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 在东北黑土区振祥小流域全面调查的基础上,采用坡面防护、沟道治理等工程措施,配置相应的林草措施,并辅之以适当的耕作措施,对振祥小流域进行了水土保持综合治理开发,并对治理后产生的效益进行初步评价。经过5a的实践,综合治理取得了良好的生态、经济和社会效益。2008年各项措施全部生效,每年拦蓄径流30.65万m3,保土总量1.71万t,水土流失区土壤侵蚀模数由治理前的2350 t/(km2.a)下降到416t/(km2.a),年增加经济收益29.39万元,林草覆盖率由治理前的9.0%增加到12.3%。证明该综合治理措施适用于黑土区,为黑土区小流域综合治理的全面开展提供参考。  相似文献   

Variation in soil texture has a profound effect on soil management, especially in texturally complex soils such as the polder soils of Belgium. The conventional point sampling approach requires high sampling intensity to take into account such spatial variation. In this study we investigated the use of two ancillary variables for the detailed mapping of soil texture and subsequent delineation of potential management zones for site‐specific management. In an 11.5 ha arable field in the polder area, the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) was measured with an EM38DD electromagnetic induction instrument. The geometric mean values of the ECa measured in both vertical and horizontal orientations strongly correlated with the more heterogeneous subsoil clay content (r = 0.83), but the correlation was weaker with the homogenous topsoil clay content (r = 0.40). The gravimetric water content at wilting point (θg(?1.5 MPa)) correlated very well (r = 0.96) with the topsoil clay content. Thus maps of topsoil and subsoil clay contents were obtained from 63 clay analyses supplemented with 117θg(?1.5 MPa) and 4048ECa measurements, respectively, using standardized ordinary cokriging. Three potential management zones were identified based on the spatial variation of both top and subsoil clay contents. The influence of subsoil textural variation on crop behaviour was illustrated by an aerial image, confirming the reliability of the results from the small number of primary samples.  相似文献   

华北山前平原农田土壤肥力演变与养分管理对策   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过对2000 年、2008 年栾城县农田土壤养分与1979 年土壤普查资料的比较, 分析了养分肥力指标的变化程度, 研究了30 年间该县农田土壤养分演变趋势及其原因, 提出了养分资源管理的相应对策。研究结果表明, 2008 年土壤肥力状况较2000 年和1979 年发生了明显变化, 土壤有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量均有显著提高(P<0.01), 碱解氮含量增加尤为显著。土壤碱解氮平均含量由1979 年的56.7 mg·kg-1 增加到2000 年的80.0 mg·kg-1 和2008 年的109.1 mg·kg-1, 1979~2000 年间土壤碱解氮以每年1.1 mg·kg-1 的平均速度增长, 年均增长率1.9%, 增幅41.1%; 进入21 世纪后, 增长速度明显加快, 2000~2008 年间以每年3.6 mg·kg-1的平均速度增长, 年均增长率4.5%, 增幅为36.4%。土壤有机质由1979 年的11.6 g·kg-1 增加到2008 年的18.8g·kg-1, 平均每年以0.24 g·kg-1 的速度增长, 年均增长率为2.1%, 增幅为62.1%。30 年间土壤有效磷含量由17.5mg·kg-1 增加到24.7 mg·kg-1, 增加幅度为41.1%。由于受到"北方石灰性土壤不缺钾"的观点影响, 20 世纪该区域农民很少施用钾肥, 1979~2000 年间土壤速效钾含量呈下降趋势, 由140.6 mg·kg-1 下降到111.4 mg·kg-1, 下降幅度20.8%; 进入21 世纪, 由于秸秆还田措施的实施和含钾肥料的施用, 至2008 年全县土壤速效钾平均含量又回升到149.5 mg·kg-1。栾城县农田土壤肥力水平较高, 生产潜力大, 该区域农田养分管理应以氮素的精确管理为核心, 以实现作物持续高产稳产与环境保护相协调为目标, 氮肥管理推行实时诊断与推荐施肥技术,磷钾肥实施恒量监控储备施用技术, 推广秸秆直接还田, 实行有机无机相结合的培肥措施。  相似文献   


