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奶牛泌乳曲线数学模型拟合和早期预报   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
本研究根据北京地区黑白花奶牛500个完整泌乳期的产奶记录资料研究了Wood模型、改进多项式模型、回归模型的拟合以及回归模型的预报情况。拟合结果表明,利用Wood模型来估计北京地区黑白花奶牛产奶量是可行的,但在取样间隔天数较大时估计奶量与实际奶量间有较大的偏差。鉴于此,作者提出了改进多项式模型,采用了ALI的回归模型,按对Wood模型进行拟合的同样方法对这两个模型进行了拟合,拟合精确度都较Wood模型有所改进。取样间隔天数大时,改进多项式模型的拟合精确度提高的幅度较大。回归模型的预报奶量与实际奶量呈较一致的变化规律,这对早期选种具有一定的实践意义。  相似文献   

奶牛泌乳曲线的拟合及其模型参数的遗传分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本实验选取新疆呼图壁种牛场1984 年~1995 年的黑白花牛、西门塔尔牛、蒙贝利亚牛的1810 个泌乳期日奶量资料,采用不累加和累加、10d 间隔和 30d 间隔4 种数据处理组合方式,使用 S A S软件的非线性回归( N L I N)过程,对所有个体泌乳过程进行拟合,模型分别为:多项式、逆多项式(①、②)、伍德(①、②)、改进伍德和回归模型。结果 30d 间隔数据的全相关指数 R2 比10d 间隔的好,累加数据的 R2 比不累加的高,差异非常显著。使用 D F R E M L 对产奶量、模型参数的遗传参数和表型相关及个体育种值采用动物模型进行了计算,结果改进伍德模型的参数 b、d 的遗传力较高,为033 和034,与产奶量的遗传相关也很高,为- 099 和098,对用产奶量和模型参数进行育种值排队的秩相关的检验结果为极显著。  相似文献   

目的:估计新疆乌鲁木齐种牛场新疆褐牛产奶性状的遗传参数及育种值,探究母体效应对该场新疆褐牛后代产奶性状的影响,提高该场母牛选育的准确性,进一步为该场奶牛的选种选配计划提供理论依据。方法:以新疆乌鲁木齐种牛场2009~2015年间新疆褐牛泌乳母牛的产奶性能记录资料为基础,利用两种模型,一种考虑母体效应,一种未考虑母体效应,运用DMU软件AI-REML算法及动物模型BLUP法,对新疆褐牛产奶量及乳成分进行单性状方差组分及育种值估计和排队。结果:母体效应对个体母牛的产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率、乳糖率和总固体的遗传参数及育种值均有不同程度的影响,且各性状育种值的母牛排名具有不一致性。结论:当考虑母体效应后,该场新疆褐牛母牛产奶量的遗传力及育种值降低,并在一定程度上增加母牛乳成分的遗传力和育种值。  相似文献   

黑龙江省荷斯坦牛产奶性状的遗传统计分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文采用了非求导约束最大似然法 (DF -REML)估计了黑龙江省地区荷斯坦牛产奶性状的遗传参数和种畜的育种值。结果表明 :全期产奶量、3 0 5天产奶量和乳脂量为中等遗传力性状 ,而乳脂率和泌乳天数则为低遗传力性状 ,各性状间存在不同程度的相关 ,其中乳脂率与产奶量呈中等负相关。在育种值估计中 ,比较了不同遗传组公牛的效应值 ,认为美、加、德等外血公牛对该地区牛群产奶量的提高有明显改良效果。本文还分析了采用不同模型进行参数和育种值估计的效率 ,得出用动物模型估计的准确性要高于公畜模型。根据本文所得结果 ,笔者还对黑龙江省地区今后的奶牛育种工作提出了一些有益的建议。  相似文献   

应用多性状方差分量估计模型和典范转化的REML算法,估测了西安市草滩农场、西安市一奶场、二奶场和三奶场的7个牛群1980~1989年间2985头初产母牛的泌乳天数、泌乳期产奶量、305天产奶量、标准乳产量、乳脂量,乳蛋白量,乳脂率,乳蛋白率,乳糖含量以及非脂固形物等10个重要经济性状的遗传力、遗传相关、表型相关及环境相关系数,结果是、10个性状的遗传力分别为0.21、0.27、0.29、0.31、0.41、0.26、0.58、0.50、0.40和0.31;通过净遗传相关分析,揭示了305天产奶量、乳脂量、乳蛋白量、乳脂率和乳蛋白率之间的真实遗传相关关系,表明选择乳脂量可同时提高产奶量、乳蛋白量及乳脂率,因而是一举多得的选择方法,这要比单纯的产奶量选择法或约束乳脂率选择法效果更好。  相似文献   

