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石家庄市园林绿化树种的选择与配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对石家庄市园林绿化树种的选择和配置进行了阐述,认为树种的选择和配置应以乡土树种、速生树种、乔木树种为主,同时注重选择环保型、彩叶型、果树型树种,并加强野生树种、引进树种的研究和开发力度,加强苗圃建设和苗木培育工作。  相似文献   

Armillaria spp. are some of the most important forest pathogens in mixed hardwood forests of southern New England, yet their role as prominent disturbance agents is still not fully appreciated. We investigated the distribution of Armillaria species across eight separate stands of northern hardwood and mixed oak forests in western Massachusetts. We were specifically interested in the Armillaria species distribution from live, symptomatic hosts and not in determining overall incidence in the forest. From 32 plots (16 within each forest type), 320 isolates were collected. Armillaria was routinely encountered causing disease of live trees. In total, 89% (286/320) of all isolations came from live hosts exhibiting symptoms of root and butt rot. Overall, A. gallica was the dominant species in each forest type, making up 88/160 (55%) isolates from northern hardwood and 153/160 (96%) of all isolations from mixed oak stands. However, northern hardwood forests showed much greater species diversity, as A. calvescens, A. gemina, A. ostoyae, and A. sinapina were all found. At one site, a northern hardwood forest surrounding a high elevation spruce-fir forest, A. ostoyae was the most abundant species encountered. All five Armillaria species were found causing disease of live hosts, including A. gemina, a species considered by some as weakly virulent. Armillaria gallica was found on 22/23 tree species’ sampled, and was found most often causing butt rot.  相似文献   

紫色岩半裸露地区植物选择及配置模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过现场调查和样方调查法,分别调查衡阳市紫色岩半裸露地区的地形、地貌、气候、母岩、土壤等因子以及不同立地条件下的植物搭配、植被种类、植被覆盖度、生长状况,并采用对比研究法,进行品种及其模式的配置试验,评价不同植物品种适应性与不同搭配模式植物种群的适应性及保水、保土能力,最终筛选出不同立地条件下适宜的植物与植物配置模式,为紫色岩地区造林提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在园林设计中,园林植物的配置不仅要体现其美观性、生态性和科学性,还要包含一定的艺术性,即体现园林文化。笔者通过对郧西相思园景观设计方案中园林植物配置进行分析,从植物选择、种植类型和艺术手法以及表现的文化内涵等角度探讨了植物配置在景观设计中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of skidder traffic intensity, soil disturbance intensity, and canopy removal intensity on the richness, diversity, composition, and cover of the entire ground flora (woody and herbaceous vegetation ≤2 m tall), various individual life forms, invasive/noxious species, and species with different requirements with respect to moisture, nutrients, heat, and light (synecological coordinates) in a mesic northern hardwood stand 6 years after a clearcut-with-reserves regeneration harvest removed 50–100% of the canopy. Skidder traffic was restricted to a network of trails and a global positioning system (GPS) tracked skidder movement to quantify the number of passes at pre-established sampling points along the anticipated soil disturbance gradient on and off skid trails. Soil disturbance intensity within the top 15 cm of soil was quantified by relativized resistance to penetration (RRP) compared to untrafficked plots; post-harvest increases in RRP ranged from 81 to 272%. Regression analysis and ordination revealed a pattern of increasing difference from pre-disturbance composition with increasing skidder traffic (i.e., forest floor disturbance), with increased RRP (i.e., soil compaction) and (less so) canopy removal intensity. The ground flora shifted from interior forest species such as Anemone quiquefolia, Aralia nudicaulis, Clintonia borealis, Maianthemum canadense, and Oryzopsis asperifolia to more ruderal, invasive/noxious, and disturbed-forest species such as Aster lateriflorus, Cirsium spp., Phleum pretense, Rubus idaeus, and Trifolium spp. The relative resistance of the initial ground flora to change (inverse of the distances between pre- and post-harvest samples in ordination space) was nonlinearly related to skidder traffic intensity and linearly related to RRP, indicating that the largest compositional changes occurred with the first few passes of the skidder. Mean plot scores for the synecological coordinates revealed that the post-harvest species were on average less demanding of water and nutrients; the opposite was true for light. Plots exposed to less skidder traffic and RRP had higher herb cover and higher nutrient scores; those with more skidder traffic and higher RRP levels had higher shrub cover and higher light scores. We conclude that protection of the ground flora from forest floor and soil disturbance requires careful planning of skid trail networks. Concentrating skidder traffic to a designated skid trail system can result in less area disturbed and spatially connected networks of larger, untrafficked remnant forest patches that may maintain species that are sensitive to forest floor and soil disturbance.  相似文献   

