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Between 1999 and 2004, nylon mesh bags containing  6.2 mm diameter fragments of crushed dolomite or granite were exposed to weathering on the surfaces of birch, Dryas heath, heath, meadow, solifluction meadow, and willow vegetation communities in Kärkevagge, a glaciated trough in Swedish Lapland. The material in the bags had previously been in the same locations from either 1994 or 1995 when it had been placed in the field as freshly crushed pebbles. Results of the mass losses resulting from chemical weathering during the first 4- or 5-year period were reported in Dixon et al. [Dixon, J.C., Thorn, C.E., Darmody, R.G., Schlyter, P. 2001. Weathering rates of fine pebbles at the soil surface in Kärkevagge, Swedish Lapland. Catena 45, 273–286.] in Catena. The spatial results of the second 5-year period confirm those determined during the first period. In general, wetter, more acidic sites promoted greater losses from the dolomite, but the losses from the granite were too small to reveal distinctive spatial patterns. Dolomite consistently weathered faster than granite in at-a-site comparisons with total mass losses between 1999 and 2004 ranging from 1.90% to 9.98% for dolomite and − 0.07% to 4.02% for granite. Spatial distinctions were blurred during the second period due to significant losses of bags at dry sites from atmospheric exposure. However, at-a-site comparisons between the two study periods revealed statistically significantly greater losses during the second period when compared to the first. In the absence of appropriate ground climate data, it is worth noting that air climates were both warmer and wetter during both study periods when compared to the 1961–1990 averages, and the second 5-year study period was also warmer and wetter than the first.  相似文献   

Francisco L. Prez 《CATENA》2009,76(3):191-205
The influence of tephra covers on soil water was studied in Haleakala (Maui, Hawai'i) during two summers; eight sites with tephra layers and silverswords (Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC.) were sampled at 2415–2755 m. At each site, eight paired-sample sets were obtained in bare soils and under adjacent tephra, at three depths. Tephra were sharply separated from underlying soils and showed prominent vertical stratification. Tephra clast size-distribution was assessed by photosieving and on interstitial-gravel samples; stones included 45.6% cobbles, 29.4% pebbles, and 25% blocks.Moisture content increased with depth in both positions, but soils below tephra had more water at all depths than exposed areas. Surface soils beneath tephra contained 83% more water than bare ground. Soils at 5–10 cm had  106% greater moisture under rocks, but only  70% at 10–15 cm. Differences between plots were statistically significant ( p < 0.001) for surface soils, but less pronounced for subsoils. Soils above 2650 m had greater water content than at lower elevations, and moisture disparity between sample pairs increased with altitude.All soils were coarse, with  20% gravel and  94% sand; most fine material (≤ 0.063 mm) was silt, as clay content was negligible. Organic-matter percentage was low (1.65%). Bulk density and porosity were associated with moisture variation both in tephra-insulated and bare soils; 80% of field moisture was statistically (p < 0.001) accounted for by pore space. Air and soil temperatures were recorded at three sites during  one-week periods prior to moisture sampling. Tephra substantially decreased soil maxima and daily thermal amplitude in underlying soils, but did not noticeably affect nightly minima. Thin (5–6 cm) tephra layers were nearly as effective as thicker (9–15 cm) deposits in depressing soil maxima. Possible water-conservation mechanisms under tephra include: decreased evaporation due to ground shielding and lower maxima; reduced capillary flow; greater infiltration depth; nocturnal dew condensation; and fog interception by blocks.  相似文献   

Little work has been done to quantify annual soil CO2 effluxes in the High Arctic region because of the difficulty in taking winter measurements. Since the effects of climate change are expected to be higher in Arctic than in temperate ecosystems, it is important that summer measurements are extended to cover the entire year. This study evaluates the quantity and quality of soil organic C (SOC) and seasonal controls of soil CO2 effluxes in three soils under three dominating types of vegetation (Dryas, Cassiope, and Salix) at Svalbard. Measurements included soil CO2 effluxes in the field and the laboratory, temperature, water content, and snow thickness. About 90% of the variation in soil respiration throughout 1 year was due to near-surface soil temperatures which ranged from −12 to +12 °C. Total annual soil CO2 effluxes varied from 103 g C m−2 at soils under Cassiope, 152 g C m−2 under Dryas sites, and 176 g C m−2 under Salix, with 20%, 14%, and 30%, respectively, being released during a 6-month winter period. The sensitivity of soil respiration with respect to soil temperature was the same year round and differences in winter CO2 effluxes at the three vegetation types were mainly related to subsurface soil temperatures controlled by snow depth. The quantity and quality of soil organic matter varied under the different vegetation types. Soils under Salix had the largest and most labile pool of SOC and were characterized by a long period of snow cover. In contrast, soils under Cassiope were more nutrient-poor, more acidic and held the smallest amount of total and labile SOC, whereas soils under Dryas remained snow-free most of the winter and therefore had the coldest winter conditions. Thus, winter soil respiration rates under Dryas and Cassiope were significantly lower than those under Salix; under Dryas this was mainly due to snow depth, under Cassiope this was a combination of snow depth and poor litter quality. It is concluded that winter respiration is highly variable across Arctic landscapes and depends on the spatial distribution of snow, which acts as a direct control on soil temperatures and indirect on vegetation types and thereby, the amount and quality of soil organic matter, which serve as additional important drivers of soil respiration.  相似文献   

