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Bovine enzootic haematuria is essentially a neoplastic condition of the urinary bladder which is characterized by the clinical condition of haematuria. The appearance of haematuria which may be persistent or intermittent is followed by anaemia, wasting and usually death. The disease occurs in older animals of both sexes.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum is a zoonotic Apicomplexa-protozoan pathogen that causes gastroenteritis and diarrhea in mammals worldwide. Globally, C. parvum is ubiquitous on dairy operations and is the pathogen most commonly diagnosed in association with calf diarrhea. Here, we describe the antibody response in 20 pregnant cows to a recombinant C. parvum oocyst surface protein (rCP15/60) vaccine compared with 20 controls, and the antibody response in 19 calves fed the rCP15/60-immune colostrum from these vaccinated cows compared with 20 control calves. Cows vaccinated with rCP15/60 produced a significantly greater antibody response compared to controls (p<0.0001) and this response was strongly associated with the subsequent level of colostral antibody (r=0.82, p<0.0001). Calves fed rCP15/60-immune colostrum showed a dose-dependent absorption of antibody, also associated with colostral antibody levels (r=0.83, p<0.0001). Currently, drug therapy against cryptosporidiosis is limited making development of an effective vaccine attractive. This report describes the first stages in development of a C. parvum rCP15/60 vaccine designed to confer passive protection to calves against cryptosporidiosis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of propofol (PRF) on maternal and fetal cardiopulmonary function during the last trimester of pregnancy. Six pregnant 2-3 year-old Ripollesa sheep, each weighing 78+/-8 kg were used in the study and prepared by placing catheters in the maternal jugular vein and carotid artery. A catheter was also placed in the fetal femoral artery. Twenty-four hours later the sheep were anaesthetized with PRF (6 mg/kg intravenous (IV) followed by a continuous infusion at a rate of 0.4 mg/kg/min for 60 min) and cardiopulmonary data collected. Further data were collected for 105 min following termination of the infusion. The maternal mean arterial pressure (MAP) and diastolic arterial pressure (DAP) were significantly decreased (P<0.05) during the first 15 min of the infusion period, while the maternal pH was also significantly decreased. Maternal PaCO(2) and PaO(2) were significantly increased throughout the total infusion period. It was further observed that the fetal pH decreased significantly, throughout the infusion period, whereas the fetal MAP, DAP and PaCO(2) were significantly increased during the first 15 min of the infusion, after which time all parameters returned to control values. No differences in either maternal or fetal parameters were observed between control and recovery times.  相似文献   

Antibody response of horses to Rhodococcus equi antigens.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The antigens extracted from strains belonging to seven capsular serotypes of Rhodococcus equi, as well as from two wild strains isolated from pneumonic foals, were examined. Whole-cell antigens and soluble products present in broth culture supernatants were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, electroblotted onto nitrocellulose, and stained with serum from hyperimmunized rabbits or foals. Foal sera used included sera from pneumonic animals with known titer to equi factors; from animals bled monthly on a farm with enzootic pneumonia, and from animals bled monthly on a farm with no history of R. equi pneumonia. The humoral response of foals to somatic antigen preparations was negligible, with few differences noted between sera from healthy, subclinically affected, and sick foals. The humoral response to R. equi broth culture supernatant products appeared more marked and was related to equi factor antibody titer. These findings suggest that the humoral response to R. equi whole-cell antigens is unimportant in protection against disease, which is consistent with the behavior of the organism as a facultative intracellular pathogen.  相似文献   

