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黑龙江省8511农场现有奶牛6200头,户养奶牛占2/3。由于近几年农场大力推广青贮玉米的种植,搞奶牛舍饲圈养,使我场的户养奶牛形成了两种饲养模式。一种我们称之为传统型,另一种是舍饲型。青贮舍饲型是指以腊熟期全株青贮玉米为主要粗饲料的常年舍饲,精料主要是补喂以蛋白质及矿物质为主的常量预混料的饲喂模式。下面就该模式在奶牛营养及生产水平、劳动生产效率、经济效益等方面的应用,进行简要分析。1营养水平及产奶量的差距九月初,在腊熟期全株收贮的青贮玉米,极大的保存了青绿阶段富含的维生素、蛋白质等营养物质,且收获阶段秸秆中含糖量…  相似文献   

青贮玉米秸饲喂奶牛效果研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
陆伊奇 《草业科学》2000,17(3):53-55
采用在奶牛日粮中分别加入青贮玉米秸和玉米秸对比试验的方法,经过30d锔喂试验,表明试验组比对照组日均产奶高1.24kg,差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

加酶高粱青贮对奶牛产奶量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验选择36头黑白花奶牛,按胎次、泌乳月、日产奶量基本一致进行逐头配对,分为试验组和对照组。试验组的牛每天饲喂20千克酶制剂处理的全株高粱青贮,对照组每天饲喂20千克全株玉米青贮藏,干草及混合精料成分和饲养量完全一致。试验期为34天。结果显示:试验组奶年日平均产奶量比对照组高2.72千克,平均日产奶量增加10.19%,极显著高于对照组奶牛日平均产奶量(p=0.0074)。说明用酶制剂处理可以显著改善青贮饲料的营养价值。  相似文献   

青贮玉米利用价值及对奶牛产奶量的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
青贮玉米具有营养丰富,适口性强,消化率高。青贮成本,比干草成本低0.018元。通过对比实验,提高产奶量2.3kg,增加收入2.45元,经济效益显著。在草原地区种植,能提高载畜量和天然草场使用面积,来改良退化严重的天然草场。青贮玉米具有很高利用价值。要大面积推广种植。  相似文献   

普通青贮玉米与微生物青贮玉米对奶牛产奶量的对比试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究普通青贮玉米和微生物青贮玉米对奶牛产奶量的影响.选取20头生理情况基本一致黑白花奶牛,分为试验组和对照组进行交叉对比试验.结果显示:饲喂微生物青贮玉米的奶牛,产奶量比饲喂普通青贮玉米的高2.27 kg,每天纯收入多7.93元.  相似文献   

地面覆盖青贮效果试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饲喂青贮饲料可以有效提高奶牛产奶量 ,增强奶牛体质 ,减少疾病的发生 ,特别是能有效解决北方寒冷地区奶牛冬、春两季缺少青绿多汁饲料的问题 ,在奶牛生产中具有举足轻重的作用。但青贮饲料收贮比较麻烦 ,而且成本较高。如何降低青贮饲料的收贮成本是降低奶牛饲养成本 ,增加养牛收入的关键。目前 ,青贮饲料一般都利用青贮窑或青贮壕收贮 ,但建窑和建壕投入大、不方便。特别是新养牛户 ,无力一次性投入较多资金建设青贮窑 (壕 ) ,在一定程度上制约了青贮饲料的推广应用。为了降低青贮饲料收贮的成本 ,我们于 2 0 0 1年在县蓄财奶牛场进行了地…  相似文献   

在奶牛生产中用全株青贮玉米饲喂,通过对照试验结果显示,试验组总产奶比对照组提高16.67%(P<0.05);饲料转化率试验组比对照组提高28%(P<0.05),可见用全株青贮玉米饲喂奶牛,在奶牛的产奶量、饲料转化率方面具有明显作用。  相似文献   

