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 在真核细胞内,RNA沉默是一种保守的抵抗病毒及外源基因等寄生分子的防御机制。温度可以明显地影响植物体与病毒之间的相互作用。在常温状态下,常常会伴随病毒病的爆发,但在较高温度下,症状则会减轻,甚至有些感病植株新生叶片可以较快地恢复健康。目前这类现象的内在机制还不完全清楚。本文通过定量分析不同温度下马铃薯X病毒(Potato virus X,PVX)和马铃薯Y病毒(Potato virus Y,PVY)侵染的心叶烟(Nicotiana glutinosa)植株体内病毒蛋白含量,结合症状观察,确定30℃左右是PVX和PVY在心叶烟上引起症状消失即发生系统性RNA沉默的临界温度,此时的感病植株上部新生展开叶片呈现无症状态,下部已发病叶片症状不变。在常温时,由病毒激发的RNA沉默会受到抑制,病毒来源的小分子干涉RNA (small interfering RNAs,siRNAs)含量极少或根本检测不到,植株对于病毒的敏感性较强。当温度达到30或32℃时,感病植株下部症状保持叶片中,病毒起源的siRNAs含量明显增加,而上部新生健康叶片中却检测不到siRNAs的存在。这说明高温激活了RNA沉默介导的植物抗病毒防御反应,导致病毒症状减轻甚至消失。  相似文献   

 本研究以转不可翻译的马铃薯Y病毒坏死株系外壳蛋白基因(PVYN CP)烟草的T3代植株为材料,在获得高度抗病植株并证明转基因植株的抗病性是由RNA沉默介导的基础上,采用Northern杂交及ELISA检测病毒的方法,分析了温度对转基因烟草中RNA沉默以及转基因植株抗病水平的影响。结果表明,低温可以改变转基因植株中已发生的RNA沉默和转基因植株的抗病状态。在15℃低温下生长的转基因植株,转基因产生的RNA沉默被抑制,转基因植株失去了对PVYN高度抗病的特性,表现感病症状;而在25℃或以上高温(30℃、35℃)下生长的转基因植株,转基因产生的RNA沉默没有发生被抑制的现象,转基因植株对PVYN病毒的侵染仍保持高度抗病性。  相似文献   

以采自广东省水稻瘤矮病的典型病株为材料,通过RT-PCR法扩增和克隆了水稻瘤矮病毒(Rice gall dwarf virus,RGDV)S11组分核苷酸序列全长。序列分析结果表明,RGDV广东分离物S11(登录号EF532326)核苷酸序列全长1168bp,含有一个1068bp的开放阅读框,编码一条355个氨基酸的多肽,推测分子量约40kD,与泰国分离物基因结构基本一致,其核苷酸与氨基酸序列相似性分别为94.3%和98.8%。将广东分离物S11基因克隆至pBV221温敏表达载体上,在大肠杆菌DH5α中实现了高效表达。以诱导蛋白为抗原免疫家兔获得了抗血清。利用ELISA法测定抗血清的效价为1∶4096,Western blot分析结果表明,抗血清能与S11蛋白发生特异血清学反应。这可为进一步研究S11蛋白的结构和功能,揭示其抑制基因沉默的作用机制提供参考。  相似文献   

为研究Vip3Aa11羧基端对其杀虫活性和敏感性的影响,本研究利用定点突变技术构建了Vip3Aa11的3个突变体S543N、D547E和T681V。经SDS-PAGE分析证实3个突变体蛋白均能在大肠杆菌中表达分子量约88 kD的目的蛋白,生物活性测定显示,与Vip3Aa11相比,突变体S543N对甜菜夜蛾Helicoverpa armigera的杀虫活性提高了5倍。突变体D547E对甜菜夜蛾杀虫活性显著降低。突变体S543N、D547E和T681V对棉铃虫Spodoptera exigua的杀虫活性无明显变化。说明Vip3Aa11 C端部分氨基酸的定点突变对其杀虫活性有影响,且对不同害虫的杀虫活性变化趋势不同。本研究比较了Vip3Aa11蛋白与突变蛋白之间杀虫活性的差异,为研究Vip3Aa类蛋白的结构和机理奠定基础。  相似文献   

