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Mucous cell size and distribution were investigated in the skin of five salmon using a novel stereology‐based methodology: one (48 cm) fish to test 15 tissue treatment combinations on measures of cell area and density on the dorsolateral region and, using the most suitable treatment, we mapped mucous cell differences between body regions on four (52 cm) salmon, comprising a male and a female on each of two diets. The section site, decalcification, embedding medium and plane of sectioning all impacted significantly on mucous cell size, whereas mucous cell density is more robust. There were highly significant differences in both mucosal density and mean mucous cell size depending on body site: the dorsolateral skin of the four salmon had significantly denser (about 8% of skin area) and larger (mean about 160 μm2) mucous cells, whereas the lowest mean density (about 4%) and smallest mean area (115 μm2) were found on the head. We found that 100 random measurements may be sufficient to distinguish differences >7 μm2 in mean mucous cell areas. The results further suggest that salmon exhibit a dynamic repeatable pattern of mucous cell development influenced by sex, diet and possibly strain and season.  相似文献   

Histochemical and ultrastructural investigations were conducted on the mucous cells of the intestine of brown trout, Salmo trutta L., naturally infected with the cestode Cyathocephalus truncatus (Pallas, 1781) and the acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus truttae Shrank, 1788. A subpopulation of 45 S. trutta were examined of which 15 specimens harboured E. truttae, 15 of which were infected with C. truncatus and 15 fish, the control group, were uninfected. In histological sections, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the mucous cells were evident at the site of parasite infection. Enhanced mucus secretion was also recorded in infected fish. The number of mucous cells close to the site of parasite attachment within the intestine was significantly higher than the number detected in uninfected individuals and in infected individuals at sites 1 cm or greater from the point of parasite attachment. There were no significant differences between the number of mucous cells found at the latter two sites. Alcian blue and periodic acid‐Schiff’s staining of representative histological sections revealed a significant increase in the number of mucous cells staining positively for acid glycoconjugates compared to the number of cells found in the intestines of uninfected S. trutta. In transmission electron microscopy sections, each mucous cell typically possessed an elongated, basally positioned nucleus. The cytoplasm was observed to possess numerous electron dense and lucent vesicles, in addition to well‐developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and a few round mitochondria.  相似文献   

为了解西藏哲古措土著鱼类消化道寄生蠕虫的群落结构及季节动态,于2018年9月(秋季)和12月(冬季)、2019年3月(春季)和6月(夏季)对哲古措进行了4个季节的采样调查。共采集到2种土著鱼类,分别为高原裸鲤(Gymnocypris waddellii)和异尾高原鳅(Triplophysa stewartii),与原来的记录不同。在高原裸鲤的消化道中采集到了5种寄生蠕虫,分别为聂氏拟短结绦虫(Parabreviscolex niepini)、新棘吻虫未定种(Neoechinorhynchus sp.)、异肉吸虫未定种(Allocreadium sp.)、对盲囊线虫未定种线虫(Contracaecum sp.)和束首线虫未定种(Streptocara sp.),并对形态特征进行了描述。本研究发现,哲古措土著鱼类消化道寄生蠕虫的物种组成具有一定地域性,大部分为广布性寄生虫,鸟类在其传播过程中起到了重要作用。经过分析,高原裸鲤消化道寄生蠕虫群落的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数为0.70~1.27,显示了较高的群落多样性,Berger-Parker优势度指数为0.38~0.76,优势群为线虫。线虫表现出一定的季节消长规律:秋季为周年最高,冬季下降,春季上升,夏季降至最低,推测与水温、中间宿主的种群数量、线虫的生命周期和鱼类宿主繁殖期的行为等有关。复殖吸虫、绦虫和棘头虫四季的感染率均在10%以内浮动,平均丰度也较低。异尾高原鳅的消化道中未发现任何寄生蠕虫,推测与宿主肠道空间大小、摄食量和分布空间的差异有关。本研究通过对西藏湖泊土著鱼类寄生蠕虫的调查与分析,旨在为深入了解西藏寄生虫的组成特点、研究青藏高原隆升对寄生虫与鱼类宿主协同进化提供基础理论依据。  相似文献   

