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Vitamin E   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vitamin E activity was first identified as a dietary factor essential for reproduction in the rat. It is now known that this vitamin has a far wider range of functions in the body than its role in fertility. It interacts with selenium-containing glutathione peroxidase to prevent the oxidative breakdown of tissue membranes associated with the hydroperoxides of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Relationships with other factors such as stress and vitamin C, have been proposed. The symptoms of deficiency of vitamin E vary according to species. With so many variables it is difficult to estimate the optimum allowances of the vitamin for the many types of livestock diets. These problems are discussed and the calculation of allowances of vitamin E in rations for both monogastric and ruminant animals is explained.  相似文献   

文中概述了维生素E对水貂应用的一些特殊的生物学作用和对水貂繁殖、生长发育和健康等影响以及不同时期水貂对维生素E的营养需要,提出了水貂对维生素E营养需要的管理措施和建议,以期对我国水貂养殖和科研提供有益信息。  相似文献   

上个月,《Pig Progress》杂志着重介绍了现有主要维生素——它们的用途及对猪的功能。在这些分类中,维生素E可以说是养猪生产中最重要的维生素。它有什么作用呢?  相似文献   

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Cereal grains found in swine diets contain phytate, a storage form of phosphorus that is largely unavailable for use by the animal. To improve phosphorous bioavailability, diets are supplemented with phytase, an enzyme that degrades phytate to inositol phosphate isomers and inorganic phosphorus (Kebreab et al., 2012; Rosenfelder-Kuon et al., 2020). Inclusion of the enzyme in swine diets can improve calcium and phosphorus digestibility in pigs as well as increase average daily gain and feed efficiency (Ren et al., 2020). Because many of the formative studies with phytase supplementation were performed with P deficient diets, a recent study examined phytase mediated phosphorus release in diets adequate for the mineral (Olsen et al., 2021). Results indicate that phytase behaves differently when supplemented into phosphorus deficient or adequate diets.  相似文献   

本文通过两个试验评估了在商业化养猪场和试验性养猪场条件下向日粮内添加维生素C和β-胡萝卜素后对猪生产性能的影响.试验1共选用220头22±1.7日龄断奶、体重为6±1.2 kg的断奶仔猪;试验2则选用64头20±0.9日龄断奶、体重为6±1.1 kg的断奶仔猪.试验1采用随机化完全区组设计.每个处理设11个重复,每个猪圈为一个重复,每圈饲养5头试验猪.试验2采用完全随机设计,每个处理设4个重复,每个猪圈即为一个重复,每圈饲养4头试验猪.菜籽油和动物脂肪分别作为第一个试验和第二个试验的能量添加剂;这些日粮配料储存在断奶猪舍中(温度27-32℃,相对湿度87%~100%,前后共计49 d以促进氧化.两个试验的日粮处理组设置如下:(1)对照组(CON);(2)维生素C添加组(VC组):添加维生素C150 mg/kg,不添加β一胡萝卜素;(3)B-胡萝卜素添加组(βC组):添加β-胡萝卜素350 mg/kg,不添加维生素C;(4)维生素C和β-胡萝卜素3添加组(VCβC组):添加维生素C150 mg/kg、β0胡萝卜素350 mg/kg.对菜籽油、动物脂肪和日粮进行过氧化物含量检测,而维生素C和β-胡萝卜素的检测只在成品日粮中进行.两个试验都进行生产性能测定,试验1的测定日期为24d,试验2为20d.在试验1中,每个猪圈取两头试猪采集血液样本,以测定硫代巴比妥酸活性反应组分(Reactive. Species Keactive species,TBARS)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(Glutathione Peroxidase, GSH-Px)活性.试验1,CON、VC、βC和VCβC组在平均日采食量(分别为.395、369、384和400 g/d)、平均日增重(分别为301、278、301和304 g/d)和饲料转化率(分别为769、758、783和760 g/d)上没有差异(P>0.130),在血浆谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性fP>0.390)1和硫代巴比妥酸活性反应组分fP>0.179)上无显著差异.试验2.VC和βC组试验猪的平均日采食量显著减少(交互作用,P<0.05),试验期的后一半期,平均日增受到β=胡萝卜素盼短暂性作用(P<0.05),因此导βC组和VC组在饲料转化率上略有差异.对实验l生抗氧化剂缺乏明确的应答或许可以用存在过量的维生素E和硒及经常性地添加无机抗氧化剂作解释.本试验结果不能证明断奶仔猪日粮中添加维生素C和/或B-胡萝卜素会对断奶仔猪产生有利的影响,因为试验期间动物的生产性能或抗氧化剂的作用未能得到证明.  相似文献   


