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高产、优质、高效农业,是今后我国农业生产发展的方向。本文对“三高”农业受时间、自然环境因素、社会经济条件、科技水平、生物类群、交通条件等综合因素制约,对“三高”的内涵及其定量指标以及实现“三高”农业措施,作了论述及浅析。  相似文献   

持续农业,替代农业,中国的生态农业   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

根据1986~1992年在农村试验、推广12套立体种植模式的资料,阐明这些模式可以成倍地提高气候资源的产出率。在当前生产水平下,积温每℃·d常规种植大田只能产出0.06元左右,而同等地力的立体种植田可达0.19~0.34元,即立体田的积温产出率比常规田高3~6倍。立体种植还能提高土地当量比,提高肥料利用率,改善田间小生境,增加生物互补作用,从而提高农业综合生产能力。开发立体农业,不仅是提高农业气候资源产出率的重要途径,也是发展我国高产优质高效农业的途径之一 ̄[1]。  相似文献   

持续农业、替代农业、中国的生态农业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据我国生态农业的目的意义、基本观点理论和技术工艺方法,对照近来国为外提出的“农业的持续发展”、“持续农业”“立体农业”的实际目的、理论与内容、方法,指出,它们和正在全国推广的中国的生态农业,除了名称不同以外,并没有任何本质上的区别,实际上它们本来就是一个领域的不同说法而已。  相似文献   

中国生态农业与立体农业的发展趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

2008年的全球粮食危机再次使人们认识到农业在社会经济中的基础地位和重要作用,更多的入真正体会到了“无粮不稳”、“手中有粮、心中不慌”这一简单的道理。粮食危机的爆发有诸多因素,比如汽车与人类“争抢”粮食资源、很多西方国家实施的一系列生物燃料计划政策、社会各界对农业重要性的认识不足、粮食饲料化、、自然灾害的频繁发生等,然而近些年耕作土地的不断减少及恶化也是一个不容忽视的因素。因此很多专家提出实施保护性耕作制度。“实行最严格的耕地保护制度,保证国家粮食安全”。温家宝总理多次重申这一原则,并要求坚决制止一些地方乱批滥占耕地行为,保护我国有效耕地的数量及质量。保护性耕作是对传统农业耕作制度的一次重大变革,它以免耕播种和秸秆残茬覆盖地表为主要内容,具有减轻土壤风蚀、水蚀,降低农业生产成本,增产增收的实际效果。保护性耕作是一项改善生态环境、促进耕地永续利用、实现农业可持续发展的重要战略措施,对加快传统农业向现代农业转变进程、促进农业增效、农民增收及保障我国粮食安全具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

乡镇企业技术创新研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述了乡镇企业技术创新的重要性;分析了乡镇企业技术创新的内涵、类型、特点和主要障碍;指出乡镇企业技术创新首先要从内部机制上进行创新;研究了乡镇企业内部机制包含的主要内容及其相互关联;提出了政府推进乡镇企业技术创新的对策建议。  相似文献   

乡镇企业节能项目的计算机模糊层次综合评判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用多目标模糊层次分析法,构建了乡镇企业节能项目综合评价指标体系和评判模型,研究了评判指标的隶属函数、隶属度确定的数值算法及合成算法,用Visual Basic6.0设计了计算机评判软件系统,并通过典型案例进行了应用验证,结果表明:所建指标体系从技术、经济和社会生态环境三方面客观、真实地反映了节能项目的综合效果;所建评判模型反映了节能项目综合评判的模糊性、综合性和多层次性,为评判项目的整体优劣和投资决策提供了依据  相似文献   

技术落后和劳动者素质低是制约广西乡镇企业发展的一个重要因素。迅速提高广西乡镇企业技术水平的最有效途径是加快乡镇企业的技术改造。要加快乡镇企业的技术改造必须正视目前乡镇企业在进行技术改造中存在的六方面的突出问题。本文在分析目前影响广西乡镇企业技术改造所面临的问题的基础上,提出了加快广西乡镇企业技术改造的若干对策和建议  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) is an essential nutrient for humans and is beneficial for plant growth. To investigate the transformation and bioavailability of Se in tobacco planting soil, selenite and selenate were applied. A pot experiment and sequential extraction scheme were used to investigate the Se contents in different forms in soils treated with Se. A series of equations were applied to model the transformation behavior of Se in this study. The results showed that the forms of selenium were increased significantly by applying the different valence state of water-soluble selenium. The carbonate-bound and iron-manganese (Fe-Mn) oxide–bound species were improved in selenite-added soil, whereas the soluble and exchangeable forms were increased in selenate-added soil. Michaelis-Menten equation fitting results indicated that estimated maximal selenium contents of leaves, stems, and roots in selenate-added soils were 1.83, 15.81, and 20.98 times larger than in selenite-added soils. The utilization levels of selenate were 4.3 to 7.9 times larger than selenite for Nicotiana tabacum L. In conclusion, the bioavailability and mobility of selenate were greater than selenite in Nicotiana tabacum L. planting soil.  相似文献   

