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A thin layer chromatographic system including densitometry has been developed for determining cyclopiazonic acid in peanuts and corn. Samples are extracted with methanol-chloroform (20 + 80); the extract is stripped of most interferences by partitioning with aqueous sodium bicarbonate followed by acidification and repartitioning with chloroform. After thin layer chromatography and derivatization with dimethylaminobenzaldehyde-HCl spray, the toxin is quantitated by reflection densitometry at 540 nm. The recovery of cyclopiazonic acid averages 90% for peanuts and 85% for corn. The absolute detection limit is 25 ng per spot which translates to a detection limit of 125 micrograms/kg for a 50 g sample.  相似文献   

Proteins and other interfering substances are precipitated from soy sauce, using sodium tungstate under acidic conditions. After centrifugation, the supernate is successively extracted with ethyl ether to isolate the benzoic acid in the organic solvent. The ethyl ether extract is washed with dilute HCl. Benzoic acid is then quantitatively determined by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Recovery of sodium benzoate added to soy sauce ranged from 94 to 104%.  相似文献   

Uric acid was determined in samples of poultry excreta and animal feeds to which poultry excreta were added. The rapid colorimetric method used by Van Handel was adapted for this purpose. The method is simple, accurate, and gives reproducible results.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic (GC) method is described to determine deoxynivalenol in wheat and corn at levels as low as 20 ppb. Ground samples are extracted with water, adsorbed onto a Clin Elut column, extracted with ethyl acetate, and passed through a silica gel Sep-Pak cartridge. The final extract is then derivatized with N-heptafluorobutyrylimidazole and quantitated by GC using an electron capture detector. Recoveries are greater than 85% for spiked samples at levels of 50-1000 ppb. Results for wheat, corn, and mixed feed samples are given as well as the results of an interlaboratory study on a naturally contaminated wheat sample.  相似文献   

Two extraction and liquid chromatographic procedures are presented which separate amprolium from compounds in poultry feed or premixes that could interfere with its fluorometric determination. The procedures are based on earlier work on the determination of thiamine in food samples. Amprolium is extracted from feed with a hexane-aqueous sulfosalicylic acid mix, separated on a C18 column, and detected fluorometrically after postcolumn derivatization. For premixes, water extraction is used. Values for the amprolium content of poultry feed obtained with these procedures are in good agreement with those obtained with AOAC official methods. It is suggested that these methods with suitable modifications may be of use for routine analysis of amprolium in feeds. The overall methods are rapid and appear to give reasonable results.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, and reproducible method has been developed for the quantitative determination of free fatty acid (FFA) content in lipids extracted from poultry feeds by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy with the use of a single-bounce attenuated total reflectance (SB-ATR) accessory. An FTIR calibration curve was prepared by gravimetrically adding oleic acid (15-37%) to pure refined, bleached, and deodorized (RBD) canola oil and measuring the area of the COOH absorption band at 1710 cm-1. The oil from each of 12 poultry feed formulations was extracted using conventional Soxhlet extraction, and after evaporation of the solvent, the FFA content was determined by the conventional AOCS titrimetric procedure and by the SB-ATR/FTIR method. The SB-ATR/FTIR FFA predictions were related to those determined by the AOCS titrimetric method by linear regression, producing an R value of 0.999 and a SD of +/-0.28% FFA. Time-course spectra collected as lipids extracted into hexane indicated that a 15 min extraction was adequate to obtain a representative sample for FFA determination, with further extraction resulting in little, if any, change in the proportion of FFA in the lipid extract. Only a small volume of the hexane extract ( approximately 20 mL) yielded sufficient material for the SB-ATR/FTIR analysis. Thus, by shortening the extraction time and taking a small sample so as to reduce solvent removal time, the SB-ATR/FTIR procedure provides a very simple and rapid means of determining the FFA content of poultry feed lipids.  相似文献   

A purification procedure for cyclopiazonic acid has been developed, using sequential preparative and semi-preparative liquid chromatography. Crude cyclopiazonic acid (324 mg) was extracted from a 1 L fermentation medium with chloroform-methanol (80 + 20), dried, dissolved in chloroform, and chromatographed on an oxalic acid/silica preparative column with chloroform-methanol (99 + 1) as the eluant. A semi-preparative oxalic acid/silica column and chloroform-methanol (99.5 + 0.5) were then used for rechromatography of the partially purified cyclopiazonic acid. This second chromatographic treatment yielded fractions from which cyclopiazonic acid was readily crystallized (106.7 mg; 33% recovery). Analytical chromatography was developed using an amino column in an ion-exchange mode, with a methanol-phosphate buffer eluant. Response was linear from 10 to 800 micrograms/injection of standard solutions. Cyclopiazonic acid chemically binds sodium from soda-lime vials.  相似文献   

An atomic absorption spectrophotometric method, using the vapor generation technique for the determination of selenium in animal feed premixes containing 0.4-0.002% selenium, is described. After the sample was digested in perchloric acid and hydrogen peroxide and reduced with 6M HCl, 3 aliquots of sample, each containing about 0.4 mug Se, were taken for analysis by the standard addition method. Sodium borohydride pellets were used for the generation of selenium hydride. The relative standard deviation of a single determination averaged +/- 19%.  相似文献   


The elemental composition of corn was evaluated during the 1973 growing season in an experiment with various rates of poultry manure. In general, the nutrient concentration of plant tissue reflected poultry manure applications with the exception of Mg which declined and Ca, Fe and Na which appeared to be largely unaffected. The elemental concentrations in the corn tissue were not in a toxic range however, the nutrient balance was changed by poultry manure application. Sampling of corn early in the growing season can be quite valuable with respect to predicting nutrient concentration of more mature corn for Mg, Mn, B and Zn, but it leaves much to be desired for the other elements tested.  相似文献   

