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Abstract  This study documents divergence in egg size that has occurred over less than 25 generations among sympatric demes of European grayling ( Thymallus thymallus ) from Lake Lesjaskogsvatnet in Norway. A cluster analysis identified two clusters of tributaries: one of small, warm tributaries (SW) and the other of large, cold tributaries (LC). Spawning occurs more regularly and up to 4 weeks earlier in SW tributaries compared with that in LC ones. We explored numerous mixed models predicting egg size from year (random effect), basin and tributary (fixed effects), and female length. The most supported model estimated length-adjusted egg size to be larger in SW tributaries compared with that in LC tributaries. Combinations of density-dependent (competition for food/space) and density-independent (temperature) factors along with phenotypic plasticity and maternal effects are discussed as potential differentiation sources. We suggest high temperatures (increased metabolism) to reinforce the selective advantage of large eggs under conditions with highly density-dependent fry interactions.  相似文献   

Marine teleost fish species in colder environments generally produce larger eggs than those in warmer environments. This pattern is thought to reflect changes in the optimal strategy of allocation to offspring size and number across temperatures, yet quantitative assessments of this hypothesis are lacking. Here, we model optimal offspring size across temperatures in marine teleost fishes based on the trade‐off between offspring survivorship and number. In doing so, we derive quantitative predictions for the relationship of optimal egg size to temperature based on the size and temperature dependences of the growth and mortality, and hence survivorship, of eggs and larvae. Our model shows that smaller eggs are favoured at warmer temperatures largely because egg survivorship declines with both egg size and temperature. The predictions of our model (egg mass in grams = 0.013*e?0.11*T ºC) were comparable to the observed interspecific relationship (0.0029*e?0.09*T ºC; N = 221 spp.). Thus, our results provide insights into how temperature shapes the evolution of egg size in marine teleost fishes.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Previous studies have offered suggestive but sometimes conflicting glimpses at the range and patterns of seasonal and interannual variation in female darter life-history traits. The present study examined clutch-size and egg-size variation from a single Mississippi population of brighteye darters (Etheostoma lynceum ), collected at regular intervals over four sequential spawning seasons. Both life-history traits were significantly correlated with body size, and they both showed significant variation within and among breeding seasons. The overall intraseasonal trends in these traits involved an increase in clutch size (CS) and a decrease in egg size from early to late periods of the spawning season. Clutch size and egg size showed a weak but significant negative correlation, which was indicative of a trade-off between the two clutch parameters. Seasonal changes in temperature appear to be related to differing patterns of seasonal variation in egg size reported in the literature for darters. Inverse seasonal shifts in egg size and CS in the brighteye darter may represent adaptive phenotypic plasticity that allows females to produce larger, competitively superior offspring early in the reproductive season when there is low supply of food for them (parental investment hypothesis) or to produce larger eggs early in the reproductive season to ensure that each egg is adequately provisioned in the face of uncertainty (bet-hedging hypothesis) if the food available for the young is unpredictable early in the season. Consistent with theoretical predictions, egg size showed less phenotypic variability than CS.  相似文献   

The biological activities of lamprey GnRH and analogs were determined in the adult male lamprey,Petromyzon marinus. Two successive injections of lamprey GnRH at 0.005, 0.065 or 0.163 μg/g body weight or [D-Ala6,Pro9-NHEt] mammal GnRH at 0.05 μg/g stimulated plasma estradiol and progesterone levels in adult male lampreys undergoing final maturation. In these experiments, a lamprey GnRH putative antagonist, [D-Phe2,6,Pro3] lamprey GnRH, at 0.075, 0.150 or 0.3 μg/g stimulated plasma estradiol but not progesterone levels. Four successive injections of lamprey GnRH at 0.05 or 0.1 μg/g stimulated plasma progesterone and spermiation. [D-Phe2,6,Pro3] lamprey GnRH at 0.05 or 0.1 μg/g depressed plasma progesterone levels and inhibited spermiation. In contrast, lamprey GnRH analog, [D-Ala6,Pro9-OH free carboxylic acid] lamprey GnRH, at 0.05 or 0.1 μg/g stimulated plasma progesterone levels and inhibited spermiation. In summary, lamprey GnRH is biologically active in stimulating the pituitary-gonadal axis in adult male lampreys as determined by steroidogenesis and spermiation.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis and distribution of the endocrine pancreas in adult lampreys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The endocrine pancreas of larval lampreys appears as islets of cells isolated in the submucosa and those both continuous with, and within, the gut epithelium at the intestinal-oesophageal-bile duct junction. The islets, and occasionally follicles, are composed of only insulin-secreting (B) cells. During metamorphosis, the bile duct either completely degenerates or its epithelium transforms into a caudal endocrine pancreas while a cranial pancreas appears as a specialization and expansion of the larval pancreas. Immunocytochemistry and histochemistry demonstrates that there is a wide variation in the distribution of the pancreatic tissue in adults of lamprey species, and this variation may result from interspecific differences in morphogenetic events at metamorphosis. Despite species variability in its distribution, the endocrine pancreatic tissue in all adult lampreys is composed of equal numbers of B cells and somatostatin-secreting (D) cells, but there are no glucagon-secreting (A) cells. Immunocytochemistry reveals that B and D cells of the caudal pancreas differentiate from cells of the larval bile duct during metamorphosis of the sea lamprey,Petromyzon marinus.  相似文献   

