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The purpose of this study was to evaluate both, clinically and with electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings, the effect of gold wire implants in acupuncture points in dogs with uncontrolled idiopathic epileptic seizures. Fifteen dogs with such diagnosis were enrolled in the study. A first EEG recording was performed in all dogs under anaesthesia with xylazine (1 mg/kg) and propofol (6 mg/kg) before the treatment protocol, and a second EEG was performed 15 weeks later. Relative frequency power, intrahemispheric coherence available through EEG, number of seizures and seizure severity were compared before and after treatment using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test. There were no significant statistical differences before and after treatment in relative power or in intrahemispheric coherence in the EEG recording. However, there was a significant mean difference in seizure frequency and seizure severity between control and treatment periods. After treatment, nine of the 15 dogs (60%) had at least a 50% reduction in seizures frequency during the 15 weeks established as follow-up of this treatment.  相似文献   

Objective : To determine if age, breed, gender, weight or distraction index (DI) influenced the risk of radiographic osteoarthritis (OA) of canine hip dysplasia (CHD) in four common dog breeds; the American bulldog, Bernese mountain dog, Newfoundland and standard poodle. Materials and Methods : This was a cross sectional prevalence study with 4349 dogs. Canine hips were evaluated using 3 radiographic projections: the hip-extended view, the compression view and the distraction view. The hip-extended view was examined for the presence of OA. The PennHIP distraction view was utilized to calculate the DI. For all breeds, a multiple logistic regression model incorporating age, weight, gender, and DI was created. For each breed, disease-susceptibility curves grouping dogs on the basis of age were constructed. Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves were developed for each breed regardless of age. Results : For all breeds, DI was the most significant risk factor for the development of OA associated with CHD. Weight and age were also significant risk factors in all four breeds, but gender was not. Clinical Significance : Results from this study support previous findings, that irrespective of breed, the probability of radiographic OA increases with hip joint laxity as measured by the DI. Breed-specific differences in this relationship, however, warrant investigation of all breeds affected by CHD to determine inherent dependency of hip OA on joint laxity. Such findings guide veterinarians in helping dog breeders to make evidence-based breeding decisions and in informing dog owners to implement preventative treatments for CHD for dogs found to be at risk.  相似文献   

This study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of acupuncture on induced chronic arthritis of the dog by thermography. Complete Freund's adjuvant was injected into the left knee joint of 8 dogs to induce arthritis. Acupuncture was applied to BL-40, GB-33, GB-34, and LIV-8 once a week for 4 consecutive weeks, from 3 weeks after induction of chronic arthritis, in treatment group. At 3 weeks of acupuncture treatment, skin temperature difference (DeltaT) of treatment group returned to normal range (< 0.3 degrees C), while DeltaT remained high in non-treatment group. Infrared thermography (IRT) is useful to evaluate the treatment of acupuncture for induced canine chronic arthritis. Therefore, it is considered that clinical application of IRT in arthritis treatment would be also valuable.  相似文献   

Cemented THA is an established procedure for treating arthropathies of the hip in large, healthy mature dogs. CHD with secondary osteoarthritis is the most common indication. Although comparative studies between THA and excision arthroplasty have not been reported, our experience with both procedures and studies in the literature support THA as the best available treatment for crippling degenerative joint disease secondary to CHD in large, mature dogs. Negative aspects of the procedure include high cost, the potential of significant complications, and the sophisticated surgical technique required. Improvements in patient selection, design of implants, surgical technique, and postoperative care have decreased the incidence of complications and improved the success rate to over 90%. However, concerns in human applications about cement disease and the desire to increase the functional life of the prosthesis have renewed interest in cementless systems. Advantages of cementless THA are fixation via bony ingrowth and avoidance of problems associated with PMMA. Important technical aspects of cementless THA relate to optimal fit and fill so that the prosthesis is stable, bone ingrowth is promoted, and weight-bearing forces are transferred to the proximal femur physiologically. Problems recognized with cementless systems include fissure fracture, bone resorption, and excessive motion between the implant and bone. Currently, investigations are being conducted to develop prosthetic materials that more closely match the stiffness of bone, stem designs that provide optimal fit and maintain normal strain patterns in the bone, and coating materials that promote permanent fixation by bone ingrowth. Early clinical results in humans and research results in dogs have been encouraging but have not withstood the test of time. Results of cementless techniques must be compared to the standards set by cemented THA over the last 20 years in humans and the last 10 years in dogs.  相似文献   

A transarticular pinning technique is described for the treatment of coxo-femoral luxation in the dog. It provides an alternative technique in recurrent luxation cases and in cases complicated by other factors which render more conservative methods inapplicable.  相似文献   