The effect of a pathogenic Vibrio pelagius, isolated during a mass mortality of turbot larvae, on the non-specific immune response of turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.), macrophages was studied both in vitro and in vivo. The in vitro treatment of head kidney (HK) macrophages with viable V. pelagius caused a significant inhibition of the chemiluminescence (CL) response in comparison with untreated macrophages, while incubation with heat-killed bacteria did not affect this response. In vivo, the intraperitoneal injection of V. pelagius resulted in a significant inhibition of the CL response in infected fish at days 1 and 4 post-infection compared with the control fish response. The HK macrophage nitric oxide (NO) production was enhanced by in vitro incubation with intermediate doses of viable V. pelagius (5 x 10(3) and 5 x 10(4) bacteria mL(-1)) and higher doses of the heat-killed bacteria (5 x 10(4)-5 x 10(6) bacteria mL(-1)). In both cases, the NO inhibitor N-omega -nitro-L-arginine was capable of down-regulating the specific NO induction caused by incubation with the bacterial treatments. In contrast, incubation with ECPs at higher doses caused a reduction in NO production. In vivo, a significant enhancement in NO production was also observed in macrophage supernatants at day 10 post-infection. Lysozyme concentration in the serum was also significantly increased in the experimentally infected fish at days 4 and 10 post-injection. In addition, viable V. pelagius and its ECPs significantly reduced HK macrophage viability in vitro, whereas no significant differences in viability were observed during the incubation with heat-killed bacteria. As NO production was enhanced in the experimentally infected fish, the inhibitory effect of the NO donor, S-nitroso-acetyl-penicillamine (SNAP), was tested in vitro in a cell-free assay. The results showed that growth of V. pelagius was significantly inhibited using SNAP at a high concentration (1 mM).  相似文献   

本文比较观察了不同规格的健康和患白便综合征凡纳滨对虾Litopenaeus vannamei肝胰腺、中肠、后肠、后盲囊等的组织结构。组织病理显示:白便综合征凡纳滨对虾肠道严重病变,肠腔空,环肌两侧增生大量成纤维细胞,这些增生细胞取代了肠上皮,而不见正常柱状上皮细胞;肝胰腺有不同程度和性质的病变,如腺管萎缩、崩解、坏死等。凡纳滨对虾患白便综合征的组织病变演变过程为:最初肠上皮基膜下出现一圈增生细胞,肠上皮柱状细胞脱离基膜;增生细胞持续增生增多,肠上皮崩解脱落至肠腔,增生细胞完全取代肠上皮;增生细胞不断增生,增生细胞层逐渐变厚,随着时间的推移,增生细胞层近腔端的一圈增生细胞坏死,出现一圈棕黄色物质,最终坏死细胞连同棕黄色物质脱落至肠腔。脱落至肠腔的腺管细胞、上皮细胞、增生细胞排出体外即为肉眼可见的白便。  相似文献   

This study was aimed at detecting differences among tilapia species in immunological and biochemical parameters that are indicators for fish health. In addition, six blood parameters that are indicators of stress were measured, glucose concentration, ceruloplasmin activity, lysozyme activity, respiratory burst activity, haematocrit and leucocrit, and their levels were compared among groups. A calibration experiment was conducted with commercial stock of tilapia to optimize a protocol for measuring stress response in tilapia. An air exposure stress was induced to six groups of fish and blood samples were taken at six different times: 15 min, 1, 2.5, 4.5, 6 and 24 h, after inducing stress. The highest responses to stress were observed after 2.5–4.5 h. A second experiment was conducted with four tilapia species: Oreochromis aureus (Steindachner), O. mossambicus (Peters), a red strain and the wild type of O. niloticus L. Levels of serum biochemical components and parameters of the innate immunity response to stress were compared in ten fish from each species. Significant differences were observed. Oreochromis aureus differed from the other three species (notably from O. mossambicus) in most of the measured immune response traits (glucose concentration, lysozyme activity, haematocrit and levels of total protein and IgM after stress) and serum biochemical components (protein, albumin, triglyceride, cholesterol, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, bilirubin and β‐hydroxybotiric acid). The identified differences suggest that hybrid families from O. aureus and O. mossambicus may be used to construct a segregating population for genetic analysis of the innate immune response to stress. Thus, these two species were bred for segregating F2 population, suitable for quantitative trait loci studies for the innate immune response to stress.  相似文献   