The influence of vitamin E supplementation on blood serum vitamin E concentration as well as the seasonal variation of serum vitamin concentration was investigated. Forty horses were divided into a control and three vitamin E supplementation (experimental) groups. The levels of the vitamin E supplementation in the three experimental groups were 1, 3 or 5 mg/kg body weight (bwt) per day. The vitamin was dosed orally. The supplementation was started either at the beginning or in the middle of the indoor (winter) feeding period. There was seasonal variation in the serum vitamin E content; the serum vitamin concentration increased during the grazing and decreased during the indoor feeding period. The basal feeding and a daily supplement of 1 mg/kg bwt were not adequate to maintain or increase the serum vitamin E concentration during the indoor feeding period in an exercising horse. The minimum daily intake of vitamin E would seem to be greater than 1.5 mg/kg bwt. It is suggested that a daily supplement of 3 to 5 mg/kg bwt may be required by horses in training to increase the serum vitamin E levels. This amounts to 1500–2500 mg/day for a horse weighing 500 kg. Supplementation should be started at the beginning of the indoor feeding period.  相似文献   

Baladi rabbits were fed on five-similar-experimental diets, except the replacement for starch in the 1st diet, cattle tallow in the 2nd, cotton seed oil in the 3rd, and hydrogenated palm oil in the 4th instead of 2% more wheat bran in the 5th (control) diet. All other husbandry conditions were the same for all groups of animals during the experimental period of 7 weeks. The cattle tallow in the second diet caused significant increase of feed intake, growth rate, relative weights of kidneys, lungs and heart and calcium of the tibia bone. This diet had tendency to diminish significantly blood contents of total nitrogen and cholesterol as well as vitamin A in the liver and tibia contents of silica, phosphorus and magnesium. Diet number 3 included cottonseed oil lowered blood contents of glucose, phosphorus, cholesterol and enzyme activity of glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase in the serum and specific gravity of tibia bone. On the other hand, it elevated significantly (P less than or equal to 0.01) stored vitamin A in the liver than on all other experimental diets. Feeding rabbits on diet including hydrogenated palm oil subsided liver contents of dry matter, ash and vitamin A and raised ether extract of the liver significantly. It reduced also dry matter content of the femoral muscle. Substitution for starch (instead of 2% of the diet fats or bran) increased blood content of haemoglobin and haematocrit (insignificant) but values of glucose and phosphorus as well as liver content of dry matter, content of femoral muscle of dry matter and ether extract and content of tibia bone of silica and phosphorus were significantly higher than the other experimental diets. It decreased relative weights of different organs (significantly) and liver contents of ether extract and vitamin A (insignificantly) than on control diet. It could be said that the addition of cattle tallow and cottonseed oil would be recommended to be included in rabbit diets after more studies to determine the effects of the different animal-vegetable mixtures of fats, the best ratio between the two sources of fats, the interrelationships between that mixtures and the energy of the diet, the dietary protein level, the rabbit breed and their weights and aim of the production under the seasonal variation of the weather.  相似文献   

Thirty-six 7-mo-old gilts were used to study the effects of dietary vitamin E and fat source (5% sunflower oil or animal fat) in pregnant and lactating sow diets on serum vitamin E concentration and on cell-mediated and humoral immune response in suckling and weaned piglets. Six gilts each received one of six diets throughout pregnancy and lactation. The basal diets (13 mg alpha-tocopherol/kg diet) were supplemented with dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate to 48 and 136 mg alpha-tocopherol/kg of feed (average analyzed values). After weaning (at 4 wk of age) all pigs received identical diets (20 mg of alpha-tocopherol/kg feed). One week after weaning, pigs were immunized (i.m. with ovalbumin and tetanus toxoid) and antibody production was measured. Blood samples were taken immediately after birth, at 1 wk after birth, at weaning, and at four weekly intervals after weaning. Samples were analyzed for alpha-tocopherol concentration, total number of leukocytes, T- and B-lymphocytes, lymphocyte stimulation with concanavalin A, lysozyme activity, and immunoglobulin concentrations. It was concluded that a high vitamin E level in the sow's diet increased serum vitamin E concentration of 1-wk-old pigs (P less than .05). Immune response against ovalbumin was increased (P less than .05) at 1 wk of age after immunization for weaned pigs from sows fed the high level of vitamin E. Also, the phagocytic measures of pigs at 1 wk of age were increased by the medium vitamin E level (P less than .05). Fat sources in the sow's diet had no consistent effect on the immunological measures of pigs.  相似文献   

Sodium bentonite as a component in layer diets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Two hundred and forty Amber-link pullets were individually caged in a naturally-ventilated laying house and fed one of four isoenergetic, isonitrogenous diets containing 0, 20, 40 or 80 sodium bentonite/kg for 44 weeks. 2. No significant dietary effects were observed between treatments with regard to body weight at 20 or 64 weeks, age at first egg, egg weight, Haugh score or egg shell thickness. 3. Significant positive linear responses were observed with live weight at first egg (P less than 0.01), food consumed/hen d (P less than 0.05) and faecal moisture percentage (P less than 0.01). Significant negative linear (P less than 0.01) responses were observed with bacterial counts in the proximal and distal ends of the intestine. 4. A significant negative quadratic (P less than 0.05) response was noticed with egg production per hen. 5. A significant negative cubic (P less than 0.01) response was found with food conversion ratio (g food/g eggs).  相似文献   

