥管理,8月上旬收剥二麻。10月下旬收剥三麻。通过苎麻幼苗早期破杆,二麻成熟植株接近壮龄麻收剥丰产麻植株高度;三麻成熟植株达壮龄麻收剥丰产麻植株高度,且经济效益显著。  相似文献   

Six clones of Jerusalem artichoke, five new clones (coded as 17, 22, 56, 69 and 70) and the control cultivar “Violette de Rennes” were evaluated for variability in sugars yield, when the plant is utilised as stalk, tuber and “integral crop”.Among the above harvesting methods, the integral crop (stalks and tubers at flowering time), showed the highest yield potential of total sugars (fructose+glucose) and inulin (18.6 and 17.9 t/ha, respectively). This was obtained by the clone Violette de Rennes, which also had the greatest inulin chain length, in the text reported as average degree of polymerisation (DP).Clone 69 produced the highest yield of sugars and inulin, when the stalks are harvested at flowering (10.4 and 8.0 t/ha, respectively), while clone 17, with the conventional harvest of tubers at the end of crop cycle, reached 13.3 and 13.7 t/ha of total sugars and inulin, respectively. The average inulin chain length (DP) was highest at flowering time in both stalks and tubers with a range of 7.5–11.2 in the genotypes studied, while, at the final harvest of tubers, it significantly decreased reaching values ranging from 4.8 to 6.7. Among the organs analysed, the tubers at stalk harvest, showed both the highest inulin content and the longest inulin chain, expressed as DP.The genetic variability was very high among the clones for the other characters studied, such as flowering time, sugar content in different organs, photosynthesis activity, leaf chlorophyll content, etc. In particular, the “refractometrically measured” solids, in extracted tissue juice, expressed as the Brix-value (a very quick method), exhibited a significant positive relationship with the tuber inulin content (0.90** and 0.85**, n=6, in the first and second harvest, respectively), confirming its suitability as a fast screening method in breeding, avoiding time consuming and expensive laboratory analysis.  相似文献   

The by-products of sunflower production were characterized. The sunflower heads contain a strong smelling essential oil (EO) (0.2%) and pectins (22%). The galacturonic acid (GA.A.) content of the pectins depends on the extraction conditions (water-soluble pectins: 67%, soluble in ammonium oxalate/oxalic acid: 74%, in hydrochloric acid: 33%). They are all slightly methylated (degree of methylation (DM) <20%). The stalks may be readily separated into two parts: fiber (external part, 90%) and the pith (internal part, 10%). The mechanical properties of paper pulp obtained by thermomechanical treatment in a twin-screw extruder of the whole stalks or depithed stems were investigated. The pulps had high values of ring crush test (RCT) and concora medium test (CMT), which make them suitable for the manufacture of cardboard. Low-density materials can be also shaped with ground pith. The role of water-soluble substances in the cohesion of these materials is discussed. Its mechanical properties, which are comparable to those of polystyrene, were determined. They may find application in the packaging and packing industries.  相似文献   

稻田春玉米秸秆还田对晚稻和土壤肥力的效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨玉米秸秆对稻田土壤肥力及晚稻产量的影响,2001~2002年在岳阳进行了玉米秸秆还田试验。设2种玉米秸秆还田量水平即100%和50%,以不还田为对照。两年研究表明:(1)在稻田环境下,玉米秸秆易于腐解;(2)玉米秸秆还田后,土壤有机质及全量N,P,K含量均呈小幅度下降,速效N,P含量下降幅度较大.而速效K增加;(3)玉米秸秆还田对晚稻有较好的增产效果.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and the structure of macromolecular components of grape stalks from red grape pomaces have been evaluated. These are composed mainly of cellulose (30.3%), hemicelluloses (21.0%), lignin (17.4%), tannins (15.9%) and proteins (6.1%). Among hemicelluloses the xylan was the most abundant (ca. 12%). The parameters of cellulose unitary cell, average diameter of nanofibrils and the degree of crystallinity (75.4%) were assessed by X-ray scattering analysis. The xylan was partially acetylated glucuronoxylan (DS = 0.49) possessing the Xylp:MeGlcpA ratio of 25:1. The lignin of grape stalks was suggested to be of HGS type with H:G:S molar proportion of 3:71:26 as revealed by analysis of nitrobenzene oxidation products. Among alkali soluble condensed tannins procyanidins prevailed over prodelphinidins. The abnormal response of grape stalks to kraft pulping, leading to poorly delignified fibrous material, was attributed to a particular lignin structure and it structural association with other macromolecular components of grape stalks.  相似文献   

为明确工业大麻秸秆乙醇提取物抑制大豆胞囊线虫的作用机理,采用浸泡法研究其对大豆胞囊线虫体内的总糖、甘油和蛋白质含量以及解毒酶活性等生理生化指标的影响,结果表明:二龄幼虫虫体内总糖含量和甘油含量随乙醇提取物处理时间的延长呈上升趋势,处理24 h时分别较对照升高了96.2%和33.5%,达极显著差异;可溶性蛋白含量随处理时...  相似文献   

