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Selamectin was evaluated in eight controlled studies (4 in dogs, 4 in cats) to determine the efficacy of a single topical unit dose providing the recommended minimum dosage of 6mgkg(-1) against Ctenocephalides felis felis and Ctenocephalides canis fleas on dogs and against C. felis on cats. In addition, the effect of bathing on the efficacy of selamectin against C. felis was evaluated. Identical studies were performed in Beagles and domestic shorthaired cats. For each study, animals were allocated randomly to treatments of 8-12 animals each. All studies (dog studies A, B, C, and D and cat studies A, B, C, and D) evaluated the efficacy of selamectin without bathing. In addition, study C in both dogs and cats evaluated efficacy with a shampoo bath at 24h after dosing, and study D evaluated the efficacy of selamectin with water soaking at 2h after dosing or with a shampoo bath at 2-6h after dosing. Dog study B evaluated efficacy against C. canis, whereas all other studies used C. felis. In each study, selamectin was administered on day 0 as a topical dose that was applied directly to the skin in a single spot at the base of the neck in front of the scapulae. Dogs and cats were infested with approximately 100 viable unfed C. felis or C. canis on days 4, 11, 18, and 27. On days 7, 14, 21, and 30, approximately 72h after infestation, a comb count of the number of viable fleas present on each animal was made. For C. felis and C. canis for dogs and cats, compared with controls, selamectin achieved significant reductions in geometric mean adult flea comb counts of > or =98.9% on days 7, 14, and 21 in all eight studies. On day 30, the reduction for C. felis remained at or above 98.0%. This included the dogs and cats that were soaked with water or bathed with shampoo at 2, 6, or 24h after treatment. There were no significant (P>0.05) differences between the flea counts from selamectin-treated animals in these studies, regardless of bathing status. On day 30, a significant reduction of 91.8% was achieved against C. canis on dogs. Thus, these studies demonstrated that a single topical unit dose of selamectin was highly effective against adult fleas on dogs and cats for at least 27 days.  相似文献   

The efficacy of selamectin, a novel avermectin, in protecting dogs and cats against experimentally induced environmental flea (Ctenocephalides felis felis) infestations, was evaluated in a series of controlled and masked studies. Purpose-bred shorthaired cats and Beagles were randomly allocated to treatment with either selamectin at a minimum dosage of 6mgkg(-1) of body weight in the commercial formulation or the negative control treatment (vehicle only), and housed in controlled simulated home environments capable of supporting the flea life cycle. Day 0 was defined as the first day of treatment. Treatments were administered topically in a single spot on the skin at the base of the neck in front of the scapulae. In environmental challenge studies, which were designed to evaluate the efficacy of selamectin in the treatment and control of established flea infestations, dogs and cats were each infested with 100 fleas on days -28 and -21 and placed in carpeted rooms in order to establish high levels of active flea infestation prior to day 0. Treatments were administered monthly for 3 months. Flea comb counts were performed on days 14, 29, 44, 59, 74, and 90. Reductions in geometric mean flea comb counts for selamectin, compared with vehicle, were >99% from day 14 onwards for dogs, and >92% on day 29 and >99% on days 44, 59, 74, and 90 for cats (P=0.0001). In prevention of environmental infestation studies, dogs and cats were placed in environments capable of supporting flea infestations and given monthly treatments for 2 months, commencing on day 0. Animals were infested with 100 fleas on days 1 and 7, and flea comb counts were performed on days 29, 44, and 60. Reductions in geometric mean flea comb counts for selamectin, compared with vehicle, were >99% on days 29, 44, and 60 (P=0.0001) for dogs and cats. Monthly administration of selamectin to dogs and cats housed in environments highly suited to completion of the flea life cycle was shown to be highly effective in the treatment and prevention of flea infestations, without the need for supplementary environmental control measures.  相似文献   

