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Hepatic encephalopathy is a neurometabolic syndrome caused by altered hepatic blood flow patterns and/or hepatic disease. This article describes current thoughts on its pathogenesis and diagnosis. Treatment principles are emphasized.  相似文献   

Herpes viral hepatitis in a toucan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Herpesvirus infection was diagnosed in a toucan. The herpesvirus was isolated from the liver and identified by electron microscopy in the liver and in cell culture. A negative immunofluorescent reaction was obtained when virus-infected cell cultures were reacted with a conjugate to the herpesvirus of Pacheco's disease. The main pathologic finding in the toucan consisted of a severe necrotizing hepatitis with intranuclear inclusions in the liver and spleen. A presumptive diagnosis of chlamydiosis was also made, based on a positive direct fluorescent monoclonal antibody reaction to chlamydial antigens in impression smears of liver and spleen. Chlamydial isolation attempts were unsuccessful. The toucan had been in contact with two macaws that had died 5 days before the toucan died and were diagnosed by histology as having herpesvirus hepatitis.  相似文献   

Seven psittacine birds and a toucan (Ramphastos toco) were diagnosed as infected with Coxiella-like bacteria, based on polymerase chain reaction and bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequence obtained from each bird's liver tissue. Most of the birds exhibited lethargy and weakness for several days prior to death. Gross lesions included mild to moderate emaciation and severely enlarged and mottled pale livers and spleens. Microscopically, there was multifocal necrosis of hepatocytes with infiltration of a mixed population of inflammatory cells, including lymphocytes, heterophils, plasma cells, and macrophages randomly scattered throughout in most birds. In several birds within the macrophages there were vacuoles containing basophilic small cocco-bacilli organisms measuring about 0.5-1 microm. The spleens had increased numbers of mononuclear phagocytic system cells, some of which had vacuoles that contained similar organisms, as observed in the liver. There was inflammation in the epicardium and endocardium, interstitium of the lungs, kidney, adrenal and thyroid glands, lamina propria of the intestine, and in occasional birds in the brain, bursa of Fabricius, and bone marrow associated with similar organisms in the macrophages. Transmission electron microscopy of the liver and lungs in most birds and in the thyroid glands of one bird revealed pleomorphic round to elongated bacteria measuring about 0.45 microm in diameter and more than 1.0 microm in length. Most of these organisms contained a peripheral zone of loosely arranged electron dense material that was located immediately beneath a trilaminar membrane. Occasional organisms contained nucleoids. This is the first documentation of disease presumptively associated with Coxiella-like bacteria in birds.  相似文献   

An eleven-year-old Chinese Crested Powder Puff dog presented with polydipsia/polyuria, inappetence, diarrhea and vomiting underwent an ultrasound-guided percutaneous liver biopsy. Two days post-biopsy the clinical condition of the dog acutely deteriorated with fever, dyspnea, ataxia and subcutaneous emphysema. Radiographs and ultrasound showed focal severe hepatic emphysema in the region of the previous liver biopsy. Post-mortem examination revealed chronic hepatitis with dissecting fibrosis, acute hepatitis with hemorrhage and in the hindlimb musculature extensive hemorrhage and necrosis. Pure cultures of the gas producing bacteria Clostridium perfringens were isolated in samples from the hind limb musculature. We propose that the hepatic emphysema in the region of the biopsy site was a result of a clostridial infection.  相似文献   

Hemochromatosis is rare in domestic mammals. Five clinical cases and one preclinical case of hemochromatosis were diagnosed in Salers and Salers-cross cattle. Clinical disease developed between 9 and 22 months of age. Animals were healthy until weaning but then lost weight, developed rough hair coats, and lost incisor teeth. In two animals, hemochromatosis was identified by liver biopsy, biochemical evidence of hepatic injury, and/or elevated transferrin saturation values. At necropsy, carcasses were thin, with firm dark brown livers and lymph nodes, soft bones, and brown-colored small bowel. The principal histologic changes were hepatocellular siderosis and periportal, bridging, and perivenular fibrosis. Siderocalcinosis involved collagen, elastin, reticulin, and basement membrane components in liver, lymph nodes, spleen, duodenum, and kidney. Hepatic iron concentrations in clinically affected cattle were 1,500-10,500 microg/g wet weight (reference range for cattle = <300 microg/ g). Ultrastructurally, the heaviest intrahepatic deposition was in hepatocytes, which contained large intracytoplasmic siderosomes. Iron deposition in bone was associated with osteopenia. Genetic analysis indicated a common ancestral bull in the pedigrees of five of six affected cattle; no pedigree was available for the remaining animal. Four dams of five affected animals were phenotypically normal and had histologically normal livers. Test mating of four cows to the ancestral bull resulted in a female calf that developed clinicopathologic and histologic evidence of preclinical hemochromatosis by 40 days of age. It was not possible to establish the pattern of inheritance because of the small number of pedigrees from affected cattle.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate normal features of the heart and lower respiratory tract in toco toucans by means of radiography and helical computed tomography (CT) scanner. Fifteen healthy adult toco toucans (Ramphastos toco), 10 females and 5 males, average body mass of 650 g were studied. CT examination as well as right lateral and ventrodorsal radiographic examinations of the coelomic cavity were performed under chemical restraint. Heart, lungs, air sacs, trachea and syrinx were analysed. The mean values of heart length, heart width and thoracic cavity in radiographs were, respectively, 23.76 mm, 25.94 mm and 48.87 mm. In both X-rays and CT scans, the lung parenchyma had honeycomb-like pattern. The topographic areas of the anterior and posterior air sacs were visualized as dark and air-filled spaces in X-rays. On CT evaluation, the air sacs occupied a larger area in the coelomic cavity compared to X-ray. In the lateral radiographic view, the cervical part of the trachea was positioned more ventrally in the transition from cervical to thoracic regions showing a V-shaped appearance. In all CT planes was visible division of the trachea into the right and left main bronchi at the level of 3rd thoracic vertebra. The syrinx was difficult to visualize in X-rays, but on CT it was easily identified in axial slice. In conclusion, the normal features of toco toucan's heart and lower respiratory tract that were determined on X-rays and CT scans are useful to compare with sick toco toucans, as well as other bird species.  相似文献   

Vascular encephalopathy is a commonly encountered clinical complication of infectious endocarditis in humans, but it has been infrequently reported in dogs. A series of four dogs with bacterial endocarditis that subsequently developed acute onset of neurological deficits is described. Clinical signs, diagnostic test results, and outcomes for each case are presented and compared with the human clinical syndrome.  相似文献   

Seven cases of hepatic arterioportal fistulae in young dogs (mean age 6 months) are described. All cases were presumed to be congenital in origin. The onset of clinical signs, which frequently included gastrointestinal and neurological disturbances, was usually sudden. All dogs had clinical evidence of portal hypertension in the form of ascites, and all developed multiple extrahepatic portacaval venous shunts consequential to portal hypertension. The neurological disturbances were likely the result of portacaval shunting. The arterial and venous vessels involved in the fistulae had markedly altered wall structure. Hepatic regions adjacent to the fistulae frequently evidenced marked bile duct proliferation. Hepatic parenchymal atrophy, relative collapse of distributing portal veins, dilatation of hepatic arterial branches and proliferation of hepatic arterioles were seen throughout the liver; these changes closely resembled those present with portacaval shunting in the absence of hepatic arterioportal fistulae. The importance of recognizing that hepatic arterioportal fistulae and multiple extrahepatic portacaval shunts usually coexist and separately influence the morphological appearance of the liver is stressed.  相似文献   

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