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Surimi was commercially produced from arrowtooth flounder using a continuous wash decanter process and a conventional surimi process. Blends of pollock surimi with up to 50% of the arrowtooth surimi produces by either process worked well in various seafood products when tested under commercial conditions.  相似文献   

鱼糜制品弹性与鱼肉凝胶特性研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
1 引言鱼肉被公认为是营养保健食物,不仅可提供维持身体机能不可缺少的营养物质,而且能起到强身健体、延寿增智的作用,因此鱼肉在人们日常膳食结构中占有重要地位。利用淡水和海水产低值小杂鱼加工制作的鱼糜制品,是人们获取鱼肉型食物的重要来源,由于食用方便、味美形好、烹调简单等因素,深受消费者的喜爱。目前鱼糜制品品种单调,制品质量有待提高,极大地限制了鱼糜制品的消费量。为此,国内外研究人员在增加鱼糜制品品种和提高鱼糜制品质量方面进行了研究,并取得了显著成果。衡量鱼糜制品质量的主要指标有弹性、口味、质地、形态等,其中制…  相似文献   

海藻糖抗冻作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究在冻藏条件下,海藻糖对白鲢鱼肉冷冻变性的作用。结果表明,在-20℃冻藏30天后,加入海藻糖后白鲢鱼肉的Ca^2+-ATPase活性保持在70%左右水平,其肌原纤维能够维持很高的稳定性;对比蔗糖、多聚磷酸盐等传统抗冻剂,海藻糖较大程度地维持了鱼肉原有的颜色和风味,保证鱼肉的品质。  相似文献   

本项研究通过引进国外先进设备,运用科学、先进的加工方法和工艺配方,采用黄肚金线鱼等低值水产品试验研制出适销对路的鱼丸等鱼糜制品,并在漂洗、漂白、脱水、擂溃、添加剂等方面有所创新,能有效地提高产品成品率和质量。应用本项研究成果后,每吨鱼丸的生产成本由1.51万元降至1.32万元,节约了0.91万元/t;每吨鱼丸价格由1.65万元上升至1.71万元,提高了600元/t。  相似文献   


Changes in chemical parameters of tropical fish used for surimi production—namely, threadfin bream (TB; Nemipterus spp.), lizardfish (LZ; Saurida spp.), and goatfish (GF; Upeneus spp.)—during ice storage and their respective washed mince were investigated. Total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), trimethylamine (TMA), hypoxanthine (Hx), and total biogenic amine (BA) content of mince increased with storage time. Crude protein of fish and their respective washed mince reduced as storage time of fish was prolonged. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that washed mince produced from fish stored in ice for 7–12 days showed chemical characteristics that were distinct from those of washed mince prepared from spoiled fish. The TMA, TVB-N, and Hx content of washed mince appeared to be sufficient raw material freshness indicators in these three species.  相似文献   

本研究以鲟鱼(Acipenser sinensis)肉为原料,通过正交实验对鲟鱼鱼糜的漂洗工艺进行了优化,对鱼糜漂洗前后的蛋白质含量及其组成、水分分布、凝胶性能等进行了研究。结果显示,鲟鱼鱼糜的最佳漂洗工艺为:水漂洗1次,盐水漂洗1次,盐的质量分数为0.25%,漂洗时间为1 min。鲟鱼鱼糜经漂洗后,其盐溶性蛋白比例显著升高(P<0.01);鱼糜中的水分受到的束缚力增加,自由度减小,形成了更为致密的凝胶网状结构;破断力、凹陷距离、凝胶强度、持水力、白度等表征凝胶性能和鱼糜品质的指标明显提升。研究表明,采用恰当的漂洗工艺可显著提高鲟鱼鱼糜的品质。  相似文献   

Biochemical and rheological properties of surimi were examined based on: (a) salting time (from 18 to 3 min) while maintaining 21 min for total chopping time; and (b) total chopping time (from 6 to 21 min) while salting during the final 3 min. Extending salting time, which was defined as time of salt contact with proteins during chopping, significantly increased breaking force and penetration distance, while chopping time extension with fixed salting time did not. Salt soluble proteins decreased when salting time decreased; however, this trend performed contrarily against chopping time. A relationship between gel texture and salt soluble proteins was not found. Oxidation of sulfhydryl groups could occur during the chopping process when chopping without salt was extended. Surface hydrophobicity, indicating a certain degree of protein unfolding, was affected differently by chopping versus salting time. Dynamic rheology demonstrated that total chopping time affected denaturation of the myosin tail region more than salting time.  相似文献   

以漂洗两次,冷藏1个月和冷藏2个月的冷冻梅童鱼糜为试验原料,添加0.5%和1%的复合弹性增强剂,研究不同添加量及不同加热条件对鱼糜凝胶强度和保水性的影响.结果添加复合弹性增强剂后,冷冻梅童鱼糜的弹性与对照组相比,破断强度提高6-8倍,凹陷度提高2-3倍,凝胶强度提高10-15倍;以40℃、30min-60min凝胶化条件最为适宜;凝胶化时间过长,游离水析水增加,即鱼糕的保水性下降.  相似文献   