The comparative efficacy of monthly administration of selamectin or lufenuron against Ctenocephalides felis felis on dogs and cats was evaluated over a 5-month period in flea-infested environments. Twenty-four dogs and 32 cats were randomly allocated to receiving a topical treatment with selamectin or an oral administration of tablets containing lufenuron/milbemycin oxime (for dogs) or lufenuron only (for cats). Each product was administered in accordance with the manufacturer's label recommendations. Eight dogs and four cats served as untreated sentinels. Treatments were administered on days 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120. Each animal received an application of 100 fleas on days -28 and -21, and then weekly applications of 20 fleas from days 91 through 147. Flea comb counts were performed on day -6, and every 2 weeks after day 0. From day 29 (dogs) or day 44 (cats) to day 150, geometric mean flea counts for selamectin were < or =0.4. Mean flea counts for animals assigned to treatment with selamectin were significantly lower (P=0.0001) than for animals assigned to treatment with lufenuron at all assessments after day 0.  相似文献   

Selamectin, a novel avermectin, was evaluated in two controlled studies (one in Beagles, one in domestic shorthaired cats) to determine an appropriate topical dose for efficacy against adult Ctenocephalides felis felis (C. felis) fleas on dogs and cats for 1 month. For each study, animals were allocated randomly to four treatments. One treatment consisted of the inert formulation ingredients (vehicle) administered as a negative control, and the other three treatments consisted of a single topical dosage of 3, 6, or 9mgkg(-1) of selamectin. In each study, selamectin was administered as a topical dose applied to the skin in a single spot at the base of the neck in front of the scapulae. Dogs and cats were infested with 100 viable unfed C. felis (50 males and 50 females) on days 4, 11, 18, and 27. Seventy-two hours (+/-2h) after each infestation, on days 7, 14, 21, and 30, a comb count to determine the number of viable fleas present on each animal was performed. Efficacy of selamectin on day 30 was used to select an appropriate dose. For dogs and cats, percentage reductions in geometric mean flea comb counts for the three selamectin treatments ranged from 94. 6 to 100% on days 7, 14, and 21, compared with the negative-control treatment. On day 30, reductions in flea comb counts were 81.5, 94.7, and 90.8% for dogs, and 79.8, 98.0, and 96.2% for cats treated with selamectin at 3, 6, or 9mgkg(-1), respectively. For day 30 flea comb counts for dogs and cats, analysis of variance showed that the three selamectin treatments resulted in significantly (P< or =0.05) lower counts than did the negative-control treatment. For dogs and cats, geometric mean flea counts for selamectin administered at a dosage of 3mgkg(-1) were significantly (P< or =0.05) higher than those for the 6 and 9mgkg(-1) treatment dosages combined. There were no significant differences in flea counts between the 6 and 9mgkg(-1) treatments. This analysis was confirmed by linear-plateau modeling. Thus, the optimal dose of selamectin for efficacy against adult fleas for both dogs and cats, as estimated by the turning point (plateau) in the dose response curve, was 6mgkg(-1).  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of selamectin and fipronil-(S)-methoprene against adult cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis), flea egg production, and the viability of flea eggs collected from treated cats. Cats were infested with approximately 50 adult fleas 2 days before treatment and weekly thereafter; flea eggs were collected and counted on days 0, 1, 2, and 3 and 48 and 72 hours after each weekly flea infestation. Live fleas were collected approximately 72 hours after treatment or infestation. Compared with fipronil-(S)-methoprene, selamectin provided significantly greater control of adult fleas from days 24 to 31 and significantly greater reduction in egg production from days 16 to 45. For the most part, both products significantly impacted larval and adult emergence for the entire 6-week study, with fipronil-(S)-methoprene providing significantly greater reduction in larval and adult emergence at week 6.  相似文献   

