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氮肥对稻苗抗瘟性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用全国鉴定的18个抗病品种:特特普、砦糖、赤块矮选、农试4号、窄叶青8号、宁晚1号、晚付1号、谷农13、城堡1号、温选10号、大艮鱼、矮脚白米籽、红脚占、湘矮早9号、红410、金围矮、顺良早2号、珍龙13和1个感病品种朝六早。幼苗追施不同量的氮肥,分别接种菌株75-49和75-49-2,结果表明可将品种分为三类:第一类抗供试菌株,且不随氮肥水平发生任何变化。如前12个品种对2个供试菌株的反应和红脚占对75-49的反应,这些品种对供试菌株可能有主效抗性基因。第二类品种感供试菌株,但低氮水平发病轻,病情随施氮水平增加而加重。如湘矮早9号、红410、金围矮、顺良早2号和珍龙13对2个供试菌株的反应。这类品种虽无主效抗性基因,但可能有微效抗性基因。第三类品种对供试菌株感染,不论低氮和高氮水平发病都重,如朝六早对2个菌株的反应。这类品种可能无抗性基因。前两类品种γ-氨基丁酸和果糖、葡萄糖含量比朝六早多,而丙氨酸、谷氨酸、谷氨酰胺、天冬氨酸和天冬酰胺含量则较少。这些成份可能与微效基因控制的低水平抗性有关。  相似文献   

Summary. Oat seedlings were grown by two different methods in various concentrations of bensulide. Root growth was inhibited, the roots were sometimes curved and root hairs were often present close to the root tip. Structural features of the treated roots included epidermal cells which were greatly elongated radially; short, pitied trachcary elements differentiated close to the root tip; and occasional lesions. One of the primary effects of bensulide appears to be inhibition of root growth, though it does not completely inhibit mitosis.  相似文献   

Summary. Undisturbed natural infestations of annual weeds, mainly Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop, and Richardia scabra L., reduced the yield of harvestable peanuts [groundnuts) by an average of 20% over an 8-year period. Yield reductions in individual years ranged from I to 50%, depending mainly on the density of the weed population. From one to 5%‘non-dirting’ cultivations generally did not reduce yield as compared with hand weeding, unless environmental conditions favoured development of the disease southern blight (Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.) on uncultivated peanuts.  相似文献   

本文对青海高原农田野燕麦的发生特点,如出苗、生长发育、繁殖和传播、种籽抗逆性等进行了初步试验。为认识野燕麦的危害性和制定防除措施提供了依据。在化学除草方面,试验了十几种除草剂和不同的应用条件,初步认为“深埋药”、“狠抓水”、“防耗损”、“促生长”是保证药效的重要环节。对旱地除草剂的应用有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

Summary. A study of the emergence and development of Avena fatua in winter wheat showed that after the mild winter of 1960/61 autumn-germinated wild oats constituted a far more serious weed problem than spring-germinated plants. It was concluded that the application of barban should be timed in relation to these autumn-germinated plants. As an extension of their work on spring cereals, the authors investigated the effect of barban on the yield ratio of winter wheat and cultivated winter oats grown as a mixture. A reduction in the oats fraction as a result of barban treatment was accompanied by an increase in wheat giving a total yield which was almost the same as untreated. Experimental data are also presented on the occurrence, and significance of an interesting variation in crop tolerance during the winter. No obvious correlation was found between increased crop sensitivity and development stage or temperature. The capacity of the crop to recover was found to be high.
Quelques données sur l'utilisation du barbane dans la lutte contre la folle avoine dans le blé d'hiver  相似文献   

栽插密度、施氮量对水稻主要病虫害的综合生态效应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
作者应用回归最优设计,评价了水稻栽插密度与施氮水平对稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟和水稻纹枯病发生为害的综合生态效应。结果表明,密度与氮肥均是诱发稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟和水稻纹枯病发生为害的主要因子,但影响的侧重点不同,密度主要影响稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟迁入虫量的再分配;氮肥对稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟种群动态的影响,以及对水稻纹枯病的水平扩展作用要大于密度的作用;而密度对水稻纹枯病的垂直扩展作用略大于氮肥的作用,二者的交互  相似文献   

播期、密度和氮肥对小麦白粉病的定量效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 近年来,安徽小麦白粉病日趋严重。其原因据调查与栽培措施的不合理有关。  相似文献   

