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徐镇  江锦坡 《水产科学》2004,23(12):24-25
试验结果表明:稀土元素铈的质量浓度为1.1~1.4 mg/L,最适宜大黄鱼孵化.铈质量浓度为1.1 mg/L时发育时间最短,为24.30 h;铈质量浓度为1.4 mg/L时,孵化率最高,平均达86.08%,比对照组提高18.60%.  相似文献   

分别用碱性脂肪酶A、碱性脂肪酶B、复合碱性脂肪酶A B对大黄鱼鱼片进行酶水解脱脂的工艺和效果进行比较研究。试验结果表明:复合碱性脂肪酶脱脂效果明显优于单一碱性脂肪酶的脱脂效果,当复合碱性脂肪酶酶液浓度A B=(30 20)U·mL-1,酶解pH值8 9,脱脂时间为50min,脱脂温度为(21±1)℃时,其脱脂率可以达到最高70 28%,残脂率为7 50%。  相似文献   

大黄鱼鱼种阶段脂肪酸组成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对人工培育的90-180日龄的大黄鱼鱼种,用GC/MS法分析比较了其肌肉和肝脏的脂肪酸组成,肌肉和肝脏分别检出脂肪酸25种和42种.试验结果表明,7-10月,肌肉中的脂肪不断积累,而肝脏中则保持相对恒定,且是肌肉的1.7~3倍;2种组织中均以C16∶0(棕榈酸)含量最高,其次为C18∶1(油酸);肝脏中脂肪酸以饱和脂肪酸(SFA)为主,SFA的平均含量是多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)的4倍,而肌肉中的SFA平均含量则与PUFA基本相当;花生四烯酸(AA)、二十碳五烯酸(EPA)、二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)及亚油酸(C18∶2)等n-3和n-6系列的PUFA在肌肉中含量更高;大黄鱼鱼种首先利用肌肉组织中以C16∶0为主的十八碳以下的SFA作为能量来源,而不轻易动用肝脏贮藏的能量.通过与幼鱼和成鱼比较可知,随着鱼体的成长,其脂肪酸种类不断丰富,组成也更趋合理.  相似文献   

在水温18.0~21.0℃、盐度21.0~25.8下,给平均体质量为280.0 g/尾的大黄鱼投喂软颗粒饲料(试验组)和鲜杂鱼糜(对照组),评价两种饲料对环境影响,其中试验组、对照组各设3个平行,空白组(不放鱼也不投料,仅有砂滤海水)不设平行。试验结果表明,试验组和对照组养殖水中总氮、总磷和化学需氧量含量均与空白组差异显著(P<0.05),对照组最高,空白组最低;试验组与对照组水中总磷差异不显著(P>0.05),而总氮和化学需氧量含量均差异显著(P<0.05);试验组水中沉积物总量显著少于对照组(P<0.05);试验组水中沉积物中总氮、总磷总量均显著少于对照组(P<0.05)。软颗粒饲料对养殖环境的影响显著小于鲜杂鱼糜,可在海水鱼类网箱养殖中应用推广。  相似文献   

环境因子对大黄鱼精子活力的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过观测精子的激活率、活动时间和寿命研究了几种环境因子的变化对养殖大黄鱼精子活力的影响。试验结果表明:精子平均密度为(1.17±0.09)×1010.ml-1,盐度对大黄鱼精子活力影响较大。当海水盐度适宜(19.61~24.87)时,精子的激活率≥90%,活动时间≥9.65 min,寿命≥13.50 min;在pH=4.0~10.0的海水中,精子都能被正常激活(≥70%),适宜的pH值为7.5~8.0;不同浓度的葡萄糖、NaCl和KCl溶液对精子活力的影响不同,不同浓度的EDTA-2Na溶液均不能激活精子;无Ca2 、Mg2 或HCO3-的人工海水对精子的激活率均高达90%,但精子的活动时间却有较大幅度的缩减。  相似文献   