In cows inoculated with Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona or hardjo, the 2-mercaptoethanol-sensitive microscopic agglutination test (MAT) antibody to the serovar appeared 3 to 8 days after inoculation and peaked at 10 to 20 days, whereas the 2-mercaptoethanol-resistant MAT antibody was predominant at 35 to 80 days. A persistent antibody response, probably associated with serovar-specific leptospiral antigens, was detected in the cows inoculated with serovar pomona, using a sonicated or an alkaline-extracted antigen derived from serovar pomona in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In contrast, a short-lived antibody response to the same antigens was demonstrated in cows inoculated with serovar hardjo, probably more typical of the response to genus-specific leptospiral antigens. Antigens derived from L biflexa serovar patoc only detected the latter type of antibody response in cows inoculated with serovar pomona or hardjo. Correlative studies revealed that the antigens derived from serovar patoc seem to be genus specific and serologically closely related, but not identical. The antigens derived from serovar pomona were genus specific on the basis of the early antibody response to leptospiral inoculation in the cows, but serovar specific based on the subsequent more persistent response to leptospiral inoculation. These antigens were also serologically closely related, but not identical. Examination of sera from cows that aborted and were MAT-positive for serovar pomona or hardjo revealed a more serovar-specific antibody response, indicating that there may have been a less recent leptospiral antigenic stimulus, thus emphasizing the caution with which results of the ELISA and other serologic assays for the detection of bovine leptospirosis must be interpreted.  相似文献   

A strain of Akabane virus (CSIRO 16) isolated from Culicoides brevitarsis was given three different passage treatments in the laboratory and then inoculated into ewes that were 32 to 36 days pregnant. The foetuses from these ewes were examined between the 69th and 106th days of gestation. The 39 infected ewes produced 55 foetuses of which 44 (80%) had severe developmental defects. Arthrogryposis and agenesis of the brain or hydranencephaly, were present in 43 of the foetuses. Other gross defects affecting variable proportions of foetuses were porencephaly, brachygnathism, scoliosis, hypoplasia of the lungs and agenesis or hypoplasia of the spinal cord. Histopathological findings covered a wide spectrum of defects that have previously been considered to occur over an extended range of foetal ages. These defects included skeletal muscle atrophy and degeneration, and in the brain, particularly in the cerebrum, cystic areas and malacia, general oedema, subependymal gliosis, perivascular cuffing and mineralised plaques. Similar lesions were seen in the pons and cerebellum. Extensive lesions, with and without inflammation were seen in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

Antibodies to antigens of Toxoplasma gondii were measured in the aqueous and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 16 specific-pathogen free kittens experimentally infected with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), T. gondii, or both pathogens. The results indicated that all cats infected with T. gondii had antibody responses to antigens of T. gondii in both aqueous fluids and CSF. Co-infection with FIV did not affect antibody levels. Aqueous fluids from eyes of cats with toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis did not necessarily have higher antibody levels than those from eyes without lesions. Antibodies to T. gondii were also detected in the CSF of two cats from whose brains no parasites were isolated by in vivo mouse inoculation. Total IgG did not increase significantly in the aqueous fluids and CSF of cats infected with T. gondii whether or not they were also infected with FIV.  相似文献   

Reproductive performance and lamb viability in cobalt sufficient and subclinically deficient ewes, and from ewes experiencing repletion from and depletion into cobalt deficiency, were investigated in two experiments. The sheep were fed a cobalt deficient ration and supplementation was by oral dose according to treatment. The treatments had a significant effect (P less than 0.001) on ewe serum vitamin B12 and methylmalonic acid concentrations. There were no significant effects on ewe liveweight, condition score or conception rate. Cobalt deficient ewes produced fewer lambs and had more stillbirths and neonatal mortalities than cobalt sufficient controls. Lambs from deficient ewes were slower to start suckling (P less than 0.05), had reduced concentrations of serum immunoglobulin G and zinc sulphate turbidity levels (P less than 0.05), and had lower serum vitamin B12 and higher methylmalonic acid concentrations (P less than 0.05), than lambs from cobalt sufficient dams. Cobalt supplementation in either the first or second half of pregnancy only did not fully alleviate these adverse effects.  相似文献   