Seventy-eight dogs with pain due to hip dysplasia were studied in a controlled, double-blind clinical trial to evaluate gold bead implantation as a pain-relieving treatment. The dogs were randomly assigned to two groups, 36 in the gold implantation group and 42 in the placebo group. Both groups were treated equally regarding anaesthesia, hair clipping and penetration of the skin with the same type of needle. The gold implantation group had small pieces of 24 carat gold inserted through needles at five different acupuncture points and the placebo group had the skin penetrated at five non-acupuncture points so as to avoid any possible effect of stimulating the acupuncture points. A certified veterinary acupuncturist marked the points, and two surgeons performed the implantations according to a randomisation code made in advance. After 14 days, three months and six months, the owners assessed the overall effect of the treatments by answering a questionnaire, and the same veterinarian examined each dog and evaluated its degree of lameness by examining videotaped footage of it walking and trotting. The treatment was blinded for both the owners and the veterinarian. There were significantly greater improvements in mobility and greater reductions in the signs of pain in the dogs treated with gold implantation than in the placebo group. The veterinarian's and the owners' assessments corresponded well.  相似文献   

An extremely obese, mixed breed dog, with severe bilateral hip osteoarthritis was presented with progressive hindlimb lameness. In addition, three giant lipomas were diagnosed, one causing mechanical irritation within the left axillary region. Previous treatments of dietary weight loss and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs had failed. Minimally invasive liposuction of the lipomas was performed, resulting in weight loss of 3 kg, representing 10 per cent of the dog's bodyweight. Conservative treatment was continued, and the dog improved rapidly postoperatively. Liposuction of lipomas may be considered as an alternative to traditional surgical resection in cases where seroma formation and delayed wound healing may be expected. Acute weight loss through liposuction may improve lameness associated with osteoarthritis and motivate the owner compliance for further weight loss.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the number of dogs required to find linkage to heritable traits of hip dysplasia in dogs from an experimental pedigree. ANIMALS: 147 Labrador Retrievers, Greyhounds, and their crossbreed offspring. PROCEDURE: Labrador Retrievers with hip dysplasia were crossed with unaffected Greyhounds. Age at detection of femoral capital ossification, distraction index (DI), hip joint dorsolateral subluxation (DLS) score, and hip joint osteoarthritis (OA) were recorded. Power to find linkage of a single marker to a quantitative trait locus (QTL) controlling 100% of the variation in a dysplastic trait in the backcross dogs was determined. RESULTS: For the DI at the observed effect size, recombination fraction of 0.05, and heterozygosity of 0.75, 35 dogs in the backcross of the F1 to the Greyhound generation would yield linkage at a power of 0.8. For the DLS score, 35 dogs in the backcross to the Labrador Retriever generation would be required for linkage at the same power. For OSS, 45 dogs in the backcross to the founding Labrador Retrievers would yield linkage at the same power. Fewer dogs were projected to be necessary to find linkage to hip OA. Testing for linkage to the DLS at 4 loci simultaneously, each controlling 25% of the phenotypic variation, yielded an overall power of 0.7 CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Based on this conservative single-marker estimate, this pedigree has the requisite power to find microsatellites linked to susceptibility loci for hip dysplasia and hip OA by breeding a reasonable number of backcross dogs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate histologically the action of chondroitin sulphate in osteoarthritis experimentally induced by continuous immobilization. Fourteen young female Norfolk rabbits aged 2.5-3 months at the beginning of the experiment were divided into two equitable groups submitted to immobilization of the right knee for a period of 12 weeks. The treated group received 1.0 ml/animal/s.c. of 12% chondroitin sulphate, once a week for 12 weeks, and the untreated group did not receive any treatment. Two additional animals were not submitted to knee immobilization (sham group). Microscopical examination of knee preparations stained with haematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichrome showed lesions of both joints in treated and untreated groups, with no significant difference between the scores obtained for the right and left knees. Examination of preparations stained with picrosirius red showed collagen fibre alignment and misalignment in the right and left knees of the animals of all groups, but statistic analysis could not be performed. It was not possible to differentiate the proteoglycan concentration between limbs or groups (treated and untreated) by safranin O or toluidine blue staining. It was possible to conclude that the chondroitin sulphate was not able to reduce the histological changes induced by this osteoarthritis experimental model.  相似文献   

Triple osteotomy of the pelvis with transplantation of the greater trochanter was performed in 41 immature dogs (77 hips) with hip dysplasia. Before surgery, all hips were moderately to severely subluxated and unstable on palpation. The juxta-acetabular location of the ilial, ischial, and pubic osteotomies allowed repositioning of the acetabulum over the femoral head even when subluxation was severe. The acetabular fragment was rotated 70 degrees to 90 degrees in all hips. After surgery, craniodorsal coverage of the femoral head was increased and each hip was stable on palpation. Bilateral procedures were performed 4 to 7 weeks apart. The functional status of the limb was assessed and physical examination and radiography were performed in 71% (55) of the hips 1.0 to 5.5 years (mean, 2.7 years) after surgery. Functional ability was considered satisfactory in 93% (51) of the limbs, though few dogs had a normal gait. On palpation, all hips were stable and all but one were evaluated as nonpainful. In most instances, contact between the femoral neck and the repositioned acetabular rim resulted in a variable amount of crepitus and restriction of motion when the hip was abducted and rotated externally and internally. Eighty-two percent (45) of the hips had little or no evidence of degenerative joint disease. A satisfactory functional, physical, and radiographic result was obtained in 73% (40) of the hips.  相似文献   

