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The aim of this work is to study early embryo survival and development in 2 lines divergently selected for high and low uterine capacity throughout 10 generations. A total of 162 female rabbits from the high line and 133 from the low line were slaughtered at 25, 48, or 62 h of gestation. There were no differences in ovulation rate and fertilization rate between lines in any of the 3 stages of gestation. Embryo survival, estimated as the number of normal embryos recovered at a constant ovulation rate, was similar in both lines at 25 and 48 h. Embryo survival was greater in the high line [D (posterior mean of the difference between the high and low lines) = 0.57 embryos] at 62 h of gestation. There was no difference in embryonic stage of development at 25 h, but at 48 and 62 h of gestation, the high line, compared with the low line, had a greater percentage of early morulae (83 vs. 72%) and compacted morulae (55 vs. 38%). Divergent selection for uterine capacity appeared to modify embryo development, at least from 48 h of gestation, and embryo survival from 62 h.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to analyze the reproductive longevity of 2 selected lines of rabbits. The first one was the Prat line, a line selected in Spain on litter size at weaning, and raised in overlapping generations. The second one was a French line, the A1077 line, selected on litter size at birth and individual weight at 63 d of age, managed in batches, and artificially inseminated with discrete generations. Reproductive longevity was measured beginning at the first successful mating, assessed by a pregnancy diagnosis in the Prat line, and at the first kindling in the A1077 line. In the A1077 line, culling for infertility occurred after 3 unsuccessful artificial inseminations. The trait analyzed, defined as the doe length of productive life (LPL), was the time in days between date of the first positive pregnancy diagnosis and date of culling or death in the Prat line. In the A1077 line, the trait was the number of AI after the first kindling. Effects included in the model were year-season, litter size at birth, reproductive cycle or physiological status x cycle interaction, age at first mating, batch (only for the A1077 line), and additive genetic value of the animal as a random effect. Survival analyses were carried out with a Cox model for the Prat line and a discrete model for the A1077 line. The estimated heritability values for LPL were around 0.16 in the Prat and A1077 lines with a model including physiological status x cycle interaction effect. Removing this effect from the model led to an increase in estimated genetic variance with h2 = 0.24 and 0.19 in the Prat and A1077 lines, respectively. Including the traits LPL and number of AI from first fertile mating or AI in selection programs could increase reproductive longevity and decrease the replacement rate.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the effects of the genotype of the dam, the embryo, or their interactions on prenatal growth by performing double-reciprocal embryo transfers between two lines of rabbits divergently selected for uterine capacity. Females from high (n = 53) and low (n = 48) lines were slaughtered at 72 h of gestation, and recovered embryos were transferred to the oviducts of recipient does from the high (n = 23) and low (n = 19) lines. Each recipient doe received eight embryos from the high line into one oviduct and eight embryos from the low line into the other. Recipient does were slaughtered on d 28 of gestation. The percentages of live fetuses at 28 d of gestation were 89.2 and 74% for high and low recipient lines, respectively. Length and weight of the empty uterine horn and weight of the full uterine horn were not affected by either the recipient or by donor line. Fetal weight was affected by the recipient line but not by the donor line. Fetuses gestated in high recipient does were 7% heavier (P < 0.10) than those in the low recipient does. There was a donor and a donor x recipient interaction effect on fetal placental weight. Fetal placental weight was heavier (7%, P < 0.01) for embryos from the low line. Embryos from the high line gestated in low-line uteri showed a lower fetal placenta weight than did low-line embryos gestated in high-line uteri and low-line uteri (P < 0.05). Linear regression coefficients of fetal weight at term on fetal placental weights differed (P < 0.05) for the high and low donors (4.33 +/- 0.28 and 3.41 +/- 0.29 respectively). A significant effect of the donor genotype on individual placental length was observed (P < 0.05), which might have resulted from a smaller individual placental length of low-line embryos gestated high-line uteri (P < 0.10). Neither donor nor recipient lines affected maternal placental weight or available space for fetuses. Fetuses and their fetal placentae were heavier when receiving more than four blood vessels than when receiving less than three blood vessels (13 and 17% respectively, P < 0.05). Neither recipient nor donor genotype affected the number of blood vessels arriving at each live fetus. Thus, fetal weight depends on the maternal genotype, whereas fetal placental weight depends on the embryo genotype in these two lines of rabbits divergently selected for uterine capacity.  相似文献   