A large area (180 Mha) of central Brazil is occupied by a savanna biome known as the Cerrado. Annual rainfall in this region varies from 1200 to 2000 mm, although there is a long (5 month) dry season with almost no rain. This region is regarded by Brazilians as their agricultural frontier and there is a steady growth in the area dedicated to permanent cropping in the region, which today is estimated to occupy 14 Mha. Owing to the dearth of long-term experiments, the impact of continuous cropping on soil carbon stocks remains unclear. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different tillage systems (zero till (ZT) and conventional tillage (CT)) on the change in soil carbon stocks over a 20-year period of the same crop sequence compared to that under a neighbouring area of native vegetation (NV). Only approximately 10 Mg ha−1 of soil carbon in the 0–100 cm depth interval was lost under continuous ZT. However, under CT systems losses were greater (up to 30 Mg C ha−1) when the mouldboard plough was used and/or tillage was performed twice a year. We did not have access to instrumentation to accurately assess soil charcoal but the C/N data and peroxide and dichromate oxidative techniques suggested that 40% of soil C was in this form. The 13C natural abundance of soil profiles indicated that residues of crops (maize) and the spontaneous annual fallow of Brachiaria spp. resulted in integration of significant C4 residues to a depth of at least 40 cm. It would appear that zero tillage, which is already widely adopted in the Cerrado region of Brazil, will have only a small negative long-term impact on soil C stocks, but ploughing, especially more than once a year, will lead to considerably larger soil C losses.  相似文献   

The wedge-tailed eagle is Australia’s largest bird of prey and one of the largest eagles in the world. Aquila audax fleayi is an endemic Tasmanian subspecies isolated for 10,000 years from the nominate subspecies on the Australian mainland. The Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle is classified nationally and at a State level as endangered due to its small number of breeding pairs, low breeding success and high rate of mortality from unnatural causes. The subspecies experiences mortality throughout its range from shooting, poisoning, trapping, road accidents, electrocutions and collisions with wind turbines, aircraft, fences and overhead wires, which we term ‘un-natural mortality’. A portion of the subspecies’ range is managed for timber production, which can lead to disturbance of nest sites and the loss of nest trees. We use a model of the eagle population from the Bass District in northeast Tasmania to explore the relative importance of different sources of mortality and nesting habitat loss, and the potential for mitigating impacts associated with unnatural mortality, disturbance, nesting habitat loss and human access to forests. We create a habitat map including suitable nest sites and link it to a dynamic landscape population model based on life history traits and disturbance responses. Using the program RAMAS-Landscape, we model alternative forest management scenarios, ranging from no timber harvesting and a natural wildfire regime, to scenarios prescribing native forest harvesting and regeneration and different levels of conversion of native forest to plantation under the same natural wildfire regime. The results indicate that the Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle is sensitive to unnatural mortality, plantation establishment and native forest harvesting. The predicted decline over the next 160 years (65%) will most likely be driven largely by loss of current and potential future nest sites associated with harvesting activities, exacerbated by unnatural mortality in the wider landscape. Interventions that minimise unnatural mortality, reduce nest disturbance, and retain breeding habitat and nest sites may improve the prospects for the subspecies in the Bass District. If nest disturbance and unnatural mortality continue at the rates modelled here, the species appears to face a high risk of declining substantially in the region.  相似文献   