This study compared the alterations in total lipid and lipid class composition of kidney, liver, and intestine from sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, during their nontrophic metamorphosis with these parameters in unmetamorphosed larvae. Total lipid in kidney and liver initially was higher by 104 and 66%, respectively, in the earliest metamorphic stage (3) examined compared to larvae and then decreased by 73 and 37%, respectively, from stage 3 to stage 7. Total lipid in intestine, on the other hand, was 53% lower at stage 3 compared to larvae and then significantly increased by 260% from stage 3 to stage 7. Large amounts of triacylglycerol (TG) in kidney and liver implicate these organs as lipid depots; much of the change in total lipid content of kidney and liver could be explained by alterations in TG, although significant variations in other lipid classes (e.g., phospholipid, cholesterol) also were noted. These results suggest that lamprey metamorphosis may proceed in two metabolic phases in a tissue-specific manner and that lipid depletion results from specific catabolism of stored TG reserves.  相似文献   

以瓯江彩鲤(Cyprinus carpio var.color)5个配套选育系进行双列杂交产生的F1的数据为分析对象,利用统计学和数量遗传学方法对6个繁殖性状(雄鱼性腺指数、雌鱼性腺指数、绝对繁殖力、相对繁殖力、受精率和孵化率)进行了配合力测定和杂交优势分析。结果发现,不同组合间的繁殖性状存在较大差异,但以"麻花"作母本的交配组合的平均雌鱼性腺指数和孵化率最高,以"全红"作母本的交配组合的绝对繁殖力和相对繁殖力最高,以"粉花"作母本的交配组合的所有繁殖性状参数均较差;雌鱼性腺指数与绝对繁殖力、相对繁殖力之间均存在显著的表型相关(r=0.411~0.847,P=0.01~0.04),绝对繁殖力与相对繁殖力之间存在极显著的表型相关(r=0.847,P<0.01);雌鱼性腺指数、绝对繁殖力和相对繁殖力3个性状检测到显著的特殊配合力;通过遗传效应预测,10个杂交组合均存在特殊配合力与杂交优势预测值,其雄鱼性腺指数、雌鱼性腺指数、绝对繁殖力、相对繁殖力和孵化率的杂交优势与特殊配合力均呈极显著相关(r=0.959~0.985,P<0.01)。本研究结果为瓯江彩鲤配套系育种提供了参考数据。  相似文献   

为合理利用日本鲭(Scomber japonicus)资源并深入了解其资源补充规律, 利用 2021 年 3—4 月在东海中部采集的日本鲭繁殖群体样本, 研究了其年龄与卵径和繁殖力的关系。结果表明:雌性日本鲭繁殖群体由 1+ ~5+ 龄构成, 1+ 和 2+ 龄占优势(68.54%)。根据 Logistic 方程拟合得到其 50% 性成熟叉长为 256.98 mm。独立 T 检验结果表明, 不同的性腺发育程度与卵径存在极显著性正相关关系(P<0.001); 高龄组(3+ ~5+ 龄)与低龄组(1+ ~2+ 龄)的卵径存在极显著差异(P<0.001)。日本鲭平均绝对繁殖力为(358202.06±185914.39)粒/ind; 平均叉长相对繁殖力为(1101.70±492.21) 粒/mm; 平均体重相对繁殖力为(881.13±311.46)粒/g。绝对繁殖力和叉长相对繁殖力均随着年龄的增加而逐渐升高, 且均与年龄存在极显著正相关关系(P<0.001); 体重相对繁殖力与年龄存在显著正相关关系(P=0.017<0.05)。回归分析表明, 3 种繁殖力指标与年龄之间均符合幂函数关系。绝对繁殖力贡献率随着年龄的增加而下降, 绝对繁殖力年增长量及增长率随着年龄的增加先持续降低其后至 5+ 龄又略有回升。虽然高龄日本鲭所产出的卵子质量更高, 繁殖力更强, 但高龄个体数量较少, 因此绝对繁殖力群体贡献率小于低龄鱼。在制定日本鲭资源管理和保护措施时, 对于高龄日本鲭的保护问题尤其值得重视。  相似文献   