日本园林的特点及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要概述了日本园林的历史、特点及对现代园林的影响,并就我国目前城市园林建设中值得借鉴之处提出建议。  相似文献   

福州市垂直绿化植物的选择与配置研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
丘进渊 《福建林业科技》2007,34(1):228-230,239
通过对福州市垂直绿化植物的调查,从城市垂直绿化的应用范围和垂直绿化植物的种类出发,阐述了福州市垂直绿化现状,研讨了福州市垂直绿化植物的选择与合理配置,并提出垂直绿化新技术,从而为福州市今后的绿化提供科学依据。  相似文献   

广州市绿化树种选择与配置的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据广州市自然地理状况及目前绿化树种选择与配置上存在的问题,提出了广州市树种选择、配置的原则,探讨了树种选择、配置的思路。重点阐述了城区绿化,其中包括城区街道,公共绿地、单位附属绿地、居住区、工业区绿化和城郊绿化,其中包括道路防护林带、林区绿化的思路。  相似文献   

我国桃花文化及其植物景观配置分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
桃花在我国栽培历史悠久,具有浓厚的传统花文化。作者浅析了我国传统的桃花文化的内涵及其对植物造景的启示,探讨了桃花专类园、桃花与其他园林要素的植物景观配置方式,以期为今后设计以桃花为主题的植物景观提供一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

对扬州地区多肉植物的种类以及组盆配置现状进行了调查统计和分析,结果表明:目前扬州地区多肉植物种类共111种,种类比较丰富但株型分布不均衡;多肉组盆技术水平总体较低,科学美观的组盆配置仅占20%左右,搭配不合习性、缺乏对比、布局不合理、无焦点无主次等现象比较普遍。针对这些问题,指出了新品种开发培育的方向,并就组盆配置技术,提出了5大要点。  相似文献   

浅谈城市屋顶绿化的植物配置与设计   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
叶瑞兴 《福建林业科技》2007,34(1):220-223,234
随着城市园林绿化的发展,造景植物作为园林绿化的主体在城市绿化中得到广泛应用。根据屋顶绿化的特点,着重阐述造景植物的配置形式和屋面设计施工中应解决的几方面特殊技术问题,为更好建设屋顶花园,提高城市的绿化覆盖率,改善城市生态环境提供参考。  相似文献   

对我国林业利用日本政府贷款的基本情况进行了回顾和总结,分析了利用日本政府贷款在促进我国林业发展中的作用及成效,并针对存在的问题提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Zephyr strand board (ZSB) and zephyr strand lumber (ZSL) were produced using zephyr made from poplar veneer to investigate the greater utilization of low-density poplar as a structural material. These materials were then compared to ordinary plywood, laminated veneer lumber (LVL) from poplar veneer, lauan plywood, and particleboard. The bending properties (moduli of rupture and elasticity) of ZSB proved superior to those of poplar plywood: and ZSL produced from poplar veneer zephyr had bending properties greater than ordinary LVL from poplar veneer. Apparently, the conversion of the poplar veneer into zephyr material had a positive effect on bending properties. Additionally, poplar ZSB had bending properties superior to those of lauan particleboard and equal to those of lauan plywood. The internal bond strength of poplar veneer ZSB was nearly two times greater than that of lauan particleboard.Parts of this report were presented at the international symposium on the utilization of fast-growing trees, Nanjing, China, October 1994. Report IV appeared inMokuzai Kogyo 49:599, 1994  相似文献   

