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进行了不同有机硅助剂对草甘膦防除非耕地杂草的增效试验。结果表明,有机硅Fairland 2625、Fairland 2626和Silwet 625可提高草甘膦防除非耕地杂草的速效性,杂草出现受害症状比未添加有机硅助剂的处理提前2~3 d;三种有机硅助剂对禾本科杂草的株防效与鲜重防效以及对阔叶杂草的株防效无显著影响,但均可显著增加对阔叶杂草的鲜重防效。在以草甘膦防除非耕地杂草时,建议将95%草甘膦铵盐可溶性粒剂与有机硅助剂Fairland 2625、Fairland 2626和Silwet 625按每40 g制剂添加5 ml助剂的比例推广使用。  相似文献   

研究了有机硅喷雾助剂(OSA)对草甘膦在空心莲子草Alternanthera philoxeroides上的沉 积与生物活性的影响。当采用较大喷雾雾滴,施药液量高于632.5 L/hm2时,添加OSA(0.35 g/L) 后,草甘膦药液在空心莲子草上的沉积量显著下降。最大稳定持留量(MRG)由未添加OSA的0.61~0.63 μ L/cm2下降到0.50~0.54 μ L/cm2。分别以33.7和67.4 μ g/株剂量的草甘膦点叶处理空心莲子草,发现添加OSA的处理对再生植株茎叶生长的抑制率分别比对照提高了8.89%和14.83%。草甘膦(有效成分199.3 g/hm2)施药后1 h进行人工模拟降雨处理,添加OSA后药剂对空心莲子草的生物活性比无OSA对照处理提高了20.5%。研究结果表明,添加有机硅喷雾助剂促进了草甘膦在空心莲子草中的向下传导性能,提高了草甘膦水剂在空心莲子草叶片的耐雨水冲刷性能,但会降低草甘膦药液在空心莲子草上的最大稳定持留量。  相似文献   

有机硅助剂对10种杀菌剂防治鸡蛋花锈病的增效作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价有机硅助剂对10种杀菌剂防治鸡蛋花锈病的增效作用,以表面张力、扩展直径、最大持留量、田间防效为评价指标,测定添加0.1%有机硅助剂对10种杀菌剂1 000倍液物理性状及田间防效的影响。结果表明,有机硅助剂能显著降低药液表面张力,增大扩展直径,提高药液持留量和防治效果。添加助剂后,药剂表面张力由34.67~66.47 mN/m降低至16.80~22.73 mN/m;扩展直径由2.09~2.56 mm增大至3.49~5.90 mm;持留量由1.43~2.88 mg/cm~2增大至1.94~4.35 mg/cm~2;在相等药剂用量下,有机硅助剂可使杀菌剂田间防效提高16.95%~36.01%。有机硅助剂通过降低药液表面张力,增加扩展直径,提高药液持留量,提高杀菌剂对鸡蛋花锈病的防治效果。  相似文献   

为明确助剂3%卵磷脂·维生素E (商品名为安融乐?,AnnGro?)对草甘膦的增效作用及其在植物体内的吸收与传导的影响,以空心莲子草Alternanthera philoxeroides为试验材料,通过生物测定计算了安融乐?分别与2种草甘膦异丙胺盐水剂(商品名分别为“发达”和“农达”)混用后的ED50值和ED90值,以及药液表面张力和药液与叶面的接触角;利用同位素示踪技术测定了14C-草甘膦在空心莲子草体内的吸收与传导。结果表明:与草甘膦异丙胺盐水剂单用相比,安融乐?与2种草甘膦异丙胺盐水剂混用后空心莲子草的死亡时间均提前1 d;ED50值和ED90值分别降低34.9%、21.4%和35.9%、23.3%;药液表面张力和药液与叶面的接触角均显著降低。处理4 d后,14C-草甘膦+安融乐?处理的空心莲子草体内的14C-草甘膦总吸收量、在植物体内总传导...  相似文献   

卢向阳  徐筠 《农药学学报》2006,8(2):162-166
采用14C-氟磺胺草醚同位素标记法研究了喷雾助剂JFC 和ABS(十二烷基苯磺酸钠)对14C-氟磺胺草醚在反枝苋上的吸收和药效的影响。结果表明,在药液中添加2 g/L的JFC ,反枝苋对14C-氟磺胺草醚的吸收面积可增加1.4倍,吸收量增加3.2倍,药效提高28.5%;添加2 g/L的ABS ,反枝苋对14C-氟磺胺草醚的吸收面积增加1.3倍,吸收量增加1.0倍,药效提高19.2%。JFC不但具有促进药液在反枝苋叶面扩展的能力,还具有促进药剂渗透的能力,当添加2 g/L的JFC 时,反枝苋单位面积吸收强度增加75.7%;ABS基本上不能增加反枝苋单位面积的吸收强度,只具有促进药液扩展的能力。  相似文献   