为探明寄生于翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus Basilewsky)和花(鱼骨)(Hemibarbus maculatus Bleeker)腹腔内线虫的分类地位、形态特征及其寄生部位的组织损伤作用,进行了18S rDNA和ITS rDNA序列的PCR分析以及虫体和组织病理的显微观察。结果表明该线虫为伊格诺图斯胃瘤线虫(Eustrongylides ignotus)的IV期幼虫,明确了其ITS rDNA的基因序列。虫体除头部具有6个棘状突起和6个乳头状突起以及尾部具有尾斑突外,还发现其具有凹纹的体侧斑突等一些新的形态结构特征,补充了一些主要形态结构数据。根据体肌肌细胞数量和其一端伸入体腔的特点判定线虫体肌属于多肌型。食道由背侧腺和下腹腺组成,食道腔横切面呈三放射形。依据组成肠道的单层柱状上皮细胞数量,判定该线虫肠道属于多胞型。卵巢、输卵管、精巢和输精管外层均由以纤维细胞为主要成分的结缔组织构成。病理观察显示部分线虫以包囊形式寄生于肝脏、肠系膜和脾脏的腹腔组织器官,形成由纤维细胞和血管组成的包囊和大量嗜酸性白细胞浸润的主要炎症反应,包囊经历了形成、增大、壁增厚和后期包囊壁中细胞坏死而破裂的过程,严重感染的个体出现肝脏充血、细胞坏死和含铁血黄素沉着,脾脏缺血和含铁血黄素沉着以及肠系膜中的胰腺细胞分泌颗粒增多等病理变化。结果表明,该IV期幼虫对寄主内脏组织器官具有不同程度的组织病理损伤作用。  相似文献   

The present trial was performed to evaluate the effect of dietary incorporation of dried Spirulina, Chlorella and their mixture on the immune status of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) before and after artificial infection with pathogenic bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila (A. hydrophila). Two hundred and forty fish were divided into four groups: (a) a control group fed on a basal diet only, (b) a second group fed on a diet containing Spirulina 15%, (c) a third group fed on a diet containing Chlorella 15%, and (d) a fourth group fed on a diet containing a mixture of both Spirulina 15% and Chlorella 15%. At the end of the experiment (9 weeks), the four groups were experimentally infected with A. hydrophila for 7 days. Antioxidant enzymes, lysozyme and bactericidal activities and histopathological changes were determined just before the challenge test and 7 days post‐challenge. Significant (p ≤ 0.05) increases in fish body protein% before the challenge test and increases in serum antioxidant enzymes, lysozyme and bactericidal activity in the Chlorella and algal mixture groups before and after the challenge test were observed. Spirulina, Chlorella and their mixture groups significantly decreased serum malondialdehyde compared to the control group before and after the challenge test. Using Spirulina, Chlorella and their mixture mitigated the necrotic and degenerative changes induced by A. hydrophila and revealed well‐developed and multiple melanomacrophage centres. Thus, dietary Spirulina, Chlorella and their mixture inclusion in Nile tilapia fish proved to have a protective effect against A. hydrophila infection.  相似文献   

