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Experimental studies about the recovery, survival and migration to pasture of cyathostomin infective larvae (L(3)) from fresh feces depositions were conducted from February 2005 to March 2007 in a tropical region of southeast Brazil. Grass and feces were collected weekly at 8 a.m., 1 and 5 p.m. and processed by the Baermann technique. Multivariate analysis (principal components method) showed the influence of time and environmental variables on the number of infective larvae recovered from the feces and pasture. In the rainy period (October-March), more infective larvae were recovered on the feces and grass apex. In contrast, in the dry period (April-September), the recovery was higher only on the grass base, as well as the L(3) survival on feces and grass. More larvae were recovered at 8 a.m., except from the grass apex, where the highest recovery was at 1 p.m. Few studies investigating the seasonal transmission of equine cyathostomin have been conducted in South American tropical climates. These results demonstrate that in tropical conditions L(3) are available on feces and pasture throughout the year. Knowledge of climatic influences on the development and survival of L(3) is crucial to designing integrated parasite control programs that provide effective protection while slowing the development of anthelmintic resistance.  相似文献   

Horses are hosts to a wide variety of helminthes; the most important are the cyathostomin, or small strongyles. The viability of a fungal formulation (pellets) using the nematode-trapping fungus Monacrosporium thaumasium was assessed in biological control of horse cyathostomin. Two groups (fungus-treated and control) consisted of six mares in each group, crossbred (ages of 2.5 and 3.5 years), were placed in pastures of Cynodon sp. naturally infected with horse cyathostomin larvae. In the treated group, each animal received 1g/10 kg body weight (0.2g/10 kg live weight of fungus) of pellets of sodium alginate matrix containing the fungus M. thaumasium orally, twice a week for 6 months. In the control group, animals received (1g/10 kg body weight) of pellets without fungus. The egg count per gram of feces showed difference (p<0.01) in the animals treated with the fungus in relation to the control animals during all months of the experiment. The EPG percentage decrease were 87.5%, 89.7%, 68.3%, 58.7%, 52.5% and 35.2% during June, July, August, September, October and November, respectively. In faecal cultures, there was difference (p<0.05) among animals treated with fungus was found in relation to the control animals during all the experiment month, with percentage reduction of 67.5%, 61.4% and 31.8% in September, October and November, respectively. Difference (p<0.01) was observed in the recovery of infective larvae from pastures that were collected up to 20 cm from the dung pats in pastures in the group treated with the fungus in relation to the control group with a reduction of 60.9% and between 0-20 and 0-40 cm from the faecal pat reduction (p<0.01) was about 56% in the group treated with the fungus M. thaumasium in relation to the control group pasture. There was no difference (p>0.05) between the average weight gains in both animal groups. The treatment of horses with pellets containing the nematophagous fungus M. thaumasium can be effective in controlling cyathostomin in the tropical region of southeastern Brazil.  相似文献   

The viability of a fungal formulation using the nematode-trapping fungus Duddingtonia flagrans was assessed for the biological control of horse cyathostomin. Two groups (fungus-treated and control without fungus treatment), consisting of eight crossbred mares (3–18 years of age) were fed on Cynodon sp. pasture naturally infected with equine cyathostome larvae. Each animal of the treated group received oral doses of sodium alginate mycelial pellets (1 g/(10 kg live weight week)), during 6 months. Significant reduction (p < 0.01) in the number of eggs per gram of feces and coprocultures was found for animals of the fungus-treated group compared with the control group. There was difference (p < 0.01) of 78.5% reduction in herbage samples collected up to (0–20 cm) between the fungus-treated group and the control group, during the experimental period (May–October). Difference of 82.5% (p < 0.01) was found between the fungus-treated group and the control group in the sampling distance (20–40 cm) from fecal pats. During the last 3 months of the experimental period (August, September and October), fungus-treated mares had significant weight gain (p < 0.01) compared with the control group, an increment of 38 kg. The treatment with sodium alginate pellets containing the nematode-trapping fungus D. flagrans reduced cyathostomin in tropical southeastern Brazil and could be an effective tool for biological control of this parasitic nematode in horses.  相似文献   

