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Following the banning of DDT and dieldrin, and pending the withdrawal of other organochlorine insecticides in many countries, there is a need to find alternative treatments against termites for the establishment of Eucalyptus forestry plantations. Controlled-release granules (CRG) of carbosulfan, carbofuran and phorate were nearly as effective as chlordane emulsifiable concentrate (0·6 g a.i./tree) in reducing attack on Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden by Macrotermes natalensis Haviland. The optimum application rate of CRG formulations was 1·0 g a.i./tree mixed with the surrounding soil at planting out. Changes in granule size and release rate had no discernable effect on the efficacy of the granules, nor was there any advantage in incorporating part of the dose in the seedling planting medium. Chlorpyrifos CRG was significantly less effective in protecting the trees. There was evidence that under dry soil conditions phorate CRG was ineffective. Of 11 other non-controlled-release insecticides tested, alphamethrin suspension concentrate at 0·1 g a.i./tree was the only non-organochlorine material as effective as the CRG formulations.  相似文献   

Proportions of rice tillers damaged by the stalk-eyed fly (SEF), Diopsis longicornis Macquart, were statistically analysed for nine sampling periods (rice growth stages) to determine the optimal sample size for use in damage assessment in the future. The major variation (>90%) in the proportion of damaged tillers was attributable to differences between hills, with <10% attributable to differences between stations. The effects of stations, although relatively small, were found to be statistically significant in seven of nine sampling periods. Graphs of coefficient of variation ( ) against the number of stations (t) and number of sample hills (n) showed that using t = 2 to t = 4 and n = 20 to n = 25 would give a precision of <2.0%. Damage levels remained almost constant during the nine sampling periods, but variability was observed to be greater at the initial and final sampling periods, and smaller in the intermediate sampling periods. The optimal combinations of the number of stations (topt) and sample size (nopt) were obtained for a given ratio of the cost due to station (Cs) to the cost due to hill (CH).  相似文献   

The insecticidal efficacy of the diatomaceous earth formulation SilicoSec® (Agrinova GmbH, Germany) against the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) was evaluated on peeled rice, paddy rice, maize and barley in laboratory tests. SilicoSec was applied at five dose rates: 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 1.5 g/kg of grain. The treated grains were infested with S. oryzae adults, and the weevil mortality was estimated after 24, 48 h, 7 and 14 d of exposure on treated grain. After the 14 d counts, all the exposed adults were removed and progeny production on treated grains was assessed 45 and 90 d later. Insecticidal efficacy of SilicoSec against the rice weevil was highly affected by grain type, exposure interval and dose rate. In all grains tested, longer exposure intervals increased weevil mortality. The efficacy of SilicoSec on maize was not satisfactory, given that after a 14 d exposure at the highest dose rate the mortality did not exceed 65%. Moreover, progeny production on treated maize was high, regardless of the dose rate. On the other hand, 100% of weevils were dead on barley treated with the two highest dose rates of SilicoSec, after a 7 d exposure. However, a complete suppression of progeny production on treated barley was not achieved, even at the highest dose rate. A satisfactory level of protection was recorded on paddy rice treated with 1 and 1.5 g of SilicoSec/kg. At these two rates, all adults were dead after a 7 d exposure, and no progeny were produced during the 90 d incubation period. In contrast, the mortality on peeled rice treated with 1.5 g of SilicoSec/kg did not reach 100%, even after 14 d of exposure, and a high number of progeny were recorded.  相似文献   

Soil application of systemic neonicotinoid insecticides for control of psyllid vectors of Huanglongbing disease on young citrus trees also produces season-long SAR control of citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri Schaad et al. The neonicotinoids imidacloprid (IMID) and thiamethoxam (THIA) were compared with soil or sprinkler applications of the commercial SAR inducer acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) and foliar sprays of copper hydroxide (CH) and/or streptomycin (STREP) to evaluate their effects on the percentage of canker-infected leaves on 2-yr-old ‘Vernia’ orange and 3-yr-old ‘Ray Ruby’ grapefruit trees in Southeast Florida. All treatments significantly reduced the incidence of foliar canker compared to the untreated check. Soil drenches of ASM and season long rotations with IMID and THIA were highly effective for suppressing foliar canker on young grapefruit and orange trees under weather conditions absent of high intensity rains or tropical storms. Sprinkler application of ASM was less effective than soil drench. The level of control for SAR treatments was comparable to eleven 21-day interval sprays of CH and/or STREP. SAR induced by soil-applied insecticides provides substantial benefits for canker disease management on young citrus trees that may be augmented with ASM.  相似文献   

