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根据有限单元法建立了波浪作用下双层网底网箱的受力运动模型,通过数值计算求解双层网底的位移与倾角。先将上层网底与下层网底的计算值进行比较,然后,将双层网底网箱中下层网底与单层网底网箱开展对比分析。计算结果显示,在波浪周期内,双层网底网箱的2层网底能保持相对平行的状态。2层网底的位移与最大倾角随着波高与周期的增大而增加,并且2层网底的倾斜方向一致。在相同波浪条件作用下,下层网底的水平位移大于上层网底,二者垂直位移差异较小,下层网底最大倾角值大于上层网底。研究发现,当波高为15 cm、周期为1.4 s时,双层网底网箱的2层网底的倾角相差最大,但并未发生接触碰撞,网底可以保持相对稳定。此外,双层网底网箱的下层网底的最大位移值小于单层网底网箱,最大倾角值大于单层网底网箱。研究表明,当波浪一定时,双层网底网箱的最大锚绳力均大于单层网底网箱。 相似文献
一种联排升降式鲆鲽鱼类网箱系统的构建与研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据鲆鲽鱼类特别适宜于在浅海沙质海床上底栖的生活习性,研制了一种HDPE联排升降式鲆鲽鱼类专用养殖网箱,其特点是既能沉入水底为鲆鲽鱼类营造一种近于海底的生态环境,又能抵御强风暴袭击和躲避赤潮灾害,并且升降操作简便,可多个箱体联排升降.经在海上实物网箱的重复升降试验,结果表明,联排升降式试验网箱的平均沉降时间为11.67 min,平均上浮时间为11.83 min,显示出了稳定快捷可靠的升降性能,是一种适合鲆鲽鱼类养殖的新型网箱. 相似文献
分析了全球鲆鲽类的生产特征,认为过去20年资源量和捕捞量相对稳定,为满足日益增长的市场需求,发展鲆鲽类养殖是大势所趋。重点研究了全球鲆鲽类的国际贸易状况,结果表明:鲆鲽类的流通和贸易主要是欧盟的区域内贸易和美加贸易,美国、加拿大和欧盟是鲆鲽类主要的进出口市场;亚洲是鲆鲽类重要的进口市场,中国和日本分别居第一位和第二位;鲆鲽类的净出口国有冰岛和印度尼西亚,净进口国有日本和意大利,而鲆鲽类产业内贸易活跃的国家有加拿大、德国和法国。在上述分析的基础上,结合我国鲆鲽类的国际贸易状况,从生产管理和市场营销两个方面对我国鲆鲽类养殖产业的发展提出了建议。 相似文献
波浪作用下一种鲆鲽类方形网箱水动力特性数值模拟研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对鲆鲽类方形重力式网箱在纯波浪条件下的水动力特性,采用数值模拟的方法对鲆鲽类方形深水重力式网箱的主要部件——浮架系统、配重系统、锚碇系统进行了模拟。将模拟结果与实验结果进行分析比较表明,数模与物模各量值吻合良好,平均相对误差均不超过9%,表明数值模拟的方法能较好地模拟鲆鲽类方形深水重力式网箱的水动力特性。在此基础上,用数值模拟的方法,进一步研究了底框质量和网衣高度的改变对网箱各参数的影响,模拟结果显示,底框质量改变主要影响锚绳受力和底框倾角,底框质量从80 g升至100 g再升至140 g的过程中,锚绳受力平均增幅分别为13%和19%,同时增大底框质量有助于减小底框运动倾角,其平均降幅分别为8.8%和9.3%;网衣高度由20 cm增至30 cm后,锚绳受力平均增加15%,同时网衣的增高导致对浮架和底框的牵制作用加大,使得浮架和底框的运动幅度有所减小,降幅不超过10%。在以上研究结果的基础上,为鲆鲽类网箱的设计与优化提供了参考建议。 相似文献
分析了不同规格鲆鲽类的生化组成并进行了营养价值研究和安全性评价。结果表明,不同规格的鲆鲽类鱼肉氨基酸都符合FAO/WHO公布的氨基酸理想模式:EAA/TAA含量在40%左右、EAA/NEAA在60%以上,重金属含量都符合国内外相关标准,所以鲆鲽类蛋白质都属于理想安全的优质蛋白质。不同规格鲆鲽类的FAA/TAA的比例都相近,而1~2kg的鲆鲽类的必需氨基酸、非必需氨基酸、鲜味氨基酸含量普遍高于0.5kg的大菱鲆。 相似文献
利用数码技术测定鲆鲽类体表面积的方法 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
提出一种快速、准确测定鲆鲽类体表面积的新方法,利用数码相机拍照获取带有标准坐标纸背景的鲆鲽类鱼体数码图像,采用图像处理软件Photosllop CS2和Adobe Acrobat Professional分别获得单位背景面积和鱼体图像的像素数,通过两者的比例计算出体表面积.30尾大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)体表面积的实测表明,与传统计数方格面积法的测量结果相比,Photoshop法相对误差为-4.40%~3.08%,Acrobat法相对误差为-1.83%~1.30%.统计分析显示,2种图像处理软件所测数据与传统方法测量值间差异都不显著,测量1尾大菱鲆体表面积,传统方法约耗时15 min,Plaotoshop和Acrobat法分别只需3 min和1.5 min.新方法可以迅速和准确地测定鲆鲽类体表面积,便于鲆鲽类养殖生产中对养殖密度进行有效管理. 相似文献
鲆鲽类产业技术需求调查与建议 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在回收的128份问卷中,辽宁29份,河北18份,天律7份,山东57份,江苏6份,福建11份.被调查单位数量分布与鲆鲽类主产区产量分布基本吻合,可反映出产业技术需求总体状况.从养殖单位性质看,被调查的128家养殖生产者中,16家为养殖企业,112家为个体养殖户.从养殖品种及其分布看,被调查养殖单位所养殖的鲆鲽类品种有大菱鲆、牙鲆、半滑舌鳎、星突江鲽、条斑星鲽、圆斑星鲽、漠斑牙鲆以及欧鳎.其中101户养殖了大菱鲆,32户养殖了牙鲆,31户养殖了半滑舌鳎,2户养殖了星突江鲽,6户养殖了条斑星鲽,5户养殖了圆斑星鲽,2户养殖了漠斑牙鲆,1户养殖了欧鳎. 相似文献
我国鲆鲽类循环水养殖系统的研制和运行现状 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
全封闭式海水循环养殖系统,是当前国际上先进养殖模式的代表,也是未来养殖产业发展的重要方向,备受世界关注。我国最早走上工厂化养殖道路的海水鱼类是鲆鲽类,现正由开放式向封闭式循环水养殖方向迈进,目前各项技术与工艺已经取得了长足进步。但是,根据对国内循环水系统装备的研制及其运行情况的跟踪调查,发现循环水处理的核心部分存在着稳定性、可靠性、经济性等问题急待研究解决。本文在分析循环系统主要配套装备和工艺参数的基础上,结合几家典型养殖企业的运行特点进行了分类剖析,针对现有装备和系统中发现的几个关键问题,提出了改进、提高的对策,可为今后鲆鲽类全循环养殖系统的升级、定型和走向国产化提供借鉴。 相似文献
HDPE圆形重力式网箱受力变形特性的数值模拟 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
