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<正> 当前苹果乔砧密植中常用的几种控制成花和座果的机械方法中有环状剥皮、倒贴皮、环切和主枝开张等方法,但到底哪一种方法既能可靠地控制成花和座果并达到较适宜的程度,尚存在不少问题。倒如环剥或倒贴皮往往成花过多,增加疏花疏果麻烦,或者成花多而座果少,以及树势极衰弱甚至于死枝死树。对于环切技术则怀疑其是否有效等。为  相似文献   

荔枝环剥,环割对营养积累及增产效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荔枝环剥、环割对营养积累及增产效应深圳农科中心果树技术应用研究所李楚彬,肖瑶荔枝是原产我国南方的珍果,也是我国最富竞争力的创汇水果之一。糯米糠荔枝更是荔中珍品。但幼龄糯米糕荔枝目前仍普遍存在难座果、产量低而不稳的问题,幼龄荔枝生殖生长与营养生长之间的...  相似文献   

本试验研究了环切对北方主栽果树的保花保果效应。 材料和方法 试验在西北农大果园进行,试材及处理如表1。各处理和对照都在同一株树上选高度、大小相当,受光好、花量在100朵以上的大技,重复4株。用电工刀从大校分权处向上约10cm处双环切(环间距10cm左右),深达木质部。处理前统计花蕾(或花朵)数,落果后统计落果情况;6月12日测比叶重和苹果叶绿素含量,6月8至10日测30个外围延长枝的生长量(苹果测新梢生长动态),采收时测果实大小、硬度、可溶性固形物含量,甜樱桃测Vc含量。 结果与分析 一、环切普遍地提高了果树座果率,差异都达到显著水平,并…  相似文献   

环切对糯米糍荔枝果实大小和裂果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结果母枝和主枝环切处理导致糯米糍荔枝的果实大小显著减小,裂果率显著增加,环切圈以上叶片中可溶性糖和淀粉的含量显著增加,结果母枝中的可溶性糖含量增加,果实中的总糖与蔗糖含量则显著地降低。据此认为,近几年来,糯米糍的果个比20世纪80年代明显减小,裂果增加,很可能与生产中多年连续施行主枝环切(或环剥)技术有关,而碳水化合物运入果实量的减少可能是环切导致果实变小的原因之一。  相似文献   

果树植皮技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年,由于环剥、环切、倒切皮技术在果树生产上的增多应用,便出现了因环剥过宽或环切、倒切皮伤口感病等原因,使树体伤口不能愈合的现象,轻则影响来年挂果,重则死树。针对这一问题,笔者在蓝田县的三个村子进行了植皮试验。  相似文献   

环剥、环切是北方果树、南方柑桔早期丰产的重要增产技术措施,但一直没有定型的环剥、环切器具,限制了这一技术的推广应用。现由山东省青州市谭坊镇农技站肖福俊同志,从果农生产实际需要出发研究发明了小巧玲珑的新型果树环剥、环切两用器,已获国家实用新型发明专利(专利号88219897.l),并已开始批量生产。投放市场后深受全国各地果农欢迎。该器具由铝合金刀架、上下刀片和卡簧组成,按大(主干用)、中(粗枝用)、小(细枝用)三种型号配套,可选择使用。工作时操作简单一次成功,较手工刀剥、刀切提高工效10倍以上,而且剥、切质量好,愈合状况好,是…  相似文献   

环剥技术在果树上应用对提高产量和品质报道较多,但在葡萄上应用报道较少。环剥技术作为优质化栽培措施之一已引起果农的重视,现参阅国外有关资料结合我们的试验结并出J葡萄环剥技术作一介绍,供各地参考应用。l环剥对葡萄果实发育的影响葡萄在花期环剥能显著增加果粒重量,美国IH克拉在1962年对汤姆森葡萄研究了不同产量条件下不同日期环剥对果粒重及成熟期影响,明显看出在适量结果前提下环剥,果粒重比对照增加30%~90%而且能提早成熟。如果过量结果条件下环剥虽能增加果粒重,但却大大延迟成熟。葡萄在果实软化期环剥能显著地提高…  相似文献   

枣树开甲就是对枣树进行环状剥皮。切断树干韧皮部后,使叶片制造的营养物质暂停下运,有利于开花座果,提高产量和增进品质。枣树开甲以盛花初期为最适时间。最好选择晴朗的天气进行。其方法是:初次开甲的枣树,一般在距地面15厘米左右的树干上,用快刀环切两圈,切时刀口要“上刀下坡,下刀上坡”,这样既不积水,又易愈合。上  相似文献   