合理、科学地开发和利用畜禽粪便为再生饲料不仅可以缓解养殖业蛋白饲料紧缺局面、降低养殖成本,还可以减少环境污染,保护生态平衡,具有良好的经济、生态和社会效益。畜禽粪便中,营养价值最高的是鸡粪,其中约30%的饲料养分未被消化利用,粗蛋白含量达25%以上,各种氨基酸和矿物质含量比谷物饲料高,维生素含量丰富。不管是饲料资源紧张的国家(如日本)或是饲料资源不紧张的国家(如加拿大)都已把鸡粪作为配合饲料原料,日本全年消耗的饲料有20%左右是鸡粪。鸡粪中粗蛋白的50%左右为尿酸、氨、尿素、肌酸酐等NPN组成,…  相似文献   

玉米青贮和黄贮对奶牛饲喂效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为科学利用秸秆提供有效数据并起到实验示范带动作用,用玉米秸秆青贮与玉米秸秆黄贮进行奶牛饲喂对比试验。试验设为3组,分别为青贮组、黄贮+青贮组和黄贮组,试验期为60天。结果表明:TMR日粮在能量、蛋白水平相近的情况下,玉米秸秆青贮组和玉米秸秆黄贮组,产奶量和乳品质差异不显著,获利基本相同。饲喂青贮加黄贮组,无论是产奶量、乳品质,还是获利在3个组中都是最低的。  相似文献   

添加乳酸菌制剂青贮饲料饲喂奶牛效果试验   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以乳酸菌青贮和常规青贮两种处理对16头泌乳牛进行了40天的饲喂对比试验。结果表明:添加乳酸菌制剂的青贮比常规青贮品质高,适口性好。试验组比对照组多产奶426.0kg,头日增加收入1.39元,试验期内多增怍444.85元,具有明显的经济效益。  相似文献   

To identify the effects of whole crop maize silage (MS) as a substitute for rice straw (RS) on feed intake and milk production of mid-late lactating buffalo and cattle in Tarai, Nepal, eight Murrah and eight Jersey-Hariana were fed the basal diet, RS ( ad libitum ) with concentrate (0.68% of bodyweight [BW] on a dry matter [DM] basis). A 4 × 4 Latin square design experiment was conducted in each animal species with graded levels of MS substitution for RS (0%, T1; 33%, T2; 67%, T3 and 100%, T4). The MS had higher digestibility and total digestible nutrient (TDN) than RS. The DM intake per BW of the both species was highest in T3. The substitution of MS for RS increased the crude protein intake and the TDN intake in the both species. Although the buffalo showed the highest milking performance in T4, the cattle showed no significant differences in their milking performance among the treatments. The substitution of MS for RS improved the feed intake and milk production in the buffalo. On the other hand, the milk yield was not raised in the cattle, though the feed intake was increased by the substitution.  相似文献   

大豆黄酮对奶牛产奶量和乳中常规成分的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
研究口服大豆黄酮对不同泌乳期奶牛产奶量和乳中常规成分的影响。结果表明,1)大豆黄酮能明显提高泌乳中期奶牛的产奶量;2)大豆黄酮可显著提高泌乳晚期奶牛乳蛋白含量和乳脂率;另外对乳糖的影响是泌乳早期和泌乳晚期上升,而泌乳中期有所下降。  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of tropical legume (Phaseolus calcaratus) mixed with ruzi grass feeding on the performance of...  相似文献   