Bordetella bronchiseptica (Bb) whole cell bacterins have been replaced with acelluar vaccines. We evaluated the response to the acellular Bb vaccines in Bb-seropositive commingled laboratory beagles and client-owned dogs with various lifestyles and vaccination histories. A single parenteral dose of the acellular Bb vaccine resulted in consistent anamnestic IgG, and to a lesser, but notable extent, IgA, Bb-reactive antibody responses in the seropositive beagles. Associated with the increase in antibodies measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was an increase in the complement (C)-dependent IgG antibody mediated bactericidal effect on Bb in vitro. Antibody responses in client-owned dogs were more variable and were dependent upon the vaccination history and serological evidence of previous Bb exposure. Antibodies from vaccinated dogs recognized several Bb proteins, notably P68 (pertactin) and P220 (fimbrial hemagglutinin), the response to which has been shown to be disease-sparing in Bp infections. These antibody responses were similar to those in experimentally infected dogs and in dogs that had received a widely used whole cell bacterin.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the carry‐over effects of ewe body reserves during early pregnancy on peri‐partum adipose tissue metabolism. Forty‐nine multiparous ewes were divided in three categories according to their body condition score (BCS) at day 30 of pregnancy (BCS < 3, 2.5–2.75; BCS = 3; BCS > 3, 3.25–3.5). Live‐weight (LW) and BCS gains from 1st to 4th month of pregnancy were greater in ewes with BCS < 3 and 3 than in >3 animals. In contrast, in the last month of pregnancy, there was BCS decrease in all groups, although LW continued increasing. There were no differences in LW or BCS across ewe categories during this period. Peripheral leptin levels throughout the three last weeks of pregnancy were greater in ewes with BCS > 3 than in the rest, but this difference did not persist after lambing. Plasma metabolites related to energy metabolism, milk yield and lamb growth were not affected by ewe BCS in early pregnancy. Long‐chain saturated milk fatty acids (FA) (C16–C24) were greater in ewes with lowest BCS (<3 and 3). Ewes with greater BCS showed greater monounsaturated and lowest polyunsaturated milk FA content. Ewe post‐mating body reserves affect both pre‐partum leptinaemia and post‐partum milk polyunsaturated fatty acids content, but it had little effect on lamb performance.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of developments in approaches to identify novel bacterial components for use in recombinant subunit vaccines. In particular it describes the processes involved in "reverse vaccinology", and some associated complementary technologies such as proteomics that can be used in the identification of new and potentially useful vaccine antigens. Results obtained from the application of these new methods are forming a basis for a new generation of vaccines for use in the control of bacterial infections of humans and animals.  相似文献   

Histophilus somni causes bovine pneumonia and septicemia, but protective immune responses are not well understood and immunodiagnostic methods are not well defined. We previously showed that antibody to a new virulence factor, IbpA, neutralizes cytotoxicity and immunization with a recombinant IbpA domain protects calves against experimental H. somni pneumonia. To further define immune responses to IbpA, we determined isotypic serum antibody responses to three IbpA domains (IbpA3, an N-terminal coiled coil region; IbpA5, a central region of 200 bp repeats and IbpA DR2, a C-terminal cytotoxic domain). ELISA was used to quantitate IgG1 or IgG2 antibodies to each of the IbpA subunits as well as H. somni whole cells (WCs) or culture supernatant (SUP). Calves experimentally infected with H. somni and monitored for up to 10 weeks had the least "0 time" (background) antibody levels to IbpA5, as well as the earliest and highest responses of greatest duration to the IbpA5 subunit. Responses of these calves were high to WC or SUP antigens but with higher "0 time" (background) antibody levels. We concluded that IbpA5 may be a useful immunodiagnostic antigen. Calves immunized with H. somni WC vaccine had antibody responses to WC antigens, but not to IbpA subunits before challenge. After challenge with H. somni, vaccinated calves had slight anamnestic responses to IbpA3 and IbpA5, but not to IbpA DR2. Since IbpA DR2 is a protective antigen, the data suggest the IbpA DR2 would be a useful addition to H. somni vaccines.  相似文献   