环割是促进花芽形成和提高座果的一项有效技术,它比环剥稳妥,很少产生因环剥不当过分抑制根系所造成的落叶、死树等副作用。环割主要抓好以下三方面。 一、环割程度 割深以割断皮层并微伤木质部为好。环割前刀子要用酒精等消毒,以免传染病菌。 二、环割对象 苹果幼树主要是处理辅养技和临时  相似文献   

苹果多道环割比环剥好环割是促进花芽形成和提高座果的一项有效技术,它比环剥稳妥,很少产生因环剥不当过分抑制根系所造成的落叶、死树等副作用。环割主要抓好以下三方面。一、环割程度割深以割断皮层并微伤木质部为好。环割前刀子要用酒精等消毒,以免传染病菌。二、环...  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2004,102(4):397-406
Flower bud density, flower bud drop and fruit set were studied for nine apricot cultivars in order to understand the influence of these variables on apricot biology and productivity. Cultivars in southern Spain were chosen as representatives of different flowering times and productivity. Results indicate differences among cultivars in the studied parameters. Low flower bud production, high flower bud drop and low fruit set were often recorded in mid- to late flowering cultivars. These traits subsequently led to poor yields. Early blooming varieties, which are frequently good producers, generally showed the highest flower bud density, medium flower bud drop and high percentage of fruit set. The influence of the cultivar was more determinant than the seasonal effect on fruit yield. This information should be useful to breeders for choosing the best parents for productivity.  相似文献   


The effect of flower bud severing (with scissors) on the yield and fruit quality of strawberry (cv. Elsanta) grown on raised, polythene-mulched beds varied with plant size and numbers of flower buds per plant. On very small plants (with an average of seven flower buds and yielding 105 g of fruit per plant) severing reduced yield in direct proportion to the proportion of flower buds severed, irrespective of whether severing included or did not include removal of the primary (first node) flower bud. There was no evidence of crop compensation. On larger plants (with 24, 70 and 117 flower buds and yielding 0.34 kg, 0.73 kg and 1.16 kg of fruit per plant respectively) severing up to 12 buds per plant did not significantly affect yield: mean berry weight increased by up to 11% and the percentage fruit (by number) in quality class I increased from 67% to 72% in response to severing. Two mechanisms of yield compensation were, apparent i) an increase in mean berry weight, and ii) the maturing of alternative replacement flower buds. Severing slightly delayed by 1–2 d the date by when 10% and 25% of fruit was picked. Implications for the economic damage threshold for flower bud severing by the strawberry blossom weevil are discussed.  相似文献   

不同甜柿品种、不同枝梢类型,开花结果能力各不相同。一次梢段组成的梢其开花坐果率较低,除了利用极少数生长充实者短截补空外,其余应予以疏除;二次梢段组成的梢是坐果的主体,应尽量保留以增加坐果量;三次梢段组成的梢开花数较低,对此类梢的处理,可大年多留,小年少留,补空短剪,过密疏剪。  相似文献   

Methods of establishing tomato seedlings in nutrient-film technique were compared, namely, by the use of rockwool cubes, compressed peat blocks (Jiffy 7), bitumenized paper pots filled with a loam-based compost, lattice plastic pots filled with expanded clay granules, and bare-rooted seedlings. The effects of these methods were mainly confined to the earlier stages of growth, development and fruit yield. Plant height, plant dry weight, date of anthesis, flower bud number, fruit number and the rate of picking during the first two months of cropping were affected. There was little effect on percentage fruit set or on the date of the start of picking, and only a small effect on mean fruit weight. After one month of cropping the greatest yields were obtained from plants established in loam-based compost, ccmpressed peat blocks and in clay granules; reduced yields resulted from the use of bare-rooted seedlings and rockwool cubes. After two months’ cropping the method of establishment had no effect on yield.  相似文献   


The effect of chilling temperatures on bud sprouting and flower formation was compared on fruiting and non-fruiting ‘Owari’ satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc) trees. On non-fruiting trees, bud dormancy was weak, and a significant proportion of buds were able to sprout at high temperatures without being chilled. Separate effects of low temperatures on bud sprouting and flower induction were demonstrated. On fruiting trees these two effects of low temperatures were also demonstrated on summer-flush buds, but not on older (spring-flush) buds. The spring-flush buds from fruiting trees scarcely sprouted without being chilled. These buds required a longer chilling period for dormancy release than for flower induction, and it was not possible to separate the effect of low temperature on flower induction from the effect on dormancy release. The presence of fruit reduced flower formation by reducing bud sprouting. Furthermore, fruit had a direct inhibitive effect on vernalization which resulted in increased formation of vegetative shoots. The effect of fruit and low temperature on flowering was unrelated to carbohydrate accumulation in the leaves or the roots.  相似文献   