The interrelationships among d-11 conceptus size, d-105 placental weight, placental efficiency (the ability of the placenta to support fetal growth and development), fetal erythropoiesis, and uterine capacity were examined in 1/2 Meishan, 1/2 White crossbred gilts that were unilaterally ovariohysterectomized at 90 to 100 d of age. In Exp. 1, gilts were mated after at least one normal estrous cycle and then slaughtered at 105 d of gestation and number of fetuses and CL, placental weights, fetal weights, hematocrits, fetal plasma iron, and fetal plasma folate were measured. In Exp. 2, gilts were mated and plasma progesterone was measured on d 2 and 3 of gestation. On d 11, the length of the remaining uterine horn was recorded and the uterine horn was flushed with minimal essential medium. Number of CL, conceptus number, conceptus diameters, and total uterine flush retinol-binding protein (tRBP), acid phosphatase (tAP), and folate-binding protein (tFBP) were measured. Gilts were mated again and slaughtered at 105 d of pregnancy and the same traits measured in Group 1 were recorded. Plasma progesterone concentrations on d 2 and 3 were correlated with average conceptus diameter on d 11 (r = 0.60, P < 0.01, for each day). In contrast, tRBP (r = 0.49, P < 0.01), tAP (r = 0.53, P < 0.01), and tFBP (r = 0.51, P < 0.01) in uterine flushings on d 11 were only correlated with d-3 plasma progesterone concentrations. No correlations between d-11 average conceptus diameter or d-11 uterine length with d-105 uterine capacity were observed. Uterine capacity was negatively correlated with placental weight, fetal weight and fetal hematocrit (r = -0.36, P < 0.01; r = -0.44, P < 0.01; r = -0.32, P < 0.01; respectively). Hematocrits were correlated with fetal plasma iron (r = 0.50, P < 0.01) and folates (r = 0.44, P < 0.01). Hematocrit, plasma iron, and plasma folate were each correlated with residual fetal weights after adjusting for placental weight (a measure of placental efficiency), and accounted for 11% of the variation in this trait. These data suggest that conceptus diameter and uterine protein secretion on d 11 may be influenced by the onset of progesterone secretion by the CL, but do not support an influence of conceptus growth during early pregnancy on uterine capacity. These results also suggest that reducing placental and fetal weights will likely result in increased uterine capacity.  相似文献   

This work evaluated the response to 10 generations of divergent selection for uterine capacity (UC) in rabbits to determine whether this response was symmetric by contrasting both lines against a cryopreserved control population. Animals came from the 13th generation of an experiment of divergent selection for UC and from a cryopreserved control population. The two UC lines were divergently selected for 10 generations, and selection was relaxed from the 11th generation until the 13th generation. Uterine capacity was estimated as litter size (LS) in unilaterally ovariectomized (ULO) does. To create the control population, embryos from the base generation were vitrified and stored in liquid N2 for 10 generations. Data from 461 pregnancies produced by 134 ULO does were used: 62 does from the high UC line, 55 females from the low UC line, and 17 females from the control line. The following traits were analyzed: ovulation rate (OR); number of implanted embryos (IE); (UC), estimated as total number of rabbits born; number born alive (NBA); prenatal survival (PS), estimated as UC/OR; embryo survival (ES), estimated as IE/OR; and fetal survival (FS), estimated as UC/IE. Ovulation rate, IE, PS, ES, and FS were measured by laparoscopy only in the second parity. Uterine capacity and NBA were measured over four parities. Responses in UC and its components were estimated as differences between the selected lines and the control line using a Bayesian approach. Selection for UC led to differences of 1.01 kits between the high and low lines, but this response was asymmetric. No differences were found between the high and control lines (high - control = -0.08), whereas the low and control lines differed by 1.08 kits, with a probability of the difference being greater than zero of 0.98. Difference between the high and low lines and between the control and low lines was one-half of the difference reported for correlated response in LS in previous studies. No differences in OR were detected among lines. The control and low lines differed by 1.06 IE, with a probability of the difference being higher than zero of 0.84. Prenatal survival for the low line was less than that of the control line. In summary, selection for UC was asymmetric, which was mainly due to a correlated response in PS. Response in UC was one-half of the difference reported for correlated response in LS in previous studies.  相似文献   