Longevity in faeces, migration to and survival on herbage of mixed strongyle infective larvae (approximately 70% cyathostomes: 30% large strongyles) from experimentally deposited horse faeces was studied in the dry tropical region of North Queensland for up to 2 years. Larvae were recovered from faeces deposited during hot dry weather for a maximum of 12 weeks, up to 32 weeks in cool conditions, but less than 8 weeks in hot wet summer. Translation to herbage was mainly limited to the hot wet season (December-March), except when unseasonal winter rainfall of 40-50 mm per month in July and August allowed some additional migration. Survival on pasture was estimated at 2-4 weeks in the summer wet season and 8-12 weeks in the autumn-winter dry season (April-August). Hot dry spring weather (pre-wet season) was the most unfavourable for larval development, migration and survival. Peak counts of up to 60,000 larvae kg-1 dry herbage were recorded. The seasonal nature of pasture contamination allowed the development of rational anthelmintic control programs based on larval ecology.  相似文献   

Thirty six horses from nine Brazilian states (Goiás, Minas Gerais, Pará, Maranh?o, Piauí, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte, and Ceará) were examined for infections by small strongyles. The following species were identified: Cylicocyclus nassatus, C. insigne, C. brevicapsulatus, C. leptostomum, C. radiatus, C. ultrajectinus, C. ashworthi, Cylicostephanus goldi, C. calicatus, C. minutus, C. longibursatus, Petrovinema poculatum, Coronocyclus coronatus, C. labiatus, C. labratus, Cyathostomum catinatum, C. pateratum, C. alveatum, Parapoteriostomum euproctus, Cylicodontophorus bicoronatus, Poteriostomum ratzii, P. imparidentatum and Gyalocephalus capitatus. The most prevalent were C. longibursatus (100%), C. nassatus (97.22%) and C. catinatum (94.44%). They were also the most abundant species, comprising 31.84, 23.71 and 14.14%, respectively, of the Cyathostominae parasites found. Infections were found to include 2-17 species in a single horse, with variable associations.  相似文献   

A study following the development of Cyathostominae from egg to the infective larval third stage was conducted from April to December 2001 in west central Scotland. Duplicate samples (1 kg) of naturally infected faeces were placed on a 78 cm2 plot each week on a cyathostomin-free pasture. Subsamples of the grass surrounding the faecal plot were collected weekly on four occasions and the number of larvae obtained determined. Few larvae were recovered in the first week of development of individual plots, followed by a rise in the numbers of larvae in second, third and fourth weeks of development of each sample. The climatic conditions were seen to have an effect on the rate of development. Specifically, from multilevel, multivariable linear regression models it was evident that the factors associated with numbers of infective larvae recovered from pasture were the time since the faeces samples were laid down, the average temperature and rainfall during the previous week, as well as the interaction between temperature and rainfall. Conversely, from the model, the number of larvae recovered from pasture was associated with neither the number of eggs within the faeces samples placed on the plots nor with the viability of these eggs.  相似文献   

The effect of phenobarbitone against signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens) toxicity was studied in 26 male crossbred sheep. Grazing on signal grass significantly decreased the concentration of cytochrome P-450 and the activity of drug metabolizing enzymes, viz. aminopyrine-N-demethylase, aniline-4-hydroxylase, UDP- glucuronyltransferase and glutathione-S-transferase in liver and kidneys of affected sheep.Oral administration of phenobarbitone (30 mg/kg body weight) for five consecutive days before grazing on B. decumbens pasture, and thereafter, for three consecutive days every two weeks, resulted in significant increases in hepatic and renal activities of drug-metabolizing enzymes. The induction of drug metabolizing activity in sheep grazing on signal grass group was found to be lower than in animals given phenobarbitone alone. Induction by phenobarbitone provided a degree of protection against the toxic effects of B. decumbens as indicated by the delay in the appearance of signs of toxicity. Furthermore, these were much milder compared to those in the sheep not treated with phenobarbitone. The present study suggests that phenobarbitone-type cytochrome P-450 isoenzyme-induction may increase resistance against signal grass (B. decumbens) toxicity in sheep.  相似文献   