为研究饲料甘氨酸对大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)抗氧化和抗应激反应的影响,将初始体重为(130.35±8.37)g的大黄鱼随机分成6组,每组3个重复,每个重复(网箱)50尾鱼.在基础饲料中分别添加不同梯度的甘氨酸(0、0.6%、1.2%、2.4%、4.8%和6.0%),配制出甘氨酸实测含量分别为(1.58%、2.15%、2.75%、3.96%、6.33%和7.51%)的6种实验饲料.经过30 d养殖后,对大黄鱼进行拖网应激实验.结果表明,养殖实验结束后,饲料处理未对大黄鱼的存活和体成分产生显著影响.肝脏总抗氧化能力在饲料甘氨酸含量为2.75%时达到最大值,而丙二醛的含量在甘氨酸含量为3.96%时达到最小值,但与2.75%组无显著差异(P>0.05).以肝脏总抗氧化能力为评价指标,根据二次曲线回归模型得出大黄鱼饲料中甘氨酸的适宜含量为3.57%.血清谷草转氨酶和谷丙转氨酶的活性均在饲料甘氨酸含量为2.75%时呈现最小值(P<0.05).在拖网应激前,饲料甘氨酸含量为2.75%时,大黄鱼血清皮质醇的含量最高.在拖网应激后,该处理的大黄鱼血清皮质醇的变化幅度最小,而此时的血糖维持在较高水平.综合考虑大黄鱼的抗氧化和抗应激能力,本研究推荐大黄鱼饲料中甘氨酸的适宜含量为2.75%-3.57%.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR‐DGGE) of 16S ribosomal RNA gene was used to investigate bacterial communities in the intestines of large yellow croaker at six different ages (12 d, 18 d, 26 d, 40 d, 3 mo, and 1 yr old) as well as within the corresponding feed and culture water. In addition, Illumina Miseq sequencing was utilized to compare intestinal microbiota between 12‐d‐old and 1‐yr‐old individuals. PCR‐DGGE results revealed that the culture water had the highest bacterial diversity, followed by the feed, while the intestines had the lowest diversity. The intestinal microbiota at six ages changed severely; however, the change did not follow any trend. The large yellow croaker intestines harbored specific bacterial communities that differed from those in both feed and water. Illumina Miseq sequencing results revealed that the diversity of intestinal bacteria in 12‐d‐old fish was higher than that in 1‐yr‐old fish, and the bacterial composition differed significantly between them. γ‐Proteobacteria and Pseudoalteromonas supplied the most abundant phylum and genus in the 12‐d‐old fish intestine. However, in the 1‐yr‐old fish intestine, Firmicutes and Clostridium were the most dominant, respectively. The study may contribute to a better understanding of gut microbiota and dynamics of the large yellow croaker and the relationship with their surrounding environment.  相似文献   

Large yellow croaker accounts for the largest biomass production of any maricultured fish in China. However, very little is known about the genetic parameters of its commercially important traits. As an initial step towards developing a selective breeding programme, genetic parameters of nine quantitative traits were estimated using a marker‐based method. Dorsal fin samples were collected to extract genomic DNA, and GBS method was employed to construct the libraries for sequencing. Genetic parameters were estimated by REML method through a genomic relationship matrix (G matrix) constructed by abundant genomewide SNPs. The nine traits were body weight (BWT), body length (BL), body height (BH), length/height ratio (LTH), body width (BWH), eviscerated weight (EW), gonad weight (GW), eviscerated weight/body weight ratio (REB) and swim bladder index (SBI). Estimates of heritability were 0.63 ± 0.11, 0.60 ± 0.11, 0.53 ± 0.11, 0.34 ± 0.11, 0.55 ± 0.11, 0.66 ± 0.11, 0.37 ± 0.10, 0.25 ± 0.08 and 0.71 ± 0.10 for the nine traits respectively. The relatively high heritability values may be derived from calculating the genetic relationship by high‐density SNPs. To illustrate that, we had studied on the variation of the heritability estimates with different number of SNPs evenly sampled from 29748 SNPs. The results showed that the estimates of heritability generally decreased when the number of SNPs reduced. There were relatively high phenotypic and genetic correlations between the pairs of BWT, BL, BH, BWH and EW, which indicated that genetic improvement for these traits could be accomplished merely by selecting one trait. The results obtained in this study may provide a reference for the later selective breeding programme.  相似文献   

大黄鱼选育子一代生长性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用群体选育的方法,测量大黄鱼Pseudosciaena crocea选育子一代群体的生长性状,比较分析大黄鱼体长和体质量。结果显示:大黄鱼体质量的变异系数高于体长;选育子一代(EG)群体绝对增重率[(0.02±0.002)~(0.67±0.198)g/d]、绝对增长率[(0.04±0.007)~(0.08±0.007)cm/d]、增积量[(0.0006±0.0002)~(0.318±0.1089)]和肥满度[(1.2±0.18)~(1.96±0.23)]等生长性能均优于对照(CG)群体;EG群体的体质量最大特定生长率为9.08%/d,EG群体的体长最大特定生长率为2.15%/d。  相似文献   