The phytotoxicity and sensitivity of succeeding crops to the new sulfonylurea, sulfosulfuron, have been reported although there is insufficient data on the phytotoxic effect of field soil residues. Growth chamber bioassays were conducted to detect the presence of residues in soil samples previously treated with sulfosulfuron at the recommended rate and double rate (20 and 40 g a.i./ha) that could affect the succeeding crop. Soil samples were collected between 7 and 9 months after sulfosulfuron application in field selectivity assays at nine different locations in Northern and Central Spain. The bioassay test species were barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) ‘Graphic’, sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) ‘Albasol’ and common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) ‘Neska’, typical crops grown in rotation with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in this area. Sulfosulfuron residues did not affect barley and common vetch, but inhibited shoot length, root length and root dry weight of sunflower seeded into some soils treated with the 2× rate (40 g a.i/ha) 9 months earlier.  相似文献   

土壤酸化对橡胶树细根生长具有严重影响。为了解橡胶树细根生长对土壤酸度改变的响应,本研究在热研7-33-97未开割(7 a)、开割5 a、开割10 a共3个胶园选取样树,采用撒施石灰石粉的方式进行土壤酸度改良,并用土钻法观测橡胶树根系对土壤酸度改变的响应。结果显示:同一割龄胶园中土壤酸化改良植株(改良组)与对照植株(对照组)相比,其细根生物总量显著增加,且均符合开割5 a胶园的最高,开割10 a胶园的最低这一规律。酸性土壤改良后橡胶树细根在垂直与水平方向生物量均有所增加,分布规律无明显改变。不同割龄胶园改良组与对照组中橡胶树细根年内变化趋势均为单峰型,峰值出现在当年7~9月,年变化规律无明显改变。本研究结果表明,胶园酸性土壤经施用石灰石粉后橡胶树的细根生长量提高,有利于橡胶树从土壤中吸收更多的水分和养分,从而改善橡胶树的生长和提高其产量。  相似文献   

新菠萝灰粉蚧是一种多食性昆虫。在恒温(25℃)条件下,研究并组建了新菠萝灰粉蚧在剑麻(Agavesisalana)、金边龙舌兰(Agave americana var.marginata)、仙人掌(Opuntia dillenii)和香蕉(Musa balbisiana)4种寄主植物上的实验种群生命表。结果表明,在上述4种寄主上新菠萝灰粉蚧发育历期及产仔量均有差异。种群趋势指数(I)分别为73.313、65.378、41.689、65.262。综合比较4种寄主植物,剑麻、金边龙舌兰和香蕉3种为新菠萝灰粉蚧的适宜寄主。  相似文献   

Plant resistance is an important component of integrated management of the melon fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) owing to difficulties associated with its chemical control. Various biophysical traits including fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit toughness, number of the longitudinal ribs, height of the longitudinal ribs, number of small ridges, depth of small ridges and pericarp thickness, and biochemical traits including total chlorophyll, pH, tannin, flavanol, phenol, ash and silica contents of fruit were studied on six genotypes of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) in relation to resistance against B. cucurbitae under field conditions in Pakistan. Faisalabad-long and Col-II were the most resistant whereas Chaman and Col-Vehari were the most susceptible among the tested genotypes. Fruit length, fruit diameter, number of the longitudinal ribs and number of small ridges had significant positive correlations whereas fruit toughness, depth of small ridges, height of the longitudinal ribs and pericarp thickness had significant negative correlations with the percent fruit infestation and larval density. Maximum variation in fruit infestation and larval density was explained by fruit toughness (63.4 and 49.2% respectively) followed by fruit diameter (23.2 and 22.4% respectively) and number of the longitudinal ribs (8.2 and 11.6% respectively) whereas the remainder of the physical traits explained <2.0% variation in fruit infestation. Total chlorophyll and pH were lowest in resistant and highest in susceptible genotypes whereas tannin, flavanol, phenol, ash and silica contents were highest in resistant and lowest in susceptible genotypes. Tannin and flavanol contents explained 96.5% of the total variation in fruit infestation and 97.7% of the total variation in larval density whereas rest of the biochemical traits explained <0.2% variation in fruit infestation.  相似文献   

Low doses of hormetic (n. hormesis) ultraviolet light-C (UV-C) seed treatments were used to elicit host resistance to black rot, and improve the quality and growth response of cabbages in greenhouse studies. Different UV-C doses (1.3 to 7.5 kJ m−2) were tested to determine their ability to induce resistance to black rot. The optimum UV-C dose of 3.6 kJ m−2 was effective in reducing black rot and the population density of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in infected cabbage leaves. Seeds treated with UV-C at 3.6 kJ m−2 produced plants with the most desirable color, highest weight, largest head diameter and delayed maturity. The effect of storage time at room temperature on disease incidence of black rot of cabbage from seeds treated with a low hormetic UV-C dose of 3.6 kJ m−2, was 90%, 40%, 60% and 60% reduction of black rot in plants from UV-C treated seeds stored for 2 days, 1, 5, and 8 months, respectively, 8 weeks after transplanting cabbage plants.  相似文献   