该研究旨在综合探讨不同网箱周长、浮管管径、网衣高度及网目大小对整体网箱受力变形的影响,为网箱的科学合理选型提供数据参考。设定的网箱周长40—80m,浮管管径250~630mm,网衣高度6~20m,网目大小45~115mm。通过数值模拟方法对4种规格高密度聚乙烯圆形网箱在不同组合条件下网箱锚绳受力、波流力以及容积损失率进行了数值计算。结果表明,大规格网箱的锚绳受力、波流力更大,容积损失率更小,锚绳数量的增加可以大大降低锚绳受力。相比浮管管径,网衣高度和网目大小对网箱受力变形的影响更显著。整体网箱的受力变形随着网衣高度的增加而增大,随网目的增大而减小。 相似文献
波流作用下深水网箱受力及运动变形的数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
基于已建立的浮架和网衣数学模型,对不同波况和流速共同作用条件下HDPE深水网箱所受的锚绳力、波流力、容积损失率以及浮架倾角进行数值计算,设计的波流要素值为:波高H=4~6 m,周期T=6.0~8.6 s,流速U=0.3~0.9 m/s.结果表明,网箱锚绳受力、波流力和容积损失率均与波高和流速成正比,与周期的关系不明显,且网箱系统所受的波流力约为网箱迎浪侧两根锚绳受力的合力.在波高H=4~6 m、流速U=0.75 m/s时,网箱容积损失率达到47%~56%,网箱变形较为严重,为此建议网箱养殖区域应选择流速小于0.75 m/s的海区较为适宜.周期对网箱容积损失率的影响很小,对浮架倾角的影响较为明显,波高和流速不变时,随着周期的增大,浮架倾角会有所减小.本研究旨在探讨波浪流对深水网箱受力及运动变形的影响,为高海况网箱养殖的风险评估提供参考依据. 相似文献
The dynamic behavior of a fish cage collar in waves was investigated using a numerical model based on the finite element method. The floating collar and mooring system were divided into a series of line segments modeled by straight massless model segments with a node at each end. To verify the validity of the numerical model, research data from other authors were cited and compared with the simulated results, the comparison of results showed a good agreement. The numerical model was then applied to a dynamic simulation of a floating cage collar in waves to analyze its elastic deformation and mooring line tension. The simulated results indicated that the greatest deformation of the collar taken place in the position of the mooring line connection point when incident waves were in the same direction. An increase in the length of mooring line would help to decrease the mooring line tension of the collar. Furthermore, the effects of collar dimension, including collar circumference, pipe diameter in cross-section, and pipe thickness, on the dynamic behavior of the floating collar were discussed. The results of this study provided a better understanding of the dynamic behavior of the fish cage collar. 相似文献
对室内工厂化养殖的犬齿牙鲆生长特性进行了研究。结果表明,其生长旺盛期在2龄,日生长最快达5.52g/d,第1年平均为1.65g/d,第2年平均为2.34g/d,第3年平均为1.3g/d,第4年平均为0.75g/d。养殖1周年其平均体重可达600g左右,两周年达1500g;其全长和体重的关系为W=0.0076TL3.1785(R2=0.9765),全长与体高和标准体长的关系分别为TL=2.5685BD-0.6594(R2=0.9823),TL=1.1957SL-0.1724(R2=0.9922) 相似文献
Owing to heavy criticisms of nearshore fish farming for causing environmental pollution and encroaching on sea space used for shipping, boating, recreational sea activities and marine eco-tourism, offshore fish farming has now being seriously considered. Moreover an offshore site provides more pristine water and greater space for increased fish production. However, offshore fish farming poses challenges such as a more energetic sea environment. A higher sea current can lead to large deformation of fish net and hence a net volume reduction which compromises fish welfare. With the view to identifying the effects of various important parameters on net volume reduction of a gravity-type open-net fish cage, this paper adopts a mass-spring model for the dynamic analysis of current-induced net deformations of cylindrical fish nets with discrete weights hanging at the bottom edge of the nets. In this model, the net mesh comprises knot nodes and bar nodes connected by tension-only massless springs. The spring stiffness