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21世纪吉林省林业建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1林业发展的战略思想任何战略目标的确定,以及所提出的战略方针、战略步骤、战略措施,都离不开决策者或决策部门的思想理论基础。由于林业理论研究的滞后,加之计划经济体制束缚,致使林业发展思想混乱,导致了林业建设发展速度迟缓,在实施林业可持续发展战略过程中,...  相似文献   

巴林右旗土地荒漠化严重,生态环境恶劣,文章针对林业生态环境保护与建设中的一些问题提出了建设规划建议。  相似文献   

三北防护林体系工程建设已进行了20a。回顾走过的历程,分析面临的形势,研究发展的思路,对进一步加快三北防护林工程建设步伐,逐步完善体系、健全功能,推动其不断上档次、上水平、上效益,具有重要作用。120a的成就与经验1.1建设成就吉林省在各级党委、政府...  相似文献   

吉林向海国家级自然保护区(以下简称:向海保护区)属于“自然生态系统类”中的“内陆湿地与水域生态系统类型自然保护区”,本文主要论述加强向海保护区建设的必要性,并在分析保护区现状及所面临威胁的基础上,针对性地提出保护对策。  相似文献   

吉林省造林灭荒后林业建设的思考戴克明(吉林省林业厅)吉林省是我国的重点林区,全省林业用地面积942.8hm2。建国以来,全省共造林570万hm2,形成人工林220万hm2,森林覆盖率由建国初期的21.4%,提高到了40.5%,一个以长白山森林和西部防...  相似文献   

城市林业规划建设几个问题的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过中山市城市林业总体规划的实践,对“城市林业”的概念含义、合理的规范范围、指导思想、体系的组成等几个问题进行探讨,并表达了个人的见解。  相似文献   

张有秀 《林业调查规划》2006,31(Z1):389-391
宁蒗县自1998年和2002年实施天保工程和退耕还林工程以来完成天然林管护36.3万hm2,公益林建设5.61万hm2,退耕地造林0.51万hm2,荒山造林0.62万hm2.但是在项目实施中存在着布局分散、群众积极性不高、配套资金短缺、纯林多混交林少、经济林品种繁杂、不能形成规模、管护不力等问题.提出了今后实施的对策.  相似文献   

宁蒗县自1998年和2002年实施天保工程和退耕还林工程以来完成天然林管护36.3万hm2,公益林建设5.61万hm2,退耕地造林0.51万hm2,荒山造林0.62万hm2。但是在项目实施中存在着布局分散、群众积极性不高、配套资金短缺、纯林多混交林少、经济林品种繁杂、不能形成规模、管护不力等问题。提出了今后实施的对策。  相似文献   

生态道德是人类道德之一.在当今社会人口急剧膨胀,工业发展迅速,生态系统日益脆弱的情况下,生态道德建设显得尤其重要.加强林业生态道德建设是贯彻落实科学发展观要义之一.  相似文献   

吉林省森林生态建设面临的问题和对策(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省是我国重要林业省份,本文分析了吉林省生态建设现状和趋势,揭示了所面临的生态与经济问题。将吉林省划分为三个经济区:中西部农牧区、东部低山丘陵多种经营区和长白山国有林区。讨论了每个区的生态建设、发展方向和任务,并对该省的林业生态可持续发展提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

确定根蘖能力、固土能力、耐瘠薄能力、耐干旱能力4个性状为选择目标性状,并兼顾参试树种的生物学特性,对吉林省长白山区侵蚀沟林业工程治理适宜栽植的树种进行了测试分析和研究。结果表明:树种不同性状的表现存在显著的遗传性差异;按4个性状和生物学特性综合表现评定,选择出在吉林省长白山区侵蚀沟林业工程治理中适宜栽植的最佳树种,分别是:胡枝子、刺槐、紫穗槐、沙棘、赤松、白榆、山杨、旱柳。  相似文献   

Traditionally Land Use Cover Change (LUCC) studies have focused on processes of negative land-cover change, primarily deforestation, partially because examples of positive land-cover change were not common. During the last two decades an outstanding tropical dry forest restoration process had taken place in the province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica, which has given us a unique opportunity to study how and why tropical dry forest regrowth occurs. The purpose of this paper is to undertake a retrospective analysis of the social dynamics of forest deforestation and restoration in Guanacaste from 1960 to 2005. Hence we investigate how structural drivers shape patterns of forest-cover change and examine how the role that Costa Rica's conservation policies had played in promoting forest restoration. Our study combined analyses of socioeconomic data and satellite images of forest cover. We showed that forest regrowth observed in Guanacaste after the 1980s was the result of multiple socioeconomic factors. Our results indicate that the degree of incentive provided by conservation policies such as Payment for Environmental Services are not enough to ensure that Guanacaste's forest will be protected against the potentially negative impacts of future socioeconomic changes. The findings from our analysis can assist decision-makers and managers in other regions to understand how social, economic and political dynamics impact the effectiveness of forest conservation efforts.  相似文献   