In this study, shear stiffness properties of 10 different hardwood species and their relation to the corresponding species-specific microstructure are investigated. For this purpose, shear stiffness of 10 different hardwood species is experimentally measured by means of ultrasonic testing. In addition, a micromechanical model for hardwood is applied in order to illustrate the influence of certain microstructural characteristics such as mass density and volume fractions of vessels and ray cells on the shear stiffness. Comprehensive microstructural and mechanical data from previous investigations of the same hardwood material support the interpretation of the microstructure–shear stiffness relationships. Mass density was confirmed to be the dominant microstructural characteristic for shear stiffness. Also, ultrasound shear wave propagation velocity increases with density, particularly in the radial-tangential (RT) plane. In addition to density, comparably higher shear stiffness GLR can be explained by comparably higher ray content and lower vessel content. As for GLT, a ring porous structure seems to lead to higher shear stiffness as compared to a diffuse porous structure. For this shear stiffness, vessel and ray content were found to have a less impact. Also, the rolling shear stiffness GRT was found to be higher for a diffuse porous structure than for a ring porous one. Moreover, the data supports that ray cells act as reinforcements in the RT plane and lead to higher GRT.  相似文献   

Two embryogenic cell lines characterized by different morphology and color, white and red, were obtained from an immature zygotic embryo of Japanese larch (Larix leptolepis Gord.). Mature somatic embryos with cotyledons and regenerated plants were obtained from both cell lines. However optimal concentration of abscisic acid (ABA) for maturation varied depending on morphology of ECs. From the white ECs which intermingled with somatic embryos of very early stage, mature somatic embryos were induced on maturation medium containing 50 μM of ABA. On the other hand, mature somatic embryos with cotyledons were observed from the red ECs which consisted of somatic embryos of more developed stage on hormone-free medium or 0.1 μM ABA containing-medium.  相似文献   

Seen worldwide, many restrictive policies on timber harvests or log exports have been enforced in the major timber-exporting countries in the last two and half decades. This study aims to assess the impacts of the log export restrictions in the Southeast Asian countries on the Japanese plywood market, whose supply mainly comes from Southeast Asia and the domestic plywood industries. Both plywood industries process tropical raw logs. This econometric analysis reveals the followings; the log export restriction of Indonesia, along with its policy to promote the plywood industry, increased plywood exports to Japan, leaving the amount of log supply rather unchanged. Sabah’s log export restriction and Sarawak’s log export cutback policies decreased the amount of log exports from Southeast Asia to Japan significantly. Furthermore, the producer surplus of Southeast Asian plywood industries increased notably after the log export restriction of Indonesia. The consumer surplus in the Japanese plywood market increased accordingly. On the other hand, the producer surplus of the Japanese plywood industry decreased significantly as a result of Sabah’s log export restriction and Sarawak’s log cutback policies. Consequently, these log export restrictions led to large profits for the plywood industries of Southeast Asia, and that, enforced costs were levied on Japanese plywood industry. This study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for International Scientific Research (No. 08041048) from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture of Japan.  相似文献   

The sawmill industry is a very important link in the Mozambique forest products value chain, but the industry is characterized by undeveloped processing technology and high-volume export of almost unrefined logs. The low volume yield of sawn timber has been identified as a critical gap in the technological development of the industry. To improve the profitability of the industry, there is thus a need to develop methods and techniques that improve the yield. In this paper, different positioning of logs prior to sawing and the possibility of increasing the volume yield of crooked logs by bucking the logs before sawing have been studied. A computer simulation was used to study the cant-sawing and through-and-through sawing of the logs to determine the volume yield of sawn timber from the jambirre (Millettia stuhlmannii Taub.) and umbila (Pterocarpus angolensis DC.) species. The optimal position, i.e. the position of the log before sawing that gives the highest volume yield of sawn timber for a given sawing pattern when the positioning parameters, offset, skew and rotation, are considered gave a considerable higher volume yield than the horns-down position. By bucking very crooked logs and using the horns-down positioning before sawing, the volume yield can be of the same magnitude as that obtained by optimal positioning on full-length (un-bucked) logs. The bucking reduces the crook of the logs and hence increases the volume yield of sawn timber.  相似文献   