Soil organic carbon (SOC) and nutrient stocks in the soil profile (0–80 cm) in four dominant land uses [forest, upland maize and millet (Bari), irrigated rice (Khet), and grazed systems)] and 0–15 cm depth along elevation gradient 1000 to 3000 m, and aspects in the Mardi watershed were measured. Soil properties at 0–15 cm depth were also measured in undisturbed forest, forest with free grazed system, managed forest, and grassland to compare the soil quality index (SQI) of topsoils. The SOC and nutrient concentration decreased with increasing profile depth. The SOC and N contents in the 0–15 cm depth of forest soils were significantly greater than the corresponding depth in upland maize and millet, irrigated rice, and grazed systems. On the other hand, available P and K concentrations at the same depth were significantly greater in upland maize and millet compared to irrigated rice, grazed system, and forest land uses. The SOC and N stocks (0–15 cm) increased from agricultural land at the valley bottom at about 1000 m above mean sea level (a.s.l.) (24 and 3 Mg ha?1) compared to undisturbed forest (74 and 5.9 Mg ha?1) at 2600 m a.s.l, demonstrating the effects of cover and elevation. Both SOC and N stocks decreased sharply in grassland (54 and 4.5 Mg ha?1) at elevations of 2600 to 2800 m a.s.l. compared with undisturbed forest. Above 2800 m a.s.l. the cover type changed from grass to coniferous forest, and the SOC and N stocks steadily increased at the summit level (3200 m a.s.l.) to 65 and 6.9 Mg ha?1, respectively. Slope and aspect significantly affected SOC with the northwest aspect having significantly higher concentrations (46 g kg?1) than other aspects. Similarly, SOC concentration at the lowest slope position (39 g kg?1) was significantly higher than the middle or upper positions (25 and 13 g kg?1). Integrated soil quality index (SQI) values varied from 0.17 to 0.69 for different land uses, being highest for undisturbed forest and lowest for irrigated rice. The SQI demonstrated the degradation status of land uses in the following ascending order: irrigated rice?>?grazed system?>?forest with free grazing?>?upland maize and millet?>?managed forest?>?grass land?>?undisturbed forest. The irrigated rice, grazed system, upland maize and millet, and freely grazed forestlands need immediate attention to minimize further deterioration of soil quality in these land uses.  相似文献   

土壤水分变化受地形地貌、土壤质地、土地利用方式等多种因素的影响.为了分析东北典型黑土区土壤水分变化规律,以该区农业小流域为研究对象,采用野外实验的方法,从坡向和坡位出发,系统分析土壤水分在不同坡向和坡位的变化特征.结果表明:1)半阴坡平均土壤含水量低于阳坡和半阳坡;各坡向土壤水分剖面变化趋势不同,坡向仅对0 ~ 35 cm深度范围内土壤含水量变化有显著影响.2)3坡向(阳坡、半阳坡和半阴坡)土壤含水量均为下坡位>上坡位>中坡位,各坡向不同坡位土壤含水量剖面变化呈现不同趋势,坡位对测量范围内的阳坡和半阴坡,以及25 ~ 100 cm范围内的半阳坡土壤水分变化有显著影响,但对半阳坡0~ 25 cm土壤水分影响不显著.研究结果可对该地区小流域农作物合理配置及农田土壤水分管理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper investigates the ways in which some bedouin in the Nubian Desert of southeastern Egypt take decisions about both the choice of site for cultivation and the subsequent management of their soils. It explores the complementarity of formal and informal sciences and how each might profitably inform the other. Results show that the bedouin understand the physical limitations and nutrient supply properties of soils, but not aspects such as pH. Decisions on the choice of cultivation site are often made with regard to other perceived risks, such as soil loss and intermittent inundation, rather than just soil quality. It is also apparent that there exists among bedouin a plurality of indigenous knowledge mediated by factors such as experience, wealth levels, household circumstances and production priorities. Understanding indigenous knowledge is essential in helping to develop better use of the soil in this area, about which little is known and which has only a short history of small scale cropping.  相似文献   

