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In this paper, the suitability and construction technology of self-insulation walls were studied under the specific climatic conditions and regional resources of Hanzhong and Ankang in the hot summer and cold winter zone of Southern Shaanxi. Through the calculation of heat transfer coefficient and thermal inertia index, combined with the specifications of the shale hollow brick and aerated concrete block of Hanzhong and Ankang in southern Shaanxi, the thermal performance and suitable thickness of the external wall using self-insulation materials that meet the Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings(DBJ61-65-2011) in Shaanxi Province were obtained. The results showed that the self-insulation wall had technical suitability in the hot summer and cold winter zone. The research results provide not only a theoretical basis for the external wall insulation design of urban residential buildings in the hot summer and cold winter zone of southern Shaanxi, but also a reference for designers to carry out energy-saving design of external walls of residential buildings in other similar climate zones.  相似文献   

A contradiction existed in "Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone(JGJ-134-2001)" is pointed out through calculations and the contradiction is perfectly solved by means of interrelation principle between window and wall.At the same time the constant form principle of equal thermal resistance in parallel connection between window and wall is advanced to make the controlling indexes for enclosure in buildings satisfy perfectly the requirement for energy efficiency.  相似文献   

Based on the definitions of air conditioning period, dehumidifying period and heating period, this paper puts forward the exchanging conditions and psychrometric process of ventilation system in residences. Because of the remarkable humid climate in hot summer and cold winter regions, the ventilation dehumidification becomes a more important part of the air treatment system. In order to improve the indoor thermal environment quality, new strategies must be founded to control both temperature and humidity of ventilation system.  相似文献   

By using the building thermal environment simulation Toolkit DeST to simulation calculation of a residential building in Shanghai,the quantitative relationship between the factors of operation mode of air conditioning affecting the energy consumption of heating and air conditioning in residential buildings has been obtained in this paper,moreover,it has come to a conclusion that the tolerable temperature is superior to control temperature of air conditioning in respect of sensitivity and the living mode of indoor personnel has certain effect on the cold energy consumption.  相似文献   

对乳酸链球菌素分子结构、作用机理、产品功效、成本核算、经济效益及国内外研究进展进行概述,并介绍了乳酸链球菌素在畜产品加工过程中的应用方法与用量.  相似文献   

By testing indoor and outdoor thermal environment of residential buildings that apply 4 mostused heating ways in Hantai District,Hanzhong City,this paper explored the indoor thermal environment conditions of different heating ways,to provide references for choosing a suitable heating way in the local area.  相似文献   

Referring Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio(SEER)——a method for seasonal performance evaluation of room air conditioners in GB 7725, the Seasonal Temperature Effectiveness was proposed to evaluate thermal seasonal performance of a heat pipe heat recovery unit based on the annual operation data in a shopping mall. And its calculation formula was deduced thereafter. With the case study, it was indicated that seasonal temperature effectiveness of the unit was 66.08% in the winter and 55.43% in the summer, which meant that the system was efficient.  相似文献   

Around the design of air flow and distribution about the laminated air conditioning in summer in the powerhouse of Sanxia hydropower station, the system division, air flow pattern, air supply state and volume etc have been analyzed separately. Based on the existing domestic achievements, the relative calculation model has been established and the application method has been explored. From this the program named as AFDC/LACS has been compiled with language FORTRAN77 and the calculation on the airflow and distribution of the place mentioned above has been done with several design conditions. Thus some batches of the technical parameters have been provided to plan the test conditions in the heat simulated test..  相似文献   

In this paper, the model experiment of laminated air conditioning in the powerhouse of Three-Gorges Hydropower Station was introduced. To assure the effect of air conditioning, the influence of different roof temperature, air supply velocity and Ar number on air distribution was analyzed and studied. Some conclusions have been drawn.  相似文献   

辽宁省近53年冬季气温变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为准确预测辽宁冬季气候,进而达到对冬季设施农业等方面服务的目的,根据辽宁省53个气象观测站1961—2014年逐月的平均气温资料,利用滑动T检验方法、Mann-Kendall检验方法、最大熵谱方法以及Morlet小波分析等方法,分析了1961—2013年辽宁省冬季平均气温的变化特征。结果表明:近53年辽宁省冬季平均气温时间序列呈显著的线性递增趋势,与全球气候变暖趋势相一致。但值得注意的是,近几年辽宁出现了气温偏低的情况;辽宁省冬季平均气温在1985—1986年前后发生了1次明显突变,之前气温以偏低为主,之后开始显著增温。辽宁省冬季平均气温的主要周期为准3~5年周期和17年周期。采用新资料得到的辽宁冬季气温变化特征与采用旧资料的情况略有差异。  相似文献   

积温变迁对冬小麦夏玉米一年两熟播期的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用兖州市1971~2008年气象资料,分析夏秋冬积温变迁及其对小麦玉米一年两熟播期的影响.结果表明,2001~2008年平均小麦越冬前0℃以上积温相比20世纪70年代明显增加,小麦越冬始期和理论最佳播期分别推迟8d和5d;每10年平均夏玉米生育期间16℃以上的积温逐渐增加,玉米在6月15日前直播能满足中熟品种对积温的需求.适应气候变暖的规律,小麦适宜播期应由传统的10月1~10日推迟到10月5~15日,玉米改麦田套种为6月15目前直播,将收获期推迟到9月下旬,合理茬口搭配,能充分利用温光资源,有效预防小麦冬前旺长和玉米粗缩病危害,实现周年高产.  相似文献   

