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Cornell University and Zamorano (ThePanamerican School of Agriculture) facilitatedworkshops that provided Honduran and Nicaraguanfarmers new experience with plant diseases and helpedfarmers assimilate information and identify diseasemanagement alternatives. After learning about thebiology of plant diseases, farmers were able toidentify disease problems in their field, enablingthem to use pesticides more selectively. Furthermore,participants of seven courses conceived 273 pathogen-specificmanagement alternatives, and they identifiedon average 66 percent of the common recommendations by plantpathologists for the control of general disease types.Many ideas were novel and may represent newopportunities for improving the practice of diseasemanagement.  相似文献   

Upland Japan suffers from extreme depopulation, aging, and loss of agricultural, economic, and social viability. In addition, the absence of a successor generation in many marginalized hamlets endangers the continuation of local knowledge associated with upland agricultural livelihoods and severely limits the prospects of rural revitalization and development. Resettlement by incomer organic farmers represents an opportunity to both pass on valuable local knowledge and rejuvenate local society. Survey and interview data are used to explore the knowledge dynamics at play in upland Japan between local and incomer organic farmers. Using a “knowledge culture” framework, socio-cultural and symbolic barriers and spatial conditions limiting local knowledge exchange are identified and analyzed. Despite a number of reasons to suggest affinity and natural alignment toward knowledge sharing, each group’s ideas of “legitimate knowledge” and acceptable behavior have contested the field of communication and confused the negotiation process. Building on previous studies of farmer’s knowledge networks, examples in this study suggest that negotiation between knowledge cultures can be facilitated by both active means and intrinsic factors, and be derailed because of physical and temporal symbolic references. The degree to which locals and incomers collaborate and identify with each other as stakeholders with a common future may determine the extent to which local knowledge, especially local knowledge from past agricultural regimes, can play a role within upland endogenous development.  相似文献   

为制定适合农户需求的绿色防控技术推广政策,利用微观调查数据,运用Binary Logistic模型,分析影响农户绿色防控技术采纳意愿的关键因素。结果表明:1)76.15%农户对绿色防控技术具有采纳意愿;2)性别、受教育程度、绿色防控技术感知易用性、绿色防控技术感知有用性、邻居的影响、生态环境关注程度是影响农户绿色防控技术采纳意愿的关键因素。据此提出顺利推广绿色防控技术的对策建议:加强适用性较强的绿色防控技术和产品的研发工作,加大对农村带头人的培训,发挥新技术采用示范户的辐射带动作用。  相似文献   

阐述了农民素质的基本概念和内涵,分析了山东省农民素质的现状,提出了提高农民素质、培养新型农民的对策措施。  相似文献   

Various structural factors influenceorganic farmer decision-making. Analyses that combinestructure and agency provide an opportunity forunderstanding farmers' perceptions of the political,economic, and social ``world' in which they operate.Rich conversational interviews, conducted with twentycertified organic farmers in Illinois and analyzedwith multiple qualitative methods, show how farmersmediate structural concerns. In addition to political,economic, and social structures, a fourth structure isneeded. Indeed these organic farmers emphasize theimportance of ecological factors in theirdecision-making. Within the perceived economic,political, social, and ecological structures, numeroustopics (i.e., marketing, policy, family, ecosystems)and subtopics (i.e., diversification, farm programs,traditions, soils) exist. Farmers' quotations providedetailed information of how they view and mediatestructures in their daily on-farm decision-making.  相似文献   

气候因子对不同栽培模式下番茄生长发育的影响及比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了广东省农科院白云基地春季温室、大棚、田间3种栽培模式下,番茄的生长发育随气候因子的不同变化,其中主要研究了温度、湿度和总辐射3种气候因子的影响。结果表明,温室番茄的株高显著高于大棚和田间栽培,茎粗无显著差异;始花期,温室开花略早于大棚和田间,盛花期和终花期,大棚略高;温室坐果时间略早于大棚和田间,且数量较多。温度和湿度对番茄各项生长发育指标的影响较大,而总辐射对其影响并不明显。  相似文献   

当前农民科技需求分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前农民的科技需求主要集中在畜牧和果树栽培上,这与陕西省农业经济结构的调整方向一致,同时具有区域性和盲目性。要加大农民科技服务的组织性,通过村、乡、县对农民需求的进一步掌握和指导推动农业科技的推广,使农业科技在当前农村中发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades the growth of the organic sector has been accompanied by a shift away from first party, or peer review, systems of certification and towards third party certification, in which a disinterested party is responsible for the development of organic standards and the verification of producer compliance. This paper explores some of the limitations of the third party certification model and presents the case of Mexico as an example of how an alternative form of participatory certification has emerged. The paper suggests that participatory guarantee systems (PGS) are reflective of the growing “beyond organic” movement, which focuses on reconstructing the local and re-embedding food systems into their socio-ecological contexts. It argues that PGS offers a number of benefits for producers and consumers, particularly in the South, but that it faces a number of challenges as well, such as a lack of formal recognition, social conflicts and dependence on donated resources.  相似文献   

搜集整理了广西近65年来主产蔗区的40多个县种植的55个甘蔗品种的有关资料,包括各品种历年的种植情况、特征特性。生产性能、生理生化特性、从原种开始的系谱图以及栽培要点等,建立了一套甘蔗栽培品种资料档案的电脑应用软件,为甘蔗的科研、生产管理提供了有用的工具。  相似文献   