选择春季产过卵的2^ 龄大黄鱼Pseudosciaena crocea(Richardson)在网箱中进行隔离培育,秋季从中挑选当年再次性成熟的亲鱼进行人工催产,比较春、秋两季的人工繁殖与仔、稚鱼培育效果,并定期观察卵巢及卵细胞的发育情况。实验表明,春季产过卵的同一批大黄鱼雌鱼,有72.1%的个体当年秋季可再次成熟,有58.8%的个体可以再次产卵,证实养殖大黄鱼具有一年“两熟”的性腺发育特征。  相似文献   

为研究饲料中添加蛋氨酸寡肽(OMet)对大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)幼鱼生长、饲料利用和蛋白质代谢反应的影响,并与在饲料中添加等量的晶体蛋氨酸(CMet)的效果相比,实验以初始体重为(26.0±1.6)g的大黄鱼幼鱼为研究对象,以鱼粉和豆粕为主要蛋白源,设计1个低鱼粉(31.8%)对照饲料(LF).在LF的基础上分别添加0.35%、0.65%和0.95%的晶体蛋氨酸或蛋氨酸寡肽,配制其他6组饲料,并分别命名为CMet 0.35、CMet 0.65、CMet 0.95、OMet 0.35、OMet 0.65和OMet 0.95,养殖周期为8周.结果显示,与LF组相比,OMet组和CMet组大黄鱼的增重率均显著升高,并随着蛋氨酸水平的增加而显著提高(P<0.05),其中,OMet 0.95组的增重率最高.与CMet组相比,OMet组大黄鱼的增重率和蛋白质效率均显著提高(P<0.05).不同饲料处理对大黄鱼存活率、饲料系数、体组成(粗蛋白、粗脂肪、灰分和水分)、脏体比和肥满度没有显著影响(P>0.05).OMet组大黄鱼的肝体比较CMet组显著降低(P<0.05).饲料中添加晶体或蛋氨酸寡肽显著影响了大黄鱼幼鱼的肝脏谷丙转氨酶和谷草转氨酶活力,OMet组大黄鱼肝脏中这两种酶的活力均显著高于CMet组的(P<0.05),蛋氨酸添加水平对大黄鱼肝脏谷草转氨酶活力也有显著影响(P<0.05).但各饲料处理组之间血清中的血氨浓度和尿素氮含量没有显著差异(P>0.05).综上所述,等量添加蛋氨酸寡肽比晶体蛋氨酸更能促进大黄鱼幼鱼的生长及其对饲料的利用.  相似文献   

A 30‐day feeding experiment was conducted to estimate the lysine requirement of large yellow croaker larvae (2.75 ± 0.11 mg). Six isonitrogenous (509.5–519.7 g kg?1 crude protein) and isoenergetic (22.3–22.5 kJ g?1 energy) microdiets containing graded levels of lysine·HCl ranging from 24.8 to 41.0 g kg?1 diet in placement of glycine and glutamic acid were formulated. Mixture of crystalline amino acids (MAA) was supplemented to simulate the amino acid (AA) profiles of whole body of this larva, except for lysine. The MAA and supplemented lysine for each diet were coated with tripalmitin. Triplicate groups of 3000 fish were fed to apparent satiation by hand eight times per day. The results showed that specific growth rate (SGR), survival, body composition and the specific activity of digestive enzymes were significantly affected by dietary lysine levels (P<0.05). The optimal dietary lysine requirements estimated by second‐order polynomial model based on SGR and survival were 33.7 (65.5 g kg?1 dietary protein) and 33.4 (64.9 g kg?1 dietary protein) g kg?1 dry diet respectively. The estimated requirements for the other essential AAs were calculated by A/E ratios of whole body AA profile of this larva based on lysine requirement.  相似文献   

The antioxidant efficacy of protein hydrolysates prepared from large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea) by enzymatic hydrolysis using neutral protease was evaluated in D-galactose-induced aging mice. Animals were divided into normal and model control groups, and low-, middle-, and high-dose groups (50, 100, and 300 mg/kg; LYCHs), as well as tocopherol (VE) and antagonistic (LYCHs + VE) groups. The study was carried out for 30 days. Administration of D-galactose induced oxidative damage with a significant rise (p < 0.01) in malondialdehyde and a reduction in several endogenous antioxidant enzymes and glutathione (GSH). Treatment with large yellow croaker protein hydrolysates stimulated an increase in superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase activities, increased levels of reduced glutathione, and decreased malondialdehyde, compared with the model control group. Additionally, hepatocellular damage was evaluated by measuring aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase levels. These results demonstrate the protective role of large yellow croaker protein hydrolysates in D-galactose-induced oxidative stress, as well as their potential as nutraceuticals or adjuvant agents for disease prevention.  相似文献   