Abstract. Measurements of egg number, egg size and total egg volume in relation to post-stripped weight, made on the eggs stripped from 12 separately maintained farm stocks of 4-year-old rainbow trout. Oncorhynchus mykiss Richardson, revealed highly significant differences between populations when analysed by regression and covariance statistical techniques. All of the stocks showed increases in fecundity with increasing fish size, with 61% (coefficient of determination or r2) of the variation in fecundity of the 12 stocks explained by the common regression on parental fish size. Comparison of the regressions of the different stocks revealed that the rate of increase of fecundity with increasing fish weight was constant throughout the weight range (i.e. the regressions had similar slopes) although there were highly significant differences in elevation, with some stocks producing almost twice as many eggs as some of the others. By contrast, the relationship of egg size with fish weight was much more variable with three of the stocks showing no significant regression of egg size on fish weight and a further two stocks with data poorly fitted to the regressions. Of the remaining seven stocks only one showed a significant difference in slope of the regression with modest increases in fish weight being associated with large increases in egg size. Only four of the remaining stocks of fish showed significant differences in the elevation of their regressions, i.e. the egg sizes were significantly different after the potentially conflicting influence of fish size was partitioned using covariance techniques. Assessments of total egg volume produced far improved regressions on post-strip weight with 75% (r2) of the variation in the pooled data of the 12 stocks being described by the line of the common regression. In general, there appeared to be a “trade-off” between egg number and size with the most and least fecund fish producing somewhat smaller and larger eggs respectively. All 12 regressions of totai egg volume on fish weight showed a common slope. However, there were significant differences in elevation of the regressions, with some of the stocks of trout producing up to a 55% greater volume of eggs. There appeared to be no relationship between the differences in egg number, size or total egg volume and the type or geograpfiical location of the farms on which the stocks were held. Although it remains to be determined to what extent these differences in reproductive performance are Inheritable, it is recommended that these characteristics should be taken into account by hatcheries in tbe design of long-term broodstock selection programmes for rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Abstract – The life history traits of breeding size, clutch size, egg size and relative clutch mass were examined for evidence of plasticity within a set of six annual samples of threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus L., females from south-central Alaska, USA. Three samples (from 1992, 1996 and 1999) were of stickleback native to, and living within, a stream environment, while three (from 1995, 1996 and 1999) represented fish living within a pond environment recently colonized by the stream stickleback. Significant differences between stream and pond fish were found for all four traits. For most traits, pond-living females showed greater variation both across and within years than did stream-living females. Although extremely rapid evolution within the pond, or genetic drift caused by low founding population size, could not be completely ruled out, trait changes across years in both environments were interpreted as representing adaptive plasticity.  相似文献   

Many studies have identified the importance of local adaptation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and the strong genetic differences that exist between allopatric or parapatric resident and anadromous populations. However, as truly sympatric migratory phenotypes of Atlantic salmon have not been studied, it remains unclear whether distinct genotypes previously associated with life history differences are maintained through reproductive isolation and subsequent genetic drift or through natural selection induced by different life history requirements. In this study, sympatric anadromous and resident Atlantic salmon were sampled from three Newfoundland (Canada) watersheds to evaluate the genetic divergence of these life history forms. Eight microsatellite loci were used to quantify genetic variation within and among populations. Metrics of genetic differentiation (exact tests for population differentiation, pairwise θ values) provide no evidence of genetic differentiation between some sympatric anadromous and resident phenotypes within a system with no history of segregation. In the remaining two watersheds, the observed differentiation appears to be a consequence of historical segregation rather than life history form. Nonetheless, these differences have been maintained in contemporary times for several generations. At broader spatial scales, resident salmon were more genetically divergent from one another than anadromous life history forms and were more closely related to anadromous salmon from within their watershed than to resident salmon from other watersheds. The study indicates that both life history forms can be maintained within a single population, but that sympatric populations of different life histories can maintain genetic differences for at least several generations after being reconnected.  相似文献   