The efficacy of selamectin against adult ascarids was evaluated in eight controlled and masked studies in dogs. Three laboratory studies evaluated selamectin against experimentally induced infections of Toxocara canis; three laboratory studies evaluated selamectin against naturally acquired infections of T. canis; one laboratory study evaluated selamectin against naturally acquired infections of both T. canis and Toxascaris leonina; one field study evaluated selamectin against naturally acquired infections of ascarids (T. canis and/or T. leonina) in dogs presented as veterinary patients. Selamectin was administered topically to the skin of dogs in unit doses designed to deliver a minimum of 6mgkg(-1) (range, 6-12mgkg(-1)). In all studies, dogs were allocated randomly to treatment assignments (selamectin or vehicle control in laboratory studies: selamectin or reference product in the field study) on the basis of pretreatment fecal egg counts. For induced infections, there were significant reductions in geometric mean numbers of adult T. canis after a single application of selamectin (93.9-98.1%, P=0.0001), after two monthly applications (> or =88.3%, P< or =0.0001), and after three monthly applications (100%, P< or =0.0002). In the natural infection laboratory studies, when selamectin was administered twice at an interval of 30 days, the percentage reductions in geometric mean numbers of adult T. canis at necropsy were 84.6, 91.3, and 97.9%, and when selamectin was administered on days 0, 14, and 30, the percentage reductions were 91.1 and 97.6%. Geometric mean fecal T. canis egg counts were reduced by > or =92.9% (P< or =0.0067) at the end of the studies. In the field study, geometric mean fecal ascarid egg counts were reduced by 89.5 and 95. 5% (P=0.0001) for 14 and 30 days, respectively, after a single treatment with selamectin, and by 94.0% (P=0.0001) 30 days after the second treatment with selamectin. These reductions compared favorably with the egg count reductions from dogs treated with a reference product containing praziquantel, pyrantel embonate, and febantel. There were no adverse drug experiences or treatment-related mortalities during any of the studies. Selamectin, when administered topically in a unit dose providing a minimum dosage of 6mgkg(-1), was safe and effective against adult T. canis and T. leonina and in reducing the fecal excretion of T. canis eggs in dogs.  相似文献   

Twenty-four beagles were randomly allocated into four groups of six and housed in separate cages. Each dog was infested with 25 Ctenocephalides canis and 25 Ctenocephalides felis felis and two days later (day 0) the dogs in groups 1, 2 and 3 received a spot-on application of selamectin (6 mg/kg), imidacloprid (10 mg/kg), or fipronil (6-7 mg/kg), respectively, while the dogs in group 4 were not treated. The dogs were combed 48 hours later, the fleas were removed, counted and their species were determined. All the dogs were reinfested with the same number of the two species of fleas on days 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35, and the efficacy of the treatments was calculated 48 hours after each infestation. The mean numbers of fleas on the control dogs were 19.8 C. canis and 14.7 C. felis felis. The three treatments were effective for the full 35 days of the trial; over the first 28 days, the efficacy of selamectin ranged from 81 to 100 and 92 to 99 per cent against C. felis felis and C canis, respectively, the efficacy of imidacloprid ranged from 98 to 100 per cent and the efficacy of fipronil was 100 per cent against both species. There were no significant differences between the three treatments.  相似文献   