陈成进 《现代渔业信息》2011,26(3):24-25,29
本文对宁德市人工养殖大黄鱼的主要生长特性进行了观察研究。测定的440尾养殖大黄鱼的体长范围为40.2mm~309.6mm,体重范围为0.95g~555.9g。以Keys氏公式W=aLb,拟合养殖630d大黄鱼的体长L(mm)与体重W(g)的关系式为:W=0.0151L3.06(6R2=0.9992),其中b≈3,显示此阶段的人工养殖大黄鱼生长均匀,为等速生长类型。  相似文献   

Fatty liver disease is regularly observed in cultured large yellow croaker, and the disease leads to lower growth rates and reduced harvest yields. The goal of this study was to achieve a more detailed understanding of the physiological and molecular changes in response to high‐fat diet‐induced fatty liver in large yellow croaker. Large yellow croaker fed a high‐fat diet (HFD) for 9 weeks developed hepatic steatosis characterized by histological observation and significantly increased plasma triglyceride levels and serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activities. However, no significant differences in serum total protein, glucose, cholesterol, non‐esterified free fatty acids (NEFA), aspartate aminotransferase, high‐density lipoprotein and low‐density lipoprotein were observed between the normal diet and the high‐fat diet (HFD) group. The fatty acid composition of tissue lipids was not affected significantly by dietary lipid levels. Gene expression analysis demonstrated that the HFD decreased fatty acid synthase expression and increased PPARγ expression, but had no effect on lipoprotein lipase and PPARα expression. These results suggest that the HFD‐induced physiological changes and fatty liver may be due to the alteration of related gene expression. As such, further investigations of the metabolic pathways and differentially expressed genes are of particular significance in the mechanistic study and understanding of HFD‐induced fatty liver disease.  相似文献   

A 9‐week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary Enteromorpha prolifera on the growth performance and body composition of juvenile large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea) (Richardson, 1846) (11.41 ± 1.59 g) in floating sea cages (1.5 × 1.5 × 2.0 m). Four isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were formulated to contain graded levels (0%, 5%, 10% and 15%) of E. prolifera. Survival ranged from 98.7% to 99.7%, and was independent of dietary treatment (P>0.05). There were no significant differences in the feeding rate among dietary treatments (P>0.05). The specific growth rate (SGR) increased with increasing levels of E. prolifera. When the supplementation of E. prolifera was >5%, SGR was significantly higher compared with the control group (0%). The feed efficiency ratio (FER) in fish fed the diet with 5%E. prolifera (diet 2) was higher than that of the other groups, while in fish fed the diet with 10%E. prolifera (diet 3), it was the lowest (P<0.05). The protein retention (PR) decreased as the level of E. prolifera increased in diets (5%, 10% and 15%). The protein body content displayed a trend similar to that of PR. No significant difference was observed in body moisture and ash among the dietary treatments. An increase in minerals of potassium, magnesium and sodium in body was observed with an increase in dietary seaweed concentrations. On basis of the SGR and FER, supplementation levels of E. prolifera can reach at least 15% without affecting the growth and still maintain a high survival rate for juvenile large yellow croaker.  相似文献   

A 30‐day feeding experiment was conducted in blue tanks (70 × 50 × 60 cm, water volume 180 L) to determine the effects of dietary lipid levels on the survival, growth and body composition of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea) larvae (12 days after hatchery, with initial average weight 1.93 ± 0.11 mg). Five practical microdiets, containing 83 g kg?1 (Diet 1), 126 g kg?1 (Diet 2), 164 g kg?1 (Diet 3), 204 g kg?1 (Diet 4) and 248 g kg?1 lipid (Diet 5), were formulated. Live feeds (Artemia sinicia nauplii and live copepods) were used as the control diet (Diet 6). Each diet was randomly assigned to triplicate groups of tanks, and each tank was stocked with 3500 larvae. During the experiment, water temperature was maintained at 23(±1) °C, pH 8.0 (±0.2) and salinity 25 (±2) g L?1. The results showed that dietary lipid significantly influenced the survival and growth of large yellow croaker larvae. Survival increased with the increase of dietary lipid from 83 to 164 g kg?1, and then decreased. The survival of larvae fed the diet with 83 g kg?1 lipid (16.1%) was significantly lower than that of larvae fed other diets. However, the survival in larvae fed the diet with 16.4 g kg?1 lipid was the highest compared with other artificial microdiets. Specific growth rate (SGR) significantly increased with increasing dietary lipid level from 83 to 164 g kg?1 (P < 0.05), and then decreased. The SGR in larvae fed the diet with 164 g kg?1 lipid (10.0% per day) was comparable with 204 g kg?1 lipid (9.6% per day), but were significantly higher than other microdiets (P < 0.05). On the basis of survival and SGR, the optimum dietary lipid level was estimated to be 172 and 177 g kg?1 of diet using second‐order polynomial regression analysis respectively.  相似文献   