Nitrate () leaching is an environmental and health concern. In grazed pasture systems, leaching primarily occurs beneath animal urine patch areas due to high nitrogen (N) loading and the inability of pasture plants to capture all of this N. This study investigated the relative importance of plant growth and root architecture to recover soil N. Herbage N recovery, dry matter (DM) yield and root architecture, following injections of 15N‐enriched urea at different soil depths (5, 25 and 45 cm), were measured for Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) grown in soil monolith lysimeters (18 cm diameter × 70 cm depth) under simulated South Island, New Zealand winter temperature and light levels. Total herbage N uptake and DM yield were on average 24 and 48% greater in L. multiflorum than F. arundinacea respectively. Root length density (cm cm?3 soil) in the 5‐ to 25‐cm‐depth horizon was similar between species. In the 25‐ to 45‐cm‐depth horizon, F. arundinacea roots were found at higher densities than L. multiflorum. In the 45‐ to 65‐cm‐depth horizon, root length density was fourfold to ninefold higher for F. arundinacea than L. multiflorum, but N uptake efficiency was greater in L. multiflorum (0·48 mg 15N m?1 root) than F. arundinacea (0·09 mg 15N m?1 root). The results suggest that deep F. arundinacea roots are relatively inactive during the winter period and confirm that plant growth is more important than root architecture (e.g. deep roots) to recover soil N and ultimately reduce nitrate leaching losses.  相似文献   

Between November 1998 and March 1999, bands of nymphs of Locusta migratoria were aerially treated using a ULV oil formulation of strain FI-985 of Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum. At a dose of 3–4×1012 conidia/ha, there was <10% survival of locusts in treated sorghum crops, open grassland or open woodland with grass. Decline was less at lower doses or in dense woodland. During the first week after treatment, bands showed little change in numbers, but then rapidly declined in size and rate of movement. The decline was slower where vegetation was tall or dense, or where bands were large and moved out of the treated area a few days after spraying. In areas where bands were treated with Metarhizium, populations were suppressed in that few adult swarms formed. Adjacent untreated areas had many adult swarms which had to be controlled using chemical insecticides. Preventive locust control, as currently practised in Australia, involves beginning treatment when areas of band and swarm are small and the potential for direct damage limited. The clear demonstration that Metarhizium can suppress small local populations of L. migratoria indicate that it could be a valuable component of preventive control programmes against this species. The delay in mortality when treating with Metarhizium would be no impediment to its use in such programmes.  相似文献   

Progression of Alternaria blight intensity was observed fortnightly during 1997 and 1998 on six varieties of cluster bean ranging in their susceptibilities to the disease. The disease progressed faster on the most susceptible variety (FS-277) during both the years. There was a significantly positive correlation between the disease severity and certain weather parameters (cumulative rainy days and cumulative rainfall) whilst maximum temperature was significantly negatively associated (pooled basis). The step-wise multiple regression analysis of data revealed that minimum temperature, relative humidity in the evening, sunshine and cumulative rainfall played a major role in disease development.  相似文献   

The essential oils from 9 aromatic plants were tested on repellency and mortality of Meligethes aeneus adults. All the tested essential oils caused high mortality of M. aeneus adults in the tarsal tests. The lethal doses after 6 h exposure were ranged between 197 and 1508 μg cm−2. Essential oils obtained from Carum carvi and Thymus vulgaris were most efficient where LD50 was estimated as 197 and 250 μg cm−2, respectively.Repellency declined in all the essential oils as a function of time. The longest persistence time was determined for essences obtained from C. carvi and T. vulgaris where significantly the highest repellent index of 65.6% and 63.8%, respectively, was determined. Repellent index lower than 15% was determined for the remaining essential oils.  相似文献   

木薯单爪螨(Mononychellus mcgregori)是新入侵中国的木薯重要害螨,原产地为南美洲,是一种热带土著害螨,近年来该螨扩张范围不断增大,对高温的适应性是其种群扩散的重要前提。本研究发现,42℃极端高温胁迫1 h后,木薯单爪螨成螨保护酶基因PPO、POD、As A-POD、CAT和Cu/Zn SOD的相对表达量显著升高,分别高达对照的5.19、4.38、152.23、321.42和3.41倍,且与其酶活性变化趋势存在一致性,酶活性值分别升高为对照的1.81、12.52、9.00、1.75和1.14倍。热激蛋白基因Hsp70的相对表达量显著升高,为对照的56.85倍。因此说明,保护酶POD、As A-POD、CAT、SOD和PPO以及热激蛋白Hsp70可能在木薯单爪螨应对高温胁迫中具有重要作用,高温下保护酶及热激蛋白Hsp70基因表达量及其活性的升高可能导致木薯单爪螨对高温的耐受能力逐渐增强,从而逐渐适应热区高温环境,并可能增强其后续的繁殖能力而使其种群不断增长,扩张范围不断增强。  相似文献   