The adulticidal, ovicidal, and larvicidal effects of selamectin against flea (Ctenocephalides felis felis) infestations on dogs and cats were evaluated in a series of seven controlled and masked studies (three in cats, four in dogs). Animals were randomly allocated to treatment with either selamectin at a minimum dosage of 6mgkg(-1) in the commercial formulation or one of two negative-controls (0.9% NaCl solution or the vehicle from the commercial formulation). Treatments were administered topically in a single spot on the skin at the base of the neck in front of the scapulae. Speed of kill, measured by flea comb counts at 12h intervals during the 48h immediately following a single treatment on day 0, was evaluated in two studies. One study was in dogs and the other in cats, and each animal was infested with approximately 100 unfed viable adult fleas prior to treatment. Reductions in geometric mean flea counts for selamectin compared with saline were >98% between 24 and 36h after treatment in dogs, and between 12 and 24h after treatment in cats (P< or =0.0006). Efficacy in reducing flea egg hatch and larval development was evaluated in four studies, in which dogs and cats were treated once on day 0 and then repeatedly infested with approximately 600 fleas. Flea eggs were collected approximately for 72h after each infestation, on days 3, 7, 14, 21, and 30, counted, and cultured to determine their hatchability and subsequent larval development. Compared with the vehicle, selamectin was highly effective in reducing flea egg hatch (>92% in cats) and larval development (> or =95% for dogs and cats), and emergence of adults (97.8-100% for dogs, 85.6-100% for cats) for 30 days. Effects of exposure to hair coat debris were investigated in a study with dogs treated once on day 0 and repeatedly infested with 100 adult fleas. Debris (dander, flea faeces, hair, scales) was collected on days 1, 7, 14, 21, and 30 and added to normal flea eggs or larvae for incubation. Compared with debris from vehicle-treated dogs, debris from selamectin-treated dogs was highly effective in preventing egg hatch (>96%), in killing larvae (>98%) and in preventing larval development to adults (>99%) (P相似文献   

The activity of selamectin, fipronil and imidacloprid against larval cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis felis) was evaluated in an in vitro potency assay system. One hundred microliters of each compound at various concentrations in acetone were added to glass vials (1.5 by 3 cm) to which had been previously added 20 mg of sand and 10 mg of flea feces. Vials were then ball milled to allow the acetone to evaporate. Selamectin and fipronil were tested at 0.001, 0.003, 0.005, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.11, 0.3, and 0.5 microg of active compound per tube. Imidacloprid was tested at 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, and 5.0 microg of active compound per tube. Thirty first instar C. felis larvae were added to each vial. The number of larvae remaining alive in each vial was determined once daily for 72 h. With selamectin, reductions of >/=93.5% were achieved at 24 h after exposure at doses of >/=0.3 microg. In contrast, at 24 h neither fipronil nor imidacloprid reached 90% reduction, even at the highest doses tested (0.5 microg for fipronil and 5.0 microg for imidacloprid). Selamectin was significantly (P/=0.03 microg. A similar pattern of activity was observed at both 48 and 72 h, but higher percentages of larvae were killed for each of the compounds as the incubation time increased. At 72 h selamectin was significantly (P相似文献   