连续3年对庆丰和燕红桃树进行研究,结果表明,与传统短枝修剪技术相比较,长枝修剪后,树体丰产性能好、产量高,果实着色好,且在大多数情况下,果实可溶性固形物含量高,提高了品质。长枝修剪对果实生长的影响与品种的成熟期有关,早熟品种庆丰无显著作用,晚熟品种燕红采收时平均果重显著增加。采用长枝修剪技术,能显著地提高花芽的质量,尤其是枝条下部的花芽质量,从而可增强对晚霜冻害的抵抗能力,还对在长枝修剪条件下树体保留一年生枝的长度和姿势与果实大小的关系进行了研究,并对长枝修剪早果、丰产、稳产和优质的生物学基础和果园管理特点进行了讨论表示处理间存在P=0.01差异水平。2.2开花物候期修剪方式对树体初花期及花期待续时间无影响。1994年,长枝修剪和短枝修剪的庆丰、燕红的花期分别均为4月14~18日和4月14~19日。但是,开花动态在处理间存在差别。在初花期(4月14日和15日)长枝修剪树花朵开放率显著地高于短枝修剪树。另外,长枝修剪处理树体之间开花较整齐(变异系数小)。2.3坐果和产量1993年花期连续低温,经观察短枝修剪早久保和大久保受到严重冻害,坐果率低,负载量严重不足,而长枝修剪树对低温抵抗力强,坐果率显著高,从而获得?  相似文献   

The reduction of flower bud density by gibberellin sprays, to adjust the cropping level, is a novel approach to fruit thinning of peach and nectarine. A linear reduction in the number of flowers developed per unit of shoot length was found following the spray application of increasing concentrations of GA3, in the nectarine cultivar ‘Crimson Gold’. These reductions in flower number led to reductions in yield at harvest, and increases in mean fruit weight. Flowering was slightly delayed by the GA3 treatments, but no differences in ripening were detected at harvest, this depending rather on fruit size. The yield obtained by the application of 200 mg l−1 GA3 corresponded to that obtained with a very good thinning level, as established by hand thinning. No secondary effects on vegetative growth followed either the application of GA3 or the reductions in crop load by means of hand thinning. Decreasing crop-loads have resulted in an increase in fruit size and an advance of fruit ripening, measured by greater levels of soluble solids and lower flesh firmness. A good commercial quality fruit size was obtained for crop-loads of 300 fruits per tree or less.  相似文献   

以引种至天津的4个火龙果品种为试材,对火龙果进行品种筛选及花果生长速率的研究,筛选出适宜于天津地区栽培的火龙果品种,并确定了设施生产中适宜的疏花、疏果时期及肥水管理时期。结果表明:适宜于天津地区栽培的丰产、优质的红肉型品种为"非洲红",在花苞生长的8d内宜进行疏花管理,在花后果实生长的9d内宜进行疏果管理,在花苞生长的幼蕾期和果实膨大期宜进行肥水供给。  相似文献   

该试验测定了6种果树品种的SOD活性。结果表明:随着物候期的推进,SOD活性逐步下降;早熟品种的SOD活性显著低于中晚熟品种;花芽SOD活性高的品种其果实SOD活性也高;具腋花芽结果习性的品种果实和叶片SOD活性相近;而具顶花芽结果习性的品种果实SOD活性比叶片高。SOD活性高时MDA含量降低,反之升高。  相似文献   

The relationship between 9,10-ketol-octadecadienoic acid (KODA), GAs and jasmonic acid (JA) and flower bud formation influenced by fruit load in apples (Malus domestica Borkh.) was investigated. The endogenous KODA and JA concentrations in apical buds in plants subjected to flower thinning treatment (FTT), under which all flowers were removed were higher than those in plants subjected to heavy crop treatment (HCT), under which the number of leaves per fruit was adjusted to 20 from 60 to 120 days after full bloom (DAFB). In contrast, the gibberellic acid concentrations [total of gibberellin A1 (GA1) and gibberellin A4 (GA4)] in FTT plants were low compared with those in HCT plants. The result suggests that KODA and JA in contrast to GAs may have opposite effects on flower bud formation which is significantly influenced by fruit load in apples and that KODA and JA may also be associated with flower bud formation in apples.  相似文献   

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