王永波  张杰  李向民 《海洋渔业》2016,38(5):478-486
应用AB-PAS染色法对工厂化养殖条件下豹纹鳃棘鲈(Plectropomus leopardus)消化道粘液细胞的类型与分布进行了观察研究。结果显示:豹纹鳃棘鲈粘液细胞在消化道各部位均有分布,不同部位的粘液细胞密度和类型均有差异,豹纹鳃棘鲈消化道粘液细胞可分为Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型。其中,食道粘液细胞以Ⅲ型为主,胃以Ⅰ型为主,幽门盲囊和肠以Ⅲ型为主,直肠以Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型为主;胃部粘液细胞分布密度最大,达(111.37±21.74)cell·mm~(-2),极显著高于消化道其它部分,直肠、幽门盲囊、肠的粘液细胞分布密度分别为(35.09±8.74)、(30.23±5.37)、(28.00±4.67)cell·mm~(-2),相互之间差异不显著,食道的粘液细胞分布密度最低,为(10.83±1.94)cell·mm~(-2),与消化道其它部分相比差异极显著。另外,消化道各段单位面积内粘液细胞的分泌能力顺序为食道直肠肠幽门盲囊胃。通过对消化道各部位粘液细胞的分类对比可以发现,粘液细胞的类型和分布与其所在部位的功能有密切关系。  相似文献   

信号传导及转录激活因子(STAT)是生物体内重要信号通路JAK/STAT的关键组分,在机体免疫、生长、发育等方面起到重要作用。本研究从凡纳滨对虾血细胞中克隆获得了STAT基因的全长cDNA序列(Lv-STAT, GenBank accession number: KC779541),其 ORF区全长2373 bp,编码790 aa,预测的分子量为和等电点分别为90.68 kDa和5.91。利用SMART在线软件分析表明:该基因编码的蛋白主要结构域由STAT_int、STAT-α、STAT-β和SH2 domain四部分组成,但不具有信号肽结构。将Lv-STAT与来源于其它物种的STAT进行氨基酸多序列比对后发现,该基因家族中的关键位点在Lv-STAT中同样保守。系统发生分析结果显示Lv-STAT 与斑节对虾、中国明对虾的STAT亲缘关系最近。在组织表达模式分析基础上进一步研究了该基因应答WSSV感染的表达变化特征,发现在感染后早期(0.5 hpi、1 hpi和3 hpi),该基因在血细胞和肝胰腺中均呈显著上调表达趋势,上述研究表明该基因在一定程度上参与了南美白对虾体内由WSSV引发的先天免疫应答过程。  相似文献   

为探讨有氧运动强度对斜带石斑鱼(Epinephelus coioides)生长、血液非特异性免疫机能和肝脏抗氧化能力的影响,本研究将斜带石斑鱼放置在4个运动强度(对照组0 bl/s、实验组0.5 bl/s、实验组1.0 bl/s和实验组2.0 bl/s)中进行8周的训练实验。结果表明,1.0 bl/s运动强度对斜带石斑鱼的特定生长率(SGR)、增重率(WGR)和成活率(SR)有显著提高作用(P0.05)。血清中总蛋白(TP)、球蛋白(GLB)、补体C3含量和溶菌酶(LYZ)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)、酸性磷酸酶(ACP)活性随运动强度的增加先上升后下降,其中1.0 bl/s组显著高于其他组(P0.05),而血清谷丙转氨酶(GPT)和谷草转氨酶(GOT)活性先下降后上升,其中1.0 bl/s组显著低于其他组(P0.05),白蛋白(ALB)和补体C4含量无显著性差异(P0.05)。肝脏总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性随运动强度的增加也呈现先增加后降低的趋势,在1.0 bl/s组中活性显著高于其他组(P0.05)。8周运动训练对肝脏HSP70mRNA表达水平有显著影响,1.0 bl/s组显著高于其他组(P0.05)。总之,1.0 bl/s运动强度可提高斜带石斑鱼幼鱼的生长速度、增强血液非特异性免疫功能和肝脏抗氧化能力,上调HSP70 mRNA表达水平。  相似文献   