There is an increasing need to restore natural hardwood forests in landscapes dominated by monocultural conifer plantations. A convenient restoration approach is to exploit natural regeneration processes. Natural regeneration, however, is affected by diverse interacting factors, for which better understanding is required, in order to optimize restoration programs. To identify optimal management practices for improving natural regeneration of hardwood trees in coniferous plantations, we examined the effects of multiple factors on the abundance of seedlings, small saplings and large saplings (height <0.3, 0.3-1.3 and ?1.3 m, respectively) of hardwood tree and shrub species in both line thinned (LT) and unthinned (UT) plantations of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) and hardwood forests (HF) in central Japan. The effects of management practices (number of the times of weeding and cleaning, thinning method, years after thinning and forest age), environment (slope position, slope angle and canopy openness), and landscape conditions (distance from nearest hardwood forest, altitude and landuse before planting) on the number of hardwood individuals were examined by using the data obtained from the LT plantations. We also compared hardwood density between LT and UT plantations to examine the effect of line thinning. Finally, we examined species composition of LT plantations and HF to identify hardwood forest components in the thinned plantations. The effects on hardwood regeneration of environmental conditions, landscape factors and management practices applied in the plantations varied, depending on the size class and life form of the regenerating species. The abundance of large saplings of tall tree species was affected by several management factors, especially number of the times of weeding. Landscape conditions (distance from the nearest hardwood forest and altitude) affected the abundance of small saplings and seedlings of tall tree species, but not the other classes. Seedlings and small saplings of many tall tree species that contribute to hardwood forest canopies were less abundant in the LT plantations. The results show that numerous factors affect the establishment and abundance of naturally regenerating hardwood tree species, and suggest that successful establishment during early plantation stages can have long-lasting effects on natural regeneration of tall tree species.  相似文献   

辽宁地区日本栗养分用量与分配研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为科学地指导栗树施肥,该文研究了嫁接6~8年生大峰和辽栗10号各器官的年生物量及其分配比例,测定了2个品种各器官的养分含量,计算单株所需养分用量及其相应施肥量。结果表明:嫁接6~8年生栗树的单株平均生物量为:10.64、19.97、29.75 kg,生物量年均递增率达76.59%,同立地、年龄,不同品种间生物量差异很大;在干枝、根、叶、果肉、刺苞、1年生枝、果壳、雄花中的分配依次降低。嫁接7~8年生栗树单株年间养分(N、P2O5、K2O、Ca、Mg)平均吸收量分别为175.87、34.55、68.21、170.88、31.13 g。盛果初期,栗树分配于生殖生长的养分量逐年加大,各器官中,N、P2O5用量最多的是叶片,K2O用量最多的是果肉;树体内各营养元素吸收量占总量的排序NCaKPMg。根据试验分析:每生产100 kg鲜栗果,树体需要施N 3.06 kg、P5O21.50 kg、K2O 1.48 kg,N:P5O2:K2O=2:1:1。这一指标可作为辽宁地区日本栗的科学施肥依据。  相似文献   


Seasonal behavior of vascular cambium and development of secondary xylem were studied in the 2-3-years-old branches of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Meliaceae) growing in moist deciduous (MDF), dry deciduous (DDF) and scrub land (SF) forests of Gujarat State. Development of xylem began with the sprouting of new leaves in January in both MDF and DDF. Xylem production culminated in July in MDF whereas it reached peak in April and July in DDF. Cambial cells ceased to divide with the maturation of leaves in November and October in MDF and DDF, respectively. Mature xylem and phloem derivatives surrounded the cambium in December in MDF and November in DDF. Radial growth in the branches of trees growing in SF was found continuous throughout the year with peak cambial activity in April, July and November. In all the three forests, maximal radial growth was encountered in July when the rains were heavy. Cambial activity and xylem development showed significant correlation with the phenology of the trees in MDF and DDF whereas cambium was found active throughout the year and no correlation was found between the cambial activity and phenology in SF.  相似文献   

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