Closure of the surface energy balance provides an objective criterion for evaluating eddy-covariance (EC) flux measurements. This study analyses 5 years of EC carbon dioxide, water vapor, and sensible heat flux measurements from three mature boreal forest stands in central Saskatchewan, Canada. The EC sensible and latent heat fluxes, H and λE, underestimated the surface available energy by 11% (aspen), 15% (black spruce), and 14% (jack pine). At all sites, the energy-closure fraction CF responded similarly to the friction velocity u*, atmospheric stability, and time of day. At night, CF increased from 0.3 at very low-u* to an asymptotic maximum of 0.9 at u* above 0.35 m s−1. During unstable-daytime periods, CF varied linearly from 0.7 at low-u* to 1.0 at high-u*. The energy imbalance pattern was similar among sites and may be characteristic of the continental, boreal forest.EC measurements of net ecosystem exchange FNEE have no objective, diagnostic parameter that is equivalent to CF. We therefore derived an analogous FNEE “closure fraction” CFNEE by normalizing measured FNEE against estimates from an empirical model that was tuned to the high-u* data. CF and CFNEE responded similarly to u*, atmospheric stability, and time of day. We discuss two implications for EC flux data post-processing. The results uphold the common practice of rejecting EC measurements during low-u* periods. They also lend support to the application of energy-closure adjustments to H, λE, and FNEE.  相似文献   

In previous studies, the rate of soil carbon (C) sequestration decreased with increasing age of post‐mining soils. It was also shown to depend on plant biomass and earthworm bioturbation. Here, a soil transplant experiment was used to determine whether this decrease is caused by soil C saturation or other factors (such as bioturbation and litter input). Soils collected on 15‐, 25‐ and 50‐year‐old successional sites, dominated by willow (Salix caprea L.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth), and on a 50‐year‐old site reclaimed by the planting of alder (Alnus glutinosa L.) were placed in plastic boxes that were accessible to soil macrofauna. The boxes were buried in the 50‐year‐old reclaimed site and supplemented with either alder litter or successional (willow and birch) litter. Soil C content and soil C fractions (hot water C, particulate organic C, particulate organic C bound in aggregates and C bound to mineral soil) were studied. After 1 year, the C content increased by 2–5%, but there was no effect of soil source or litter type. For all C fractions, the relationships between change in C content and initial C content were described by bell‐shaped curves. Easily available C fractions were saturated earlier than more recalcitrant fractions. Despite these saturation tendencies in individual soil organic matter pools, the soil was evidently far from saturation after 50 years of soil development. The decrease in C sequestration with soil age previously observed for this soil was probably caused by a decrease in litter input rather than by C saturation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many studies on land surface radiation balances have relied on geostationary satellites. These satellites have provided data with high temporal resolution (less than 3 h); however, the spatial resolution was too coarse (20–250 km scale) to investigate local-scale land surface radiation balances. Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) – onboard both the Terra and Aqua satellites – yields a tradeoff with regard to this problem by providing higher spatial resolution (1 km scale) and sensing all over the earth nearly twice a day during daytime; this provides a potential tool for the periodical monitoring of the land surface energy balance. The reliability of MODIS-derived estimates is, however, affected by the presence of multiple error sources, such as those related to heterogeneous land cover and complex topography. In this study, we have used atmospheric (5 and 10 km scale) and land (1 km scale) products obtained from both the Terra and Aqua MODIS devices as inputs in order to estimate the radiation components (1 km scale) under clear daytime conditions over a heterogeneous farmland area and a rugged deciduous forest in the Korea Flux Network (KoFlux). The reliability of these estimates and the associated errors were evaluated by comparing against field measurements taken for 41 and 26 clear days with regard to the farmland and forest sites, respectively. Solar radiation was successfully retrieved with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 20 W m−2 for both the Terra and Aqua devices over the flat farmland site, whereas the rugged forest site exhibited corresponding values of 40 and 65 W m−2 RMSE values with consistent positive biases (presumably caused by topographic effects). The RMSE values of the downward longwave radiation were 20 W m−2 for both the Terra and Aqua devices for both these sites. The sensitivities of the upward components of the shortwave and longwave radiations varied with the RMSE values to the scale of the spatial heterogeneity of both the sites. Consequently, the RMSE values of the net radiation ranged from 33 to 61 W m−2 for both the devices at both the sites. Our results suggest that the scales of the patch mosaics within the landscapes need to be quantified for proper retrieval of the MODIS-derived radiation products. More extensive validation efforts are required to identify and account for major error sources across diverse land surface conditions.  相似文献   