三河牛母牛产奶量及生长性状遗传参数的估测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验采用1984、1987、1992、1997、1998年内蒙古谢尔塔拉种牛场881头三河牛母牛的测定记录.配合动物模型BLUP方法用MTDFREML软件估计了三河牛产奶量、体尺、体重、外貌评分等7个性状的遗传力、遗传方差。得出三河牛305天产奶量、外貌评分、体高、体斜长、胸围、管围、体重的遗传力分别为0.80、O.04、0.84、0.93、0.77、0.24、0.64,并且得到了7个性状的平均值以及它们之间的遗传相关、表型相关及环境相关估计值。这些遗传参数的估计可为种畜的选择提供依据。  相似文献   

本文以三河牛第一泌乳期测定日产奶量记录为研究材料,通过建立随机回归模型,对固定效应和随机效应(加性遗传效应和永久环境效应)配合不同阶数的legendre多项式,应用似然比及残差方差等作为综合评价指标,得到了用于测定日产奶量遗传评估的最优模型,并估计了第一泌乳期的表型和遗传变化规律。研究得出:产奶量的最适遗传评估模型为LP8-3-5;产奶量第一泌乳期遗传相关表现为:第153与第228测定日间遗传相关最高(0.943),第5与第305测定日之间存在负的遗传相关(-0.507);第228测定日遗传力最高(0.71),泌乳初期最低(0.184)。  相似文献   

本文应用Wood提出的伽玛曲线公式中关于泌乳期初期的三个参数:高峰周的平均日产奶量(a),产奶量的递增率(b),高峰奶量出现周数(t_(max)),用b/c替代了下降率(c)。并引入系数0.85和校正值E=2.674,来估测305天产奶量。修正的Wood公式是: Ln Yt=Ln0.85+Ln a+b Ln t-ct Yt′=Yt+E 将估测奶量与实际产奶量对比,用相关系数表示,在实际产奶量比较稳定的情况下,估测值与实际值间的r=0.92;在各地生产情况变动较大的情况下,r=0.69。都为强相关。修正的伽玛曲线对实际产奶量有很好的预报特性,对我国西门塔尔牛可利用阶段泌乳资料,扩大母牛的评定头数,提高选择的准确性。  相似文献   

我国自开展奶牛生产性能测定(DHI)以来,积累了大量DHI数据,这为奶牛群体遗传参数估计和遗传评定奠定了良好的基础。本研究收集了北京地区1998—2018年间131个牛场的99 823头中国荷斯坦奶牛的头胎测定日数据,共计817 208条,以及全部牛只的系谱记录信息,采用了单性状随机回归模型配合4阶Legendre多项式分析中国荷斯坦牛产奶性状的遗传参数以及育种值估计,计算过程采用DMU软件的AI模块。结果表明:北京地区荷斯坦牛产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率、乳脂量、乳蛋白量5个性状的305 d泌乳期遗传力分别为0.28、0.53、0.63、0.25、0.24,1990—2016年间各产奶性状的平均年遗传进展分别为10.52 kg、-0.00046%、-0.00011%、0.30kg、0.32kg。该研究结果为进一步提高选种准确性和遗传进展提供了依据,为北京地区制定合理的育种目标和进行遗传评估提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

以新疆呼图壁种牛场中国荷斯坦牛为研究对象,利用动物模型BLUP法对中国荷斯坦牛各生产性能性状进行育种值估计并制定总性能指数。结果表明:在群母牛305d产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率育种值排名第一的分别是732210233号、724409179号和119870098号,体细胞评分育种值最低的是766963365号母牛;种公牛305d产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率育种值分别是133412077号、60755967号和13号,体细胞评分育种值最低的是12000167号。根据305天产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率和体细胞评分育种值,制定了总性能指数公式,选留390头母牛为核心群母牛。  相似文献   