通过在橡胶树割面进行钼磷配施试验,研究了割面施用钼磷营养对胶乳产量和生理参数的影响。结果表明:钼磷配施能够有效影响蔗糖含量、硫醇含量、无机磷含量、镁离子含量、黄色体破裂指数和蔗糖转换酶活性,提高橡胶树的干胶产量。相关分析表明,硫醇含量、蔗糖转化酶活性与干胶产量显著正相关,蔗糖含量与干胶产量为中等程度正相关,无机磷含量、镁离子含量、黄色体破裂指数与干胶产量为负相关。  相似文献   

CO2浓度升高对水稻抽穗期根系有关性状及根碳氮比的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
在FACE (free air carbon dioxide enrichment) 实验平台上,采用水培的方法观测了抽穗期水稻根系的生长情况。结果表明,FACE条件下根生物量、根体积和根冠比极显著增加且不定根明显增多、变粗。高CO2浓度显著降低了根中N含量,而C含量变化不明显,导致碳氮比极显著增加。基于单位根质量的根系活力在CO2浓度增加条件下极显著降低,养分吸收效率的降低可能是根中N含量下降的重要原因。  相似文献   

S. Yücel 《Crop Protection》1995,14(8):653-655
Field trials conducted in the pepper growing area ( çel/Turkey) showed that solarization alone and combined with a reduced dose of methyl bromide (40 g/m2), were effective in controlling crown blight disease caused by Phytophthora capsici. Solarization was achieved by covering plots with a clear polyethylene sheet, 0.03 mm thick for 8 weeks. The temperature reached 47 °C and 35 °C at 5 cm and 30 cm soil depth, respectively, an average of 3–8 °C higher than those at equivalent depths in the untreated plots. The average incidence of the disease in solarization plus a reduced dose of methyl bromide, the recommended dose of methyl bromide, solarized and untreated plots in 1991 and 1992 were 17.6 and 13.3%; 20.8 and 16.8%; 24.1 and 19.7%; 39.8 and 42.9%, respectively. All treatments significantly reduced disease incidence.  相似文献   

K. Wu  W. Li  H. Feng  Y. Guo 《Crop Protection》2002,21(10):997-1002
Lygus lucorum Meyer-Dür, Adelphocoris fasciaticollis Reuter and Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze) (Hemiptera: Miridae) are important secondary insect pests in cotton fields in northern China. The seasonal dynamics of their mixed populations on a transgenic variety expressing the insecticidal Bt protein Cry1A, and a cotton line expressing proteins of Cry1A and CpTI (cowpea trypsin inhibitor gene) were compared to seasonal dynamics on similar but non-transgenic varieties from 1998 to 2001. No significant differences were detected between population densities of these bugs on unsprayed normal cotton and unsprayed transgenic cotton. However, mirid damage on unsprayed transgenic cotton was significantly higher due to a reduced number of insecticide sprays against Helicoverpa armigera compared with the number of sprays in the normal cotton. This suggests that the mirids have become key insect pests in transgenic cotton fields, and that their damage to cotton could increase further with the expansion of the area planted to transgenic cotton if no additional control measures are adopted.  相似文献   

在室内温度15℃~25℃(平均18℃)、相对湿度70%、光周期12 L:12 D条件下,测定黏虫在玉米和小麦上各发育阶段的历期、存活率和产卵量,组建黏虫在两种寄主植物上的生命表.结果表明,与幼虫期取食小麦相比,取食玉米的幼虫发育历期极显著缩短(1.168±0.337)d;成虫产卵前期和产卵历期分别显著缩短和延长(1.0...  相似文献   

银合欢豆象[Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus(Schaeffer,1907)]是银合欢属Leucae植物种子上的重要害虫,除银合欢外,也可蛀食南洋楹(Falcataria moluccana)种子。在75%RH及20~35℃的条件下,卵期为4~12 d。幼虫期为18~37 d,蛹期为5~11 d。成虫寿命17~31 d,雌雄性别比约为1∶1。在75%RH及26℃条件下,银合欢豆象完成1个世代需要44~48 d。在野外,银合欢豆象在幼龄阶段常被一种姬小蜂科(Eulophidae)的柄腹姬小蜂属(Pediobius Walker)寄生。在75%~80%RH及25~30℃条件下,使用56%磷化铝片剂对银合欢豆象进行熏蒸,用药量7~9 g/m3,熏蒸时间48~72 h,成虫、幼虫及蛹死亡率100%。  相似文献   

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