A divergent, eight generation selection experiment on uterine capacity in rabbits was performed. Rabbit does were ovariectomized unilaterally before puberty, and selected for increased and decreased litter size by 'best linear unbiased prediction' using data from up to four parities. Two different analyses were performed to estimate the response to selection. The first was based on least squares analysis; the second was based on Bayesian methods using Gibbs sampling techniques. Three different priors were used for variance components, but these had little influence on the results. Posterior means of heritabilities for uterine capacity, varied from 0.09 to 0.12, and repeatabilities from 0.18 to 0.22. The response to eight generations of selection was symmetrical and led to a divergence of 0.16 young rabbits per generation, which amounts to about 2% of the average litter size of the base population per generation. The pattern of response however, was not linear: a high initial response was followed by a period where little further response was observed, and a final burst of response was obtained during the last two cycles of selection.  相似文献   

Although several previous studies have identified associations between cattle carcass characteristics and various SNP, comparatively little work has sought to validate the marker panels currently sold and marketed by commercial genotyping companies. Panels typically use a handful of SNP, but these range from as few as 2 to more than 100. Data from 764 commercially fed steers and heifers were used to assess the relationships of growth and carcass traits and Igenity panel scores for ADG, marbling (or percentage of USDA Choice), rib-eye area (REA), tenderness, fat thickness, and USDA Yield grade (YG). Results revealed statistically significant, but low, correlations between carcass measurements and corresponding Igenity panel scores. Genetic correlations were computed among the various Igenity panels and demonstrated either that several common markers existed across the panels or that markers across panels were in high linkage disequilibrium. Across all breeds, the genotypic correlations between the Igenity panel scores for ADG, REA, marbling, and YG with observed ADG, REA, USDA Quality grade, and YG at slaughter were 0.51, 0.38, 0.63, and 0.59 (P < 0.01), respectively. The partial effects of the Igenity marbling panel persisted in a multivariate regression model. Net return was significantly affected only by marbling panel score; a 1-unit increase in marbling panel score increased the net return by an estimated $7.53 per animal.  相似文献   

Crowded uterine conditions were induced by unilateral hysterectomy-ovariectomy (UHO) in 42 gilts to determine the effect of recombinant porcine somatotropin on fetal and placental growth. Gilts were randomly assigned across three replicates to one of three treatments: Control (C; n = 14), daily injections of 1 mL saline from d 0 to 64 of gestation, Early (E; n = 12), 5 mg of rpST/d from d 0 to 30, followed by 1 mL saline from d 31 to 64, and Late (L; n = 16), 1 mL saline/d from d 0 to 29, followed by 5 mg of rpST/d from d 30 to 64 of gestation. Blood was collected from each gilt via jugular venipuncture at d 0 and every 15 d thereafter. Gilts were hysterectomized on d 65 of gestation. Length of placental attachment and fetal crown-rump length were measured. Placentas and fetuses were weighed. Placental length, wet weight, and dry weight were recorded. Treatment with rpST (either E or L) increased (P < 0.0001) maternal plasma IGF-I concentrations relative to controls. Treatment with rpST did not affect placental wet weight or placental DNA content. However, E and L treatments increased the percentage of placental protein (P = 0.01) and placental dry matter (P = 0.10) and increased contact area of uterine-placental interface (P = 0.01). Despite changes in placental composition and morphology, weights of fetuses collected from L-treated gilts did not differ from controls, whereas weights of fetuses collected from E-treated gilts tended to be less than controls (P < 0.06). Administration of rpST increased maternal IGF-I concentrations and placental surface area but failed to increase fetal growth in the UHO model. Therefore, mechanisms that are independent of maternal IGF-I or placental contact area may control early fetal growth under crowded uterine conditions.  相似文献   