Changes in hip joint congruity was evaluated in dogs with hip dysplasia before and after triple pelvic osteotomy by computed tomography examination in the standing position. Lateral center edge angle significantly increased, and center distance (CD) significantly decreased after surgery compared to the values before surgery, respectively. There was an inverse proportion between the postoperative period and the change in the ratio of CD. These results suggested that joint laxity was improved with time after surgery, providing evidence of the clinical usefulness of this surgery.  相似文献   

An Alaskan Malamute underwent unilateral tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) surgery to stabilise a stifle joint with a deficient cranial cruciate ligament. The dog made an excellent recovery with no postoperative complications, until 20 months post-surgery when he presented with acute onset ipsilateral pelvic limb lameness. Osteosarcoma (OSA) was diagnosed adjacent to the titanium implants. Currently, there is a paucity of information on the epidemiology of OSA adjacent to orthopaedic implants in canine patients. The clinical, radiological and pathological findings of this case of periprosthetic OSA, and a potential causal relationship between titanium implants and bone neoplasia, are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study genetic parameters for canine hip dysplasia (CHD), canine elbow dysplasia (CED) and osteochondrosis dissecans of the humeral head (OCD) were analysed in Bernese mountain dogs. The data set included the official scores for CHD and CED from 5534 Bernese mountain dogs born in the years 1995-2008. A multivariate linear animal model was employed to estimate heritabilities, additive genetic and residual correlations using residual maximum likelihood (REML). Heritability estimates were h2 = 0.26 for CHD, h2 = 0.22 for CED and h2 = 0.40 for OCD. The additive genetic correlation between CHD and CED was 0.31, between CHD and OCD 0.25, and between CED und OCD -0.49. A further multivariate analysis of the prevalence of the FCP (fragmented coronoid processus), CHD and OCD revealed a heritability of h2 = 0.59 for FCP. The additive genetic correlations among FCP and CHD as well CED except FCP were positive, but negative with OCD. Multivariately estimated breeding values will lead to higher genetic progress because the correlation structure of the traits can be taken into account and possible genetic antagonisms among traits are better reflected in the breeding values.  相似文献   

Results from radiographic screening for canine hip dysplasia (CHD) and elbow dysplasia (CED) of 48 367 German shepherd dogs born in 2001–07 were used for the population genetic analyses. Available information included CHD scores for 47 730 dogs, CED scores for 28 011 dogs and detailed veterinary diagnoses of primary ED lesions for a subsample of 18 899 dogs. Quasi‐continuous traits were CHD, CED and cases of CED without radiographically visible primary lesion (CED‐ARTH). Binary coding was used for fragmented medial coronoid process of the ulna (FCP), borderline findings and mild to severe signs of dysplasia in hip and elbow joints. Genetic parameters were estimated in univariate threshold and multivariate linear and mixed linear‐threshold models using Gibbs sampling. Correlations between univariately predicted breeding values (BV) indicated genetic differences between borderline and affected disease status for both CHD (rBV = 0.5) and CED (rBV = 0.3). Multivariate genetic analyses with separate consideration of borderline findings revealed moderate heritabilities of 0.2–0.3 for the quasi‐continuous traits with positive additive genetic correlation of 0.3 between CHD and both CED and CED‐ARTH. For FCP, heritability of 0.6 and additive genetic correlations of +0.1 to CHD and ?0.1 to CED‐ARTH were estimated. Results supported the relevant genetic determination of CHD and CED, argued for both diseases against interpretation of borderline findings as healthy and implied genetic heterogeneity of CED. Accordingly, future breeding strategies to reduce the prevalences of CHD and CED in the German shepherd dog should be most efficient when based on BV from multivariate genetic evaluation for CHD, CED‐ARTH and FCP with use of the whole scale of categories for classification of CHD and CED.  相似文献   

Indications, preoperative planning, and surgical procedure for the three-plane intertrochanteric osteotomy are described. The goal of this procedure is to decrease the biomechanical stress in the coxofemoral joint, thereby relieving pain associated with early stage canine hip dysplasia. Clinical signs of pain are alleviated for many years.  相似文献   

The relationship between puppy hip laxity at 6–8 weeks and radiographic hip dysplasia at 12–18 months was investigated. Two methods of hip laxity assessment were studied and compared. A significant positive relationship was found. Using simple statistical and decision theory principles an approach to the application of these results to a selection programme for guide dogs was discussed and performed. The economic value of early examination for hip dysplasia was demonstrated for the situation studied.  相似文献   

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