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科研队伍中的弱势群体一般包括这样一部分人:年龄偏大、学历较低、体弱多病、职务较低,而在科技体制改革和实行的课题制中处于相对不利的位置.与一般科技工作者相比,这些人抵御风险的能力较弱,缺乏表达自己意愿的机会(有时提了建议和意见也很少被采纳),利益经常被忽视,陷入困境.基层科研单位往往比较关注单位效益、课题进展,把工作重点放在争取研究任务、科研产业化、成果转化,引进优秀人才等方面,但对于上述科研群体,给予的关注和爱护不够,使这些弱势群体更加困难,这些情况应该引起科技管理部门和政策制定人员的高度重视,以便于化不利因素为有利因素,促进科技事业和整体工作的开展.  相似文献   

<正>借着冬闲,笔者在乡村走访,与一些乡镇农资经营者谈及农资如何更好地为村民发家致富助力时,他们深感压力很大,仅靠自身力量在很多方面还做得不够,迫切希望得到有政府关部门在信息、技术、品种、营销等方面给予一定的帮助和指导,使他们能尽快掌握市场新动向,学到农资知识  相似文献   

<正>农药企业产品在不断地进行着更新换代、配方升级,其在与竞争产品、防治对象、市场因素等的互动博弈中,不断地相互协同进化着。协同进化是生物学上的一种概念,应用在企业产品系列中,其内容便包括产品与竞争产品、配套产品、防治对象、市场因素等之间的协同进化。  相似文献   

通过分析国外电子商务的发展历史和发展趋势,对比我国目前农业企业的电子商务发展状况,阐述我国农业企业发展电子商务协同平台的必要性和对上下游行业的关联性.  相似文献   

气象灾害是影响库车县农业生产的重要因素,近年来,当地各种农业气象灾害频繁发生,如风沙、春旱、霜冻、冰雹、洪灾、干热风等,对库车县农业发展造成非常严重的影响。因此,必须要针对农业气象服务需求,进一步提升农业气象服务水平,降低农业损失。为此,结合实践探讨分析了库车县农业气象服务现状,指出农业气象服务存在的主要问题,并就如何提升农业气象服务水平的策略进行论述,希望能为同行提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

农业减灾信息化技术平台构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了农业减灾信息化技术平台构建的方法.概述了技术平台的框架,分述了整合的基础数据库、知识库和模型库的内容;分析了信息采集、管理决策和信息通道三个模块间的链接方式;提出了从县级到农户技术传播的途径和方法;形成了从信息采集到技术人户的整体系统.  相似文献   

着重阐述适宜灌云县种植的稻麦两熟搭配品种、种植方式和耕作栽培技术,为大面积推广应用提供技术指导。  相似文献   

2017年中央一号文件提出将推进农村电商作为供给侧结构改革的重要环节来抓,最终实现农业增效、农民增收、农村增绿。发展农产品电子商务,不仅有利于加速农产品供求信息流通、解决产品滞销问题,也有利于缩短产业链、降低流通成本,提高农民收入,健全农产品市场价格机制。棉花是我国大宗农产品之一,石河子垦区的棉花在新疆乃至全国都占有举足轻重的地位,并发挥着先进示范带头作用。在石河子垦区进行棉花电子商务平台的构建,不仅能促进自身的产业发展,也可以带动整个新疆棉花产业的整合优化,为新疆农业的发展带来新契机。  相似文献   

构建专业镇技术创新平台这个重要载体,对解决专业镇产业共性技术难题,提高中小企业自主创新能力,促进产业结构优化升级和产业集聚,最终实现专业镇经济可持续发展,具有重要的现实意义。本文在分析专业镇技术创新平台概念、平台结构及内在关系的基础上,对专业镇技术创新平台的构建机理进行深入分析,重点提出非零和合作博弈;优势互补,创造协同效应;资源共享,风险分担;合作创新,节约交易成本等构建机理,为专业镇技术创新平台的构建、运行机制的设计及保障措施的安排提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The present status and problem for collaborative design are analyzed. A communication system structure based CORBA principle and the Java distributed programming technology is developed. The capability of CORBA and Java supplying is compensated each other in this structure system. The integration of CORBA and Java is proved to be a more effective designing platform for distributed collaborative design in the area developing WWW-based applications. Highly efficient safe communication is realized for collaborative design.  相似文献   