为明确杂交高粱(Sorghum bicolor)主要穗部性状与籽粒品质的关系,以58个杂交组合为材料,应用相关分析和灰色关联度分析方法对杂交高粱群体的穗长、穗轴长、一级枝梗数、二级枝梗数、穗粒数、千粒重、穗粒重等主要穗部性状和粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、粗淀粉、支链淀粉、单宁含量等籽粒品质性状进行了分析。结果表明,相关分析和灰色关联度分析的主要穗部性状之间的关系结果一致,穗部性状与穗粒重相关联的顺序是千粒重穗粒数二级枝梗数一级枝梗数穗长穗轴长。两种分析方法在分析穗部性状与品质性状之间的关系存在一定差异。关联度分析表明,各穗部性状对单宁含量关联度较小,穗长、穗轴长、穗粒数这3个性状对各品质性状的关联度较大。而相关分析表明,粗脂肪含量与穗长和穗轴长呈极显著负相关(P0.01);粗淀粉含量与穗粒数呈显著负相关(P0.05),与千粒重呈显著正相关(P0.05);支链淀粉含量与穗长和穗粒数呈显著负相关(P0.05);单宁含量与一级枝梗数和二级枝梗数呈极显著负相关(P0.01),与千粒重呈显著负相关(P0.05)。相关分析结果比灰色关联度分析结果准确,其结果可为选育高产、优质杂交高粱新品种提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Relationships between the length of uterine horn and number of fetuses and prenatal mortality were characterized in 320 pregnant pigs at 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 wk of gestation in a cross-sectional design. Genital tracts of all pregnant animals available on the days of collection were measured. Length of each uterine horn, numbers of fetuses and corpora lutea (CL) were recorded and prenatal mortality was calculated. With each additional fetus, length of the uterus increased 10 cm regardless of stage of gestation (P less than .001). The association of number of fetuses and uterine length was local and confined to that horn in which the fetus resided and did not extend to the opposite horn. As number of CL increased, number of fetuses also increased as did prenatal mortality. There was a significantly negative correlation between uterine length and prenatal mortality when animals were classified into four groups on the basis of number of CL; less than 10, 10 to 14, 15 to 18 and greater than 18. Results indicated that the number of fetuses and prenatal mortality were closely correlated with length of the uterus. Length of the uterus appeared to be an important limiting factor to litter size as number of CL increased.  相似文献   

A 10-generation divergent selection experiment for uterine capacity (UC) measured as litter size in unilaterally ovariectomized females was carried out in rabbits. A total of 2,996 observations on uterine capacity of does (up to four parities) was recorded. Laparoscopy was performed at d 12 of their second gestation, and ovulation rate (OR) and number of implanted embryos (IE) were recorded in 735 does. Prenatal survival (PS) was assessed as UC/OR, embryo survival (ES) as IE/OR, and fetal survival (FS) as UC/IE. Genetic parameters and genetic trends were inferred using Bayesian methods. Marginal posterior distributions of all unknowns were estimated by Gibbs sampling. Heritabilities of UC, OR, IE, ES, FS, and PS were 0.11, 0.32, 0.22, 0.04, 0.14, and 0.09, respectively. Genetic and phenotypic correlations between FS and ES were low, suggesting different biological mechanisms for the two periods of survival. After 10 generations of selection, the divergence was approximately 1.5 rabbits, or approximately 1% per generation. Approximately one-half of this response was obtained in the first two generations of selection, which may suggest the presence of a major gene segregating in the base population.  相似文献   

