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中国茶诗,源远流长,为世界文明的重要组成部分。自唐代以来,众多著名诗人、文学家、学者,如李白、杜甫、白居易、卢仝、皮日休、陆龟蒙、杜牧、欧阳修、苏轼、梅尧臣、黄庭坚、杨万里、陆游、黄宗羲、郑板桥等,都创作了许多脍炙人口的茶诗。就连唐代的唐玄  相似文献   

本文报道了近年来在云南省发现的17个茶树新种和1个新变种,即:大苞茶、广南茶、疏齿茶、马关茶、哈尼茶、圆基茶、多瓣茶、老黑茶、勐腊茶、拟细萼茶、德宏茶、假秃房茶、多萼茶、多脉茶、紫果茶、元江茶、高树茶和苦茶。  相似文献   

正《中国茶叶》是由农业部主管、中国农业科学院茶叶研究所主办的茶叶技术刊物,其宗旨是宣传、推广、普及茶叶科学技术,弘扬茶文化,传播茶叶信息。主要报道茶叶生产、科研、流通、经贸、教育等领域的实用技术、先进经验、最新研究成果和新方法,以及茶文化、茶与健康、茶叶基础理论、学术动态等。设有本刊特稿、政策法规、专题·综述、试验研究、经济·管理、技术指南、产业论坛、基层园地、历史文化等栏目。本刊是广大茶叶干部、技术推广人员、茶叶经营者、茶厂(场)工人、茶农和茶艺工作者、茶叶爱好者的良好读物,也是茶叶科研人员、  相似文献   

正"2012北京国际茶业展"受到广大传媒全方位、立体式的报道,电视、电台、报纸、网络、微博等齐上阵,中央媒体、地方媒体、行业媒体争相报道。据组委会的统计,本次展会不但吸引了中央电视台、中央人民广播电台、新华社、人民日报、人民网、中国国际广播电台等十余家中央主流媒体的关注,还得到了北京电视台、北京人民广播电台、新浪  相似文献   

棉花集“棉、粮、油、饲、肥、药、(建)材、能(源)”于一身,耐旱、耐盐碱、耐瘠薄,还可以在重金属污染的农田里替代粮食作物种植,修复土壤。论述了棉花的多功能利用,主要包括:服装家纺、油脂佳肴、化工军工、美容医药、造纸造币、饲料菌料、建材原料、燃料肥料、美景花艺,并总结了其综合利用效益。  相似文献   

<正>自九十年代初开始,湖南农业大学刘仲华、施兆鹏、黄建安、王增盛、卢向阳、林亲录、朱旗、崔湘兴、张盛、龚雨顺、肖文军、施玲、陈惠衡、何小解、王坤波等30多位专家组成了多学科交叉、产学研一体化的研发团队,先后在国家发改委、科技部、农业部、湖南省政府  相似文献   

5月26日上午9时许,由中国记协主办、湖北省记协、湖北日报传媒集团三峡分社承办的全国百家主流媒体看宜昌活动正式启动,来自人民日报、新华社、中央电视台、中国国际广播电台、中新社、光明日报、经济日报、法制日报、解放军报、工人日报、中国妇女报、农民日报12家中央媒体和全国各地主流媒体的130余名编辑、记者抵达宜昌萧氏高新科技工业园,开始了走进宜昌实地采访的第一站。  相似文献   

正《中国茶叶》是由农业部主管、中国农业科学院茶叶研究所主办的茶叶技术刊物,其宗旨是宣传、推广、普及茶叶科学技术,弘扬茶文化,传播茶叶信息。主要报道茶叶生产、科研、流通、经贸、教育等领域的实用技术、先进经验、最新研究成果和新方法,以及茶文化、茶与健康、茶叶基础理论、学术动态等。设有本刊特稿、政策法规、专题·综述、试验研究、经济·管理、技术指南、产业论坛、基层园地、历史文化等栏  相似文献   

朱旗、苏祝成、何普明、江和源、陆建良、李大祥、成浩、梁月荣、林智、张正竹、屠幼英、阮建云、尹军峰、陈宗懋、韩文炎、傅冬和、龚淑英、张新忠、姜爱芹、章明奎、孙晓玲、付建玉、區少梅、陈亮、权启爱、杨万根、赵冬香、黎星辉、龚雨顺、郭雅玲、马立锋、汪建、  相似文献   

正荞麦全身都是宝:花是重要的蜜源;茎杆可做饲料及沤肥;荞壳也是很好的保健材料;籽实含有丰富的蛋白质、多种维生素、纤维素、镁、钾、钙、铁、锌、铜、硒等及其他禾谷类粮食所缺乏的芦丁和叶绿素,营养价值居所有粮食作物之首,可制成城乡人民喜爱的各种辅助食品,有降血脂、保护视力、软化血管、降低血糖的功效,同时还有清凉、消炎、帮助消化、  相似文献   