The steam pre-treatment with low severity preserves valuable biomass components, and further delignification with alkaline peroxide could improve hydrolysis. A combination of low severity steam pretreatment and alkaline peroxide post-treatment of Lespedeza stalks was investigated. The post-treatment of steam-pretreated Lespedeza stalks with alkaline peroxide significantly increased the cellulose content and changed the structure of the cellulose-rich fractions. A glucose yield of 503.5 mg g−1 raw material from enzyme hydrolysis was obtained when the steam-pretreated material (184 °C for 4 min) was post-treated with 2% hydrogen peroxide at 60 °C for 24 h with a substrate concentration of 3.3%. Its hydrolysis yield is 88.8%, which is higher than that of samples processed by steam pretreatment alone (63.7%). The samples obtained by post-treatment with alkaline peroxide were found to have a smoother surface and looser structure in scanning electron microscopy images. The isolated lignin preparations had a yield range from 10.9 to 14.7 (% dry matter). The lignin was characterized by thermogravimetric analysis/differential thermal analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and gel permeation chromatography. Alkaline peroxide treatment increased the thermal stability of lignin, and decreased the amounts of all functional groups. Depolymerization and repolymerization occurred during the alkaline peroxide treatment.  相似文献   

Hibiscus cannabinus and Hibiscus sabdariffa, agro-based residues consist of bast and wood fibers which resemble to those of softwood and hardwood, respectively. The runkel ratio of core fibers H. cannabinus and H. sabdariffa is comparable to that of Picca abies, whereas, it is much less than those of hardwood like Eucalyptus tereticornis. The slenderness ratio of H. cannabinus is much closer to P. abies in comparison to H. sabdariffa whereas, it is 7.7 and 13% less than E. tereticornis. The flexibility coefficient of H. cannabinus and H. sabdariffa are slightly lower than that of P. abies but it is 59.6 and 57.0% are more than that of E. tereticornis. It indicates that morphological characteristics of core fibers of H. cannabinus and H. sabdariffa closely resemble to that of softwood except fiber length which can be compensated by long bast fibers. Due to identical pulping conditions, H. cannabinus and H. sabdariffa can be delignified together by kraft pulping process. The optimum cooking conditions for H. cannabinus and H. sabdariffa were found to be as, active alkali 16%, sulfidity 20%, temperature 160 °C, time (at temperature) 120 min and wood to liquor ratio of 1:4.5. An anthraquinone (AQ) dose of 0.05% at an active alkali dose of 13% (as Na2O) produces the screening rejects and kappa number similar to that obtained by using 15% active alkali (as Na2O). The reaction kinetics study indicates that delignification is of first order. Low sulfidity AQ additive kraft pulping at constant H-factor produces better strength properties compared to non-additive kraft cooks.  相似文献   

The globe artichoke is a widely consumed vegetable in the Mediterranean Basin, with Italy being the leading producer. In southern Italy, its cultivation contributes to local economic stability and social development. The producers are increasingly choosing to replace autochthonous varieties, such as ‘Violetto di Sicilia’, with cultivars bred or selected outside of the region, putting pressure on the maintenance of traditional varieties. Here, we have undertaken a detailed morphological and chemical analysis of a group of clones selected from a population of ‘Violetto di Sicilia’. All the traits measured displayed genetic variation, particularly the total content of phenolics and minerals. The capitula of the ‘Violetto di Sicilia’ clones contained, on average, 6.3 g kg−1 of fresh weight total phenolics, compared with 4.5 g kg−1 in the two commercial varieties. The clones also had more inulin than commercial varieties (254 vs. 225 g kg−1 of dry matter), as well as a good mineral content. The set of clones is of interest in the context of the proposed improvement of the crop through breeding and selection of genotypes with high nutritional quality and a specific end-use (industrial processing or fresh consumption).  相似文献   

Ipomea carnea Jacq, a common weed known as ‘Beshram’ was introduced in India, as an ornamental plant. Surprisingly, except fiber length, other morphological characteristics like, cell wall thickness, lumen diameter, flexibility coefficient and wall fraction of I. carnea resemble with softwoods like, Pinus kesiya, and Picca abies. Cannabis sativa L., a common weed known as soft hemp consists of both bast fiber as well as core fiber. The unique morphological characteristics of I. carnea like, cell wall thickness and flexibility coefficient, which resembles with softwoods along with long fibers of C. sativa, in which I. carnea deficits in a proper blend ratio, can be used in a better way for the development of high quality value added paper. The optimum kraft cooking conditions for I. carnea and C. sativa were: active alkali 16%, sulfidity 20%, temperature 165 °C, time (at temperature) 120 min and wood to liquor ratio of 1:4 for I. carnea and 1:3.5 for C. sativa. The screened pulp yield of I. carnea and C. sativa were found to be 49.3 and 54.3% at Kappa number of 29, respectively. An anthraquinone (AQ) dose of 0.1% increases the pulp yield to the tune of around 0.6% as well reduce the Kappa number to the tune of 22%. CEHH bleaching of C. sativa produces pulp brightness of 82% (Elrepho) at total chlorine demand of 5.07%. On contrary to this the I. carnea kraft pulp at same chlorine demand produce a pulp with improved brightness of 85.4% (Elrepho).  相似文献   

