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杨赛军 《植物检疫》1993,7(6):449-449
同种材小蠹往往雌雄形态差异很大,甚至可能被误认为2个不同种。凹缘材小蠹 Xyleborus emarginatus Eichoff 是进口东南亚木材上经常被截获的种类,国内的资料仅有对其雌虫的描述,对雄虫尚无资料描述。笔者根据截获经焦国尧高级农艺师鉴定复核的凹缘材小蠹雄虫,描述其形态,并和雌虫作一对比。1 形态描述雄虫:体长3.0mm 左右,黑褐色,有  相似文献   

<正>2018年4月,原连云港口岸检验检疫工作人员对一批来自马来西亚进境的空集装箱进行现场查验时,发现小蠹虫成虫若干。虫样经原江苏检验检疫局植检实验室鉴定为检疫性有害生物——四行尖齿材小蠹(Cyclorhipidion quadricuspe (Schedl, 1942)),后经中国检科院确认四行尖齿材小蠹为全国口岸首次截获。四行尖齿材小蠹隶属于小蠹科(Scolytidae), Cyclorhipidion属,该虫体长约3.5 mm,长为宽的2.4倍,体型大而圆,体表呈均匀的暗棕色到黑色,鞘翅颜色较深,前胸背板和鞘翅没有明显的边缘或脊,背面观前胸背板呈盾形,末端呈直角,侧面观前1/2弓突上升,后1/2水平而倾斜,背顶部高而不突出,瘤  相似文献   

本文记述了中国和日本各口岸从东南亚木材上截获的6种截面材小蠹。描述了各种类的形态特征,并编制了相应的检索表,可为进口木材常见材小蠹的检疫鉴定提供参考。  相似文献   

于梅娥  张生芳 《植物检疫》2004,18(4):197-197
洛阳检验检疫局由来自美国的木包装内截获到四齿长小蠹Platypus quadridentatus Olivier.该虫体长4.0~4.3mm.暗红褐色,鞘翅后部近黑色.额区刻点浅而密,疏生长毛.雄虫每鞘翅的第3、5、7行间向后延伸成齿,位于鞘翅斜面之上,斜面的侧下缘有1侧扁的大型齿突,由第9行间发出;腹部第4腹板有1对粗壮的刺突,末端尖.区别于雄虫:雌虫前胸背板中部稍后有1对大孔;鞘翅斜面侧下缘无发达的齿状突.  相似文献   

通过调查雌成虫侵入孔在葡萄树上的分布,测定了光滑足距小蠹[Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford)]雌成虫侵入孔的空间分布型。空间分布型拟合检验、聚集度指标测定、Taylor幂法则和m*-m (Iwao) 回归分析结果均表明,光滑足距小蠹雌成虫侵入孔在葡萄地和葡萄树树体上均呈聚集分布,且都为负二项分布,分布的基本成分均为个体群,个体间相互吸引。雌成虫侵入孔主要分布在葡萄树0~60 cm高度的主干上。  相似文献   

1986年4月14日,天津塘沽所在“威娜斯”号轮所载的智利原木上截获到红毛林小蠹 Hylurgus ligniperda (Fabricius)。成虫体圆筒形,黄褐色,触角鞭节6节,锤状部4节;复眼长椭圆形,无凹陷;额面密被茸毛,而且额面的茸毛较头顶的茸毛粗大;额部正下方有一黑色大瘤。前胸背板长方形;基缘横直;两侧缘除前半部稍收缩外,基本平行;前缘弯弧状,中央不内凹;前胸背板只具  相似文献   

材小蠹属(非中国种)属于我国进境植物检疫性有害生物,随着对该属研究的不断深入,材小蠹属种类的分类地位出现较大变化.本文通过对文献的查阅,结合野外采集的标本,对中国材小蠹属种类进行系统整理,明确了9种材小蠹属昆虫在中国大陆有分布记录,首次记录了对粒材小蠹在广东的分布以及棋盘材小蠹在广东和广西的分布,提供部分种类的形态图并...  相似文献   

本文通过观察比较铃斑翅夜蛾Serrodes campana Guenée蛹及成虫雌雄个体之间外部形态差异, 总结出其蛹及成虫个体雌雄鉴别特征与区分方法, 结果表明:雌蛹腹部末端第8腹节有生殖孔和产卵孔连接形成的纵裂缝, 形成“人”字形, 裂缝两侧平坦无突起; 雄蛹第8腹节无裂缝, 第9腹节靠近第10腹节中央有1纵裂缝, 裂缝两侧各有1个半圆形瘤状突起。雌成虫前翅亚中褶内侧的黑斑外侧半圆形, 前翅基线至外线间与前胸背板同色, 腹部末端圆锥状; 雄成虫前翅亚中褶内侧的黑斑外侧直线形, 前翅基线至外线间浅黄色, 颜色较前胸背板浅, 腹部末端圆筒状。此方法简易有效, 能极大提升野外区分蛹和成虫性别的效率, 对研究其生殖生物学和后续提取性信息素意义重大。  相似文献   