Selection for 11 generations in swine for ovulation rate (OR) or uterine capacity (UC) resulted in significant changes in component traits of litter size. Our objective was to conserve the unique germplasm for the future and to characterize sperm quality as a correlated response to the selection criterion imposed compared with an unselected control line (CO). Boars representing genetic diversity available in all 3 lines were produced in 2 farrowing seasons. Season 1 was born in September 2005 and was sampled for semen characteristics in October 2006. Season 2 was born in March 2006 and was sampled for semen characteristics in February and March 2007. Each boar (n = 60) was collected twice. The sperm-rich fraction was obtained, and volume and concentration of sperm cells were measured to estimate total sperm production. Each ejaculate was extended 1:3 (vol/vol) with Androhep Plus (Minitube, Verona, WI) and was packed for shipping to the National Animal Germplasm Program laboratory for processing into frozen straws. Semen quality was measured by computer-assisted semen analysis at 3 semen processing points: fresh (FR), 24 h after extender added (E), and postthaw (PT). A mixed model ANOVA was applied to the data. Fixed effects of farrowing season, line, and 2-way interactions were fitted. The random effect of boar (n = 60) within farrowing season and line was used to test line differences. Sperm concentration was not different (P = 0.18) among the lines (0.594 × 10(9), 0.691 × 10(9), and 0.676 × 10(9) cells/mL for CO, OR, and UC lines, respectively). However, significance (P = 0.04) was detected for the volume of the sperm-rich fraction, greatest for OR (86.4 mL), intermediate for UC (75.5 mL), and least for CO (70.2 mL). Line differences were thus detected (P = 0.02) for total sperm production per ejaculate, greatest for OR (54.9 × 10(9)), intermediate for UC (48.7 × 10(9)), and least for CO (40.5 × 10(9)). A larger percentage of progressively motile sperm and greater estimates of sperm velocity only at processing point E (P < 0.01) were detected in favor of CO. Estimates of motility, velocity, and other parameters of sperm movement measured on E processing points were positively correlated with the same estimates obtained PT, but the magnitude was low to moderate (r range -0.03 to 0.23). Thus, selection for component traits of female reproduction had a favorable effect on total sperm production of boars.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to determine whether prenatal survival depends on the genotype of the mother or of the embryo and to identify the critical periods for prenatal mortality in two lines of rabbits divergently selected by high (H) and low (L) uterine capacity. Does from H (n = 124) and L (n = 115) lines were slaughtered at 72 h of gestation. Embryos recovered at 72 h of gestation were transferred to the oviducts of recipient does from the H (n = 23) and L (n = 19) lines. Each recipient does received eight embryos from the H line into one oviduct and eight embryos from the L line into the other. Recipient does were slaughtered on d 28 of gestation. No differences were found between lines in the embryo recovery either in ovulation rate (OR) or in fertilization rate of ova recovered. Recovery rate was higher for the H line (0.80 vs. 0.72, P < 0.01). The number of embryos recovered, fitting ovulation rate as a covariate, was also higher for the H line (9.74 vs. 8.78, P < 0.05). The H line showed a more advanced embryonic stage of development, having a higher percentage of blastocysts (PB) and a lower percentage of compact morulae (PCM) (38% vs. 20%, P < 0.001 for PB, and 51% vs. 64%, P < 0.01 for PCM). The percentage of early morulae was low and similar in both lines. Neither donor nor recipient lines affected embryonic survival from 72 h to 7 d of gestation. Fetal survival was affected by the recipient line (P < 0.05). An interaction between donor and recipient was found. Embryos from the H donor line had a better fetal survival rate than embryos from the L donor line (P < 0.05) in H recipient females. Within L recipient females, embryos from H and L donor lines showed similar fetal survival. Fetal survival was divided into early (from d 7 to 17 of gestation) and late (from d 17 to 28 of gestation). The high recipient line showed a higher early fetal survival than the L recipient line (P < 0.05). The same effect was observed for late fetal survival, but the difference between H and L recipient lines was lower (P < 0.10). Thus, fetal survival depends mainly on the maternal genotype, and the embryo genotype only affects fetal survival when embryo transfer is performed to a favorable maternal environment. Selection for uterine capacity in rabbits leads to modification of early embryonic survival and of early and late fetal survival, but differences are higher for early than for late fetal survival.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that the ability of the fetus to alter nutrient shunting and organ growth might be associated with uterine capacity. White crossbred gilts from a randomly selected control line, a line selected for ovulation rate, and a line selected for uterine capacity (UC) were unilaterally hysterectomized-ovariectomized at 160 d of age, mated at estrus, and slaughtered at 45, 65, 85, and 105 d of gestation (9 to 18 gilts for each line x day combination). Analysis of the data revealed that heart weights and fetal weights were decreased in the ovulation rate line. No significant differences were obtained in fetal, placental, or fetal organ weights between the control and UC lines. Allometric growth of organs was assessed by examination of the slopes of the relationships between fetal weights and fetal organ weights after natural log transformation. Only the relative growth of the liver differed between selection lines and was greater (P = 0.01) in the UC compared with the control line during early pregnancy (d 45 and 65). Allometric growth of the fetal brain, liver, and heart differed with day of gestation. A brain-sparing effect was greater (P < 0.01) on d 85 and 105 compared with d 45 and 65. By contrast, a heart-sparing effect was present during early gestation and disappeared in later gestation. Fetal liver weights were hypersensitive to differences in fetal weights on d 45, possibly associated with placental effects on fetal liver weight. Fetal spleen weights were proportional to fetal weights throughout gestation. These results indicate that selection for ovulation rate decreased total fetal and fetal heart weights, and that selection for UC altered the relationship between total fetal and fetal liver weights during early gestation. Results further indicate significant changes in allometric growth of organs during gestation.  相似文献   