为明确两种有机硅助剂Silwet 408和Greenwet 7618对四氯虫酰胺防治菜青虫的增效作用,本文采用喷雾法测定四氯虫酰胺以推荐剂量、50%推荐用量分别与Silwet 408和Greenwet 7618的3 000倍稀释液混用对菜青虫的田间防效。结果表明,四氯虫酰胺以50%推荐用量分别与Silwet 408和Greenwet 7618混用,药后3 d对菜青虫的防效均与单独使用推荐剂量的防效无显著差异;药后7 d,50%推荐用量与Greenwet 7618混用对菜青虫的防效与推荐剂量的四氯虫酰胺仍无显著差异,而50%推荐用量与Silwet 408混用的防效显著降低;在药后14 d,所有处理对菜青虫无防治效果。因此,建议在生产上推广50%推荐用量的四氯虫酰胺与Greenwet 7618的3 000倍液混用防治菜青虫。  相似文献   

分别以浸渍法和相加指数法,评价了5种季铵盐助剂和3种有机硅助剂分别与啶虫脒混合使用时对苹果黄蚜Aphis citricola的联合作用,以及对两种非靶标水生环境生物大型溞Daphnia magna和斑马鱼Brachydonio rerio的毒性。结果表明,有机硅助剂和季铵盐助剂对啶虫脒防治蚜虫具有明显的增效作用,且silwet 618的增效倍数高达210.2。环境毒性试验结果表明:啶虫脒对两种水生生物均为低毒;供试季铵盐和有机硅助剂对大型溞的单一毒性均为剧毒,季铵盐助剂对斑马鱼为高毒,而有机硅助剂对斑马鱼为中毒。与农药联合作用测定结果表明:有机硅助剂对两种水生生物均表现为增毒作用;而5种季铵盐助剂除十四烷基二甲基苄基氯化铵(1427)对大型溞表现为增毒作用外,其他4种对两种水生生物均呈现不同程度的拮抗作用。此外,季铵盐和有机硅助剂还可以显著降低清水的表面张力(由清水的74.37 mN/m降为20.50~40.07 mN/m),提高叶片上的最大持留量(由清水的1.54 μg/cm2提高到2.39~4.34 μg/cm2)。因此,使用季铵盐和有机硅助剂作为增效剂时应考虑其对水生生物的毒性,其中季铵盐助剂对环境生物的潜在威胁更小。  相似文献   

采用温室盆栽法研究了6种不同结构的有机硅助剂对氟磺胺草醚防除阔叶杂草苘麻的增效作用及其增效机制。于苘麻4~5叶期,分别喷施添加有机硅助剂Agrowet 818、Agrowet 820、GY-S903、Sio-683、TD-600和TD-6408的氟磺胺草醚药液,测定药液对苘麻的抑制率及增效比;取苘麻6龄叶片,分别测定添加不同有机硅助剂后氟磺胺草醚药液的表面张力、在叶片上的扩展直径及最大持留量。结果表明:6种有机硅助剂对氟磺胺草醚的增效作用可达15.88%~23.04%;可以显著降低氟磺胺草醚药液的表面张力(由60.7 m N/m降至20~25 m N/m),使药剂在叶片表面的最大持留量增加30%~70%,扩展直径由4.7 mm增至6.5~8.2 mm;其中,Agrowet 820增效作用最明显,可使表面张力降低65%,最大持留量增加69%,扩展直径增加74%,防效提高23.04%。  相似文献   