The transformation of naturally occurring phenols to humic polymers through oxidative coupling reactions may involve oxidoreductive enzymes and soil minerals as catalysts. There is limited information on the possible inhibitory or synergistic interactions between oxidoreductases and mineral catalysts as they participate in oxidative coupling of phenolic substrates. In this study, a ternary system was investigated, in which a fungal enzyme (Trametes villosa laccase), birnessite (δ-MnO2), and a naturally occurring phenolic compound (catechol) were reacted together to model soil processes. Binary systems (catechol/laccase and catechol/birnessite) were included for comparison. In the absence of the mineral, T. villosa laccase (950 katal ml−1) transformed 31% of catechol, whereas birnessite (1 mg ml−1) in the absence of the enzyme showed a 24% catechol transformation. The percentages of catechol transformation in the binary systems did not accumulate in the ternary system; instead, birnessite and laccase tested together transformed only 36% of catechol. This suggested that birnessite had an inhibitory effect on substrate transformation by laccase catalysis. Enzyme assays indicated that inhibition was a result of enzyme deactivation by humic-like polymers produced by birnessite, and by Mn2+ ions released from the mineral. These observations underscore the importance of considering enzyme-soil mineral-organic matter interactions in studies of humus formation and contaminant removal.  相似文献   


Controlled-release fertilizers (CRF) are used to reduce leaching of nutrients, especially nitrate-nitrogen (NO3 ?-N) to groundwater, caused mainly by application of soluble N fertilizers to sandy soils in Florida. A leaching column study was conducted to evaluate N release and transformation from a CRF (CitriBlen) over a 16-week period when it was applied on the soil surface or incorporated into the soil. When one pore volume of water was applied to column weekly or biweekly, the CRF released urea-N slowly over time with three peaks of release on 3–4, 8, and 12 week after application. Both ammonium-nitrogen (NH4 +-N) and NO3 ?-N were leached in large amounts on week 2, likely from soluble forms of N. Cumulatively, the most leached N at the end of study was in the NH4 + form, followed by the NO3 ? form. The sum of all N forms leached and volatilized accounted for 53–69% of total N applied. Total N recovery was 70% and 93% of total N applied for surface and sub-surface application of the fertilizer, respectively. It was indicated that the better recovery rate found with sub-surface application may have been due to minimized N loss by volatilization. Sub-surface application of fertilizer resulted in more than three times NH4 +-N remained in soil, compared with surface application. On average for both application treatments throughout 16-week period, 5.8 h was required for ammonification and 4.7 d for nitrification to occur after N release from the fertilizer. Characterization of CRFs for specific soil type, leaching volume and cycle, and application manner as well as knowledge of N requirement of the crop will allow for the Best Management Practices of these fertilizers, thus obtaining optimum yields and minimizing nutrient losses from CRFs.  相似文献   

山西省近两年共完成水土流失初步治理面积 10 95万亩 ,年治理进度达 3 3 7%。全省水保专业队已发展到 5 2 3支、1 6万人 ,治理大户发展到 43 98户 ,承包和购买“四荒”面积 1185 9km2 。封禁治理要因地制宜 ,可彻底封山禁牧 ,也可采取封治同步、先治后封、先封后治等形式 ,省政府拟出台实行封禁治理的政策规定。要加大对治理大户的扶持 ,依法保护大户的治理成果 ,省政府计划出台关于大户的资金扶持办法。工程建设要积极推行项目法人制、招投标制、工程监理制和报账制  相似文献   

近年来 ,黄河流域加快了水土流失治理速度 ,创造了不少好经验 ;当前面临着难得的发展机遇 ,同时也面临着严峻的挑战 ;近期要抓好人为水土流失的控制、水土流失严重地区的综合治理、水土流失监测预报和管理信息系统建设、科研与技术推广工作 ,加强重点工程建设管理 ,搞好封育保护 ,加大水土保持机制创新力度 ,搞好大示范区建设 ,推动黄河流域水土保持工作再上新台阶  相似文献   

乙肝表面抗原基因表达载体的构建及对百脉根的转化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用PCR成功的从乙肝患者血清中扩增出乙肝表面抗原基因,并构建了含有此基因的植物表达载体pBHB。用根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导叶盘法将乙肝表面抗原基因转入百脉根(Lotus corniculatus),从转化植株中提取DNA做PCR检测、Southern杂交,阳性结果验证了目的基因已整合到百脉根的基因组中,转化效率为20%,证实转化的载体真实高效。  相似文献   

本文应用作物、畜禽、土壤三个养分库的简化氮循环模型、建立反映我国农业氮素转化循环宏观特征及其变化的定量图解模型,提示了我国农业发展历程中日益加强的无机化倾向和低效率问题。从50年代初到80年代末,我国农牧系统在作物生物氮生产总量提高1.3倍、食物氮供应总量提高1倍、食物氮中动物性氮比重提高3倍的同时,农田生产性输入总量及化肥氮施用量分别增长了7倍和186倍,有机氮输入量经重由占总输入氮量的97%下降到25%,农田总投入氮和化肥氮肥的主产品氮生产效率分别从1.12和3.63下降到0.34和0.46。满足人口13-15亿时适当改善的食物氮需求,需增产饲料氮1-2倍,增施化肥氮1倍以上,并将出现严重的生态环境后果。论文讨论了为解决我国农业氮素转化循环问题可能采取的生态农业对策。  相似文献   

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