Angus cow-calf pairs (N = 114) were individually fed grass silage diets under conditions chosen to approximate nutrient intake under a free grazing, noncreep situation. Postfactum comparison with a subsequently conducted study on pasture indicated that the procedures used produced animal responses similar to those provided by a tall fescue pasture averaging 58% dry matter digestibility. Cow-calf pair efficiency was expressed as the ratio of estimated total digestible nutrient (ETDN) intake of the pair to calf weight at weaning. Initial cow weight per se was unrelated to pair efficiency. When considered jointly with calf weight at weaning, initial cow weight was unfavorably and calf weight was favorably related to pair efficiency. Calf age at weaning and milk production were favorably related to pair efficiency through their relationship with calf weight at weaning. Initial cow fat thickness, estimated ultrasonically, was not related to this measure of efficiency, indicating compensations between the year just completed and the next year in the relationship between cow fat thickness at weaning and pair efficiency. Mating schemes resulting in selection of relatively smaller females and larger males, within the variation available in a straightbred population, would be expected to alter the cow weight-calf weight ratio in a direction favorable to the component of efficiency defined in this study.  相似文献   

Pork loins (n = 72) were selected so that marbling scores would range from "practically devoid" to "abundant" in the longissimus muscle. Loin chops were cooked and rated by a trained six-member sensory panel. Physical and chemical characteristics were stratified according to marbling level (divided into 10 subclasses), muscle structure, shear force, overall palatability, and juiciness (each divided into three subclasses). The highest ratings for overall palatability were assigned to chops with high reflectance (685 nm), low moisture (70.1%), high i.m. fat (9.1%; or, high marbling score), low protein (19.4%), and low cooking loss (25.9%). Chops with the highest percentage of cooking loss were high in moisture content (75.59%), low in i.m. fat (1.78%), and high in protein content (21.54%). Differences in muscle structure, shear force, overall palatability, and juiciness were associated with differences in percentages of protein, moisture (whole tissue basis [WTB]) and fat (WTB). Pork loins with marbling between "practically devoid-plus" and "small" had (P less than .05) more protein and less fat (WTB) than loins with marbling scores between "modest" and "abundant." Loins with overall palatability ratings between 4.0 and 6.0 had more moisture and protein (P less than .05) than did loins with palatability ratings of 6.1 to 8.0. Selecting pork loins with "small" or less marbling, extremely open structure, a juicy rating of "slightly juicy," and an overall palatability rating of "like slightly" would identify fresh loins that had lower fat and(or) higher protein content.  相似文献   

Uterine capacity (UC), defined as the total number of kits from unilaterally ovariectomized does at birth, has a high genetic correlation with litter size. The aim of our research was to identify genomic regions associated with litter size traits through a genomewide association study using rabbits from a divergent selection experiment for UC. A high-density SNP array (200K) was used to genotype 181 does from a control population, high and low UC lines. Traits included total number born (TNB), number born alive (NBA), number born dead, ovulation rate (OR), implanted embryos (IE) and embryo, foetal and prenatal survivals at second parity. We implemented the Bayes B method and the associations were tested by Bayes factors and the percentage of genomic variance (GV) explained by windows. Different genomic regions associated with TNB, NBA, IE and OR were found. These regions explained 7.36%, 1.27%, 15.87% and 3.95% of GV, respectively. Two consecutive windows on chromosome 17 were associated with TNB, NBA and IE. This genomic region accounted for 6.32% of GV of TNB. In this region, we found the BMP4, PTDGR, PTGER2, STYX and CDKN3 candidate genes which presented functional annotations linked to some reproductive processes. Our findings suggest that a genomic region on chromosome 17 has an important effect on litter size traits. However, further analyses are needed to validate this region in other maternal rabbit lines.  相似文献   

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