First-lactation test-day (TD) milk records of Luxembourg and Tunisian Holsteins were analysed for evidence of genotype by environment interaction (G × E). The joint data included 730 810 TD records of 87 734 cows and 231 common sires. Random regression TD sire models with fourth-order Legendre polynomials were used to estimate genetic parameters via within- and across-country analyses. Daily heritability estimates of milk yield from within-country analysis were between 0.11 and 0.32, and 0.03 and 0.13 in Luxembourg and Tunisia, respectively. Heritability estimates for 305-day milk yield and persistency (defined as the breeding value for milk yield on DIM 280 minus the breeding value on DIM 80) were lower for Tunisian Holsteins compared with the Luxembourg population. Specifically, heritability for 305-day milk yield was 0.16 for within- and 0.11 for across-country analyses for Tunisian Holsteins and 0.38 for within- and 0.40 for across-country analyses for Luxembourg Holsteins. Heritability for apparent persistency was 0.02 for both within- and across-country analyses for Tunisian Holsteins and 0.08 for within- and 0.09 for across-country analyses for Luxembourg Holsteins. Genetic correlations between the two countries were 0.50 for 305-day milk yield and 0.43 for apparent persistency. Moreover, rank correlations between the estimated breeding values of common sires for 305-day milk yield and persistency, estimated separately in each country, were low. Low genetic correlations are evidence for G × E for milk yield production while low rank correlations suggest different rankings of sires in both environments. Results from this study indicate that milk production of daughters of the same sires depends greatly on the production environment and that importing high merit semen for limited input systems might not be an effective strategy to improve milk production.  相似文献   

Purebred Holstein-Friesian cows are the main exotic breed used for milk production on large, medium, and small farms in Kenya. A study was undertaken on seven large-scale farms to investigate the genetic trends for milk production and fertility traits between 1986 and 1997 and the genetic relationships between the traits. This involved 3,185 records from 1,614 cows, the daughters of 253 sires. There was a positive trend in breeding value for 305-d milk yield of 12.9 kg/ yr and a drop in calving interval of 0.9 d/yr over the 11-yr period. Bulls from the United States (U.S.) had an average total milk yield breeding value 230 kg higher than the mean of all bulls used; Canada (+121 kg), Holland (+15 kg), the United Kingdom (U.K., 0 kg), and Kenya (-71 kg) were the other major suppliers of bulls. Average breeding values of bulls for calving interval by country of origin were -1.31 (Canada), -1.27 (Holland), -0.83 (U.S.), -0.63 (Kenya), and 0.68 d (U.K.). The genetic parameters for 305-d milk yield were 0.29 (heritability), 0.05 (permanent environment effect as proportion of phenotypic variance) resulting in an estimated repeatability of 0.34. Using complete lactation data rather than 305-d milk yield resulted in similar estimates of the genetic parameters. However, when lactation length was used as a covariate heritability was reduced to 0.25 and the permanent environment effect proportion increased to 0.09. There was little genetic control of either lactation length (heritability, 0.09) or calving interval (heritability, 0.05); however, there were strong genetic correlations between first lactation milk yield, calving interval, and age at first calving.  相似文献   

Dairy records from the Dairy Recording Service of Kenya were classified into low, medium and high production systems based on mean 305-day milk yield using the K-means clustering method. Milk and fertility records were then analysed to develop genetic evaluation systems accounting for genotype-by-environment interaction between the production systems. Data comprised 26,638 lactation yield, 3,505 fat yield, 9,235 age at first calving and 17,870 calving interval records from 12,631 cows which were descendants of 2,554 sires and 8,433 dams. An animal model was used to estimate variance components, genetic correlations and breeding values for the production systems. Variance components increased with production means, apart from genetic group variances, which decreased from the low to the high production system. Moderate heritabilities were estimated for milk traits (0.21–0.27) and fat traits (0.11–0.38). Low heritabilities were estimated for lactation length (0.04–0.10) and calving interval (0.03–0.06). Moderate heritabilities (0.25–0.26) were estimated for age at first calving, except under the high production system (0.05). Within production systems, lactation milk yield, 305-day milk yield and lactation length had high positive genetic correlations (0.52–0.96), while lactation milk yield and lactation length with age at first calving had negative genetic correlations. Milk yield and calving interval were positively correlated except under the low production system. The genetic correlations for lactation milk yield and 305-day milk yield between low and medium (0.48 ± 0.20 and 0.46 ± 0.21) and low and high production systems’ (0.74 ± 0.15 and 0.62 ± 0.17) were significantly lower than one. Milk yield in the low production system is, therefore, a genetically different trait. The low genetic correlations between the three production systems for most milk production and fertility traits suggested that sires should be selected based on progeny performance in the targeted production system.  相似文献   