不同施氮量对杂交水稻纹枯病、紫鞘病及云形病的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着化肥生产的迅速发展,稻田施氮量逐年增加。有些地区由于有机肥料的减少,不适当的增施化肥,出现“偏氮、偏多、偏晚”的三偏现象,从而导致水稻病害严重发生。本试验从氮肥这单一因子出发,在其他栽培措施相同的条件下,通过定位观察,系统调查,以探明不同施氮量以及无机氮肥与有机氮肥一定的配比,对杂交水稻纹枯病(Rhizoctonia solain)、紫鞘病(Acrocylindrium oryzae)和云形病(Rhycho-sporium oryzae)发生的影响。  相似文献   

Summary. The growth of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) was accompanied by an increase in the amount of spray retained per plant and per unit weight of plant, probably because the projected area (plan view) increased as the plant became larger. Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) retained a fairly constant volume of spray per plant from the 8-leaf to the 35–40-leaf stages, so that the spray retained per unit plant weight decreased considerably as the plants grew. This was related to the decrease in projected area as a proportion of the whole. There was also a difference in retentivity between the cotyledons and true leaves; the cotyledons retained ten to twenty times more spray per unit weight. These results suggest that maximum selectivity would be achieved by spraying at an advanced stage of growth. Wild oat at the 3-leaf stage retained more than half the aqueous spray in the two leaf axils, while flax retained most on the cotyledons. Distribution was shown to be a probable reason for selectivity. Addition of a surfactant greatly increased retention by both species, but although the effect of a spray on wild oat might thereby be increased, under certain conditions injury to flax might be increased and the margin of selectivity reduced. Croissance et retention des bouillies herbicides par la folle-avoine et le lin en rapport avec la sélectivité  相似文献   

Summary. The experiments reported show that weed competition throughout growth reduced kale yields by up to 89%. Competition until the 4-leaf stage reduced yields by about 12%. Application of nitrogen had little effect on the actual loss of yield. The same yield could be obtained by controlling weeds from emergence and giving little nitrogen, or by delaying weed control until the 4-leaf stage and giving a higher level of nitrogen, but kale crops that had suffered weed competition until the 4-Ieaf stage appeared to be incapable of achieving the same yield as crops clean-weeded from emergence. Data on nitrogen percentage and content suggest that competition between weeds and kale was not solely for i
Effets du desherbage et du taux de fertilisation azoiée sur le rendement et la teneuren azote du chou fourrager  相似文献   

新疆野蔷薇果的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
新疆野蔷薇(Rosaspp)果实富含多种人体所需的营养物质,有较大开发利用价值。欲培育大果,多刺蔷薇、刺蔷薇较有前途;疏花蔷薇、腺毛蔷薇、伊犁蔷薇还原型VC含量较高;还可根据需要选择优良个体或类型以培育新品种。  相似文献   

稗草生长明显降低了大豆籽粒蛋白质产量及氮素向其籽粒中的分配比例,而显著提高了大豆茎、叶、籽含氮量及氮素向其茎、叶中的分配比例。这种影响在座荚期渍涝 鼓粒期干旱条件下最为突出;稗草对大豆籽粒蛋白质生产的危害在幼苗期—开花期的渍涝条件下显著减轻,而在任一时期的干旱条件下均明显加重,且在座荚期的渍涝处理中比在幼苗期—开花期的渍涝处理中大。不同时期、不同旱涝胁迫处理对大豆籽粒蛋白质产量的降低程度不同,其中旱害远大于涝害,后期旱害大于前期旱害,先涝后旱的危害大于先旱后涝的危害,旱涝结合的危害大于只旱或只涝的危害;开花期大豆最不耐涝,鼓粒期最不耐旱。  相似文献   

江浙野桑蚕寄生性天敌调查及群落结构分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
野桑蚕是重要的桑树害虫。作者于1985—1990年在江浙主要蚕区,进行野外采集、室内饲养其卵、幼虫、蛹共达43万余个体的寄生性天敌调查。调查中共得6种原寄生灭敌,它们是:野蚕黑卵蜂、野蚕平腹小蜂、野蚕绒茧蜂、广大腿小蜂、野蚕黑瘤姬蜂和家蚕追寄蝇。卵块寄生率0—92.22%,卵粒寄生率0—56.73%,幼虫寄生率0—77.36%,蛹寄生率0—19.57%。各寄生天敌比较,以野蚕绒茧蜂和野蚕黑卵蜂最为重要,其中后者更有应用前景。此外,并对野桑蚕寄生天敌群落结构的多样性、相似性作了分析。  相似文献   