几种除草剂和助剂对苜蓿Medicago sative出苗和生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在温室条件下研究了几种苗前除草剂单用或混用对苜蓿出苗和生长的影响,以及不同叶龄苜蓿对苗后除草剂的反应及添加助剂对药效的影响。结果表明:咪唑乙烟酸在60~120 g/hm2剂量下,于苗前施用,对苜蓿出苗和幼苗生长都有明显的抑制作用。咪唑乙烟酸(30 g/hm2)与二甲戊灵(495 g/hm2)混用,对苜蓿的药害显著降低。苗后施用除草剂对苜蓿的安全性与叶龄密切相关。咪唑乙烟酸以30~60 g/hm2剂量在苜蓿3叶期施用,对苜蓿安全;在120 g/hm2用量下,对5叶期的苜蓿无明显药害。乳氟禾草灵(130~260 g/hm2)和丙炔氟草胺(75~150 g/hm2) 无论是3叶期还是5叶期施用,对苜蓿幼苗都有严重的药害。与咪唑乙烟酸单用时比较,药液中添加1.0 mL/L 的平平加-15和AM-100及5.0 mL/L的SDP,对苜蓿幼苗生长无明显影响。  相似文献   

为有效控制有机基地芹菜上的西花蓟马,本研究在防治西花蓟马的植物源农药中加入一定比例的纳米助剂,以期达到提高植物源农药增效减量的目的.研究结果表明:在五种供试的植物源农药(5%扑利旺、0.3%印楝素、1.5%除虫菊素、0.6%苦参碱、2.5%鱼藤酮)中,0.6%苦参碱是防治西花蓟马的理想药剂,施药后3d和7d防治效果为7...  相似文献   

The recently developed “second generation” of Roundup Ready® soybean (RR2) cultivars commercially available for farmers in 2008 were promoted as higher yielding relative to the “first generation” RR cultivars (RR1). Previous studies showed that glyphosate reduced such yield components as photosynthesis, water absorption, nutrient uptake and symbiotic N2 fixation in RR soybean cultivars; however, no data are available regarding the glyphosate effects on these physiological factors in RR2 soybean. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the nutrient accumulation and nodulation of both generations of RR soybeans at different rates of glyphosate applied at various growth stages. In general, increased glyphosate rates and late applications decreased the nutrient accumulation, nodulation, and shoot and root biomass in both RR1 and RR2. All macro- and micronutrients, with exception of N and K, accumulated more in RR1 than RR2. Although this result may be an individual cultivar characteristic, it suggests that the RR2 cultivar was also inefficient in nutrient uptake and translocation or was unable to rapidly recover from potential chelating effects of glyphosate. These studies suggest that applying glyphosate at early growth stages using the lowest glyphosate rate might have less damage on growth and productivity of RR soybeans.  相似文献   

The relation between the ectoparasitic nematodeTylenchorhynchus dubius and the growth and production ofLolium perenne during the first month after sowing, was studied in pot experiments at several temperatures, and moisture levels.The nematode reduced the growth of the grass, mainly as a result of activity during the first weeks after seeding. The percentage decrease of dry matter yield was smaller when temperature was more favourable for plant growth. Decreased moisture content of the soil enhanced the effect of nematodes at 10°C.Samenvatting De relatie tussen de ectoparasitaire nematodeTylenchorhynchus dubius en de groei en produktie vanLolium perenne gedurende de eerste maand na inzaai werd bestudeerd in potproeven bij verschillende temperaturen en vochtgehaltes van de grond.De nematode veroorzaakte groeireductie die vooral een gevolg was van nematoden-activiteit in de eerste weken na inzaai. Het procentuele effect op de droge-stofopbrengst was kleiner naarmate de temperatuur dichter bij de optimumtemperatuur voor de groei van de plant lag. Bij 10°C versterkte een lager vochtgehalte van de grond het effect van de nematoden.  相似文献   

The effect of the ectoparasitic nematodeTylenchorhynchus dubius on various processes that determine the growth of the grassLolium perenne was studied using dynamic simulation. An equation was formulated for the relation between nematode density in the rhizosphere and the cell penetration rate per nematode. Various hypotheses on the effect of cell penetration on plant growth processes were formulated and then introduced in a SUCROS-type growth model of the host. The plausibility of the hypotheses was tested by their ability to simulate experimental results with given population data.The simulations showed that it is unlikely that all cells penetrated byT. dubius will die. The effect ofT. dubius cannot be attributed to the nematodes' consumption of dry matter. Growth reduction may be attributed to the nematode negatively affecting the roots' permeability.Samenvatting Het effect van de ectoparasitaire nematodeTylenchorhynchus dubius op het grasLolium perenne werd bestudeerd met behulp van dynamische simulatie. Er werd een vergelijking opgesteld om de snelheid waarmee de nematode epidermiscellen op de wortels aanprikt te berekenen uit nematodendichtheid in de rhizosfeer. Er werd een aantal hypotheses geformuleerd voor de manier waarop de groeiprocessen in de plant door aanprikken van de cellen beïnvloed worden en deze werden ingebouwd in een op SUCROS gebaseerd groeimodel voor het gras. Door middel van berekeningen met het model werd nagegaan in hoeverre de hypotheses het effect van gegeven nematodenpopulaties op de plant zoals dat in proeven gevonden was konden verklaren.Uit de simulaties bleek dat het onwaarschijnlijk is dat alle doorT. dubius aangeprikte cellen dood gaan. Het effect vanT. dubius kan niet toegeschreven worden aan onttrekking van droge stof. De groeireductie kan wel toegeschreven worden aan een door de nematoden veroorzaakte verhoging van de wortelweerstand voor wateropname.  相似文献   

