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At Onne in South-east Nigeria, drainage water was collected from four monolith lysimeters and analysed for nitrate. The lysimeters contained an acid sandy loam. At the start of the first rainy season two lysimeters received urea labelled with 15NO3 and two received no nitrogen fertilizer; all four were uncropped in the first year.
The peak concentrations of 15NO3 and of unlabelled (soil) NO3 were found after 2.5 pore volumes of water had passed through the lysimeters. Using the same soil in the laboratory after fine sieving, the peak concentration of tritiated water was found at 1 pore volume whereas nitrate leaching was retarded. The pattern of nitrate leaching was well described by miscible and immiscible models which included an adsorption coefficient for nitrate. Over the 2 years 81.4% of the 15N added at the start of the first rainy season was recovered in the drainage water.  相似文献   

Abstract. A long-term lysimeter experiment with undisturbed monoliths studied leaching behaviour and balances of phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and nitrogen (N) during a seven year crop rotation on four types of soil receiving inorganic fertilizers, manure and grass compost respectively. It was shown that application of manure did not lead to any direct change in nutrient leaching, unlike the application of fertilizers to soils of normal fertility. However, soil type considerably affected the nutrient concentrations in the drainage water.
Manure applied in amounts equal to the maximum animal density allowed by Swedish legislation slightly oversupplied P and N (0.5–3.5 and 18–38 kg ha−1 y−1 respectively) compared to the crop requirement and leaching losses for most of the soils. The relationship between lactate-soluble P in the topsoil and the concentrations of dissolved P in the drainage water was very strong. However the strength of this relationship was dependent on just one or two soils. P losses from a fertile sandy soil were large (1–11 kg ha−1 y−1) throughout the crop rotation and average crop removal (13 kg ha−1 y−1) plus the leaching losses were not balanced (average deficit 3–6 kg ha−1 y−1) by the addition of fertilizer, manure or grass compost. No decreasing trend was found in the P losses during seven years. However, the K deficit (average 26 kg ha−1 y−1) led to a significant reduction in the leaching trend from this soil. The other soils that had a smaller K deficit showed no significant reduction in the leaching of K.  相似文献   

Abstract. Growing cover crops during the winter before spring-planted crops is often suggested as an effective method to decrease nitrate leaching. A four-course crop rotation (potatoes-cereal-sugarbeet-cereal) was followed through two rotations on a sandy soil in the English Midlands. Three management systems were imposed on the rotation to test their effects on nitrate loss. The effects of cover crops on nitrate leaching and crop yields were compared with the more conventional practice of over-winter bare fallow before potatoes and sugarbeet.
Cover crop N uptake was variable between years, averaging 25 kg ha−1, which is typical of their performance on sandy soils in the UK. The cover crops usually decreased nitrate leaching but their effectiveness depended on good establishment before the start of drainage. Over 7 years, cover crops decreased the average N concentration in the drainage from 24 to 11 mg l−1. Potato yield and tuber N offtake increased after cover crops. Ware tuber yield increased by an average of c . 8%; this was unlikely to be due to additional N mineralization from the cover crop because the potatoes received 220–250 kg fertilizer N ha−1, and non-N effects are therefore implicated. Sugar yield was not increased following a cover crop.
After 8 years of nitrate-retentive practices, there were no measurable differences in soil organic matter. However, plots that had received only half of the N fertilizer each year contained, on average, 0.14% less organic matter at the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nitrate leaching under newly planted Miscanthus grass was measured for three years. The crop received either no fertilizer-N or an annual spring application of 60 kg or 120 kg N ha-1. During three winters soil water was collected from porous cup probes installed 90 cm deep. Nitrate leaching was calculated from the mean drain flow recorded in two drain gauges multiplied by the mean nitrate-N concentration in the soil water solutions collected. In the first year soil water nitrate concentrations were high on all treatments and N losses were 154, 187 and 228 kg ha-1 respectively on the unfertilized treatment and those that received 60 or 120 kg N ha-1. Leaching losses in the second and third years were, in turn, 8, 24 and 87 kg ha-1 and 3, 11 and 30 kg ha-1 for the unfertilized treatment and for the 60 and 120 kg N ha-1 treatments respectively. Leaching losses were closer to those recorded under extensively managed grassland than arable land. The large losses in the first year were probably due to the previous agricultural management at the site and excessive inputs of N on the fertilized plots. In the second and third year, lower drainage volumes may also have influenced losses. The results show that Miscanthus , once established, can lead to low levels of nitrate leaching and improved groundwater quality compared with growing arable crops.  相似文献   