Seven controlled studies were conducted to investigate the efficacy of selamectin against weekly infestations of dogs with Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Dermacentor variabilis. Treatments (selamectin or vehicle alone) were applied topically at weekly, 2-week, or monthly intervals or in a "Monthly Plus" regimen (monthly treatment with an additional treatment at 14 days after the first treatment). Selamectin was supplied in unit dose tubes designed to deliver a minimum dosage of 6mgkg(-1). The studies ranged in duration from 37 to 90 days. Fifty adult ticks (+/-2) were applied approximately weekly, and tick counts were performed 3, 4, and 5 days after each infestation. The efficacy of selamectin was expressed as the percentage reduction in geometric mean tick counts on selamectin-treated dogs compared with those for dogs treated with the vehicle alone (negative-control). In one study, the engorgement of Dermacentor variabilis was assessed by weighing ticks after removal on the fifth day after each infestation. Weekly and 2-week interval treatments with selamectin provided efficacies against R. sanguineus of >89% across the entire study periods, with 100% efficacy being achieved from 21 days after the first dose and thereafter (study duration, 37 days for the weekly regimen and 44 days for the 2-week interval regimen). D. variabilis also was well controlled by the 2-week interval treatment regimen, with >96% efficacy being achieved from 21 days after the first treatment and thereafter until the end of the study (study duration: 90 days). In five of six studies incorporating three treatments at monthly intervals, the percentage reduction in R. sanguineus and D. variabilis counts 5 days after infestation ranged from 90 to 100% in the second and third months after treatment began. In the sixth study, reductions of > or =95% in D. variabilis counts 5 days after infestation were achieved for 2 weeks after each treatment in the second and third months. For the Monthly Plus regimen, from the second treatment (day 14) onwards, selamectin achieved 83-100% reductions in R. sanguineus and D. variabilis counts 3 days after infestation, and 94-100% reductions 5 days after infestation in three of the four studies. In the fourth study, selamectin demonstrated good efficacy against D. variabilis for 2 weeks after each treatment. In all seven studies, the counts from the selamectin-treated dogs were significantly (P< or =0.018) lower than those from the vehicle-treated dogs on 77 of the 80 assessments made 5 days after infestation. Selamectin also significantly (P< or =0.0105) reduced engorgement of female D. variabilis. These studies demonstrated that selamectin, administered topically to the skin in a single spot at a minimum dosage of 6mgkg(-1) at monthly intervals, was effective in the control of experimentally induced R. sanguineus and D. variabilis infestations on dogs.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a novel avermectin, selamectin, was evaluated for the prevention of heartworm disease (adult Dirofilaria immitis infection) in 120 dogs (aged 9 months to 13 years at enrolment) presented as veterinary patients. The study was conducted at five veterinary practices in a heartworm hyperendemic region of northern Italy. Dogs were allocated randomly in a 2:1 ratio to treatment with either selamectin or ivermectin. Treatments were administered at monthly intervals for 6 months during the heartworm transmission season (May-November). Selamectin was applied topically in a single spot to the skin on each animal's back at the base of the neck in front of the scapulae as a unit dose that provided at least the minimum recommended dosage of 6mgkg(-1) (range, 6-12mgkg(-1)). Ivermectin (6microgkg(-1) of body weight) was administered orally at monthly intervals, in accordance with the manufacturer's product label recommendations. Study day 0 was defined individually for each dog as the day of first treatment administration. Efficacy was assessed on the basis of the absence of D. immitis microfilariae and adult heartworm (D. immitis) antigen in tests conducted on days 180 and 300. There were no adverse clinical signs arising due to treatment with selamectin and no drug-related mortalities. The prevention rate for D. immitis microfilariae and adult heartworm antigen was 100% for both selamectin and ivermectin. Thus, selamectin administered as a unit dose, providing at least the recommended minimum dosage of 6mgkg(-1), at monthly intervals during the heartworm transmission season was safe and 100% effective in the prevention of heartworm disease in dogs presented as veterinary patients.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a single treatment with a 12.5% pyriprole spot-on formulation against induced infestations with R. sanguineus ticks and cat fleas (C. felis) as well as its persistence after repeated washing and shampooing was investigated in four separate studies. In a first study on R. sanguineus involving 32 beagle dogs, the efficacy at various time-points during the 30 days that followed treatment assessed 48 h after re-infestation ranged from 100% to 99.3%. No engorged ticks, alive or dead, were found in the treated animals. Shampooing 2 days after treatment and weekly washings did not affect the efficacy. In a second study on R. sanguineus involving 32 beagle dogs, the efficacy at various time-points during the 30 days that followed treatment assessed 48 h after re-infestation ranged from 100% to 96.8%. Single washing 8h after treatment and single shampooing 24 h after treatment had no negative impact on the efficacy of the product. In a third study on C. felis involving 28 beagle dogs, the efficacy at various time-points during the 30 days that followed treatment assessed 48 h after re-infestation was always 100% and weekly washings did not diminish the efficacy. In a last study on C. felis involving 24 beagle dogs, the efficacy at various time-points during the 5 weeks that followed treatment assessed 48 h after re-infestation ranged from 100% to 99.8%, and shampooing 24 h after treatment did not reduce the efficacy. The product was well tolerated by the dogs.  相似文献   