本研究通过对规模化牧场测定日数据进行分析,旨在估计不同地区305 d校正产奶量对应泌乳天数(DIM)的校正系数与胎次校正系数。利用Wood(不完全伽玛)模型对来自不同温度带9个参考群11 749头荷斯坦奶牛2010-2020年间的683 160条测定日产奶量拟合泌乳曲线,估计泌乳曲线参数,计算头胎牛和经产牛1~305 d泌乳天数对应的校正系数,分别分析参考群和验证群305 d校正产奶量和305 d实际累积奶量的差异;利用SAS 9.2中混合线性模型对1~6胎至少有前5个胎记录的牛估计305 d奶量的胎次效应值,并计算1~6胎各胎次的乘法校正系数;比较传统系数和新系数校正结果的差异。结果表明:①参考群头胎牛和经产牛中,泌乳曲线方程的拟合度R2范围分别为0.4593~0.4913和0.5796~0.6341,泌乳高峰日分别为79~85和53 d,泌乳高峰奶量分别为33.1~34.4和46.0~48.6 kg;②对于参考群,头胎牛和经产牛校正系数分别在泌乳≥90 d和泌乳≥30 d基本趋于一致,头胎牛和经产牛泌乳≥60 d的305 d校正产奶量均趋近于305 d实际累积奶量,奶量差值分别在100和200 kg以内;③对于验证群的305 d校正产奶量,头胎牛泌乳≥150 d和经产牛泌乳≥180 d的泌乳天数校正系数适用性更佳,305 d校正产奶量与305 d实际累积奶量比值高于79%;④1~6胎的胎次校正系数分别为1.2121、1.0380、1.0063、1.0000、1.0220和1.0290;⑤与传统系数相比,新泌乳天数校正系数校正效果更好,头胎牛和经产牛新系数校正的305 d奶量较305 d实际累积奶量相差分别在900和700 kg以内;利用新胎次校正系数,2~4胎产奶量可较为准确地校正到5胎成年当量。本研究结果表明,定期更新305 d校正产奶量的泌乳天数与胎次校正系数,便于准确地将不同泌乳天数、不同胎次状态下泌乳牛的产奶量调整到同一基准上,从而更好地比较奶牛个体泌乳性能的高低,为牧场管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

研究利用武汉市58头公牛的971头女儿2006—2007年间的体型性状鉴定记录及2001—2007年间的生产性能测定记录,配合动物模型,采用REML方法进行参数估计,探讨了乳房性状、体型总分与产奶性状之间的关系。结果表明:乳房性状与产奶性状之间的表型相关较小。后乳房宽度与产奶性状之间存在强的遗传正相关(0.44~0.89)。后乳房高度与305 d产奶量(0.27)、305 d乳脂量(0.16)存在遗传正相关,而与305 d乳蛋白量(-0.32)存在遗传负相关。前乳房附着与产奶性状基本不存在相关。悬韧带与305 d产奶量存在遗传正相关(0.79)。乳房深度与305 d产奶量存在遗传负相关(-0.20)。体型总分与305 d产奶量、305 d乳脂量、305 d乳蛋白量存在较强的遗传正相关,故加强乳房性状和体型总分的选择对提高奶牛的生产性能有益。  相似文献   