Ewa Nowak   《Pedobiologia》2001,45(6):497-508
The study was conducted in two successional series: natural on mesotrophic soils (a meadow, two birch woods and a mixed coniferous forest), and human-made on sandy soils (old field, birch plantation and pine forest). In both these series species richness and diversity of enchytraeid communities decreased with advancing succession. In the first two successional stages, enchytraeid communities showed a high degree of similarity (the meadow and 30-year-old birch thicket, ore the old field and 10-year-old birch plantation). Variation in soil in the same plant communities cause differences in animal communities. The abundance of enchytraeids varied from 14 to 51 × 103 m−2 individuals. In the majority of habitats C. sphagnetorum was the dominant species. Soil pH showed a positive correlation with species diversity and negative with number of C. sphagnetorum. The body size of this species was small at low pH (presumably as a result of frequent reproduction). It is suggested that the way of reproduction of the dominant species could confer a competitive advantage, thereby accounting for the simplification of enchytraeid communities in later stages of succession.  相似文献   

Global warming in the Arctic may alter decomposition rates in Arctic soils and therefore nutrient availability. In addition, changes in the length of the growing season may increase plant productivity and the rate of labile C input below ground. We carried out an experiment in which inorganic nutrients (NH4NO3 and NaPO4) and organic substrates (glucose and glycine) were added to soils sampled from across the mountain birch forest-tundra heath ecotone in northern Sweden (organic and mineral soils from the forest, and organic soil only from the heath). Carbon dioxide production was then monitored continuously over the following 19 days. Neither inorganic N nor P additions substantially affected soil respiration rates when added separately. However, combined N and P additions stimulated microbial activity, with the response being greatest in the birch forest mineral soil (57% increase in CO2 production compared with 26% in the heath soil and 8% in the birch forest organic soil). Therefore, mineralisation rates in these soils may be stimulated if the overall nutrient availability to microbes increases in response to global change, but N deposition alone is unlikely to enhance decomposition. Adding either, or both, glucose and glycine increased microbial respiration. Isotopic separation indicated that the mineralisation of native soil organic matter (SOM) was stimulated by glucose addition in the heath soil and the forest mineral soil, but not in the forest organic soil. These positive ‘priming’ effects were lost following N addition in forest mineral soil, and following both N and P additions in the heath soil. In order to meet enhanced microbial nutrient demand, increased inputs of labile C from plants could stimulate the mineralisation of SOM, with the soil C stocks in the tundra-heath potentially most vulnerable.  相似文献   

A quantitative assessment of the carbon balance was performed in gray forest soils of the former agricultural lands abandoned in different time periods in the southern part of Moscow oblast. It was based on the field measurements of the total and heterotrophic soil respiration and the productivity of biocenoses. Geobotanical investigations demonstrated that the transformation of the species composition of herbs from weeds to predominantly meadow plants occurred in five–ten years after the soil was no more used for farming. The amount of carbon assimilated in the NPP changed from 97 g C/m2 year in the recently abandoned field to 1103 g C/m2 year in the 10-year-old fallow, and the total annual loss of carbon from the soil in the form of CO2 varied from 347 to 845 g C/m2 year. In five years, the former arable lands were transformed into meadow ecosystems that functioned as a stable sink of carbon in the phytomass and the soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Shai Zwikel  Hanoh Lavee  Pariente Sarah   《CATENA》2007,70(3):282-295
The research was conducted in Israel at three sites along a south–north axis, characterized by increasing annual rainfall, from 310 mm at site LAV in the south through 600 mm at site MAT (600), to 800 mm at site EIN in the north. At each site soil samples were taken during several seasons (September 2001 through April 2003), in three dominant microenvironments at 0–2 cm and 5–10 cm. The following microenvironments were selected at LAV and MAT: “Under Shrub” (US), “Between Shrubs” (BS), and “Under Rock fragments” (UR). At EIN the selected microenvironments were US, BS, and “Under Tree” (UT). In each soil sample electrical conductivity (EC), pH, and concentrations of several ions were determined. The objective was to analyze the effects of soil microenvironments and climatic conditions on the temporal dynamics of salt concentrations. In all microenvironments at all sites the minimal values of EC were found in the rainy season (January or April), and the maximal values in the dry season (September). In the rainy season the temporal variability of EC in the topsoil was regulated by: (1) clay, which restricted the leaching of salts from the topsoil when EC was low; and (2) surface features (microenvironment), when EC was high. In the UT, US, and UR microenvironments the rainy season could be divided into two periods with respect to their effect on salt movement in the topsoil: at the beginning of the rainy season (September–January) the reduction in EC was relatively moderate, especially with regard to ions involved in biotic activity (Mg++ and K+), whereas, late in the rainy season (January–April) there was enhanced reduction in EC. In contrast, in BS the regulation of salt movement was weak at all sites. Hence, in this microenvironment the salts concentration (mainly Na+ and Cl) responded rapidly to changes in rain amount and soil moisture and temperature. In the dry season (April–September) the temporal variation in EC varied not only between microenvironments but also between sites. In US, where local surface features were similar at all sites (the same shrub), the rise in EC was maximal at LAV (mainly Ca++ and Na+), and gradually diminished toward EIN. Thus, the contribution of regional sources to the salts added to the soil diminished toward the humid site, EIN, where the EC hardly changed in any microenvironment. In BS and UR microenvironments the rise in EC (mainly in Ca++, Na+, and K+) was greatest at site MAT, and decreased toward LAV and EIN. It seems that this pattern was affected also by changes in local biotic activity.  相似文献   