A novel spot-on formulation combining fipronil, amitraz and (S)-methoprene (CERTIFECT?, Merial Limited, GA, USA) was evaluated in adult Beagle dogs in a study to determine its adulticidal efficacy against the dog flea (Ctenocephalides canis, Curtis, 1826). Sixteen dogs were randomly allocated to treatment groups: 8 dogs served as untreated controls, and 8 dogs were treated once. Treatment consisted of applying a new combination formulation to deliver at least 6.7mg fipronil/kg body weight (bw), 8.0mg amitraz/kg bw, and 6.0mg (S)-methoprene/kg bw. The combination was designed to enhance the efficacy against ticks of the original fipronil/(S)-methoprene combination. Each dog was infested with 100 adult unfed dog fleas within 24h prior to treatment and then at weekly intervals for 8 weeks after treatment. At 24h after treatment or after each subsequent infestation, each dog was combed thoroughly to remove live fleas to be counted. A single treatment with CERTIFECT provided excellent knock-down of fleas within 24h after treatment and controlled re-infestations for up to 7 weeks (efficacy ≥96.5%, p<0.05).  相似文献   

Eleven nematode-free Beagle pups were inoculated with Ancylostoma caninum and Toxocara canis; infection became patent 13 and 35 days later, respectively. Eight pups were treated with fenbendazole oral suspension (10%) at a dosage of 50 mg/kg of body weight/day for 3 days. The remaining three animals were unmedicated controls. The drug was effective in reducing both ascarid and hookworm burdens, and there was marked improvement in the clinical condition of treated pups as compared with unmedicated control pups. Natural expulsion of worms in control animals was 53% for ascarids and 2% for hookworms. Drug-related toxicosis was not observed in any of the medicated animals. It was concluded that fenbendazole oral suspension (10%) at the 50-mg/kg dosage is easily administered and is an effective drug for reducing nematode burdens in experimentally infected pups.  相似文献   

Aim of the investigation was to examine whether two administrations of moxidectin to pregnant dogs could prevent pre-natal and lactogenic infections of puppies with reactivated Toxocara canis larvae. Four pregnant beagles, infected experimentally with 20 000 embryonated eggs of T. canis, were treated subcutaneously with 1 mg moxidectin per kg body weight on days 40 and 55 of pregnancy (5-13 days before parturition). One further dam and its puppies served as untreated control. Two applications of moxidectin completely prevented pre-natal and lactogenic infections in the puppies. Neither intestinal stages nor somatic larvae were found in the dams or their corresponding puppies. All puppies and dams of the treatment group remained coproscopically negative until 42 days after parturition. The administration of moxidectin did not show any side effects in the dams. None of the puppies of the treated dams showed any pathological abnormalities. In the untreated dam one adult and 26 somatic larvae of T. canis were detected at necropsy. All puppies of the untreated dam showed a patent T. canis infection from day 28 post-natum (p.n.); 296 pre-adult and adult stages of T. canis were spontaneously eliminated and 51 intestinal stages and five somatic larvae of T. canis were recovered at necropsy. In contrast to the puppies of the treated dams all negative control puppies showed blood eosinophilia after parturition and elevated liver enzyme levels.  相似文献   

Heavy infestation of calves, lambs and kids with the cat flea Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouché, 1835), accompanied by severe anaemia and mortality, is described. Lambs and kids were affected more severely than calves. Flea infestation was more widespread in summer and autumn than in winter and spring. The clinical findings are discussed in the light of the pertinent literature.  相似文献   