is determined from the net bar diameters and material properties. The current-induced loads are applied to each node and calculated based on Morrison’s equation. The governing equation system for nodal motions can be established according to Newton’s second law, and solved by using the Runge-Kutta method for the real-time net deformations. The effects of net string reinforcements, weight distributions and net shapes on the net volume reduction are studied with the view to shed insights into how one may improve fish cage designs to effectively mitigate net deformation under high sea current speeds in offshore fish farming sites. 相似文献
Se-Min Choi Xiaojie Wang Gun-Jun Park Sung-Ryul Lim Kang-Woong Kim Sungchul C Bai & In-Soo Shin 《Aquaculture Research》2004,35(4):410-418
Two experiments were conducted to determine the optimum dietary inclusion level of dehulled soybean meal (DHSM) as a fish meal (FM) replacement in diets for olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. All the experimental diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous and isoenergetic to contain 50% crude protein (CP) and 16.7 kJ energy g?1 diet. In the first experiment, eight diets were formulated to replace FM with DHSM at 0%, 10%, 20% without amino acid (AA) supplementation; 20%, 30%, 40% with AA supplementation and 30%, 40% with AA & attractant supplementation (DHSM0, DHSM10, DHSM20, DHSM20+AA, DHSM30+AA, DHSM30+AA+Att, DHSM40+AA, DHSM40+AA+Att respectively). Triplicate groups of 25 fish averaging 5.0±0.04 g (mean±SD) were fed one of eight experimental diets for 8 weeks. In the second experiment, six diets were formulated to replace FM with DHSM at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% without attractant supplementation and 20%, 30% with attractant supplementation (DHSM0, DHSM10, DHSM20, DHSM30, DHSM20+Att, DHSM30+Att respectively). Triplicate groups of 15 fish averaging 45.5±0.08 g (mean±SD) were fed one of six experimental diets for 10 weeks. Based on growth performance, we concluded that DHSM could replace FM up to 20% without AAs (lysine and methionine) and attractant supplementation, and up to 30% with AAs and/or attractant supplementation in diets for fingerling and growing olive flounder. 相似文献
Novel design and analysis procedures are needed for engineering of the offshore fish farms utilizing copper alloy netting. Existing technologies developed for fish cages with polymer nets are not directly transferrable to the fish cages with copper netting. In particular, the structural integrity of fish cage/mooring systems, and initial high costs of fish cages with copper netting are two major concerns in the engineering for open ocean aquaculture. We propose the modified engineering procedures, which address these concerns and allow for retrofitting of existing fish farming systems with polymer nets. These procedures are illustrated by considering two case studies: design of a rigid-frame and flexible gravity-type fish cages. Performance of both designs is analyzed after the field trials in the North Atlantic and South Pacific oceans, correspondingly. 相似文献