桂西北喀斯特峰丛不同土地利用方式坡面产流产沙特征   总被引:25,自引:7,他引:18  
由于缺乏长期定位观测资料,西南喀斯特山区坡地水土流失规律一直不明确,严重影响了该区石漠化综合治理和水土流失防治工作的成效和进程。该文基于13个大型径流小区(宽20m、投影面积>1000m2)5a(2006-2010年)的定位观测资料,分析了桂西北喀斯特峰丛洼地不同利用方式坡面降雨产流规律和地表侵蚀产沙特征。结果表明:观测期内年降雨量为1300~2000mm,无论平水年还是丰水年,不同利用方式坡面次降雨径流系数<5%,地表产流很少,降雨几乎全部入渗。不同利用方式地表侵蚀产沙模数虽有较大差异,但土壤侵蚀以微度(<30t/(km2a))为主,部分甚至只有0~5t/(km2a)。植被类型、土地利用方式对坡面降雨产流的影响较小,但人为干扰会增加地表侵蚀产沙量。该文为喀斯特坡地植被恢复重建和水土流失防治提供参考。  相似文献   

本文阐述了风化花岗岩水上流失区引种的中华猕猴桃的长势、产量、质量以及试验地的土壤改良情况,并对试验场地套种的经济作物及总的产出与投入进行系统分析。结果表明:该试验地五年平均每亩年投入533元,产出903元,产投比为169.3%;第五年每亩盈纯利1800余元。研究说明,在风化花岗岩水土流失区引种中华猕猴桃是可行的,效果是明显的。  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas and agricultural soils are major sources of atmospheric N2O. Its emissions from soils make up the largest part in the global N2O budget. Research was carried out at the experimental fields of the Leibniz-Institute of Agricultural Engineering Potsdam-Bornim (ATB). Different types (mineral and wood ash) and levels (0, 75 and 150 kg N ha−1) of fertilization were applied to annual (rape, rye, triticale and hemp) and perennial (poplar and willow) plants every year. N2O flux measurements were performed 4 times a week by means of gas flux chambers and an automated gas chromatograph between 2003 and 2005. Soil samples were also taken close to the corresponding measuring rings. Soil nitrate and ammonium were measured in soil extracts.N2O emissions had a peak after N fertilization in spring, after plant harvest in summer and during the freezing–thawing periods in winter. Both fertilization and plant types significantly altered N2O emission. The maximum N2O emission rate detected was 1081 μg N2O m−2 h−1 in 2004. The mean annual N2O emissions from the annual plants were more than twofold greater than those of perennial plants (4.3 kg ha−1 vs. 1.9 kg ha−1). During January, N2O fluxes considerably increased in all treatments due to freezing–thawing cycles. Fertilization together with annual cropping doubled the N2O emissions compared to perennial crops indicating that N use efficiency was greater for perennial plants. Fertilizer-derived N2O fluxes constituted about 32% (willow) to 67% (rape/rye) of total soil N2O flux. Concurrent measurements of soil water content, NO3 and NH4 support the conclusion that nitrification is main source of N2O loss from the study soils. The mean soil NO3-N values of soils during the study for fertilized soils were 1.6 and 0.9 mg NO3-N kg−1 for 150 and 75 kg N ha−1 fertilization, respectively. This value reduced to 0.5 mg NO3-N kg−1 for non-fertilized soils.  相似文献   