Anocentor nitens is a widespread ectoparasite of horses in Brazil. A study of the seasonal dynamics of the parasitic phase of this tick was made by regular census of engorging females (>/=4mm) on free-ranging horses, fortnightly from July 1995 to July 1997, at Pedro Leopoldo, Minas Gerais. Twenty horses were divided into four groups of five animals per group, each having a similar mix of resistant and less resistant animals, based on initial infestation. Every 2 weeks, one of the groups, in sequence, was treated with an acaricide to prevent excessive infestations, and female ticks were censused 38 days later. The acaricide dips did not interfere with the seasonal dynamics of the tick population, which produced three major peaks of activity over a 12-month period. The first two peaks were in the hot, wet season and the third in the cold dry season. Tick numbers were similar for the two 12-month periods, decreasing from the spring and summer to the autumn and winter. Infestation rates were not equal among different horses. Twenty percent of the horses were responsible for 48% of the total parasite load, while 30% accounted for only 2.5% of the total parasite load. Principal predilection sites were; the ear (61%), mane (21%), and muzzle and face (6%). Measures for the strategic control of A. nitens ticks are discussed.  相似文献   

Worm-free Holstein tracer calves were used to assess the seasonal variation in number and course of development of nematode parasites of cattle on an irrigated pasture located in the California Sierra foothills. The most common genera of nematodes found in the abomasum and small intestine were Ostertagia and Cooperia, respectively. The infective Ostertagia larvae on herbage were most numerous in early spring and lowest in summer months. Arrested development of Ostertagia occurred in mid-to-late spring. The percentage of the population of Ostertagia found to be arrested larvae was constant (73% to 95%) over 4 years, even though the total number of nematodes in the genus was markedly different. Levels of infection with Ostertagia and Cooperia were found to correlate with pasture contamination occurring in the preceding fall and concurrent winter months. In the cecum and large intestine, Oesophagostomum venulosum was found to be the most common nematode. It is suggested that this species may replace Os radiatum as the cattle nodular worm in regions where climate is similar to that of the southwestern coast of North America. Evidence of seasonal hypobiotic development of Oe venulosum was found. Other genera of nematodes observed in tracer calves were Trichostrongylus, Haemonchus, Bunostomum, Trichuris, and Dictyocaulus.  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in the populations of trichostrongylid infective larvae (L3) on herbage and in soil samples collected from pastures grazed by beef cattle were studied at Nsukka, eastern Nigeria, from April 1980 to July 1981. Large numbers of L3 were recovered from all samples collected during the rainy season (April to October). The rainy season herbage infestation was characterised by three clearly defined peaks. The first, which followed an 'early rains' (April) rise, occurred in the second half of May while the larger second and third peaks occurred in late July and October respectively. It is suggested that each of these peaks represented a distinct wave of infestation by a separate generation consisting of the three trichostrongylids concerned, namely Cooperia, Haemonchus and Trichostrongylus species. Although there was a sharp fall in pasture infestation following the onset of the dry season, appreciable numbers of L3 were still present on herbage in early December. The implications of these findings have been discussed in relation to the choice of effective strategic anthelmintic programmes for the prophylaxis and control of bovine parasitic gastroenteritis in the Nsukka area.  相似文献   