Abstract. The main inputs, outputs and transfers of potassium (K) in soils and swards under typical south west England conditions were determined during 1999/00 and 2000/01 to establish soil and field gate K budgets under different fertilizer nitrogen (N) (0 and 280 kg ha−1 yr−1) and drainage (undrained and drained) treatments. Plots receiving fertilizer N also received farmyard manure (FYM). Potassium soil budgets ranged, on average for the two years, from −5 (+N, drained) to +9 (no N and undrained) kg K ha−1 yr−1 and field gate budgets from +23 (+N, drained) to +89 (+N, undrained). The main inputs and outputs to the soil K budgets were fertilizer application (65%) and plant uptake (93%). Animals had a minor effect on K export but a major impact on K recycling. Nitrogen fertilizer application and drainage increased K uptake by the grass and, with it, the efficiency of K used. It also depleted easily available soil K, which could be associated with smaller K losses by leaching.  相似文献   

Abstract. Losses of nitrogen in the tile drainflow from a clay soil (Evesham series) under grazed grassland were monitored during the 1982/83 and 1983/84 drainflow seasons. In 1982/83, 40% of the discharge had a NO3 concentration > 11.3 mgNl−1, while in 1983/84 concentrations were always > 20 mgNl−1. Total N lost by leaching was 17.5 and 48.7 kg ha−1 in 1982/83 and 1983/84 respectively, which was equivalent to 9 and 43% of the fertilizer applied. The marked difference in N losses for the two seasons was attributed to differences in the quantity and timing of N fertilizer applications, the dryness of the preceding summer and the duration and density of stocking.  相似文献   

Abstract. Less Intensive Farming and Environment (LIFE) management is a form of integrated farming which aims to meet farming's economic and environmental requirements. We used a farm-scale LIFE demonstration to measure nitrogen (N) leaching losses over a 6 year period (1995–2001) using ceramic suction cups and a meteorological model to give estimates of drainage volumes. Losses from the system averaged 49 kg N ha−1, with an average drainage nitrate concentration of 15.5 mg N L−1. Rainfall and its distribution strongly influenced the loss, and drainage N concentration only fell below the nominal target of 11.3 mg N L−1 (the EU limit for potable water) in the two wettest seasons. Crop type did not have a significant effect on either postharvest mineral N (PHMN) in soil or the leaching loss in the subsequent winter. However PHMN and overwinter N leaching declined with increasing crop yield. Overwinter crop N uptake increased with early sowing: leaching loss was only 5 kg N ha−1 under grass sown in early September. Measurements of PHMN, crop sowing date and drainage data were used to construct simple equations to predict average drainage N concentration under various scenarios. The large N loss from our site is partially attributable to soil type (shallow over limestone), indeed on similar soil the loss from a conventional farm nearby was greater. The LIFE practices of postharvest harrowing and late cereal sowing will minimize the need for agrochemical use but they stimulate mineralization and reduce plant N uptake in autumn, leaving more N at risk to leaching. Some assessment of all environmental impacts is needed if the benefits of integrated practices such as those used in LIFE are to be quantified.  相似文献   

Abstract. Preferential flow may enhance phosphorus transport through the soil profile and thereby increase the risks for eutrophication of watercourses. Destruction of continuous macropores in topsoil by tillage provides the possibility for better contact between soil particles and P fertilizer. This is facilitated by incorporation rather than surface application of fertilizer, which should reduce the risk of rapid P transport from the soil surface through the unsaturated zone. To test this hypothesis, undisturbed soil monoliths (0.295 m in diameter and 1.2 m in length) were collected at a field site with a clay soil in which preferential flow is the dominant solute transport mechanism. After three years of observation, average total P loads reached 1.86, 1.59 and 1.25 kg ha–1for no-tillage, conventional tillage, and conventional tillage where the P fertilizer was incorporated, respectively. More than 80% of total losses were in the form of dissolved P. The tillage treatment had no significant effect on P leaching loads compared to no-tillage, but the improved contact between soil particles and P fertilizer resulting from fertilizer incorporation significantly reduced P loads during the first year after application of 100 kg P ha–1. However, after further application of 100 kg P ha–1 two years later, there were no significant differences between the treatments.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of increasing rates of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on the yield response of 3 or 4 consecutive winter cereal crops after ploughing out grass was investigated at six field sites on commercial farms in England and Wales. Amounts of N required for an economically optimum yield (>3 kg of grain for each kg of fertilizer N applied) ranged from 0 to 265 kg ha−1 and were dependent on soil N supply, but not on crop yield. Optimum N rates were large (mean 197 kg N ha−1) at three sites: two sites where cereals followed 2-year grass leys receiving low N inputs (<200 kg N ha−1), and at one site where a cut and grazed 4-year ley had received c . 315 kg N ha−1 of fertilizer N annually. At the other three sites where 4 and 5-year grass leys had received large regular amounts of organic manures (20–30 t or m3 ha−1) plus fertilizer N ( c . 300 kg ha−1 each year), optimum N rates were low (mean 93 kg N ha−1) and consistently over-estimated by the farmer by an average of 107 kg N ha−1. Optimum N rates generally increased in successive years after ploughing as the N supply from the soil declined. Determination of soil C:N ratio and mineral N (NO3N+NH4N) to 90 cm depth in autumn were helpful in assessing fertilizer N need. The results suggest there is scope to improve current fertilizer recommendations for cereals after grass by removing crop yield as a determinant and including an assessment of soil mineralizable N during the growing season.  相似文献   

