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Agile virtual enterprise (AVE) is an important organization mode of 21 st century and an important method to response quickly to the changes of the market as well. Based on the analysis of the connotation of AVE and the differences between traditional enterprises and AVE, through a variety of views including function view, human/organization view, process/control view, information view, and resources view, the concept model of AVE is established. A variety of issues during the lifecycle of the AVE are also researched. The operation mode of the AVE and the questions that must be paid attention to are presented. This is helpful to understand and master the meaning and feathers of AVE, and to the practice of AVE in China, which will contribute to the improvement of compete ability of Chinese enterprises.  相似文献   

The virtual environment is the important and indispensable part of virtual reality The method of modeling virtual environment is studied and discussed, based on the research of the basic theory and key technology of virtual reality. Taking the indoor virtual environment modeling as an example, the whole design object, design idea, design rules and the key technologies of indoor virtual environment modeling is dissertate systematically. The modeling objects are reusable and interactive owing to the adaptation of object-oriented and agent-oriented techonlogy. The actual scene is classified according to structure and layer so as to the scene was managed effectively and displayed more quickly. So the system had the properties of immersion, interaction and imagination at some extent.  相似文献   

The competition among enterprises becomes more and more drastic. In order to win the market, so as to put itself in a stead station, the enterprise put forward many advanced manufacturing modes. Virtual manufacture is put forward by American as a wholly new concept under this situation. It is thought as advanced manufacturing technology of the 21st century. Based on the analysis to the prior, the author expatiated the concept of virtual manufacture and put forward the three demands which the product model suited for the virtual manufacture must satisfy. On the bases the author set up the product model which is composed by product function express and product definition and expatiated the product function and product definition at detail.  相似文献   

The concepts and principles of intelligent virtual controls(IVC) and virtual instruments based on them are introduced.The quintuple systematic model based on computer is discussed.By deep researching into the intelligent controls-oriented virtual instrument(ICVI) and its development system,the quintuple systematic model based on computer is introduced into ICVI systems,the uniform model of ICVI is built up and dissertated it in detail.The model builds uniform rules and methods for developing and using ICVI,and normalizes the development of ICVI.  相似文献   

Based on the content of enterprise culture and enterprise credit, it is pointed out that the enterprise culture related to the enterprise core competitive force.In this paper, from the viewpoint of combining theory with practice, the intension, function and mutual relations between them are described and their significance in the market competition as well.The potential things,which the enterprise staffs are seeking for, from its inherent mind and the enterprise theory are the enterprise culture which becomes the enterprise core competitive force in its actual sense.The enterprise credit, as the enterprise culture in its ideological sphere, is an essential factor, which greatly affects the enterprise core competitive force.At last the authors provide some good suggestions on how to cultivate enterprise credit and to build enterprise culture.  相似文献   

By analyzing the process of enterprise information engineering construction and intra relationship among information system requirement, business process modeling, application system constructing and project management, one of 4 meta model composed of requirement engineering, process engineering, application system engineering and support engineering is proposed for enterprise information engineering. The developments and applications of the business processes and its application systems are integrated into the same development space and application space. Basing on this, a prototype system composed of requirement modeling environment, business process modeling environment, application system modeling environment, and support engineering environment has been designed and built, which is used for supporting enterprise information engineering constructing. It is valued for the enterprise information engineering construction in our country.  相似文献   

The present status and problem for collaborative design are analyzed. A communication system structure based CORBA principle and the Java distributed programming technology is developed. The capability of CORBA and Java supplying is compensated each other in this structure system. The integration of CORBA and Java is proved to be a more effective designing platform for distributed collaborative design in the area developing WWW-based applications. Highly efficient safe communication is realized for collaborative design.  相似文献   

农产品加工业产学研合作创新动力机制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新是农产品加工业持续发展的源泉,而产学研合作是农产品加工业提高创新能力的有效途径。结合农产品加工业的特点,研究了农产品加工业产学研合作创新的动力机制,指出由于成熟的产业链和同业竞争威胁的推动,以企业为主体的产学研合作各方基于自身发展的需要,在政府的引导下,利用由科技创新体系、中介组织和行业协会构成的支撑平台,进行合作创新,并提出完善农产品加工业产学研合作创新动力机制的建议。  相似文献   

为了有效整合社会闲散的物流资源,提高企业的国际竞争力,实现高速、安全、低成本的虚拟国际配送,运用SWOT分析法论证了虚拟物流应用于国际配送的可行性,并系统的描述了虚拟国际配送中心的运作模式、业务流程、组织结构设计和运作流程,最后提出从企业和政府两个方面来构建虚拟物流应用于国际配送中的保障措施。  相似文献   