张善霹 《福建水产》2011,33(2):58-61
本文首次报道了罗源湾内网箱养殖的大黄鱼发现一种由体内寄生纤毛虫引起的新的疾病.该纤毛虫病发生水温为17℃ ~22℃,造成日死亡率1% ~2%.镜检结果表明大黄鱼体表粘液、鳍条、鳃、肝、脾、肾脏、肠道、脑组织都有该虫寄生,其中以鳃血管内虫体数量最多.笔者自拟了一个由百部、黄柏、苦参、蛇床子、茯苓等11种中药组成的复方,采...  相似文献   

为探究饲料中棕榈酸/(二十碳五烯酸+二十二碳六烯酸)(EPA+DHA)对大黄鱼(Larmichthys crocea) [初始体重为(30.51±0.16) g]抗氧化能力和肌肉品质的影响,本研究以鱼粉和豆粕为主要蛋白源,EPA富含油、DHA富含油、棕榈酸和卵磷脂为主要脂肪源,分别配制棕榈酸/(EPA+DHA)比例分别为1∶5、1∶1和5∶1的3种等氮(约43%粗蛋白)、等脂(约11%粗脂肪)饲料,并分别命名为P0、P50和P100组,在海水浮式网箱中进行为期70 d的摄食生长实验,从肌肉基本指标与分子基因层面探究饲料对大黄鱼抗氧化能力与肌肉品质的影响。结果显示,P0和P50组大黄鱼肌肉具有显著高的硬度、粘附性、内聚性和咀嚼性(P<0.05)。P0组大黄鱼肌肉多不饱和脂肪酸显著高于P50和P100组(P<0.05);P100组肌肉饱和脂肪酸显著高于P0和P50组(P<0.05)。P100组大黄鱼肌肉超氧化物歧化酶2基因(SOD2)和过氧化氢酶基因(CAT)表达水平显著高于P0和P50组(P<0.05);P0组肌肉核因子E2相关因子基因(Nrf2)表达水平则显著高于P50组(P<0.05),P100和P0组、P100和P50组间相比无显著差异(P>0.05)。对于超氧化物歧化酶1基因(SOD1),P0、P50和P100组相比均无显著差异(P>0.05)。P50组大黄鱼肌肉的总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)显著低于P0和P100组(P<0.05),P0、P50和P100组大黄鱼肌肉的总超氧化物歧化酶(T-SOD)、CAT活性及丙二醛(MDA)含量相比均无显著差异(P>0.05)。研究表明,饲料中棕榈酸含量较高时,大黄鱼肌肉质构特性降低,抗氧化能力没有受到显著影响;在饲料棕榈酸/(EPA+DHA)值发生改变时,大黄鱼肌肉品质的变化与鱼体内氧化应激和抗氧化能力之间的关联仍需进一步探究。  相似文献   

以海捕野生大黄鱼为基础群体进行选择育种,其子代与网箱养殖选育群体子代进行比较分析。研究结果显示,野生群体的受精率虽小于对照群体,但孵化率却显著高于对照群体(P0.05);野生群体的质量绝对增加率[(0.02±0.004)g/d~(0.26±0.081)g/d]、绝对增长率[(0.02±0.008)cm/d~(0.11±0.009)cm/d]、增积量(0.007±0.005~0.153±0.015)和肥满度(1.66±0.18~1.97±0.29)等生长性能均优于对照群体。野生群体的生长性状一开始就显现出现实遗传力,体长和体质量的现实遗传力分别为0.027~0.185和0.001~0.040。对野生群体进行良种群体选育时可以提早根据体长和体质量进行苗种选择淘汰,将节省大量的选育时间和避免后期操作的不便,但野生群体现实遗传力较低,选育应该结合家系选择和家系内选择进行。  相似文献   

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