我国当前发展油用向日葵生产的潜力   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
从油用型向日葵的特点、经济价值与综合利用方面,分析了国内外发展油用向日葵生产的现状及国际油料市场的行情.指出了我国当前发展油用向日葵生产的几点优势、存在的问题及未来的发展前景.  相似文献   

对食用型向日葵籽实性状遗传和选择研究中,其主要性状的遗传力为:籽实长度>百粒籽实重>籽实厚度>籽实宽度。对控制性状的最少差异主效基因数,籽实长度为4—5对,其余3个性状为1—2对。在选育食用型自交系时,组合的选配应以食用型和中间型为杂交亲本,早世代选择以籽实长度为主,F_4后代对子实的长、宽、厚三性状同等注意,并辅之以百粒籽实重。  相似文献   

油料作物是人们日常生活中必不可少的食用油及营养来源之一。随着人们对食用油品质要求的提高,品质性状成为近年来油料作物品种选育的重要育种目标之一。品质性状是一种复杂的数量性状,所以传统育种选育效率低,周期长。然而,基于连锁不平衡原理的全基因组关联分析为挖掘多基因控制的数量性状候选基因提供了新的途径。目前由于其定位精度高、广度大、周期短等优点已经在许多作物上得到了应用。本文对全基因组关联分析在揭示大豆、油菜、花生、芝麻、胡麻、向日葵等几种重要油料作物的含油率、脂肪酸、蛋白质含量等品质相关性状中的研究进行了总结,并对目前研究存在的不足进行了剖析,最后对未来发展趋势进行了展望,旨在为今后利用GWAS解析各种油料作物品质相关性状的遗传基础及选育高品质油料作物材料提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

本研究以高油酸材料J9和低油酸材料NK244为研究对象,在授粉后20d取材,采用RNA-Seq技术对其进行转录组学研究。经比较分析,2个材料共鉴定到差异表达基因(DETs)5 447个,其中上调表达基因2 709个,下调表达基因2 738个。对DETs进行生物信息学分析,GO信息分析表明,有2 218个DETs富集到57个功能条目,其中上调表达基因主要涉及催化活性、异构酶活性、碳水化合物结合、DNA结合、脂结合、碳水化合物过程、脂代谢过程和脂肪酸生物合成等;下调表达基因主要涉及蛋白激酶活性、ATP结合、蛋白磷酸化、tRNA氨酰化的蛋白质翻译和纤维素生物合成过程。KEGG分析中799个差异表达片段被显著富集在28个通路,主要为碳水化合物代谢通路和脂代谢通路。本研究为向日葵油酸调控机理研究提供了一定理论依据,为向日葵品质育种与种质创新提供理论参考。  相似文献   

新型花生内源特异参照基因的开发与应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个物种的内源特异参照基因是该物种区别其它物种的特异性标志之一。本研究通过对GeneBank中花生基因信息的检索分析,筛选出花生几丁质酶基因chi2.2作为该物种内源特异参照基因的候选基因。通过对该基因的特定区域设计引物,建立了花生产品特异性定性PCR检测方法。利用该方法分别对16个花生品种的DNA进行PCR扩增,均能扩增出81bp的片段。利用相同引物分别对其他油料作物、粮食作物和蔬菜等(油菜,大豆,芝麻,向日葵,油棕,棉花,水稻,玉米,长豆角,豌豆,土豆,萝卜,辣椒,茄子,拟南芥,烟草)的DNA进行PCR扩增,均未发现特异性扩增产物。 结果表明,本研究建立的花生产品检测方法具有很好的物种特异性,且其灵敏度达到0.05ng基因组DNA。该方法可用于花生源成分鉴定,如确定食品中是否含有花生源成分,本研究为识别掺假使杂和保障食品安全提供有效手段。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):233-248

Sunflower, a major edible oil crop producing a high-quality and healthful oil for human consumption and also recycled for use as feedstock to produce biodiesel fuel, is recently being cultivated in rotation with rice in the paddy field. The oil of cultivars with a high oleic acid content has higher oxidation stability and better nutritional properties than the standard cultivars, which have a high linoleic acid content. In this study, we evaluated the effects of excess water on plant growth, seed yield, and oil quality. Seed yield, the major yield components, the oleic acid content and the total oil content were negatively affected by a shallow water table. In particular, waterlogging at the establishment stage decreased the growth and seed yield severely. In addition, waterlogging during the flowering and maturation stages tended to decrease the oleic acid content and to increase the linoleic acid content. These results will be useful for improving management practices to increase the seed yield and improve the oil quality of sunflower in rotation with upland paddy rice.  相似文献   