本研究从内蒙古包头市萨拉齐向日葵根围土壤中分离得到1株生防细菌 S-16,拮抗试验表明,菌株S-16能够显著抑制向日葵核盘菌的菌丝生长。显微镜观察发现,核盘菌菌丝生长点附近出现明显的异常分枝和囊泡状畸形,并且在距菌株S-16一定范围内核盘菌不能形成菌核。培养基内添加1%的菌株S-16发酵滤液能够有效抑制向日葵核盘菌菌核的形成。室内生测表明,2×106 cfu/mL浓度的菌株S-16菌液在离体叶片及幼苗上对向日葵菌核病的防效分别为94.62%和94.21%。通过细菌形态特征和生理生化反应,并结合API鉴定和16S rDNA序列分析,将菌株S-16鉴定为枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis。  相似文献   

为明确我国主要棉花品种对木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(Cotton leaf curl Multan virus,CLCuMuV)的抗性水平,采用烟粉虱田间自然传毒和CLCuMuV侵染性克隆人工接种方法分别对收集的46个棉花品种进行抗性鉴定。结果显示:46个棉花品种田间播种后90 d,新海21号、新海31号、新37号及112-2号4个品种自然发病的病株率为41.70%~100.00%,病情指数为39.81~100.00;新陆早36号、新陆中52号、中棉35号、中棉43号、鲁棉研36号、金宏祥10号6个品种的病株率为8.30%~16.70%,病情指数为0.93~9.26;其余品种未见发病。46个棉花品种人工接种CLCuMuV后60 d,新海21号、新海31号、新海37号和112-2号4个品种的病情指数为75.00~100.00,表现为高感;新陆中66号和新陆早46号病情指数分别为20.83和20.37,表现为中感;新陆早62号等10个品种的病情指数为10.46~15.87,表现为中抗;新陆早47号等14个品种的病情指数为5.26~9.26,表现为抗病;豫棉15号等11个品种的病情指数为2.22~4.86,表现为高抗;新陆早13号、新陆早61号、新陆中32号、新陆中56号和中棉41号病情指数均为0,表现为免疫。  相似文献   

马铃薯Y病毒(potato virus Y,PVY)是侵染烟草的最重要病毒之一.不同PVY株系侵染烟草可引起不同症状,有些PVY株系可引起烟草叶脉坏死,严重影响烟草的产量和品质.PVY A12分离物属于NTN-NW株系,但侵染珊西烟(Nicoti-ana tabacum cv.Xanthi)不能引起叶脉坏死.分析发现,...  相似文献   

RNA silencing is one of the conserved antiviral mechanisms in plants, and viruses encode RNA silencing suppressors (RSS) to overcome host RNA silencing and facilitate virus infection. Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV; species Sugarcane streak mosaic virus, genus Poacevirus, family Potyviridae) is a major causal agent of sugarcane mosaic disease in many countries in Asia, including China. In this study, we used Agrobacterium co-infiltration to show that the SCSMV P1 protein, rather than the helper component-proteinase (HC-Pro), functions as a strong RSS to suppress local RNA silencing in Nicotiana benthamiana. Mutational analysis indicated that the 15 amino acids (aa; aa 1–15) of the SCSMV P1 N-terminus were not important for RNA silencing suppression, but rather another 15 aa domain (aa 108–122) containing a conserved motif (LFR/KNKQAYIST) was essential for efficient silencing suppression by P1. In addition to the 15 aa (aa 344–358) domain in the P1 N-terminus, another 15 aa domain (aa 65–79) of P1, containing the LXKA motif and one conserved aa (D78), were associated with P1 protein stability. Furthermore, substituting the histidine (H263) residue in P1 with threonine (H263T) or alanine (H263A) also affected P1 protein stability. Notably, the H263 residue is both a positively selected site and part of the serine protease catalytic triad (HDS). Taken together, our data demonstrate that SCSMV P1, and not HC-Pro, plays a functional role in suppressing RNA silencing, and also show that some conserved motifs and a positivelyselected site in the P1 protein are associated with RSS activity and protein stability.  相似文献   