This work reports basic hematologic values of a sample of a population of free-living marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) living by the Paraná River in Southeast Brazil. Hematologic values are presented separately for male, female, and young animals as well as for anesthetized and nonanesthetized cervids. Nonanesthetized deer restrained by physical means had significantly higher erythrocyte indices and total leukocyte counts. Comparisons of blood parameters of anesthetized animals of different ages and gender differed slightly, with only two significant differences observed: young animals had significantly higher red blood cell counts than adult males and a lower blood total protein content when compared to adult females. Results indicate that two main reference ranges for blood values should be considered for marsh deer, for blood obtained from anesthetized or physically restrained individuals.  相似文献   

Public parks, especially in developing countries, are places where stray animals run free and may contaminate the environment with different species of parasites. In an evaluation of environmental sanitation of these sites, soil samples were collected monthly from public parks in the Pelotas city, Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil. Eggs of the nematode Lagochilascaris sp. were found in a public playground. This is the first report of identification of this nematode in Southern Brazil.  相似文献   

The differentiation of the species of the Libyostrongylus genus is only possible with the obtainment of the adult parasites in the ostriches proventriculus and gizzard. The present work confirms that it is possible to differentiate the infective larvae of L. douglassii and L. dentatus allowing the differential diagnosis of these species by fecal culture. To show this, adult females from both species were collected from ten proventriculus from adult ostriches and separated by species. Both groups were macerated individually added to sterilized feces for standard fecal cultures. The infective larvae were recovered, identified, quantified and measured. All proventriculus analyzed were parasitized by Libyostrongylus spp. and a clear heterogeneous location for each species was observed. The infective larvae from the fecal cultures of macerated L. douglassii presented a mean total length of 874.3+/-33.80 microm, and a short sheath tail (29.5+/-4.11 microm) with acute termination. The infective larvae from the macerated L. dentatus presented mean total length of 856.0+/-43.63 microm, long sheath tail (61.2+/-9.52 microm) with filamentous termination. The mean measures of the tails of both species had a significant difference. The differentiation of the infective larvae of L. douglassii and L. dentatus by fecal cultures will facilitate the diagnosis of both species for further understanding the Libyostrongylus biology.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were designed to study the influence of temperature, concentrations of nematodes, oxygen tension, light, and nutrient levels, on the induction of nematode-trapping hyphal nets in the predacious fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora. When induced by infective Ostertagia ostertagi larvae, a maximum number of nets was produced at 20 degrees C, at which temperature nets in surplus were produced at larval concentrations up to 1,000 larvae per cm2. A. oligospora did not produce nets in an anaerobic atmosphere containing 21% CO2 (v/v), and net induction was suppressed to a certain degree by exposure to light. The composition of the medium had an important influence on the saprophytic growth and the net-forming capability of A. oligospora as a maximum number of nets was induced at a relatively low concentration of corn meal supporting the relatively sparse mycelium. It was shown that a proportion of trapping nets in A. oligospora maintained their trapping potential for more than 7 weeks when the temperature was below 25 degrees C. Induction of nematode-trapping organs in A. oligospora is discussed in relation to control of infective nematode parasite larvae in cow pats.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to establish whether anthelmintic resistance was present in nematode parasites of horses in Denmark. Sixteen horse farms were selected for faecal egg count reduction (FECR) tests to measure the efficacy of the anthelmintic used. Resistance to benzimidazole anthelmintics was found on 13 of the 16 farms, with FECR values ranging from 80.0% to -101.3%. On the remaining 3 farms FECR was 100.0%, 99.3% and 97.2%. Results of a questionnaire study on anthelmintic usage, parasite control measures and management practices showed that horses in this study were treated on average 7.1 times/year. Horse owners changed between preparations of drugs but almost only within the same class of anthelmintics. Nine owners gave an anthelmintic treatment to purchased horses before they were introduced on the farm. On 14 farms, the same paddock was grazed every year and the average stocking rate was estimated to be 2.4 horses/ha. Strategies to avoid development of anthelmintic resistance are discussed and recommendations of parasite control on horse farms are presented.  相似文献   

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