Rainfall interception losses from an agroforestry system in semi-arid Kenya comprising Grevillea robusta and maize were measured over a period of 33 months. These measurements showed that interception was slightly higher (10.2%) under trees with no maize understorey, than in the intercropped treatment (9.8%), and was directly related to the degree of tree canopy cover. Interception estimates using the reformulated version of the Gash analytical model were 4% lower than measured totals, and were strongly dependent on both canopy cover and on monthly variations in the mean rainfall rate ( , mm h−1).  相似文献   

Summary Plant effects on the denitrification rate were investigated in pot experiments at different soil moisture tensions and nitrate concentrations. Nitrate concentrations and the soil moisture tension were regulated immediately before each measurement. The effects of the plants on denitrification rates were dependent on the soil moisture tension. At a low soil moisture tension (–7 cm H2O), there was a 10-fold increase in the denitrification rate (planted versus unplanted soil). At a medium moisture tension (–30 cm H2O) the plants had practically no effect, and at the highest tension (–60 cm H2O) the effect was slightly negative. Large differences in denitrification rates under different plant species were observed. At a low soil moisture tension, the average denitrification rate (g N kg–1 soil h–1) was 39–42 under small grains (barley, wheat, and oats), 47–82 under the grasses (cocksfoot, meadow grass, meadow fescue, and timothy) and 18 under red clover. The differences between the monocots were attributable to differences in plant growth rates, rather than to any specific difference in stimulation or inhibition of denitrification, since the variations in photosynthetic activity fairly well predicted the differences in denitrification rates under different monocots. Clover, however, gave much lower denitrification rates than those predicted by the photosynthetic activity.  相似文献   

[目的] 定量分析青藏高原高寒草甸土壤侵蚀状况及其伴随的碳流失,为全面评估土壤侵蚀影响,实施有效水土保持措施提供参考。[方法] 结合137Cs示踪技术与前人研究,对青藏高原高寒草甸土壤的整体侵蚀水平及其土壤有机碳流失进行了估算。[结果] 未受人为扰动的高寒草甸土壤自上而下表现出3个层次(A,B和C层)的理化性质特征,其137Cs分布遵循显著指数递减模式。目前,高原草甸土壤年均侵蚀模数约为77~230 t/km2,推测其每年直接导致的土壤有机碳损失量平均不低于4.86 t/km2。[结论] 青藏高原高寒草甸土壤侵蚀水平整体较弱,但因土壤侵蚀流失的有机碳不容忽视。在未来气候变化背景下,升温导致的土壤湿度下降对植被生长的限制,以及人类活动的影响,较大可能成为诱使青藏高原草甸土壤退化和有机碳流失的潜在因素。  相似文献   

In this study nutrient supply along transects from farmland to calcareous grasslands was investigated. The aim was to assess a gradient in nutrient supply parallel to the change in species composition. Net nitrogen mineralization was measured under field conditions and in a laboratory incubation experiment. The seasonal course of net N mineralization was determined by the increase of soil temperature in spring and changes in soil moisture during summer. In the farmland soils fertilization was also an important factor. Annual net N mineralization was highest in the moderately acid soils of the Rosenberg on the Lower Devonian schist. It was lowest in the soils of the transect near Erdorf on limestone. Two transects on dolomite took an intermediate position. At all study sites net N mineralization and the mineral nitrogen contents were higher in the peripheral zones of the calcareous grasslands than in the centre of the grasslands. In the base-rich soils of the three transects on limestone and dolomite annual net N mineralization varied in the calcareous grasslands between 4.6 and 61 mg/kg, in the peripheral zones between 35 and 190 mg/kg and in the farmland between 117 and 350 mg/kg. In the base-poor soils of the transect on Rosenberg it was 96 mg/kg in the calcareous grassland, 115–130 mg/kg in the boundary zone and 165 mg/kg in the meadow. It is presumed that the increase in nitrogen supply was caused by nutrient input from the adjacent farmland.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》1985,32(2):149-164
Birch invasion is a major problem facing managers of lowland heath in southern England, and herbicides are likely to play a major part in controlling this ‘weed’ species. One herbicide, Krenite, has been tested in two experiments and in larger scale case-study on lowland heaths, and its effect on birch, bracken, and the ground flora noted. In general Krenite produced a good kill of birch, and caused little damage to the underlying Calluna-dominated vegetation, and it appears a suitable herbicide for birch control in lowland heaths, but is less effective against bracken and willows.  相似文献   

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