To explore which lifestages affect the stock size of young-of-the-year mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria in Tokyo Bay, Japan, we investigated interannual variations in the quantitative relationships among egg production, larval density, and juvenile density. We collected adult females, larvae, and juveniles during monthly field surveys from 2004 to 2007. The interannual trend for the juvenile density index differed from those for egg production and larval density; although indices of both egg production and larval density were high in 2004 and 2007, the juvenile density index was high only in 2007, suggesting high mortality during the pelagic larval stage or the early phase of the postsettlement juvenile stage in 2004. We found that larval settlement started at the end of August and peaked in October, although larvae from the early spawning season (May–June) should have settled in August or earlier. Juveniles were found throughout the bay except in areas where bottom hypoxia occurred, suggesting that hypoxia restricts the spatial distribution of juveniles. Our results suggest that mortality during the early life history fluctuates among years, probably because of changes in environmental conditions in the bay, resulting in interannual variation in the stock size of young-of-the-year juvenile O. oratoria.  相似文献   

Geotria australis occurred almost to the upstream limit of detectable discharge in two New Zealand streams. The length, and consequently age, of larvae differed over the course of the stream and smallest animals - presumed to be age 0 - predominated upstream. Metamorphosing larvae (mean length 99.5 mm) typically occurred in downstream reaches, where flows were higher and substrate was coarser. We estimated that annual larval survival was 47% for age 0 to 1 and 77% for age 1 to 2. Differences in the relation between length and weight occurred both between years within a stream and between streams; thus, we assume growth is generally variable. The density of ammocoetes in New Zealand streams ranged from 0 to 104 m?2 and was significantly related to substrate type and depth in a multiple linear regression model. Because of the predictable nature of lamprey distribution and abundance, we believe it should be possible to estimate the absolute abundance of ammocoetes in a catchment with only a limited assessment of substrate properties.  相似文献   

Fishery in the Danube River basin has been characterised over the past century by increasing fishing levels, illegal fishing practices and poor regulations. However, there is a remarkable lack of available information on the actual status of fish stocks, as well as on the trends and sustainability of fisheries, which poses a problem for the development of adequate policy and management measures. In this study, we assessed the trends in the commercial fishery in the Middle Danube in Serbia during 1969–1989 and 2006–2010 by evaluating the temporal changes in life history‐related indicators that might point out unsustainable fishing pressures. Moreover, we present the approach of using the catch‐weighted mean egg‐per‐recruit (EPR) index as a proxy for the overall resilience of fish stocks to fishing. Results indicated a marked shift towards smaller fish that mature earlier and have a shorter lifespan. Landings also shifted towards species at lower trophic levels, with a mean trophic level decline at a rate of approximately 0.16 per decade. Results indicated likely presence of the ‘fishing through the food web’ phenomenon. At the same time, catch‐weighted community mean of the 20% EPR threshold ratio (EPR20%) increased by 4.2%, indicating the increase of the overall resilience to fishing of the exploited species. Obtained results indicated the importance of using such metrics for the assessments of trends in fishery. The approach and results presented here could be of interest for the scientific community and stakeholders involved in fishery management.  相似文献   

针对2013年和2014年采自青岛胶州湾的209尾铠平鲉(Sebastes hubbsi)样本开展了年龄、生长和种群繁殖力研究。耳石轮纹结构的年龄鉴定结果显示,铠平鲉的年龄分布范围为1~+~7~+龄,2~+~4~+龄为优势年龄组(77.5%)。体长与体重呈幂函数关系:W=8×10~(-5) L~(2.797)(R~2=0.861)。Von Bertalanffy体长生长方程为L_t=131.4×[1-e~(-0.269(t+2.697))],体重生长方程为W_t=63.6×[1-~(e-0.269(t+2.697))]~(2.797)。其生长过程可分为3个阶段:(1)1~+~3~+龄为快速生长期;(2)3~+~6~+龄为成熟稳定期;(3)6~+龄以后为高龄衰老期。所采样本的性比(2.12︰1)明显偏离1︰1(P0.05),雌性个体样本数在各体长段均高于雄性个体。性腺指数(GSI)和肝脏指数(HSI)变化趋势相反,肝脏可能为其性腺发育提供物质基础和能量来源。绝对怀卵量波动于482~6166粒,平均值为3266粒;相对体长怀卵量显著低于卵生鱼类,表明卵胎生鱼类体内胚胎发育、孵化的护卵方式可能使其以较少的怀卵量即可维持种的延续。结合拐点年龄对应的拐点体重及50%性成熟体长,建议以体长80 mm、体重20 g作为铠平鲉的开捕标准,以维护青岛胶州湾铠平鲉资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that maternal condition positively influences the number of eggs spawned in fishes. These studies commonly choose a priori to use body length rather than weight as an explanatory variable of offspring production, even though weight is usually the better predictor of fecundity. We are concerned that consistent exclusion of body weight as a predictor of egg production inflates the variance in fecundity attributable to maternal condition. By analysing data on three populations of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua, Gadidae) and 10 populations of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis, Salmonidae), we illustrate the need for a statistically defensible method of model selection to distinguish the effects of maternal condition on egg production from the effects of body size alone. Forward stepwise regression and null model analyses reveal how length‐based regressions can significantly over‐estimate correlations between condition and fecundity, leading us to conclude that the effect of condition on egg productivity may not be as ubiquitous or as biologically important as previously thought. Our work underscores the need for greater statistical clarity in analyses of the effects of maternal condition on reproductive productivity in fishes.  相似文献   