Clinical signs of vitamin K deficiency have been observed in cats offered two commercial canned diets high in salmon or tuna. Some of the queens and kittens offered these diets had died while survivors had increased coagulation times. Necropsies revealed hepatic and, or, gastrointestinal haemorrhages. Coagulation times of survivors returned to normal after vitamin K therapy. The purpose of this study was to induce a vitamin K deficiency in kittens and determine the dietary requirement. Kittens were offered vitamin K-deficient purified diets containing antibiotics and, or, substances inherent in canned fish diets that may have contributed to the deficiency. Clinical signs of vitamin K deficiency were not observed, even though one purified diet contained only 4 μg K1/kg diet compared with 60 μg in the commercial tuna diet. Therefore, a minimum vitamin K requirement could not be determined using purified diets; nevertheless, canned commercial diets formulated primarily with fish should contain more than 60 μg K1/kg diet.  相似文献   

2改善肉品氧化稳定性和颜色的途径2.1体内抗氧化途径动物体内有两类抗氧化剂:①清除抗氧化剂(Preventiveantiox-idants):包括超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶。这些酶主要清除细胞水相中已存在的过氧化物。②断链抗氧化剂...  相似文献   

维生素 E 与产科疾病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
维生素是Evans在 19世纪 2 0年代发现和命名的。它是具有α -生育酚生物活性的所有生育酚和生物三烯酚的总称。目前已经从植物性原料中分离到至少 8种具有维生素E活性的化合物 ,其中以α -生育酚的生物活性最高[1] 。而维生素E的活性只是一个生物学概念 ,不能用化学法测  相似文献   

Medium wool ewes were injected with vitamin E and(or) Se over a 2-yr period to evaluate the influence of these treatments on reproduction. Ewes were divided randomly into four groups, consisting of a control, plus groups receiving monthly sc injections of either 272 iu vitamin E, 4 mg Se or 272 IU vitamin E plus 4 mg Se during pregnancy. Selenium administration increased (P less than .05) ewe blood Se concentrations, but had no effect (P greater than .10) on fertility (number of ewes lambing of ewes bred), prolificacy (number of lambs born/ewe lambing) or lamb sex ratio. Preweaning survival of lambs was increased (P less than .05) by ewe treatments with either Se or vitamin E and thus, treated ewes weaned approximately 20% more lambs/ewe mated than did control ewes.  相似文献   

Vitamin E and selenium for growing and finishing pigs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

采用紫外分光光度法测定亚硒酸钠维生素E注射液及预混剂中维生素E含量.用乙醇直接破乳提取法、乙醇提取法及超声波助溶法分别提取注射液及预混剂中的维生素E,在284 nm测定.方法的线性范围为60~1 80μg/mL(r=0.999 4);注射液和预混剂的方法回收率分别为100.17%~100.48%和98.08%~99.04%;曰内和日间相对标准偏差,注射液分别为0.37%~0.91%和0.53%~0.62%,预混剂分别为1.15%~1.21%和1.09%~1.25%.该法操作简便、准确快速,分析结果令人满意.  相似文献   

黄羽肉鸡育肥期维生素A、E适宜添加量研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选体重和脚胫颜色度接近的56日龄黄羽肉鸡共960只,随机分为16个处理组,每处理60只鸡。采用双因子4×4水平的随机试验设计,4个维生素A添加水平(0、5000、10000、20000IU/kg)和4个维生素E添加水平(0、30、60、120IU/kg)。结果表明:在维生素A0~10000IU/kg、维生素E0~60IU/kg范围内,黄羽肉鸡的日增重和饲料报酬逐渐提高;日粮维生素A添加量超过10000IU/kg,血浆中维生素E含量有下降趋势。高水平维生素A(20000IU/kg),升高血浆TBARS值,大剂量维生素E(120IU/kg),提高机体脂质稳定性。日粮添加20000IU/kg维生素A对色素的沉积有抑制作用,随维生素E水平的上升,皮肤的颜色指数呈现上升趋势。维生素A和E含量及其互作对血清新城疫抗体效价有显著影响。综合考虑,黄羽肉鸡育肥期维生素A、E的适宜添加量分别为5000~10000IU/kg,30~60IU/kg。  相似文献   

本文主要综述了维生素A、维生素D和维生素E在动物体内的相互作用及其可能的机制,为科学确定这些维生素在动物日粮中的适宜添加量,提高动物的生产性能提供依据。  相似文献   

VE是维持动物正常生理机能所必不可少的低分子有机化合物,它在家兔体内发挥着重要的生物学功能。过去的研究表明,VE在提高家兔的繁殖力、预防不孕症、提高机体免疫力和抗应激能力,以及促进生长方面均发挥着重要的作用。近年来,随着营养学和免疫学的发展,VE对家畜的生物学作用再次受到研究者的关注,但目前对VE  相似文献   

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