复合弹性增强剂对梅童鱼糜凝胶强度的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以漂洗两次,冷藏1个月和冷藏2个月的冷冻梅童鱼糜为试验原料,添加0.5%和1%的复合弹性增强剂,研究不同添加量及不同加热条件对鱼糜凝胶强度和保水性的影响,结果:添加复合弹性增强剂后,冷冻梅童鱼糜的弹性与对照组相比,破断强度提高6-8倍,凹陷度提高2-3倍,凝胶强度提高10-15倍,以40℃,30min-60min凝胶化条件最为适宜,凝胶化时间过长,游离水析水增加,即鱼糕的保水性下降。  相似文献   

罗非鱼碎肉酶法制备蛋白胨的工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱思咪  张萍  陈丽娇  程艳 《福建水产》2012,34(2):134-140
为探讨罗非鱼碎鱼肉酶法制备蛋白胨的加工工艺,采用正交试验的方法,分别研究了木瓜蛋白酶、AS.1398中性蛋白酶、复合蛋白酶水解罗非鱼碎肉制备蛋白胨的工艺条件。结果表明:木瓜蛋白酶的最佳水解工艺条件为pH6.5,温度65℃,水解时间4h,加酶量1250 U/g,蛋白胨得率达12.63%;AS.1398中性蛋白酶最佳水解工艺条件为pH 7.5,温度55℃,水解时间4 h,加酶量750 U/g,蛋白胨得率达13.25%;复合蛋白酶的最佳水解工艺条件为pH 7.0,温度50℃,水解时间4.5 h,加酶量850 U/g,蛋白胨得率达11.43%。  相似文献   

<正> 在当前海洋渔业资源衰退的情况下,作为鱼糜原料的海洋鱼类不易获得,而且价格较高,因此,1992年4月,在日本农学博士、鱼糜专家冈田稔先生的指导下,我们先后在上海东诲水产养殖公司水产制品厂和东海水产研究所,以白鲢为原料,用不同的处理方法加工鱼糜,制成试样鱼糕,进行了理化测定,研究其鱼糕形成能。现将结果概要报告如下。  相似文献   

Stabilized mince (SM) was made from fresh Pacific whiting mixed with varying levels of sucrose (6 to 12% w/w) including 0.2% w/w polyphosphates. SM samples were maintained in frozen storage and used at different time intervals for surimi production. Comparisons with control surimi made from fresh mince showed that acceptable surimi can be produced from SM stored at -20°C with cryoprotectant levels at 6% w/w sucrose and 0.2% w/w polyphosphates. There was a slight decrease in whiteness in surimi made from the SM samples when compared to the control. Surimi yields from SM were comparable to yields of surimi made from fresh mince.  相似文献   

This work is focused on the effect of using whitening agents (WA) during a process followed by frozen storage (4 months at ?18°C) on the whiteness, quality parameters, and mechanical properties of sardine surimi. The whiteness of surimi exhibited a significant improvement when whitening agents (calcium carbonate and peroxide hydrogen) were used (48.75 to 60.24). Dynamic rheological measurement showed that storage moduli, G′, was considerably higher than loss moduli, G″, for both surimi with WA and control; however, the highest viscoelastic moduli were found in the treated surimi. In addition, the microstructure of surimi with WA showed more compact matrix and higher water holding capacity. On the other hand, most tested indexes showed quality losses throughout the frozen storage in both samples. Proteins underwent denaturation as indicated by the reduction in band intensities, especially myosin heavy chain (MHC) bands. Peroxide value (PV) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) measurements showed that lipid oxidation took place during storage; however, the degree of lipid oxidation was not relevant. Therefore, it was proved that the addition of whitening agents had a marked effect on the production of surimi with better functional attributes including whiteness, water holding capacity, and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

生物微囊渔药的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以土霉素作为试验药物 ,介绍了产业化生产生物微囊渔药制剂产品的工艺流程。实验表明 ,以微藻作为微囊渔药的壁材制成的生物微囊渔药能够通过食物链的传递 ,将药物传递到鱼苗 ,从而建立了一种鱼苗细菌性疾病药物治疗的新方法  相似文献   

A reliable method for the induction of experimental furunculosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. A series of experiments were carried out to assess the reproducibility of a bath challenge model to induce experimental furunculosis. The challenge method was shown to reliably induce a control mortality of 78.9 ± 3.8%. Although the method was shown to be robust, some tanks failed to achieve an acceptable control mortality. The reasons for this are unclear; however, the failure of a tank to induce a satisfactory control mortality is related to a rapid disappearance of the initial inoculum. The reason for the disappearance of the inoculum appears to be related to the presence of hydrophobic regions in the challenge tank.  相似文献   

The evaluation of artificial diets for marine fish larvae involves much more than feeding trials. Information on the diet in the water column (buoyancy, leaching, etc.), the digestive capabilities and requirements of the larvae, and the fate and uptake of the diet inside the larval digestive tract are all necessary to the understanding of the success or failure of a given artificial diet. Interdisciplinary teams of investigators are required to fully evaluate and formulate artificial diets.  相似文献   

The need to filter water samples in the field in order to get accurate results is widespread. Described here is a system that can filter 10 samples of up to 2.5 l each using air pressure to speed up the process.  相似文献   

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