Endogenous shikimic acid determinations are routinely used to assess the efficacy of glyphosate in plants. Numerous analytical methods exist in the public domain for the detection of shikimic acid, yet the most commonly cited comprise spectrophotometric and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods. This paper compares an HPLC and two spectrophotometric methods (Spec 1 and Spec 2) and assesses the effectiveness in the detection of shikimic acid in the tissues of glyphosate-treated plants. Furthermore, the study evaluates the versatility of two acid-based shikimic acid extraction methods and assesses the longevity of plant extract samples under different storage conditions. Finally, Spec 1 and Spec 2 are further characterized with respect to (1) the capacity to discern between shikimic acid and chemically related alicyclic hydroxy acids, (2) the stability of the chromophore (t1/2), (3) the detection limits, and (4) the cost and simplicity of undertaking the analytical procedure. Overall, spectrophotometric methods were more cost-effective and simpler to execute yet provided a narrower detection limit compared to HPLC. All three methods were specific to shikimic acid and detected the compound in the tissues of glyphosate-susceptible crops, increasing exponentially in concentration within 24 h of glyphosate application and plateauing at approximately 72 h. Spec 1 estimated more shikimic acid in identical plant extract samples compared to Spec 2 and, likewise, HPLC detection was more effective than spectrophotometric determinations. Given the unprecedented global adoption of glyphosate-resistant crops and concomitant use of glyphosate, an effective and accurate assessment of glyphosate efficacy is important. Endogenous shikimic acid determinations are instrumental in corroborating the efficacy of glyphosate and therefore have numerous applications in herbicide research and related areas of science as well as resolving many commercial issues as a consequence of glyphosate utilization.  相似文献   

A rapid method is presented for detection and determination of anhydrotetracycline-HCl (ATC-HCl) and 4-epianhydrotetracycline-HCl (4-EATC-HCl) in tetracycline-HCl (TC-HCl). The method determines the 2 compounds as a sum, not individually. The first derivative absorption curve has a trough (D1) at 460 nm which is linearly related to concentration (1-10 mg/mL). ATC-HCl + 4-EATC-HCl content was determined in TC-HCl powder and capsules by the D1 and the compensation D1 spectrophotometric methods. The results were compared with those obtained using U.S. Pharmacopeia and British Pharmacopoeia methods.  相似文献   

A method is reported for determination of chromium in foodstuffs. Organic matter is digested with nitric acid, followed by oxidation to Cr(VI) and extraction with methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) after HCl addition. Chromium determinations are performed by flame absorption spectroscopy. Absence of interferences is verified and recovery tests are performed on food samples. Quantitation limit (3.8 ng/mL), accuracy (NBS Standard Reference Material 1,573 Tomato Leaves, 4,500 +/- 500 ng/g, found 3,860 +/- 409 ng/g), and precision (CV for vegetable matrix = 9.05%, CV for animal matrix = 14.95%) of the procedure are evaluated.  相似文献   

Roxarsone (4-hydroxy-3-nitrobenzenearsonic acid) is extracted from the premix with aqueous 1% ammonium carbonate. The extract is filtered, diluted, and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, using an air-acetylene flame and an arsenic electrodeless discharge lamp. The instrument response of the sample is compared to that of a standard solution of arsenic trioxide. Recoveries range from 99.7. to 100.4% and coefficients of variation range from 0.35 to 0.63%.  相似文献   

A method is described for the determination of cobalt in foods. After wet digestion, iron in the sample is removed by liquid-liquid extraction, and cobalt is isolated and extracted. Final determination is done by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Analysis of NBS reference materials by this procedure gives results in close agreement with certified values. The limit of quantitation is 4.3 ng/mL. Recovery studies and analysis of standard materials show that this method is reliable.  相似文献   

玉米全生长期叶面积指数收获测量法的改进   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
农作物全生长期冠层表现不同的结构,常规的叶面积指数测量仪器不能适用于全生长期的叶面积指数测量,提出改进的收获测量法可进行玉米全生长期叶面积指数的测量,并且测量结果也具有可比性,该法在减少常规直接测量法工作量的同时也减少了对玉米的破坏。通过对比不同生长期单株样本叶面积计算的两种方法,得出二元二次回归法比常规的形状因子法计算精度高的结论。同时,分析不同生长期玉米秆所占总面积比例的规律,得出进行叶面积指数的准确测量,玉米秆的表面积必须进行准确考虑。该研究可为同类作物叶面积指数测量提供参考,可以有效推动叶面积指数的准确快速测量及遥感反演的验证工作。  相似文献   

A liquid chromatographic method was developed for the determination of nicarbazin (4,4'-dinitrocarbanilide.2-hydroxy-4,6-dimethylpyrimidine) in chicken feed. Ground feed was extracted with hot dimethylformamide, filtered, and then cleaned up on an alumina column. The nicarbazin was eluted from the column with ethanol and quantitated using a reverse phase C-18 column, with a methanol-water mobile phase and ultraviolet detection at 344 nm. Recoveries at a typical use level of 100 micrograms/g feed averaged 98% with a standard deviation of 3%. Samples fortified at levels as low as 0.1 micrograms/g were analyzed with 92% recovery. The detection limit is 1 ng, and the response is linear between 4 and 1000 ng. Feed additives in combination with nicarbazin do not interfere with recovery.  相似文献   

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