(pp. 825–831)
This study was carried out to clarify the effects of soil nitrate before cultivation and amounts of basal-dressed nitrogen on additional N application rate and yields of semi-forced tomato for three years from 1998 to 2000. The amounts and timing of additional N dressing were determined based on diagnosis of petiole sap nitrate. The top-dressing was carried out with a liquid fertilizer when the nitrate concentration of a leaflet's petiole sap of leaf beneath fruit which is 2–4 cm declined below 2000 mg L−1.
For standard yield by the method of fertilizer application based on this condition, no basal-dressed nitrogen was required when soil nitrate before cultivation was 150 mg kg−1 dry soil or higher in the 0–30 cm layer; 38 kg ha−1 of basal-dressed nitrogen, which corresponds to 25% of the standard rate of fertilizer application of Chiba Prefecture, was optimum when soil nitrate before cultivation was 100150 mg kg−1 dry soil; 75 kg ha−1 of basal-dressed nitrogen, which corresponds to 50% of the standard, was optimum when soil nitrate before cultivation was under 100 mg kg−1 dry soil. A standard yield was secured and the rate of nitrogen fertilizer application decreased by 49–76% of the standard by keeping the nitrate concentration of tomato petiole sap between 1000–2000 mg L−1 from early harvest time to topping time under these conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. In organic farming, potassium (K) deficiency may become a significant problem due to nutrient import restrictions. Knowledge about potential K leaching in systems with different K budgets is therefore important for effective agricultural management. We investigated the effect of four organic farming systems (two livestock densities in combination with two types of organic manure) on crop yields, K leaching and K balances in a six course crop rotation from 1993/94 to 1997/98. Average K concentrations in soil water extracted by means of ceramic suction cups at 1 m depth were 0.6 mg K l−1 corresponding to a K leaching loss of 1.5 kg ha−1 yr−1 which was less than expected from values reported in the literature. Variation in K budgets from −12 to +30 kg ha−1 yr−1 did not affect K leaching. In an additional experiment with application of 988 kg K ha−1 as KCl, K leaching accounted for only 0.2% of the applied K although 40% of the accompanying Cl was leached. The main part of the applied K was retained in the topsoil. It was concluded that K leaching was a result of the fertilizer history rather than of the current K budget.  相似文献   