Summary. The root and shoot growth of oat (Avena sativa L.) and green foxtail (Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv.) were generally reduced proportionately to the concentration of chlorthal dimethyl applied. Foxtail shoot growth was stimulated by a concentration of 2 ppm. Cells in the shoot and root meristems of treated plants were completely disarranged and considerably hypertrophied. Differentiation was irregular and extended nearer the apices in tissue of treated seedlings than in normal tissue. Histochemical tests showed that the amount of starch, proteins and nucleic acids in seedling tissue decreased with an increase of chlorthal dimethyl concentration, whereas the endosperm of the seeds retained more starch and protein than the controls. The walls of shoot nieristem and root epidermal cells were thickened or altered so as to stain more intensely than corresponding cells in untreated tissue. Effet du diméthyle chlorthal sur l'anatomie des plantules d'avoine et de séaire  相似文献   

旱地土壤氮素矿化的动力学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对有机质、全氮、C/N比差异较大的10种土壤进行盆栽和培养试验,用对数方程、指数方程、幂函数方程对土壤氮素矿化过程进行了摸拟。结果表明:幂函数模型能很好地描述土壤N素矿化过程;并建立了土壤氮素矿化的一级动力学模式,求出了不同模型中的参数;最后探讨了影响土壤氮素矿化动力学模型参数的土壤因子——有机质、全氮、土壤机械组成、C/N。  相似文献   

福建野生猕猴疫病调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在国内首次系统报道了福建野生猕猴主要疫病调查结果。猕猴逆转D病毒抗体检测、猴麻疹病毒抗体检测和结核菌素试验均为阴性。猕猴逆转B病毒相关抗体阳性率为60.2%;猴肝囊原虫感染率为92%,也检出猴疟原虫。粪便中检出肠杆菌科9个属的条件致病菌;胃肠道线虫5种、吸虫1种、绦虫1种、原虫9种。  相似文献   

施氮量对水稻叶瘟菌侵染循环中主要组分的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在人工气候室内进行了施氮量对稻瘟侵染过程主要环节影响的定量试验。结果表明,施氮量对稻瘟菌侵染、病斑扩展及产孢均有不同程度的影响,其中,侵染几率所受影响最大,其次为病斑扩展及产孢,潜育期基本上不受影响。试验还发现,稻瘟侵染、产孢和病斑扩展各组分对氮量均有最适要求,当施氮量超出它们的最适范围后,将不再有利于各组分的发展。以上结果均用数学模型进行了描述,揭示了侵染循环各组分与施氮量间关系及警戒氮量在稻瘟流行学上的意义。  相似文献   

小麦近缘野生植物的赤霉病抗性研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
 用单花和多花注射接种法对小麦近缘野生植物16个属80个种276份材料进行了抗赤霉病鉴定和分析,结果表明属种间对赤霉病的抗性存在着极大的差异。鹅观草属(Roegneria)既高抗侵入又高抗扩展,在16个属中抗病性最强;披碱草属(Elymus)、仲彬草属(Kengyilia)和冰草属(Agropyron)大多数居群中抗侵入且高抗扩展;偃麦草属(Elytrigia)、拟鹅观草属(Pseudoroegneria)、新麦草属(Psathyrostachys)和大麦属(Hordeum)的多年生野生种虽不抗侵入但高抗扩展;山羊草属(Aegilops)、毛节草属(Crithopsis)、旱麦草属(Eremopyrum)、异型花属(Heteranthelium)、带芒草属(Taeniatherum)、无芒草属(Henrardia)和簇毛麦属(Haynaldia)的H.villosa及大麦属(Hordeum)的一年生野生种对赤霉病的两种抗性均属于高感类型。  相似文献   

E. D. WILLIAMS 《Weed Research》1971,11(2-3):159-170
Summary. Seeding of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. und Agrostis gigantea Roth were grown in two photoperiods and with amounts of nitrogen. On two occasions plants transferred between photoperiods.
The early growth of the seedlings was increased most by increasing the light intensity, but later nitrogen had the greatest effect. In short photoperiods, plants of both species were decumbent and had many more shoots than in long photoperiods. At the end of the experiment, plants of both species responded more to nitrogen in bright than in dim light, and the dry weight of Agropyron was increased more than that of Agrostis by increased photoperiod and nitrogen.
Agropyron initiated rhizomes sooner than Agrostis ; it had fewer rhizomes but they were longer and thicker and weighed more. Brighter light, longer photoperiod and nitrogen all increased rhizome weight. Photoperiod did this mainly by producing more rhizomes, light by increasing thickness or density, and nitrogen by both. The effects of photoperiod and nitrogen on the rhizome dry weight of Agropyron , but not of Agrostis , were additive.
Transferring plants from short to long photoperiods or from long to short, respectively increased or decreased total growth, but had an opposite effect on the rhizomes.  相似文献   

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