Saturated solutions of nitralin or butralin were used to treat the germinating florets of Lolium perenne L, var, Manhattan in a growth chamber to evaluate the induced mitotic and structural effects. Examination of structural changes showed suppressed root elongation and increased radial root enlargement. The response to nitralin was observed at 1 h, whereas a weaker response was first observed with butralin at 12 h. Cortical and epidermal cells close to the apex, treated with either herbicide, were enlarged and more vacuolate. Normal mitotic figures were reduced by 76% and 36% after 1 h following treatment with nitralin and butralin, respectively. Division figures differed markedly between the two herbicides. Nitralin-treated cells formed polymorphic nuclei with an enlargement of nuclear volume and an increase in ploidy level, Butrahn decreased the number of prophase division figures, but increased the number of nuclei per cell, yielding a multi-nucleate cell, Nitralin effects on cell divisions resemble those caused by the other dinitroani-line herbicides trifluralin, oryzalin and pendimethalin. Butralin effects on cell division more closely resemble those reported from the carbamates, propham and chlorpropham. Effets mitotiques et structured de la nitraline et de la butraline sur les meristimes racinaires du ray-grass (Lolium perenne L.) Des solutions saturees de nitraline et de butraline ont étéutilises pour traiter des épillets en germination de Lolium perenne L. var. Manhattan en chambre climatique afin d'évaluer les effets mitotiques et structurels in-duits, L'examen des changements structurels a montre la suppression de l'élongation racinaire et l'augmentation du diametre racinaire. La reponse a la nitraline a étéobservee aprés une heure tandis qu'une réponse plus faible a été obsérvée avec la butraline apres 12 heures, Les cellules corticales et épidermiques proches de l'apex, traitées avec l'un ou l'autre herbicide, étaient plus grandes et plus vacuolées. Les schemas mitotiques normaux ont étéréduits de 76% et 36% une heure apres un traitement à la nitraline et à la butraline, respectivement. Les schémas de division différaient de faéon marquée entre les 2 herbicides, Les cellules traitées à la nitraline ont formé des cellules avec des nuclei polymorphes avec augmentation du volume nucléaire et du niveau de ploïdie. La butraline a limité le nombre de stades prophasi-ques mais a augmenté le nombre de nucléi par cellule, aboutissant a une cellule multinucleee, Les effets de la nitraline sur la division cellulaire ressemblent à ceux causés par les autres herbicides dinitroanihnes: trifluraline, oryzalinne, et pendiméthaline, et les effets de la butraline sur la division cellulaire sont plus voisins de ceux rapportés pour les carbamates, prophame et chloroprophame. Wirkungen von Nitralin und Butralin auf Mitose und Struktur des Wurzelmeristems von Deutschem Weidelgras (Lolium perenne L.) Nach der Behandlung keimender Samen von Lolium perenne L. ‘Manhattan’ mit gesattigten Losungen von Nitralin und Butralin im Phyto-tron entwickelten sich verkurzte, aber verdickte Wurzeln, Bei Nitralin wurden nach 1 h Wirkungen beobachtet, bei Butralin in geringerem Maße erst nach 12 h. Bei beiden Herbiziden waren die Zellen der Rinde und der Rhizodermis nahe der Spitze vergrößert und enthielten mehr Vakuolen. Die normalen Mitosestrukturen waren 1 h nach der Behandlung mit Nitralin oder Butralin 76 bzw. 36% geringer. Die Teilungsfiguren unterschieden sich bei den beiden Herbiziden deutlich. Mit Nitralin behandelte Zellen bildeten polymorphe, vergrößerte Zellkerne und der Ploidie-Grad stieg. Butralin verkleinerte die Zahl der Teilungsstrukturen der Prophase, vermehrte aber die Zahl der Zellkerne, führte also zu mehrkernigen Zellen. Die Wirkungen von Nitralin auf die Zellteilung gleichen denen der anderen Dinitroanilin-Herbizide Triflur-alin, Oryzalin und Pendimethalin. Die Wirkungen des Butralins auf die Zellteilung ähneln mehr denen der Carbamate Propham und Chlorpropham.  相似文献   

Glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine] is currently the most important non-selective, wide-spectrum herbicide used worldwide. Introduced in 1974, glyphosate was initially a non-crop herbicide and plantation crop herbicide, although it is now widely used in no-till crop production and, more recently, for weed control in herbicide-resistant transgenic crops, such as maize, soybean and cotton ( Baylis 2000 ; Caseley & Copping 2000 ). Despite its widespread and long-term use, no case of evolved resistance to glyphosate was documented until 1996 ( Pratley et al . 1996 ). Since then, a few other cases have been reported. To date, evolved resistance to glyphosate has been identified and documented in Lollium rigidum in Australia ( Powles et al . 1998 ; Pratley et al . 1999 ), Eleusine indica in Malaysia ( Lee & Ngim 2000 ), and L. rigidum in South Africa and California (USA), and Conyzia canadensis in Delawere (USA) ( Van Gessel 2001 ). Also, accessions of L. rigidum from South Africa and California have been reported to resist glyphosate ( Heap 2001 ). In Chile, the first case of glyphosate-resistance in Lolium multiflorum was reported in 1999 and documented in 2003 ( Pérez & Kogan 2003 ). This case was the result of an intensive selection pressure caused by the continuous applications of glyphosate in fruit orchards over 8–10 years. The present study is a first approach to elucidating the mechanism involved in the resistance of one biotype of L. multiflorum selected in Chilean orchards.  相似文献   

Young plants of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) absorbed approximately 50% of an application of the grass growth retardant, mefluidide, while from 6.5 to 21.9% of the applied dose was translocated during a 2- or 7-day period respectively. After the 2-day period 93.4% of extractable radioactivity was identified as mefluidide. This potentially useful chemical was made unavailable as a result of mowing before or after spraying. Mowing before spraying increased the proportion of cut mature laminae and young laminae, neither of which translocated mefluidide to other plant organs as efficiently as intact, mature leaves. Mowing after spraying removed potentially translocatable mefluidide with the cut mature laminae and reduced mefluidide accumulation in untreated plant parts. While mowing treatments may be aesthetically desirable they probably increase the amount of mefluidide necessary for effective growth retardation.  相似文献   

Following seed treatment of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with 14C-labelled triticonazole at a dose of 1·8 g kg-1 seed, the uptake of radioactivity by shoots and roots was investigated from the two- to three-leaf stage up to the beginning of the booting phase, 80 days after sowing. Triticonazole equivalents taken up by wheat plants reached 5·7% and 14·6% of the applied dose in the shoots and the roots, respectively. Between the two- to three-leaf stage and the beginning of the booting phase, the concentration of triticonazole equivalents in the shoots decreased from 2·5 to 0·15 μg g-1 fresh weight. This was attributed to uptake of triticonazole by roots not keeping pace with shoot growth and increased retention in the roots of triticonazole taken up. The main factor limiting the uptake of triticonazole by the roots may be the rapid growth of the uptake-active apical root parts out of the dressing zone which had formed in the soil. Distribution of triticonazole equivalents taken up by the main shoot showed a decreasing concentration gradient from the oldest to the youngest leaf. An increase in the seed treatment dose was investigated as a way to increase the concentration of triticonazole in the shoots, but its influence remained limited. © 1998 SCI  相似文献   

Competiton between seedlings of gorse (Ulex europaeus L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L cv. Grasslands Nui) was studied in a replacement series experiment under glasshouse conditions. Without cutting, the shoot growth of gorse in monoculture exceeded that of ryegrass over 22 weeks but was reduced more by competition from ryegrass than the grass growth was reduced by competition from gorse. The root system of gorse was small compared with that of ryegrass and was further reduced by competition. Cutting three times at 2 or 4 cm reduced the total growth of both species and gorse was affected more than ryegrass. With grass, however, the ‘growth between succeeding cuts declined faster than that of gorse and in the final harvest period, gorse in monoculture oulyielded ryegrass. The relative crowding coefficients of gorse were low compared with those of ryegrass and their products consistently exceeded 1.0. The results are discussed in relation to lirmiting seedling establishment of gorse in the field.  相似文献   

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