采用野外调查与长期定位监测相结合的方法,整体系统地研究了资兴市为恢复雪灾受损森林资源构建的不同森林经营模式水源涵养功能,旨在定量分析不同森林恢复与发展模式水源涵养功能大小,为其可持续发展提供数据支撑。研究结果表明:监测期间,各林分不同雨强条件下林冠层截留量各不相同,差异明显,最大的是M8,达54.8 mm,最小的是M6,仅48.59 mm;各林分灌草层持水量存在差异,M6(3.168 mm)最大;枯落物层持水量差异明显,M8(31.838 mm)最大,M6(23.13 mm)最小;林地土壤贮水能力M8与M6、M7之间差异显著,M6与M7之间差异不大。各林分水源涵养总能力大小为M8(1 123.624 mm)CK8(1 068.543 mm)M7(1 047.623 mm)CK7(1 039.983 mm)M6(1 001.815 mm)CK6(965.779mm),以M8水源涵养能力最大,达到1 123.624 mm,约占年降雨量的84%,各模式林分引用了适生树种,具有完整的林冠层、灌草层和枯落物层,形成了多功能复层混交林,改变了林分对降雨的再分配,水源涵养总能力较强。各模式水源涵养能力略强于对照,但由于项目执行时间不长差异较小。  相似文献   

林火迹地森林恢复研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
森林火灾后如何恢复被破坏的森林是人们面临的一个非常重要的问题。本文回顾了国内外火烧迹地森林恢复的研究概况,从种群、群落、生态及景观四个尺度上概括了该领域研究的主要方法;总结了在森林恢复的研究方面采用的地理信息系统和遥感等先进技术和方法,并探讨了林火迹地森林植被恢复的对策及发展趋势。参38。  相似文献   


In this study, 236 regeneration areas (mostly clear-cuts) in southern Norway were selected by random stratified selection: 118 of the study units were cut before and 118 after the introduction of forest certification in 1998. The degree of compliance with biodiversity measures established in the prevailing certification standard (ISO 14001 and the Norwegian standard “Living Forests”) was compared in a field study, and the differences were analysed. In some aspects, a clear difference could be seen, most clearly in an increasing number of green retention trees and an increasing mean width of buffer-strips left along rivers, bogs and lakes in the postcertification units compared with the precertification units. Even though there was a significant increase in the mean number of retention trees, as much as 21% of the postcertification regeneration areas still did not have sufficient retention trees to comply with the certification standard and 41% had either too few retention trees or too few spruce trees according to the standard. Concerning the management of small swamp forests, and the damage done to terrain and prelogging coarse dead wood by off-road transport, little improvement was seen. The discussion examines whether it is probable that the changes seen are a result of forest certification in Norway.  相似文献   

大兴安岭北坡火烧迹地森林郁闭度恢复及其影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1987年发生在大兴安岭北坡的特大火灾造成了森林资源的巨大损失,其森林景观恢复一直是人们关注的热点.本研究选取与森林生产力具有密切联系的郁闭度因子作为研究对象,以 ArcView、ArcGIS等地理信息系统软件为研究平台,采用1987年和2000年两期森林资源二类调查数据,对郁闭度、火烧强度、抚育类型、地形因子等进行分级,通过数据叠加,探讨了森林郁闭度格局的恢复状况以及火烧强度、更新类型、地形因子对郁闭度恢复的影响.结果显示:2000年郁闭度等级构成与1987年火前相比发生了明显变化,无林地以及高郁闭度等级比重明显下降,较低郁闭度等级比重显著上升;火烧强度是影响火后恢复的初始因子,火烧强度与郁闭度等级呈负相关;更新措施短期内对郁闭度恢复影响不显著,但可以缩短森林演替的周期,对未来针叶林群落生产力恢复具有重要促进作用;地形因子中坡度对郁闭度恢复影响最为明显,其次为坡位,坡向影响最弱.  相似文献   

泉阳林业局森林资源现状与林地保护利用措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了吉林省泉阳林业局的森林资源现状及存在问题,并针对这些问题,提出了增加森林面积、提高森林质量以及科学实施林地保护利用的措施。  相似文献   

The restoration of forest landscape has drawn much attention since the catastrophic fire took place on the northern slope of Great Xing‘an Mountains in 1987. Forest canopy density, which has close relation to forest productivity, was selected as a key factor to find how much the forest quality was changed 13 years after fire, and how fire severity, regeneration way and terrain factors influenced the restoration of forest canopy density, based on forest inventory data in China, and using Kendall Bivariate Correlation Analysis, and Distances Correlation Analysis. The results showed that fire severity which was inversely correlated with forest canopy density grade was an initial factor among all that selected. Regeneration way which did not remarkably affect forest canopy density restoration in short period, may shorten the cycle of forest succession and promote the forest productivity of conophorium in the future, Among the three terrain factors, the effect of slope was the strongest, the position on slope was the second and the aspect was the last.  相似文献   

Forest co-management programs aim to conserve forest resources. However, there is little evidence of its effectiveness. We assess the impact of co-management approaches on forest conditions in Zomba-Malosa and Ntchisi forest reserves in Malawi using a multiple-site, plot-based, and control-intervention design. We used tree density and species richness as indicators of forest condition. Evidence of human activities was used as potential indicators of current and future impacts. Local peoples’ perceptions of the impact of co-management on forest were also sought to validate the inventory information. Co-managed plots have higher tree density than state managed plots. Indicators of human activities including felled trees, farming and settlement plots, and grazing, were observed in both co-managed and state managed forest block. A majority of respondents, 84% in Zomba-Malosa and 73% in Ntchisi, perceive the co-management program to have a positive impact on forest conditions against a general worsening trend. Despite having a potential to improve forest conditions, the findings suggest that the outcomes of a co-management may vary depending on preexisting conditions and how communities understand and interpret the program. Hence, programs should not be implemented as a universal package. Furthermore, even with method triangulation, the lack of baseline data limited the quantification impacts; hence, integration of participatory research into the program is recommended.  相似文献   

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