为探讨坡耕地土壤入渗性能退化特征与分形机制,对鲁中山区选择典型小流域,运用土壤分形和水文学原理与方法,通过测定坡耕地、弃耕地、生态林地和经济林地4种土地利用类型的土壤分形特征与入渗性能,探讨土壤人渗速率与土壤颗粒分维及孔隙分维的定量关系。结果表明:1)不同土地利用类型土壤稳渗速率表现为坡耕地〉弃耕地〉生态林地〉经济林地,土壤颗粒分维数与孔隙分维数表现为生态林地〉经济林地〉弃耕地〉坡耕地;2)研究区土壤颗粒分维与孔隙分维数之间显著正相关,二者与土壤黏粒及粉粒体积分数显著正相关、与土壤入渗速率显著负相关;3)霍顿入渗模型和幂函数模型比较适用于拟合研究区土壤入渗过程与入渗速率,而菲利浦模型的适用性较差。因此,研究区土壤具有粗骨性砂土的物理特性,坡耕地耕作会加剧土壤中粉粒和黏粒等细粒物质流失,降低土壤颗粒分布与孔隙分布的均匀性及其分维数,导致土壤入渗性能增强但水肥保蓄性能降低。  相似文献   

合理的水土保持林空间配置是黄土高原植被恢复和水土保持功能持续提高的关键。在对HEC-HMS分布式水文模型参数进行率定的基础上,探讨该模型在黄土高原小流域中的适用性,模拟水土保持林覆被率以及水土保持林空间配置对场降雨径流的影响。结果表明:HEC-HMS分布式水文模型在黄土高原小流域中的应用效果良好,径流系数、洪峰流量均随森林植被覆盖率的增加而减少,随着水土保持林覆被率的提高,流域对高强度暴雨的调控能力将得到极大的提高;当水土保持林位于流域的上游、中游时,场降雨的径流量、洪峰流量均降低,水文调节效果较好。因此,在干旱的黄土高原应该适度造林,在小流域中配置水土保持林时,应该配置在上中游。  相似文献   

Abstract. We compared the effects of conventional and organic arable farming on soil organic matter (SOM) content, soil structure, aggregate stability and C and N mineralization, which are considered important factors in defining sustainable land management. Within one soil series, three different farming systems were selected, including a conventional and an organic arable system and permanent pasture without tillage. The old pasture represents optimal conditions in terms of soil structure and organic matter inputs and is characterized by high earthworm activity. More than 70 years of different management has caused significant differences in soil properties. SOM content, mineralization, earthworm activity and water-stable aggregation decreased as a result of tillage and arable cropping when compared with pasture, but were significantly greater under organic farming than under conventional farming. Total SOM contents between 0 and 20 cm depth amounted to 15, 24 and 46 g kg−1 for the conventional arable, organic arable and permanent pasture fields, respectively. Although less sensitive to slaking than the conventionally managed field, the soil under organic farming was susceptible to compaction when high pressures were exerted on the soil under wet conditions. The beneficial effects of organic farming are generally associated with soil biochemical properties, but soil physical aspects should also be considered. Depending on soil type and climate, organic farmers need to be careful not to destroy the soil structure, so that they can enjoy maximum advantage from their organic farming systems.  相似文献   

Abstract. A numerical model that incorporates the spatial variability of infiltration, surface storage and resistance to overland flow was developed, calibrated and validated for olive orchards. The model reproduced accurately amounts of runoff used in validation, and predicted runoff in olive orchards managed in different ways, in line with published results. The model was used to analyse the runoff generation in a virtual, 180 m length, 5% steep, olive grove, using 54 different scenarios which combined three different soil types, two tree canopy sizes and nine soil management techniques (four tillage scenarios: freshly or degraded tillage with and without a compacted plough layer; no-till, and four cover crops in strips differing in width and plant density). The results of the numerical experiment showed that no-till had the highest runoff coefficient, while a dense cover crop had the lowest. Recently tilled soils also exhibited some of the lowest runoff coefficients. The effects of increasing soil cover due to a greater tree canopy on runoff were significant and caused by the greater area of high infiltration beneath the canopy. Effects of tree canopy size were less important than the impact of soil management practices on runoff.  相似文献   

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