Five diets containing concentrate, grass silage and whole crop barley silage (WCBS) harvested at different maturity stages were fed to 15 multiparous dairy cows in an incomplete change-over design over three periods. Three diets contained 10.7 kg dry matter (DM) concentrate, 4 kg DM grass silage, and ad libitum access to WCBS harvested at either the heading stage (B1), the early milk stage (B2) or the early dough stage (B3) of maturity. The other two diets contained 10.7 kg DM concentrate, whereas grass silage and WCBS at heading were mixed at two different ratios with a DM content of WCBS of either 0.30 (M1) or 0.70 (M2), and the mixtures were fed ad libitum. Intakes of DM (kg day− 1: B1 = 21.0, B2 = 20.6 and B3 = 20.0) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF; kg day− 1: B1 = 7.0, B2 = 6.4 and B3 = 6.3) decreased, whereas starch intake increased (kg day− 1: B1 = 3.1, B2 = 3.5 and B3 = 4.0) with increasing maturity at harvest. The apparent organic matter (OM) digestibility (g kg− 1: B1 = 800, B2 = 774 and B3 = 729) decreased with increasing maturity stage, and consequently so did the digestible OM intake. Milk (kg day− 1: B1 = 27.2, B2 = 26.1 and B3 = 25.9) and energy corrected milk (ECM; kg day− 1: B1 = 31.0, B2 = 29.4 and B3 = 28.2) yields, and protein concentration (g kg− 1: B1 = 37.1, B2 = 36.4 and B3 = 36.0) decreased with increasing maturity stage of the WCBS. When cows were fed diet B3 the milk fat concentration decreased (46.4 g kg− 1) compared to diets B1 (49.3 g kg− 1) and B2 (49.4 g kg− 1). The difference in ECM yield between diets B1 and B3 was due to a combined effect of lower milk yield, and lower protein and fat concentrations. This was caused by the higher starch and lower NDF intakes with diet B3, which decreased the milk fat concentration. Moreover, a lower energy intake of diet B3 due to lower OM digestibility decreased milk protein concentration and milk yield. Mixing WCBS at the heading stage with grass silage (M2) decreased digestibility, compared to feeding the forages separately (B1). However, the differences were small and may be a result of soil contamination at harvest of some of the silages, which made the method with using incomplete faecal collection and internal marker acid insoluble ash less reliable. Including WCBS at the heading stage at 0.30 or 0.70 of forage DM did not affect DM intake or diet digestibility, probably because the grass silage in the study was very similar in energy content to the WCBS harvested at heading.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of substituting ear corn silage (ECS) for commercial formula feed on milk production and milk fatty acid profiles in grazing dairy farms during the summer season. A field survey was conducted on five grazing dairy farms in every summer month of 2017, 2018, and 2019. Three of the five farms substituted fresh ECS for the commercial formula feed at a ratio of 2:1 from July of each year (ECS farms). Other farms maintained the same feeding management as before (non‐ECS farms). An interview survey was conducted on each farm to calculate feed intake and milk yield per cow. Feed and milk samples were collected in each survey. Milk compositions and milk fatty acid profiles were determined. The substitution of ECS for the commercial formula feed did not affect milk yield or milk composition, but ECS farms maintained low levels of milk urea compared with non‐ECS farms (p < .01). The ECS substitution also influenced some of the milk fatty acid proportions; C16:0 and C16:1 increased, and trans‐11 C18:1, cis‐9,trans‐11 C18:2, and the sum of polyunsaturated fatty acids decreased, while these fatty acid proportions were maintained in non‐ECS farms throughout the summer season (p < .05).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the practicality of the metabolic profile test (MPT) for feeding evaluation in dairy cattle. Stepwise regression analysis was used to evaluate the relationships of MPT to feeding and milk production of 4,679 cows in 343 commercial dairy herds. Significant explanatory variables were determined by forward set-up selection, among the deviated values from the reference values of 10 blood metabolites and body condition score, to predict dependent variables, i.e., milk production and the rate of feeding to nutrient requirements, in each or all lactation stages and the dry period. The milk production model of the all-lactation stage showed the greatest goodness-of-fit (adjusted R(2)=0.214, p<0.0001) with high positive regression coefficients for serum cholesterol, magnesium, urea nitrogen and albumin, and negative for glucose and calcium. In the feeding models, goodness-of-fit of crude protein was relatively high (R(2)=0.072, p<0.0001) with a positive relationship to blood urea nitrogen. Although the other feeding models were low in goodness-of-fit, several significant explanatory variables to feeding were found. All feeding models in the late lactation stage and the dry period, in which the feeding was stable, had greater goodness-of-fit than those in the early lactation stage in which milk production varied. It was concluded that the values which deviated from the reference values for the MPT components could assess milk production and feeding, and the MPT is a practical tool for auxiliary feeding evaluation.  相似文献   

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