采用投喂感染白斑综合征病毒(White Spot Syndrome Virus,WSSV)对虾肌肉的方式,对养殖克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)进行人工感染,以确定WSSV对养殖克氏原螯虾的易感性。结果发现,投喂病虾感染组螯虾的死亡率达到90%,而对照组未出现死亡。采用PCR对试验组螯虾的肌肉进行WSSV检测,发现投喂感染组的阳性检出率为100%,对照组的阳性检出率均为0。PCR检测结果发现,濒死螯虾的肝胰腺、中肠、肌肉、鳃、性腺、心脏六种组织的PCR结果均为WSSV阳性,而对照组的各组织检测结果均为阴性。组织切片的光镜观察也证实,濒死螯虾的肝胰腺、中肠、肌肉、鳃、性腺、心脏及血淋巴等组织均发生了不同程度的病变。  相似文献   

The histopathology, immunohistochemistry and ultrastructure of the alimentary canal of chub, Leuciscus cephalus (L.), from the River Brenta, naturally infected with the acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis Müller, 1776, was studied and described. Of 62 chub examined, 54 (87%) were infected with P. laevis ; the intensity of infection ranged from five to 130 parasites per host, and a density of 8 P. laevis per cm2 was common. Examination of histological material of infected chub revealed that both male and female acanthocephalans deeply penetrated all layers of the gut wall by means of their slender neck, bulb and proboscis. As a result, a capsule was formed around the bulb and proboscis on the external surface of the host intestine. In parasitized chub, four main types of reaction against the body of the acanthocephalan were recognized. Pomphorhynchus laevis caused local damage to the intestinal wall, eliciting catarrhal-erosive enteritis in the lumen and a fibroblastic-collagenous and fibro-epithelioid encapsulation in its thickness with tissue zonation according to the depth of parasite penetration. Furthermore, eosinophilic granular cells (EGC) within the inflammatory tissue were identified by immunohistochemical methods and transmission electron microscopy.  相似文献   

A 9‐week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with protein hydrolysates on growth, innate immunity and disease resistance of olive flounder. A fishmeal (FM)‐based diet was regarded as a control, and three diets were prepared by partial replacement of FM with krill hydrolysate, shrimp hydrolysate or tilapia hydrolysate (designated as Con, KH, SH and TH, respectively). Triplicate groups of fish (24.5 ± 0.3 g) were fed one of the diets to apparent satiation twice daily for 9 weeks and then challenged by Edwarsellia tarda. Fish‐fed KH diet showed significantly (< 0.05) higher growth performance and feed utilization compared with the Con diet. Dry matter digestibility of the diets was significantly increased by KH and TH supplementation. All the examined innate immune responses were significantly increased in fish fed KH diet. Significantly, higher respiratory burst and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were found in fish‐fed SH diet. Lysozyme and SOD activities were significantly increased in fish‐fed TH diet. However, no significant effect was found on fish disease resistance. This study indicates that dietary supplementation of the hydrolysates, particularly KH, can improve growth performance, feed utilization and innate immunity of olive flounder.  相似文献   

This research was designed to determine the effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract on growth, blood biochemistry, immunity, antioxidant, digestive enzymes and liver histopathology of rainbow trout. In a 40‐day diet experiment, rainbow trout was fed with the experimental diets containing 0.4, 0.7, 1 and 3 g/kg of rosemary. 0.4 and 0.7 g/kg rosemary extracts had no significant effect on all parameters studied (p > .05). The growth performance (SGR and WG) and feed utilization (FCR and FER) of the fish increased with the increase in the rate of rosemary in the feed (p < .001). Additionally, only the final weight levels were significant at the linear level (p < .05). Rosemary's 1 and 3 g/kg doses increased total protein, trypsin, amylase, lipase, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), lysozyme, total immunoglobulin (IG) and white blood cell (WBC) levels when compared to control group. However, glucose, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), total cholesterol and triglyceride levels decreased significantly (p < .001). Moreover, these doses of rosemary caused a significant reduction in steatosis of liver hepatocytes compared to the control group. In conclusion, the present study showed that rosemary may be useful in reducing the stress effects by increasing the growth, antioxidant, digestive enzymes and immunity levels, as well as reducing the rate of steatosis in the liver of rainbow trout.  相似文献   