构建农业OA资源平台对于促进农业信息传播、提高农民科技文化水平具有重要的现实意义。本研究对现有的农业OA资源进行了梳理,分析了农业OA资源整合与集成的研究进展,提出了依托农业院校图书馆构建农业OA资源平台的设想,并阐述了构建的关键技术与基本流程。  相似文献   

The collaborative levels in modem web - based product development processes are diversed in a large degree. However, current researches are lack of systematic approaches to analyze the appropriate level of the collaboration. Aiming at the problem, the collaborative levels and effecting factors are studied in the paper. First, a primary framework of the effecting factors analysis is proposed, which defines the input, output, and components of the effeeting factors analysis. Next, a collaboration hierarchy model is set up, which is constituted by message level, data level and application level. Based on the model, the effecting factors of collaboration levels are analyzed systematically from technology, organization and business aspects. Detailed indices are abstracted from these aspects and an evaluation factors set is formed systematiclly. According to the framework, hierarchy model, and the factors set, a methodology for factors evaluation and analysis is developed, which contains analytical hierarchy process, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and gap analysis method. The methodology has characteristics of quantitive analysis, easy to oprerate, and optimization support capability. A case study is provided to illustrate the analysis process based on the application of the methodology in a collaborative product development project of a furniture enterprise. The case study shows that the methodology can help enterprises to determine the collaboration level effectively, and can also find out the critical factors which impact the collaboration on a large extend. As a result, the develop process, working efficiency and the outcome of the collaborative project can be highly improved.  相似文献   

According to the instant demand coming from the collaborative product development of small and medium manufacturing enterprises, this paper brings out a kind of a collaborative product development service-on-demand mode based on web-service, and a framework for this service-on-demand mode are also given. According to these, this research sets up a web based collaborative product development service platform, analyzes the function structure, service flow and the main implement techniques. The service pattern and the platform have already applied to collaborative product development in small and medium manufacturing enterprises and have helped to increase technique innovation, reduce the total time and cost in development process.  相似文献   

A distributed Client/Multi-Server system is developed, in which the multi-server system controlled the collaborative clients by the mechanism of collision arbitration. This is made to avoid collaborative clients to become completely dependent on the single server and to improve the stabilization and reliability of the server system. A mathematic model of multi-server system based on queuing theory is presented. The solution of mathematic model is analyzed, which includes the average utilization frequency of servers, the length of queuing and waiting time. The theory system, which is intuitionistie and convenient, is redounded to reflecting the dynamic data change of the system, reasonably organizing the system and optimizing the design methodology of the multi-server system.  相似文献   

The dynamic data exchange is the key to the realization of the collaborative design based on Internet. The features of data for collaborative design based on Internet are analyzed. The data transformation, the data transmission and the data transaction of collaborative design based on Internet are researched. The system configuration and organization mode of dynamic data exchange for collaborative design Internet-based are developed, in which, STEP serves as the product data exchange standard, and ORACLE is the kernel database of the system, so that each of the CAD systems can synchronously access the ORACLE database, share and exchange the design information. The STEP-ORACLE serves as the organizing mode of dynamic data exchange for the collaborative design based on Internet, which realizes the real-time exchange and consistency of the dynamic data between the different platforms and CAD systems.  相似文献   

It is hard to realize the Realtime Collaborative Design due to the limitation of network bandwidth and some other reasons over Internet. A Realtime Collaborative Design System is constructed with complete distribution construction and concentrated distribution construction. Based on the research of outcome of the research group, the dynamic data format is modified and optimized, it reduces the load of network in collaborative design to meet the requirement of realtime and enhances the capacity of rapid response and stability of the system.  相似文献   

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