Composite films based on EVA with CMF were prepared and characterized for their solvent transport nature. CMF were derived from Hibiscus sabdariffa by steam explosion technique and incorporated in the EVA matrix by extrusion. Solvent transport by the composites was analyzed using hexane, heptane and octane as penetrant molecules. The solvent uptake behavior of EVA/CMF composites is explained on the basis of the penetrant size, temperature and the filler loading. The composite had improved barrier property compared with unfilled EVA. This in turn is an indication of good fiber-matrix interaction in the composite system. Diffusion parameters such as diffusion coefficient, permeation coefficient and Arrhenius activation parameters and thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy and entropy were evaluated in detail. The mode of transport was found to be Fickian.  相似文献   

Thermal degradation behaviors and fire retardant properties of poly(1,3,4-oxadiazole)s (POD) and poly(m-phenylene isophthalamide) (PMIA) fibers were investigated. The thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) demonstrated that POD exhibited higher onset thermal degradation temperature (Tonset) than PMIA, exceeding nearly 80 °C. The thermal degradation kinetics, evaluated by the modified Coats-Redfern method, displayed that the apparent activation energy (Ea) of POD and PMIA fibers was similar when the conversion rate (α) ranges from 0.2 to 0.5, while with the α from 0.6 to 0.8, the Ea of POD was significantly lower than that of PMIA. The fire retardant performance of POD and PMIA fibers were evaluated by cone calorimeter under heat fluxes of 35, 50 and 75 kW/m2, during which the temperature of the fibers were monitored by a thermocouple. Surprisingly, POD fibers showed inferior fire retardant performance in comparison with PMIA, with lower time to ignition (TTI) and higher peak heat release rate (PHRR). The origin of the different fire retardant properties of both fibers was revealed by analyzing the residual chars and gaseous products during thermal pyrolysis. The morphology confirmed that stable and compact chars can be formed in PMIA. In addition, the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) characterization of the residual char revealed that POD can form carbonaceous chars at the heat flux of 50 kW/m2, while the heat flux of PMIA was 75 kW/m2. The pyrolysis products characterized by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) indicated that POD can be pyrolyzed completely at 600 °C, while the temperature of PMIA was 700 °C.  相似文献   

茶叶多糖铁的合成及其铁含量的测定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用热水浸泡法从粗老茶叶中提取茶叶多糖,在碱性条件下,茶叶多糖水溶液与三氯化铁反应合成茶叶多糖铁配合物(TPC),并用邻菲罗啉分光光度法和原子吸收光谱法测定TPC中铁(Ⅲ)的含量。实验结果表明:TPC是深棕红色无定型粉末,易溶于水,在pH值3~12范围内不沉淀,不水解。TPC中铁(Ⅲ)的含量:邻菲罗啉分光光度法测定结果为20.71%,原子吸收光谱法测定结果为20.13%。  相似文献   


It is well known that C4 crops have a lower water requirement than C3 crops. Reasons for the difference are not well understood. Therefore, hydraulic resistance of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] (C4) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) (C3) was determined to see if it might be one explanation for the lower water use of crops with the C4 photosynthetic pathway. Plants were grown under greenhouse conditions in pots with soil, which was well watered (soil matric potential of ~0 MPa) or allowed to dry (soil matric potential of ?0.038 MPa and ?0.065 MPa for sorghum and sunflower, respectively). Hydraulic resistance was calculated in two ways: (1) using the classic Ohm's law analogue, which assumes that the relation between flux (transpiration) and difference in water potentials of the soil and plant is linear and (2) using an equation that considers diurnal changes in leaf water content along with transpiration and difference in water potentials. Because change in leaf-water content during a day was small, hydraulic resistances calculated by the two methods resulted in similar values. Sorghum had a linear relationship between flux and difference in potentials (constant hydraulic resistance), but sunflower had a nonlinear one (variable hydraulic resistance). The hydraulic resistance of watered sunflower increased only slightly during a day and averaged about 40 MPa m2 s mol?1, which was 3.5 times less than that of watered or water-stressed sorghum (-140 MPa m2 s mol?1). The hydraulic resistance of water-stressed sunflower increased steeply during a day and by the end of the day it had a hydraulic resistance that approached that of sorghum.  相似文献   

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