In recent years,Virtual Instrument technology has been concerned in the arena of information technology and instrument manufacture.The authors propose the Virtual Instrument's concept,characteristics and configuration of both hardware and software.They apply Virtual Instrument to the humidity testing and brings forward the method to solute the problem,which traditional dry-humid balls humidity-testing instrument can not test several objects.By putting the emphasis on data acquisition,data processing,data storage and data display,the software design of virtual humidity test is discussed.  相似文献   

As a new technology towards 21st century, the occurs of the virtual reality technology is a result of computer graphic, human machine interface technology, sensor technology and artificial intelligence. The real time self photographing technology based on the virtual environment is a typical application of this virtual reality technique. A series of things has been discussed and studied ,such as visual reality,video intercept and so on,and the real time self photographing system based on the technology of blue background image extracting. A new arithmetic is emphasized which is produced during study and exploitation.It is image fusion technique based on the contrast appreciate characteristic.  相似文献   

Radio administration department permits station's building and distributes frequency used by measurement in radio electromagnetic environment. In order to improve the efficiency and accuracy of testing, the automatic measuring system software based on virtual instrumentation technology(VISA and SCPI) has developed at the VB platform, which changes the phase of outputting data just by printing spectrum chart .The system realizes functions of data sampling, transffering and processing in HP E7405A EMC analyzer. It also can establish database files for saving, inquirring, data shareing, exchanging and processing. The spectrum chart of mearsurment result is the same as that of result by manual work.  相似文献   

新疆农业产业化经营中的龙头企业发展问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农业产业化经营是市场经济条件下农村经营体制的变革和创新,是中国由传统农业向现代农业转变的必由之路。龙头企业作为农业产业化经营的火车头,其发展的好坏,是推动整个农业产业化经营的关键环节。从龙头企业的涵义谈起,分析了新疆目前农业产业化经营中龙头企业所起的作用及存在的问题,最后对完善龙头企业的发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   

高职院校开展创业教育是高职教育改革与未来发展的目标之一。结合苏州农业职业技术学院创建创业教育示范院校的建设实际,探讨了高职创业教育的内涵和开展创业教育的必要性。以焙烤专业为例,从修改培养方案、调整课程设置、改革教学方法、加强实践环节、访谈成功人士等方面,总结了创业教育的实践探索,简要分析了高职创业教育中应把握的关键问题。  相似文献   

新时代辅导员工作性质的特殊性、知识结构的多元化、成长成才的规律性对高校辅导员队伍建设提出更高要求。高校辅导员队伍当前存在的政治理论素养不高、工作实践能力不足、成长发展路径不宽、岗位任职定力不够等薄弱环节,要求高校辅导员队伍建设必须顺应新时代潮流,响应新时代号召,从主观和客观层面出发,在加强学习培养、优化知识结构、科学成长规划、完善制度保障上下功夫。  相似文献   

A digital detecting system of the dielectric loss in the capacitive equipment is introduced based on virtual instruments.This system can real-time collect,analyze,process and storage electrical signals with National Instruments' program LabVIEW and ADLINK,s DAQ board.Through the simulation test in lab and the real test in electric substation,it is shown that this system has high accuracy on testing the dielectric loss in the capacitive equipment,the real test data is stable and the relative error of real dielectric loss is less than 5%.It is to say that this system can meet the requirement of the real on-line monitoring.  相似文献   

安徽大别山区信息扶贫工作实践及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息扶贫对于发展现代农业、建设社会主义新农村具有极大的推动作用。文章结合安徽大别山区信息扶贫工作的实绩,分析存在的问题,探讨了信息扶贫过程中应注意的问题及工作思路。  相似文献   

寻舸  朱玉晗  陶莉 《中国农学通报》2020,36(21):160-164
国内农业生产性服务业的发展具有一定的阶段特征和区域特色。当前,我国农业生产性服务业发展处于初级阶段,尤其是广大中西部山区相比平原地区更加滞后。笔者阐述了农业生产性服务业的主体参与机制,归纳出山区推进农业生产性服务业市场主体积极性不高、政府主体投入有限、社会主体参与不足等问题,普遍存在区位条件制约、服务利益关联机制缺失、村域间服务基础设施滞后、文化资本和社会资本积累不足等制约。笔者认为充分发挥各类服务主体的作用,有效组织各类资源,是促进区域农业生产性服务业健康发展的关键。为弥补山区区位劣势,应该加强各类新型服务主体培育、建立协同机制、政府有效引导、培养农业服务业人才和营造良好的协同供给环境。  相似文献   

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