凹额精灵小蠹(Hapalogenius atakorae (Schedl,1951))是近年来从进口非洲木材中经常截获到的一种外来害虫。本文通过碱解及解剖,观察了凹额精灵小蠹外部形态及雌、雄性生殖器和前胃板的解剖特征,发现其雄虫额部明显下陷成浅坑状,鞘翅斜面上行间1与行间2明显下陷成槽状,下陷区域内行2与行3鳞片毛消失或严重退化;雌虫额部平滑或隆起,鞘翅斜面上在行间1与行间2之间略有下凹,下凹区内行2与行3鳞片毛基本正常。本研究完善了凹额精灵小蠹的形态特征,为凹额精灵小蠹的口岸检疫鉴定提供了更详细和准确的资料。  相似文献   

吴江出入境检验检疫局在来自新加坡机器木质包装上截获橡胶材小蠹(又名伴随材小蠹).本文简介该虫的形态特征、寄主、生物学及分布,以对检疫提供借鉴.  相似文献   

利用田间剖解坑道和漏斗式诱捕器研究了葡萄树光滑足距小蠹的生活史和季节性飞行活动规律。结果表明,该小蠹在成都地区1年发生3~4代,具有局部世代现象,自11月始以雌成虫在主干基部的坑道中群集越冬。越冬雌成虫于第2年3月开始出孔飞行,全年雌成虫有2个飞行活动高峰,其中越冬代雌成虫的飞行活动为最高峰。  相似文献   

本文综述了暗翅足距小蠹(Xylosandrus crassiusculus(Motschulsky))的研究概况,并首次记述了其可危害桑(Morus alba L.),明确了该虫为小蠹亚科(Scolytinae)江西省新纪录种。文中重点介绍了该虫的分类地位,形态特征,地理分布,寄主植物,危害特点和生物学习性,并在文章讨论部分提出了相应的防治策略。  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The invasive ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus germanus Blandford (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), is a serious pest of hazelnut in Turkey, which is...  相似文献   

The factors influencing the entry and the spread of the black twig borer, Xylosandrus compactus (Eichhoff), in the Mediterranean environment have not yet been characterized. Following its first report in Sicily (southern Italy) in 2016, and due to the high level of damage it causes on one of its host plants (Ceratonia siliqua L.), the flight activity of the pest was studied there. Monitoring was performed from spring 2017 to summer 2018 by exposing red cross‐shaped sticky traps combined with ethanol‐baited bottle traps. The three monitored sites were selected at different altitudes, representing the southern Mediterranean environment where the carob tree is widely present. The results showed that the pest populations are influenced by climatic factors. In particular, the first adults were caught when the maximum daily temperatures were stably higher than 20°C over several continuous days. Xylosandrus compactus occurred widely in the monitored territory and was continuously caught from spring to autumn. Furthermore, the traps used proved to be effective for intercepting the spring flight of the overwintering females. Moreover, the ability of the beetle to spread from a new infested area was also studied. It seems that the pest can spread more than 8 km from the last infested site of the previous flying season. It was not present above altitudes of 400 m in the conditions of the present study. This study represents the first step to better understand the behaviour of X. compactus in a newly colonized environment.  相似文献   

In September 2016, a survey conducted in the Circeo National Park revealed an outbreak and serious damage caused by the black twig borer (Xylosandrus compactus) and its associated fungi in the Mediterranean maquis. Among the affected hosts, Quercus ilex, Viburnum tinus, Ruscus aculeatus, Pistacia lentiscus, Laurus nobilis and Ceratonia siliqua, showed flagging and wilting of branches and, in younger individuals, the death of the whole plant occurred. In total, 18 different fungal taxa were found associated with the insect. These included Ambrosiella xylebori, Geosmithia pallida, Fusarium spp., Epicoccum nigrum and Bionectria sp. This is the first report in Europe of X. compactus and associated ambrosia fungi in a natural environment.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Xylosandrus compactus is one of the significant beetle pests on perennial crops, which has become an increasing problem on cacao productivity and...  相似文献   

In the Circeo National Park (Italy), a survey assessed the occurrence of the ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus germanus in addition to the conspecifics X. compactus and X. crassiusculus. This is the first report in Europe of the co-presence of three Xylosandrus species, in an evergreen Mediterranean maquis dominated by holm oaks (Quercus ilex L.). Although no damage caused by X. germanus has been observed, the richness of plant species in the Circeo National Park may allow the establishment of this highly polyphagous ambrosia beetle, possibly endangering this native ecosystem. The dominance in the associated fungal community of Ambrosiella grosmanniae and Fusarium spp. reflects a stable symbiotic relationship of these taxa with X. germanus.  相似文献   

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