Distribution of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in shoot meristem tissue of CMV-inoculated tobacco was successively analyzed with immunohistochemical microscopy and in situ hybridization. CMV signals were detected in the tissue at 7 days postinoculation (dpi), but then they decreased and disappeared after 14dpi. Detailed observation confirmed CMV invasion of shoot apical meristem at 6–8dpi. Short interfering RNA corresponding to CMV RNAs was first detected at 7dpi and was detected up to 24dpi. These results suggest that the shoot meristem tissue is infected with CMV but subsequently recovers from the infection by RNA silencing.  相似文献   

Rhizomania is one of the most damaging and widely spread diseases in major sugar beet growing regions of the world. The causal agent, beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), is transmitted via the fungus Polymyxa betae, which retains it in the field for years. In this study, an RNA silencing mechanism was employed to induce resistance against rhizomania using intron‐hairpin RNA (ihpRNA) constructs. These constructs were based on sequences of the BNYVV 5′‐untranslated region of RNA‐2 or the flanking sequence encoding P21 coat protein, with different lengths and orientations. Both transient and stable transformation methods produced effective resistance against rhizomania correlated with the transgene presence. Among the constructs, those generating ihpRNA structures with small intronic loops produced the highest frequencies of resistant events. The inheritance of transgenes and resistance was confirmed over generations in stably transformed plants.  相似文献   

Tomato plants infected with Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) had severe leaf curling and vein necrosis. The disease symptoms began to diminish during the late stages of infection, however, and almost healthy-looking leaves began to appear on the upper portion of the plants. PSTVd concentrations reached their highest levels in leaves with severe symptoms and decreased in upper leaves recovering from severe symptoms. PSTVd-specific short interfering RNAs (siRNAs), characteristic of RNA silencing, accumulated in all leaves in which PSTVd reached a detectable level, suggesting that recovery from severe disease was induced by RNA silencing via sequence-specific degradation of PSTVd.  相似文献   

In plants, green fluorescent protein (GFP) has become a preferred molecular marker for gene expression and cellular localization, and plant viral vectors are valuable tools for heterologous gene expression. Some plant viruses have been used for expression of GFP, and the activities of these viruses are barely affected by the extra GFP gene. In contrast, the packaging and the length of Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) genome is strictly limited when foreign genes are inserted into the coding sequences of TCV genome. In this report, we removed the silencing suppressor p38 from TCV, and constructed GFP derivatives of TCV. Then the resulting TCV mutants were used to infect Arabidopsis plants containing mutations in key silencing pathway genes, including triple dcl2/dcl3/dcl4, dcl2, dcl4 and ago mutant plants. Our results demonstrate that the activity of TCV is affected by nonviral GFP insert in Arabidopsis plants, and RNA silencing appears not play an important role. AGOs appear to be more efficient at slicing RNAs of viral origin, especially AGO2 and AGO7. Although the viral suppressors of RNA silencing (VSRs) P19 and 2b can enhance the accumulation of viral RNAs, neither P19 nor 2b can significantly increase the expression of TCV mutants with nonviral genes. TCV is an example of an RNA virus that is recalcitrant to add nonviral gene sequences.  相似文献   

 以克隆载体pGEMT-PVY-NHC为模板,用PCR方法获得HC-Pro基因,构建表达载体pPIC9K-HC,将重组质粒经Sal I单酶切后电转化Pachia pichia GS115菌株,筛选出对G418有高抗性和在MM培养基上生长缓慢的转化子。经摇瓶发酵和1%甲醇诱导后,SDS-PAGE检测发酵液上清,在66 kD处有1个特异条带表达,目的条带蛋白占上清液总蛋白的40%。Western blot鉴定表明,表达蛋白可以和HC抗体发生结合反应。  相似文献   

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