牛冷冻精液精子复苏率的高低与原精质量、精子耐冻性、稀释液种类、稀释方法及精液冷冻和解冻速度等因素有关。其中,精液在冷冻过程中温度变化曲线是影响精子复苏率高低的重要因素之一。研究细管精液在不同条件下冷冻,精液温度变化曲线及精子复苏率变化的规律,优选出细管精液最适宜的冷冻温度曲线,可以为提高牛冷冻精液质量提供重要保障。  相似文献   

K R Rhoades 《Avian diseases》1975,19(3):437-442
The antibody response of turkeys exposed to Mycoplasma synoviae intravenously and by way of air sacs was determined by tube agglutination, plate agglutination, hemagglutination-inhibition (HI), and gel diffusion precipitin tests. The results suggested that continued antigenic stimulation was lacking in most turkeys and that the response was due mostly to IgM-type immunoglobulin. Under those conditions, both types of agglutination tests were effective and were more sensitive indicators of exposure than the HI test. The gel diffusion precipitin test was not considered effective under the conditions of this study. HI activity occurred in serums of intravenously exposed turkeys within 4 days of exposure. The sensitivity of this activity to 2-mercaptoethanol treatment suggested that IgM was responsible.  相似文献   

This study examined whether increased intestinal permeability in Irish setters with gluten-sensitive enteropathy was associated with altered immune responses to ingested antigens, and whether a humoral immune response to gluten is involved in the pathogenesis of the condition. Affected setters reared on a wheat-containing diet were compared with littermates reared on a cereal-free diet and age-matched control setters. Measurement of serum immunoglobulins revealed increased serum IgA concentrations in affected dogs. Antibody responses to a variety of dietary antigens were measured by elisa. Antibody levels to ovalbumin, collagen I and II and soya were not significantly different from normal dogs. Anti-gliadin antibody concentrations were lower in affected dogs than controls, and correlated with immune complex formation as assessed by CIq binding. The study suggested a modified immune response in dogs with increased intestinal permeability, although there was no major systemic antibody response to dietary antigens.  相似文献   

Absorption of somatostatin (SRIF) specific antibodies from colostrum of ewes actively immunized against SRIF may improve growth rate of the neonatal lamb by neutralizing the inhibitory effects of SRIF on pituitary and thyroid function. Growth and endocrine parameters in the offspring of SRIF immunized (SI) and control (C) crossbred ewes were examined. Lamb weight was recorded at birth and twice each week to 24 days of age. Blood samples were collected prior to first suckle and twice each week. At 21 to 24 days of age, in separate experiments, lambs were infused with glucose (0.29 g/kg), arginine (0.25 g/kg) or thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH; 0.33 microgram/kg). A strong correlation (R = 0.88; P less than .01) was observed between anti-SRIF titre in the ewe at parturition and in the lamb at 3 days of age. No effect on lamb birth weight (SI 4.28 +/- 0.27 kg; C 4.35 +/- 0.23 kg) was observed. At 24 days of age cumulative gain in SI lambs (5.4 +/- 0.32 kg) was greater (P less than .05) than in C lambs (4.5 +/- 0.32 kg). The growth hormone secretory responses to glucose or arginine were not affected by treatment. Plasma IGF-I, plasma thyroxine (T4) and the plasma thyrotropin and T4 responses to TRH were not different between treatments. Plasma triiodothyronine (T3) was higher (P less than .05) in SI (2.46 +/- .10 ng/ml) than in C (2.01 +/- .05 ng/ml) lambs, however, the plasma T3 response to TRH was lower in SI lambs. Plasma glucose (mg/dl) was higher (P less than .05) in SI (118.4 +/- 1.7) than in C (106.0 +/- 4.0) lambs. Plasma insulin was not affected by treatment. Increased plasma T3 and glucose concentrations during SRIF immunoneutralization in the neonate lamb may be important factors contributing to the growth response observed.  相似文献   