Oogenesis in fishes follows a universal plan; yet, due to differences in the synchrony and rate of egg development, spawning frequency varies from daily to once in a lifetime. Some species spawn and feed in separate areas, during different seasons, by storing energy and drawing on it later for reproduction (i.e. capital breeding). Other species spawn using energy acquired locally, throughout a prolonged spawning season, allocating energy directly to reproduction (i.e. income breeding). Capital breeders tend to ovulate all at once and are more likely to be distributed at boreal latitudes. Income breeding allows small fish to overcome allometric constraints on egg production. Income breeders can recover more quickly when good‐feeding conditions are re‐established, which is a benefit to adults regarding bet‐hedging spawning strategies. Many species exhibit mixed capital‐ and income‐breeding patterns. An individual's position along this capital–income continuum may shift with ontogeny or in relation to environmental conditions, so breeding patterns are a conditional reproductive strategy. Poor‐feeding environments can lead to delayed maturation, skipped spawning, fewer spawning events per season or fewer eggs produced per event. In a few cases, variations in feeding environments appear to affect recruitment variability. These flexible processes of energy acquisition and allocation allow females to prioritize their own condition over their propagules' condition at any given spawning opportunity, thereby investing energy cautiously to maximize lifetime reproductive value. These findings have implications for temporal and spatial sampling designs, for measurement and interpretation of fecundity, and for interpreting fishery and ecosystem assessments.  相似文献   

Understanding the processes that drive reproductive success in marine fish stocks is critical to effective fisheries management. These processes can be difficult to investigate, especially in age-structured populations, because they occur at transgenerational scales. Reproductive success is often attributed to a small portion of the adult population (<0.01%) and thought to be driven primarily by random external factors, consistent with the concept of sweepstake reproductive success (SRS). A competing concept, the reproductive resilience paradigm, posits that fishes have evolved complex spawner-recruit systems to achieve lifetime reproductive success and maintain population stability within highly variable environments. Here, we examine these two concepts. First, we analyse the popular sport fish red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus, Sciaenidae), drawing on genetic and reproductive data to estimate a plausible range for the ratio of effective population size ( N e ) to adult abundance ( N A ) and to infer variance in lifetime reproductive success ( V k * ). Then, we synthesize available data and infer V k * for two other fishes that have N e / N A ratios reportedly >0.10, the southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii, Scombridae) and the silver seabream (Chrysophrys auratus, Sparidae). Although commonly regarded as an SRS species, red drum did not meet the SRS criterion. Overdispersed V k * values were inferred for all three species, with those for red drum and silver seabream being dependent upon population-closure assumptions. Results are presented within the conceptual framework of reproductive resilience, considering the roles of random extrinsic forces versus evolved traits to achieve lifetime reproductive success and population stability in high and variable mortality environments.  相似文献   

Lasne E, Sabatié M‐R, Evanno G. Communal spawning of brook and river lampreys (Lampetra planeri and L. fluviatilis) is common in the Oir River (France). Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 323–325. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – The taxonomic status of river Lampreys (Lampetra fluviatilis) and brook lampreys (L. planeri) has been repeatedly questioned due to the high morphological similarity of these species. Here, we report a high frequency (54%) of communal spawning involving both species in the Lampetra redds of a French coastal river. These observations suggest that reproductive isolation between the two species may not be as strong as previously supposed.  相似文献   

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