向日葵茎溃疡病菌是我国进境植物检疫性病原真菌。自进境美国大豆夹杂的向日葵种籽上,采用常规平板法分离并纯化获得1株疑似向日葵茎溃疡病菌Diaporthe helianthi菌株8616S3。形态学特征观察表明,该菌株在PDA上产生大量分生孢子器和β型分生孢子,但未见有性阶段。经rDNA ITS基因序列比对分析,发现该菌株与GenBank中多个向日葵茎溃疡病菌菌株的ITS基因序列同源性达99%以上,位于同一个分支。致病性测定结果表明,该菌株可侵染向日葵茎部,引起典型向日葵茎溃疡病症状。美国是我国主要大豆进口来源国,这是我国首次从进境美国大豆夹杂物中截获向日葵茎溃疡病菌D.helianthi。  相似文献   

Wild sunflower, Helianthus annuus, is an open-pollinated species that can be a major weed in several crops. If it hybridizes with cultivated sunflower the following generations can generate crop-wild hybrids that could evolve into invasive populations. The objective of this study was to morphologically characterize F1 hybrids between inbred lines and wild sunflower, their F2, BC1 and BC2 progenies with domestic sunflower to assess the risk of these plants evolving into invasive biotypes. Crop-wild hybrids were easily identified as off-type plants. F1 plants were taller, branched with several heads, smaller disks and phyllaries, stigma and pale anthocyanins, and a longer flowering period compared to cultivated sunflower. None of the F2 plants were similar to wild sunflower plants, but morphologically closer to the cultivated materials. These results showed the improbability that crop-wild off-type plants give rise to plants morphologically similar to wild sunflowers and therefore the risk of developing invasive populations by their introduction.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1986,15(1):57-72
Seed oil and fatty acid concentrations of wild annual sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seed vary greatly depending on the environmental conditions during development. Previous research has shown seed oil and fatty acid concentrations' response to temperature has been variable in wild and cultivated sunflower. The objective of the present study was to examine environmental factors, specifically temperature (maximum and minimum), total solar radiation and daylength for their direct and indirect effects on seed oil and fatty acid concentrations in seed oil of wild annual and cultivated sunflower using correlation and path-coefficient analyses. Ten populations of wild annual sunflower indigenous to areas from 29° to 46° N Lat. and 81° to 122° W Long. were grown in a randomized block design with three replications on Pullman clay loam (fine, mixed, thermic Torrertic Paleustoll) soils in 1980 and 1981. Three heads per genotype at early anthesis were sibbed or interpollinated at six different dates, and mature seeds were collected 28 days after sibbing for determination of seed oil and fatty acid concentrations. Hybrid ‘894’ was grown as a check for comparisons. Path-coefficient analyses indicated that minimum temperature and total solar radiation have the greatest direct effect on seed oil concentration in wild annual sunflower, though the influence was very low. In the cultivated hybrid, minimum temperature and daylength had the highest direct effect on seed oil concentration. Path-coefficient analyses also indicated that minimum temperature and solar radiation had the primary influence on oleic acid concentration in the wild and cultivated sunflower, with maximum temperature being less important. Linoleic acid concentration was primarily influenced (negatively) by minimum temperature and solar radiation as indicated by path-coefficient analyses in the wild and cultivated sunflower. The highest indirect effects of other environmental factors on fatty acid concentrations in the wild and cultivated sunflower were via minimum temperature followed by total solar radiation. There was a strong negative relation between linoleic and oleic fatty acid concentrations in the study. Path-coefficient analyses indicated that the wild annual sunflower reacted similarly to the cultivated sunflower to the environmental factors examined. This information will be useful to sunflower plant breeders when they incorporate the wild germplasm into commercial sunflower breeding lines.  相似文献   

Lard, a fat rich in saturated fatty acids (SFAs), is regarded as a risk factor for metabolic diseases. In the present study, effect of different lard blended with sunflower oil diets on lipid accumulation in adipose tissue, liver, and serum by mouse model was researched. Body weight, body fat percentage, cross-sectional area of adipocytes, liver triglycerides (TGs), and oil red stained area in mice liver of lard blend sunflower oil (L-SFO) group were significantly lower than those of sunflower oil (SFO) group, whereas no significant differences were observed between mice of lard and L-SFO groups. Serum TG and free fatty acid levels were significantly lower in L-SFO group than in other two groups. Furthermore, data showed that sunflower oil decreased contents of hormone-sensitive lipase and carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1 (CPT-1) and increased fatty acid synthase activity in liver tissue. A mixture of lard and sunflower oil rather than only sunflower oil or lard might promote body fat loss and reduce lipid accumulation in adipose tissue, serum, and liver by promoting hydrolysis of TG, increasing β-oxidation of fatty acids. These data suggested that mixing lard and vegetable oil (e.g. sunflower oil) for cooking, or alternate using lard and vegetable oil could be beneficial for reducing body fat.  相似文献   

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