以解决技术供求矛盾为前提.把政府各级部门、科研机构、竹农、竹加工企业之间存在一种"断层"关系"接续"起来,提出了"接续"方法,即竹农参与技术创新模式的实施和运用.在本文中,提出了竹农参与技术创新模式的基本要求、参与效果的指标、参与模式的基本思路、基本运行机制和主要特色.  相似文献   

马英玲 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(27):16610-16611,16663
从白裙赭夜蛾的分布状况、对速丰桉的潜在危害性、寄主植物的经济重要性、传播扩散的可能性以及控制的难易程度等方面对该害虫的发生和危害进行定性和定量分析,并作出综合评价。结果表明,白裙赭夜蛾在广西是危害速丰桉的高度危险有害生物,建议加强速丰桉林区的虫情监测,防止人为传播。并提出了白裙赭夜蛾的综合治理措施。  相似文献   

通过对句容市戴庄村有机农业合作社的调查,表明农民经济合作组织的出现既与地域性经济状况、科技文化背景、产业和市场刺激、农村"能人"带动下农民自发组织的特点有关, 同时与专家学者和村支两委的指导和支持分不开.建立农村经济合作社,目的不仅仅在于提高农民的合作化程度,更重要的是内生出农民自己主导市场的力量.有了合作社这样一个平台,可以把缺资金、缺技术、缺劳力、缺经营管理能力的大多数农民组织起来,切切实实地增加他们的收入,实现真正意义上的共同致富和建设和谐新农村.  相似文献   

Pain E 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2005,310(5747):520-521
Many of the young scientists in Spain who were given Ramón y Cajal contracts as a means to prepare for a permanent position are hitting the end of their 5-year contracts with no solid job prospects, but just 2 years into her Ramón y Cajal contract Rebeca de Nalda Minguez has already started a permanent position at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.  相似文献   

为进一步做好被征地农民养老保障对象的审核工作,结合审核工作实践,分析农村土地承包经营权存在的问题,并对如何审核确认被征地农民养老保障对象的土地承包经营权提出解决的办法.  相似文献   

扬州地区水稻二化螟对杀虫单的抗药性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用毛细管点滴法监测江苏扬州(1985~2001)和兴化(1985~1994)水稻二化螟虫群对杀虫单的抗药性。结果表明:1994前,两地虫群对杀虫单的抗性水平相似,抗性倍数在10左右,且年度间变化较小;扬州虫群的抗药性2001年是1985年的5.6倍;二化螟对杀虫单的敏感性变化,与敌百虫、甲胺磷和对硫磷相同。1985~1996年的13年间,用杀虫单主治二化螟,年仅用药1次,二化螟对杀虫单的敏感性相对稳定;1996年以后,年用杀虫单增至3~5次,因选择压增加.二化螟的抗药性迅速上升。  相似文献   

中草药添加剂对生长育肥猪生长性能的影响研究   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:28  
 选用20 kg左右的“杜长大”三元杂交猪160头,分成对照组、中药组、中药+西药组、西药组4组,每组4个重复。分20~30 kg,30~70 kg,70~110 kg三个阶段的饲养试验,并统计分析全程饲养试验结果。结果表明:添加中草药添加剂,能明显改善生长育肥猪的生长性能和饲料利用效率,在20~30 kg,30~70 kg,70~110 kg以及全程(20~110 kg)饲养试验中,日增重分别比对照组提高9.28%(P<0.05),1.70%( P>0.05),13.69%(P<0.05)和7.44%(P<0.05);料重比分别比对照组降低了4.44%( P>0.05),9.77%(P<0.05),11.63%(P<0.05)和13.65%(P<0.05),并能有效防止20~30 kg仔猪发生腹泻。结果还显示,添加提取的中草药有效成分,对生长育肥猪的促生长效果,与添加抗生素和(或)化学合成药物的相当,经济效益明显。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper has been to focus on two aspects of development—agricultural production in the small central African country of Rwanda, and the role of 1890 Land-Grant institutions in international development. While a discussion of female farmers in the Ruhengeri Prefecture of Rwanda represents the primary focus of this paper, the second focus is the means by which this and other such research is possible. The findings from the Rwandan study are in keeping with those found in other African countries, in that a struggle exists to produce sufficient quantities of food to sustain an ever increasing population. For Rwanda, constraints to production include not only severe over-population, but environmental conditions and gender bias as well. In arriving at potential solutions to these problems, this paper takes the position that one viable means of addressing the problem is to focus development efforts on the female farmer. Traditional thinking and behavior have excluded women from the planning and implementation of development activities, focussing instead on often less productive males. However, a survey of female farmers (N=192) in the Ruhengeri region of Rwanda, provides insight into the plight of agriculture from the female perspective. As a result, recommendations are offered for improving agricultural production that aim at better utilizing existing high levels of labor contributed by the female farmer. Recommendations include 1) encouraging families to limit the size of their family through family planning, 2) implementing soil erosion techniques that consider conditions specific to Rwanda, and feasible for female application, and 3) directing assistance to women away from household related activities to those related to farming.  相似文献   

从践行“三个代表”重要思想的高度,认识搞好“三农”现代化建设的重要性。提出了发展农业生产力、搞好农村文化建设、维护广大农民利益的基本措施。  相似文献   

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