The fetal stress responses in sows euthanized by electrical current during their second and last trimester of pregnancy (G1 and G2) were evaluated. Three methods of euthanasia of pregnant sows generally applicable to cases of epizootic or emergency slaughter were investigated: 1. conventional application of electrical current to the head and heart (HH); 2. application of electrical current to the head, heart and the uterus (HHU); 3. application of electrical current to the head, heart and from the upper body to the vagina (HHV). Fetuses were delivered by cesarean section at intervals of 3 to 4 minutes and remained attached to the sow by the umbilical cord. Fetal vitality, reflexes, heart rate, blood pressure, rectal body temperature, intracardial arteriovenous pCO2, pH and lactic acid were monitored for a period of 30 minutes. No method was found to kill the fetal pigs immediately. In fetuses at G1 there were no significant differences between the HH and HHU and HHV methods. Fetuses at G2 showed a significantly faster decrease in heart rate and blood pressure as well as a shorter period of time for the absence of fetal body movements and reflexes for the HHT method, compared to the other methods. Since it is not yet known to what extent the fetal pig experiences pain and suffering, the prolonged process of dying for the in utero fetus due to hypoxia which includes struggling and gasps is inconsistent with criteria for humane euthanasia and animal welfare.  相似文献   

The study investigated concomitant effect of gestation and high ambient temperature under a tropical environment on rectal temperature (RT), respiratory rate (RR) and heart rate (HR) responses in Yankasa ewes. Twenty Yankasa ewes, consisting of ten pregnant and ten non-pregnant ewes, were used for the study. Ewes were synchronised and bred, such that each gestation phase coincided with different periods of the dry-seasons, early-gestation (cold/harmattan), mid-gestation (peak hot-dry) and late-gestation (late hot-dry). The RT, RR and HR were recorded thrice, 2 days apart at middle of each gestation period at 06:00, 14:00 and 18:00 h, concurrently with dry- (DBT) and wet-bulb temperatures of the experimental pen. The DBT was positively correlated with RT, RR during the different gestation stages. The RT significantly (P < 0.001) increased with the hour of day, regardless of the physiological status of the ewes, with peak at 14:00 h. Values of RT and RR were higher (P < 0.05) in pregnant than non-pregnant ewes at mid- and late-gestation, respectively. Mean RT was lower (P < 0.001) at 06:00 h in pregnant than non-pregnant ewes at early-gestation (cold-dry). The HR was (P < 0.05) higher in pregnant than non-pregnant ewes during the different gestation phases. In conclusion, ambient temperature and gestation concomitantly modulate diurnal thermoregulatory responses of the ewes to hot-dry season. Adequate measures should be adopted to mitigate adverse impact of prolonged high RR on the dam and the foetus during the peak of ambient temperature prevailing in the tropical Savannah environment.  相似文献   

The immune responses in control dogs [1 to 4 years of age, body condition score (BCS): 4 to 5 out of 9] were compared to those of aging dogs (based on breed and body size) either categorized as lean (BCS: 4 to 5 out of 9) or obese (BCS: 8 to 9 out of 9). Of interest were the serum titers to the following common agents found in vaccines, canine parainfluenza virus (CPIV), canine parvovirus (CPV), canine distemper virus (CDV), canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV), and Bordetella bronchiseptica. There were no statistical differences in the antibodies to CPIV, B. bronchispetica, and CRCoV, among the age/weight categories, nor among the age/weight categories and the time, in days, between the date of sample collection and the date of the last recorded vaccination for CPIV, B. bronchiseptica, CPV, and CDV. For CPV, the control dogs had significantly (P < 0.002) higher serum neutralization (SN) titers than the lean geriatric dogs and the obese geriatric dogs. For CDV SN titers, the only statistically significant (P = 0.01) difference was that the control dogs had higher SN titers than the lean geriatric dogs.  相似文献   

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