This study assessed daily milk yield (DMY), 100-day (MY100), and 305-day (MY305) milk yield, and lactation length (LL) in purebred Ankole cattle and Ankole crossbreds, and the influence of environmental factors on these traits. Milk yield data were obtained for 865 cows and 1234 lactations and analyzed using a mixed linear model. The overall least squares mean of DMY, MY100, and MY305 across breed groups was 2.7 L (N = 1234, SD = 1.7), 262 L (N = 959, SD = 176), and 759 L (N = 448, SD = 439), respectively, while the average lactation length was 256 days (N = 960, SD = 122). All factors included (breed group, season and year of calving, and parity) were significant for yield traits, except season of calving for MY305. First-parity cows had the lowest milk production, and fourth-parity cows the highest. For all traits, pure Ankole cows had the lowest milk yield. Among the crossbreds, there was no significant difference between Ankole × Friesian, Ankole-Jersey mother × Sahiwal sire, and Ankole-Sahiwal mother × Jersey sire, or between Ankole × Sahiwal and Ankole-Sahiwal mother × Sahiwal sire. It was concluded that Ankole crosses with Friesian or Jersey can be beneficial, even under a management system of limited nutrition as in Rwanda.


本研究通过对北京地区1998-2016年28个场区的奶牛生产性能测定(DHI)数据进行分析,旨在比较不同产犊季节对1~3胎奶牛泌乳曲线相关参数的影响。使用Wood模型对1~3胎不同产犊季节群体和个体泌乳曲线进行拟合,并获得相应胎次下不同产犊季节奶牛泌乳曲线参数a、b、c (分别代表泌乳潜力、产奶量上升至顶峰速率、产奶量达到顶峰后下降速率)、泌乳曲线二级参数Per、PY (分别代表泌乳持续力、泌乳峰值)及305 d产奶量(305MY)。群体和个体水平的曲线拟合采用SAS 9.2中NLIN模块进行,采用混合线性模型分析不同产犊季节对各胎次奶牛泌乳曲线参数的影响。结果显示:产犊季节对Wood泌乳曲线的泌乳潜力、达到峰值的上升速率、达到峰值后的下降速率、泌乳峰值及305MY均有显著影响(P<0.05),对于泌乳持续力没有显著影响(P>0.05)。夏季产犊牛泌乳曲线整体低于其他产犊季节,且胎次越高趋势越明显,1胎牛受到的影响较小;从胎次上分析,头胎牛泌乳持续力极显著高于经产牛(P<0.01);头胎牛夏季产犊305MY比其他产犊季节的低274.33~490.17 kg,经产牛夏季产犊305MY比其他产犊季节的低440.76~930.68 kg。以上结果提示,北京地区牛场应注重做好经产牛和头胎牛的防暑降温工作,注意调整配种时间,避免夏季产犊牛过多,造成损失。  相似文献   

用中国黑白花奶牛研究了胎儿的父亲及犊牛初生重对母亲当胎及下一个泌乳期产奶量的影响,结果指出胎儿的父亲对母亲当胎及下一个泌乳期90天和305天的产奶量,都有极显著的影响,各占产奶总变异量的9.4%,15.3%及3.77%(P<0.01)。犊牛初生重对母亲产奶量的影响也显著(P<0.05)。当根据公牛的产奶预期差(PDM)将胎儿的父亲分为两组后,发现差异显著(P<0.05),胎儿父亲的PDM高,胎儿母亲的产奶量也高,因此胎儿母亲产奶量不仅受胎儿重量的影响,也受父亲PDM的影响。  相似文献   

Cows were tested for milkability with standardized milking equipment. Percentage of milk from the forequarters (FQ%), average milk flow rate (AMF) in kg min?1, quantity of hand-stripped milk (HSM) and milk yield at test day (MTD) were recorded. Records of 10 823 daughters in the first lactation of 352 sires were used to investigate environmental influences and to estimate genetic parameters. Significant effects were test season and herd production level for AMF and HSM, test person, milking equipment on the farm, month in lactation, age at calving and region for FQ%, AMF and HSM. The heritabilities were 0.34 for FQ%, 0.41 for AMF and 0.10 for HSM. The genetic correlations of MTD were 0.13 with FQ%, 0.23 with AMF and ?0.20 with HSM. The genetic correlations between FQ% and AMF and all genetic correlations with HSM were negative. Selection indices with information on average deviations of daughters' MTD, FQ%, AMF and HSM from corresponding region — herd level — season means and different economic weights were used to predict selection indices for 239 sires. The predicted breeding values were compared with simple daughter averages. The correlations were high, but large differences in ranks occurred for individual sires. Correcting AMF for milk yield removes some genetic variation in milk flow and can mask genetic differences between sires.  相似文献   

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