Abstract. The saline–sodic soils of the dryland Songnen Plain in northeast China are only slowly permeable to fresh water because of their large content of montmorillinite clay and sodium bicarbonate. Use of slightly saline groundwater containing adequate dissolved calcium and magnesium for leaching and reclamation can potentially prevent dispersion of the clay soil particles during treatment. Amelioration was evaluated using shallow, mildly saline groundwater to irrigate sorghum–corn rotations in a two-year field experiment. After two growing seasons during which a total of 400 mm of leaching water was applied, in addition to some supplemental irrigation water, the average electrical conductivity (ECe) of the top 1.2 m of the soil profile decreased from 14.5±3.5 to 2.7±0.2 dS m−1, and the sodium absorption ratio (SARe) decreased from 35.3±4.1 to 10.1±2.5 (meq L−1)0.5. The soil physical properties were improved: infiltration rate with mildly saline groundwater increased from 12.1 to 42 mm h−1. Salinity changes in the top 1.2 m of soil layers after 700 mm of leaching produced no further improvement. Crop yields produced on plots undergoing amelioration increased by 64–562% compared with the rainfed control. The improved soil conditions after leaching resulted in 59–548% greater crop yields.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of repeated application (once every 2 d) of a fertilizer solution with different ratios of NH4+ - and NO3-N on N2O emission from soil. After the excess fertilizer solution was drained from soil, the water content of soil was adjusted to 50% of the maximum water-holding capacity by suction at 6 × 103 Pa. Repeated application of NH4+- rich fertilizer solution stimulated nitrification in soil more than NO3-rich fertilizer. Although the evolution of N2O through nitrifier denitrification tended to increase with the repeated addition of a fertilizer solution rich in NH4+ rather than in NO3, the contribution of nitrifier denitrification remained at levels of 20 to 36% of the total emission regardless of the inorganic N composition. The total emission of N2O also tended to increase with the application of NH4+- rather than NO3-rich fertilizer. It was suggested that the coupled process of nitrification and denitrification at micro-aerobic sites became important when fertilizer rich in NH4+ was applied to soil under relatively aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. Leaching of calcium (Ca), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) from urine patches in grazed grassland represents a significant loss of valuable nutrients. We studied the effect on cation loss of treating the soil with a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), which was used to reduce nitrate loss by leaching. The soil was a free-draining Lismore stony silt loam (Udic Haplustept loamy skeletal) and the pasture was a mixture of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne ) and white clover ( Trifolium repens ). The treatment of the soil with DCD reduced Ca2+ leaching by the equivalent of 50%, from 213 to 107 kg Ca ha−1 yr−1 on a field scale. Potassium leaching was reduced by 65%, from 48 to 17 kg K ha−1 yr−1. Magnesium leaching was reduced by 52%, from 17 to 8 kg Mg ha−1 yr−1. We postulate that the reduced leaching loss of these cations was due to the decreased leaching loss of nitrate under the urine patches, and follows from their reduced requirement as counter ions in the drainage water. The treatment of grazed grassland with DCD thus not only decreases nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emissions as reported previously, but also decreases the leaching loss of cation nutrients such as Ca2+, K+ and Mg2+.  相似文献   

Abstract. In order to optimize the management of the N-fertilizer inputs with drip fertigation on sandy-silt soil under apple tree orchard cultivation, we observed in situ: (i) the N and water soil transfers, (ii) the N levels in all leaves, fruits and annual shoots, and (iii) the root distribution. Then we used a mechanistic one-dimensional model (WAVE, Vanclooster et al. , 1994) to quantify the annual parameters of the water and nitrogen balance on a daily basis. The horizontal heterogeneity along the row of the tree-soil-dripper system has been treated with two adjacent compartments: one under the dripper and receiving fertigation and the other outside this zone. N transfers in the tree make it impossible to estimate directly N uptake by roots over time.
The simulated N losses were due to equal amounts of N leaching below 0.9 m deep (9 g N tree−1year−1 and denitrification (7 g N tree−1year−1. The simulated losses of gaseous N were localized predominantly in the compartment under the dripper and showed a higher rate of leaching during the period of N input when the wet conditions and the high NO3 concentrations were favourable to denitrification. The N-leaching at 0.9 m depth was greatest outside the growing season and was caused by the extension of the N-inputs after the harvest date. This practice, based on the objective to store nitrogen before the period of dormancy does not seem to be justified.  相似文献   

炭基肥和竹炭对土壤氮素淋失和微生物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究竹炭和炭基缓释肥添加对毛竹林土壤氮素流失和细菌群落结构的影响,采用室内土柱淋溶试验,测定了淋溶水中NH_4+—N和NO_3-—N浓度,分析了细菌群落多样性和组成。结果表明,与对照相比,炭基缓释肥的添加可以使土柱NH_4+—N和NO_3-—N累积淋溶量分别降低12.5%和13.6%。此外,竹炭的添加可以显著降低NH_4+—N累积淋溶量(P<0.05),但是对NO_3-—N的影响不显著。炭基缓释肥的添加可以增加土壤Nitrospira(硝化螺菌属)、Nitrosospria(亚硝化螺菌属)和Nitrobacter(硝化杆菌属)细菌的相对丰度,提高下层淋溶土壤反硝化优势菌群(丰度>0.1%)Burkholderia(伯克霍尔德菌属)、Cupriavidus(贪铜菌属)和Bradyrhizobium(慢生根瘤菌属)的相对丰度。炭基缓释肥添加对土壤NH_4+—N和NO_3-—N的淋溶影响可能与土壤氮素循环微生物密切相关。  相似文献   