A 10‐week feeding trial of using housefly (Musca domestica) maggot meal (MM) in practical feeds for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was conducted to assess the growth performance, ingredient utilization, flesh quality, innate immunity and its influence on water environment. Fish were fed five isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets, where fishmeal (FM) was substituted by MM at the level of 0, 90, 180, 270 and 360 g kg‐1 diet (remaining FM content: 360, 270, 180, 90 and 0 g kg‐1). There was no significant difference in feed intake and apparent digestibility coefficient between the treatments. Replacing up to 270 g kg‐1 FM did not have an impact on the growth performance and ingredient utilization, whereas the complete replacement of FM caused significantly lower survival rate, weight gain, specific growth rate and higher feed conversion rate. Dietary MM was also proved positively influential in flesh quality, whereas replacing 180 g kg‐1 or more FM suppressed the innate immunity of tilapia. When compared by the effects on the water environment, the increasing substitute levels were accompanied with the declining concentrations of nitrite nitrogen and total phosphorus in the water. Our study verified the feasibility of using MM as a partial substitute of FM in aquatic feed. When replacing 180 g kg‐1 FM (corresponding to half of the FM content in control diet) in the diet of Nile tilapia, it can serve as a renewable and environmentally superior alternative without compromising the performance criteria.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon post‐smolts of an average of 940 g were fed six diets including two marine‐based commercial diets one with partial inclusion of vegetable proteins (VPs) and oils (VOs) (2011/12 EU standards) (MB) and a second with partial inclusion of VPs, land animal‐by‐product (ABP) proteins and VOs (non‐EU standards) (MBABP), a fully vegetable protein (VP) diet; a fully algal and VOs (VO) diet; a fishery‐free vegetable‐based (VP/VO) diet; and a fishery‐free diet with a mix of VPs and ABP proteins and a mix of algal and vegetable oils (MFABP). Growth was assessed at Days 104 and 175, whereas fillet proximate composition, haematology and innate immune responses were assessed upon termination. Overall, MB salmon was the best performing group for the full period in terms of feed intake and overall weight gain. MB and VP salmon exhibited the highest FCRs compared to the other groups, while VP salmon exhibited the highest condition factor (K) and VO salmon the lowest K compared to the other groups. Fillet proximate composition did not present differences among the six groups. MB salmon demonstrated the highest plasma lysozyme activity compared to the other groups while MFABP, VP and VP/VO salmon demonstrated higher plasma anti‐protease activity in contrast to MB salmon. The dietary groups did not present differences in plasma protein, total IgM or natural haemolytic activity while unaltered head kidney macrophage respiratory burst activity was also observed. Overall, diets free from marine proteins or oils and/or both were satisfactorily utilized by salmon without compromising their immune capacity, although longer adaptation periods are required.  相似文献   

Humpback grouper take a long time to grow to marketable size. In this study, recombinant Epinephelus lanceolatus growth hormone (rElGH) was applied orally and by intraperitoneal injection to accelerate their growth. Daily application of crude rElGH at a dose of 50 mg kg?1 in commercial diet for 42 days or with injections of 0.2 μg rElGH g?1 total body weight every 2 weeks resulted in significant increases in growth performance, protein and lipid content, plasma glucose, liver glycogen and innate immunity compared to control groups. Relative weight gain from the oral and injection doses above compared to C? (Control negative, only commercial diet without rElGH treatment or chemical substances related to treatment, either for oral or injection route) were 40.25% and 38.77%, respectively. There was no specific histological damage to the kidneys, liver or spleen that was attributable to rElGH administration. These results strongly suggested that the stimulation of growth and immunity following oral and intraperitoneal administration was due to a specific action of rElGH and that recombinant GH is safe for fish consumption.  相似文献   

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