为了探讨冷空气活动对不同大小的水体水温造成的影响,利用2011~2012年春秋季冷空气资料及两个不同水体在冷空气发生前后时段的逐层水温资料,采用统计分析法,研究分析了各层水温对冷空气活动的响应和变化,建立了逐层水温降幅模型。结果表明:1)冷空气过后,浅表层水温比深层水温降幅大,大水体的水温极低值出现时间比小水体明显偏晚;2)冷空气强度越大,大小水体的水温降幅差异越大,小水体更容易降温;3)小水体的水温降幅与气象要素的相关性要好于大水体,且浅层水温更易受气象要素的影响,深层水温尤其是大水体的深层水温受外界环境影响明显较小;4)建立的水温降幅模型中,小水体模拟效果较好,大水体的浅层10~50cm层模拟效果相对较好,而深层100~150cm效果相对较差。据此,利用相关气象要素建立的预报模型可在春秋季水产养殖关键期有冷空气活动时提供生产指导和预警服务。  相似文献   

为了研究东北地区夏季降水和气温的时空分布特征,基于1951—2012年国家气候中心提供的160站月降水及气温资料,利用经验正交函数分析方法及小波分析方法对东北地区的降水、气温场的时空分布特征进行诊断分析。结果表明:东北地区夏季降水量场主要表现为全区一致型、南北差异型、东西差异型及中部差异型,东北地区气温场主要表现为全区一致型及南北差异型,且均存在明显的震荡变化。东北地区夏季降水及气温存在显著不同的多时间尺度振荡周期,降水量存在29年的主周期,气温存在28年的主周期。  相似文献   

[目的]在“全年无冬”的海南岛,异常冷冬常给热带果木、橡胶树等农业及旅游业产生不利影响,因此需要对海南岛异常冷冬事件的大气环流特征及其在冷冬预测中的应用进行研究。[方法]利用近40年海南岛17个市县气象观测站逐月气温观测资料、NCEP/NCAR全球再分析格点资料、NOAA ERSST全球海温格点资料以及Nino3.4指数和AO指数以及国家气候中心提供的74项环流指数,开展了海南岛异常冷冬环流特征分析,并研究了其在冷冬趋势预测中的应用。[结果]结果表明:海南岛冬季平均气温存在年际变化特征,近年来海南岛共出现12次冷冬年,冷冬事件频发。海南岛冷冬发生期间,对流层低层冷高压加强,东亚冬季风偏强。[结论]ENSO与AO指数可以作为海南岛冷冬预测的参考依据,ENSO冷位相对应AO指数正位相,有利于诱发大气环流异常,促使海南岛出现冷冬事件。另外,利用大气环流指数建立的冬季气温距平回归预报方程能够较好地预测海南岛冬季气温趋势。  相似文献   

为获得高品质的牡蛎干制品,探究牡蛎冷风干燥过程中品质的变化规律,以新鲜牡蛎为原料进行冷风干燥处理,研究不同干燥温度和相对湿度条件下牡蛎干燥特性,考查不同干燥条件对牡蛎复水率、色泽、TVB-N值、TBA值及菌落总数等品质的影响。结果表明,试验水平范围内,提高干燥温度、降低相对湿度均能明显加快干燥速率。经分析验证,在干燥温度20℃,相对湿度55%条件下,牡蛎冷风干制品品质较好。  相似文献   

运用季节性时间序列模型的理论和方法,对杨凌示范区张家岗1935—1945年月平均气温建立季节性模型,并利用所求得的模型对1946年各月平均气温进行预报。结果表明:1946年1月,2月和12月的月平均温度预报值的相对误差较大,同年3月—11月预报值的相对误差较小,其原因之一是中国北方每年1月,2月和12月温度较低,较小的波动就可能使相对误差很大,而3月—11月温度较高,相对误差较小。此外,该模型对步长较短的预测比较准确,误差较小,但对于步长较长的预测,误差较大。因此,该模型适合于短期预报。  相似文献   

Tests and study were carried out on indoor air bacteria pollution in dwelling house inChongqing city. Based on the data of measured bacteria concentration of the indoor air,the reasons for indoor air pollution were analyzed. Ith was found that the bacteria seriously polluted the indoor air. The main factors influencing the indoor air bacteria pollution are moisture, natural ventilation and lighting conditions. The construction forms and decoration of the dwelling house are the secondary reasons for indoor air bacteria pollution. Measures and suggestions of preventing the indoor air bacteria pollution and improving the indoor air quality and environmental quality were presented.  相似文献   

为选育强冬性、冬冷年正常成熟的小麦新品种,解决小麦生产上经常出现的冻害及其导致的小麦迟熟问题,对河北科技师范学院2008-2009年度(冬暖年)、2009-2010年度(冬冷年)冬小麦杂种高代材料的枯死度、分蘖节入土深度、抽穗期进行了比较研究。研究表明:分蘖节入土深度与越冬死亡率的相关系数为-0.6185,呈极显著差异;枯死度与越冬死亡率的相关系数为0.1635,差异不显著,分蘖节入土深度选择方法优于枯死度选择法,尤其是冬暖年枯死度选择法可靠性较差。冬冷年对小麦抽穗期带来不同程度的滞后,2008-2009年度(冬暖年)与2009-2010年度(冬冷年)比较,2009-2010年度小麦的抽穗期推迟了7天~14天,与冬暖年形成显著的差值。分析表明:其差值越大的材料,温光反应往往越敏感,差值越小,温光反应往往越迟钝。该研究认为利用分蘖节入土深度及冬暖年、冬冷年抽穗期的差值作为选择指标,选育强冬性、温光反应迟钝的小麦品种是可行的。  相似文献   

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