Abstract. Nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) leaching from animal production systems in the northeast USA is a major non-point source of pollution in the Chesapeake Bay. We conducted a study to measure NO3-N leaching from dairy slurry applied to orchardgrass ( Dactylis glomerata L., cv. Pennlate) using large drainage lysimeters to measure the direct impact of four rates of slurry (urine and faeces) N application (0, 168, 336, 672 kg N ha−1 yr−1) on NO3-N leaching on three soil types. We then used experimentally-based relationships developed earlier between stocking density and NO3-N leaching loss and leachate NO3-N concentration to estimate the added impact of animal grazing. Nitrate N leaching losses from only dairy slurry applied at the 0, 158, 336, and 672 kg N ha−1 yr−1 rates were 5.85, 8.26, 8.83, and 12.1 kg N ha−1 yr−1, respectively with corresponding NO3-N concentrations of 1.60, 2.30, 2.46, and 3.48 mg l−1. These NO3-N concentrations met the 10 mg l−1 US EPA drinking water standard. However, when a scenario was constructed to include the effect of NO3-N leaching caused by animal grazing, the NO3-N drinking water standard was calculated to be exceeded.  相似文献   

Gaseous N loss, through denitrification and NH3volatilization, was monitored throughout the growing season after spring application of 15N labelled urea fertilizer to peaty gley soils supporting N-deficient Sitka spruce. From the 15N data, it was calculated that only about 0.28% of applied N was lost through NH3-volatilization, almost all within the first few days after fertilizer application. Approximately 0.05% of applied N was calculated to be lost through denitrification. Denitrification decreased slowly over a 4-month period after fertilizer application. Rates of NH3-volatilization correlated with available NH4+ in the litter layer, while for the early part of the study when N-losses were highest, denitrification rates correlated with available NO3 in the litter layer. Observations of gaseous N-loss are also discussed in relation to data from lysimetry, changes in soil pH, and the soil moisture regime.  相似文献   

Abstract. Agricultural soils are important sources of the tropospheric ozone precursor NO and the greenhouse gas N2O. Emissions are controlled primarily by parameters that vary the soil mineral N supply, temperature and soil aeration. In this field experiment, the importance of soil physical properties on emissions of NO and N2O are identified. Fluxes were measured from 13 soils which belonged to 11 different soil series, ranging from poorly drained silty clay loams to freely drained sandy loams. All soils were under the same soil management regime and crop type (winter barley) and in the same maritime climate zone. Despite this, emissions of NO and N2O ranged over two orders of magnitude on all three measurement occasions, in spring before and after fertilizer application, and in autumn after harvest. NO emissions ranged from 0.3 to 215 μg NO-N m–2 h–1, with maximum emissions always from the most sandy, freely drained soil. Nitrous oxide emissions ranged from 0 to 193 μg N2O-N m–2 h–1. Seasonal shifts in soil aeration caused maximum N2O emissions to switch from freely drained sandy soils in spring to imperfectly drained soils with high clay contents in autumn. Although effects of soil type on emissions were not consistent, N2O emission was best related to a combination of bulk density and clay content and the NO/N2O ratio decreased logarithmically with increasing water filled pore space.  相似文献   

The cation composition of solutions and leachates from small-diameter laboratory soil columns was examined over a 23-week period after the addition of lime (0, 3 and 6 t ha–1) and/or nitrogen fertilizer (0 or 200 kg N ha–1) to an acid soil (pH 4.2). Water was applied at regular intervals to the surface of the columns and 17 leachate samples collected. Initially, the pH of the leachate was high (6.6) in all treatments (including those without lime) but fell rapidly to approach a steady value of 3.8. Large losses of calcium occurred from all columns; the total equivalent amounts of lime lost ranged from 0.88 (no addition) to 2.38 (with added lime) t CaCO3 ha–1 High concentrations of aluminium (181–325 μM) were present in leachates from all treatments; the addition of 200 kg N ha–1 increased the leaching of Al by 94%; addition of lime also increased the amounts of Al leached (by 52%).
The pH of the soil solution (separated by centrifugation) was influenced by treatment, especially in the top 0–40 mm of the column. Aluminium concentration was related to pH, but the form of the relationship differed amongst the treatments.  相似文献   

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