The efficacy of two formulations of a topically applied 65% permethrin spot-on (Defend Exspot Treatment for Dogs, Schering-Plough Animal Health) was evaluated against experimental infestations of the cat flea Ctenocephalides felis and the lone star tick Amblyomma americanum in dogs. Eighteen dogs were randomly assigned to treatment with 65% permethrin in either diethylene glycol monomethyl ether (DGME; original formulation) or propylene glycol monomethyl ether (PGME) or to be untreated as a control. Treated dogs received either 1 (body weight < 15 kg) or 2 ml (body weight > or =15 kg) of the assigned formulation on Day 0. One hundred unfed, adult C. felis were placed on each dog on Days -6, -1, 4, 11, 18, 25, and 32. Fifty unfed, adult ticks were placed on each dog on Days -1, 3, 9, 16, 23, and 30. Live fleas and ticks were counted and removed on Days 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28. Treatment of dogs with the 65% permethrin in DGME reduced flea numbers by 90.4% to 99.9% from Days 3 through 21 (P < or =.05) and by 48.2% 28 days after treatment. Treatment of dogs with 65% permethrin in PGME reduced flea numbers by 93.7% to 99.7% from Days 3 through 28 and by 78.4% 35 days after treatment (P < or =.05). Treatment with 65% permethrin in DGME reduced tick numbers by 90% or more only on Day 7, whereas treatment with 65% permethrin in PGME reduced the number of live ticks by 90%or more on Days 7 and 14 and approached 90%(87.9%) on Day 21. Efficacy against fleas and ticks for the PGME formulation was significantly better (P < or =.05) than for the DGME formulation on Day 28. Findings in this study indicate that both the DGME and PGME formulations of 65% permethrin performed well in reducing numbers of live C. felis and A. americanum on laboratory beagles; however, the PGME formulation was effective approximately 1 to 2 weeks longer than the DGME formulation.  相似文献   

《Veterinary parasitology》2015,207(1-2):99-106
Two separate randomised, blinded, multicentre field trials were conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a combination of spinosad and milbemycin oxime (MO) (Trifexis®, Elanco Animal Health) in the treatment and prevention of naturally acquired flea infestations and intestinal nematode infections in European dogs. Treatments using Trifexis® and each control veterinary product (CVP) were administered once on Day 0 in both field studies.In the flea field trial, 11 veterinary clinics in France participated in the study. On Day 0, whole body flea comb counts were conducted on all dogs being evaluated for enrolment. Dogs with 7 fleas on Day 0 were enrolled, treated once on Day 0 with spinosad/MO or the CVP (Stronghold®; selamectin) and then underwent post-treatment flea counts on Days 14 and 30. There were 150 spinosad/MO treated dogs and 71 CVP treated dogs included in the flea effectiveness population. Effectiveness against fleas (% reduction in geometric means; GM) was 98.97% and 97.37% for the spinosad/MO treated dogs, and 97.43% and 93.96% for the CVP dogs on Days 14 and 30, respectively, compared to the pre-treatment baseline flea counts. Of the spinosad/MO dogs, 89.3% and 80.0% had no live fleas on Days 14 and 30, compared to 77.5% and 70.4% of the CVP dogs, respectively.In the nematode field trial, data from 10 veterinary clinics in France and 19 in Ireland were pooled. Faecal samples from dogs at each clinic were analysed. A positive result at screening (parasite eggs from Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina, Trichuris vulpis or Ancylostoma caninum) allowed for enrolment. Dogs were randomised to spinosad/MO or the CVP (Milbemax®; MO/praziquantel). On Day 8, a post-treatment faecal sample was taken and analysed. Of 2333 dogs screened for nematode eggs, 238 dogs were positive with one or more of these nematodes, and 229 were enrolled in the study. Of the 229 dogs, 151 were treated with a single dose of spinosad/MO, and 77 were treated with a single dose of CVP. Post-treatment effectiveness against all nematodes (% reduction GM) was achieved with reductions of 98.57% and 97.57% for the spinosad/MO treated dogs and CVP dogs, respectively, as compared to the pre-treatment baseline faecal egg counts.Trifexis® was shown to be safe and effective against natural infestations of fleas as well as mixed and single intestinal nematode infections in client owned dogs in Europe when administered as a single oral administration at the recommended dose.  相似文献   

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