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木材变色的生物防治方法是一种利用拮抗性生物对木材进行保护的方法, 弥补了物理防治方法和化学防治方法的不足, 具有环保、效能持久、稳定等特点, 受到国内外木材研究人员的青睐。从生防菌株来源、生防菌的作用机制、生防菌的防护性能以及生防制剂应用4个方面总结了国内外木材变色生物防治技术的研究现状, 并对木材变色生物防治技术的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

经济林病害影响和制约着我国经济林产业的发展,生物防治因对环境和人类健康友好而备受关注。目前生防菌已被广泛应用于植物病害的生物防治,其通过对病原菌的竞争作用、重寄生作用、拮抗作用和对植物的促生作用、诱导抗性作用达到病害防治的效果。植物精油则通过影响病原菌细胞壁、细胞膜的合成及功能,干扰其呼吸与能量代谢、遗传物质的合成及相关功能调控、生物膜的功能及群体感应系统达到抑制病原菌的效果。综述了经济林病害中生防菌抑制病原菌的拮抗机理与精油抑菌机理,为经济林病害生物防治提供科学依据,并展望了低成本、高效率的植物精油抑菌剂在经济林病害生物防治中的潜力。  相似文献   

白桦木材在自然和人工干燥过程中易受真菌类微生物的侵染产生色变,在一定程度上降低了白桦木材的加工利用价值。本文针对白桦木材侵染菌侵染试材的化学成分变化进行分析,以期为白桦木材生物变色防治提供参考。首先对白桦木材侵染菌进行分离、纯化与鉴定,确定侵染白桦试材的侵染菌的基本类型,然后进行白桦试材接菌,最后对白桦侵染菌侵染木材的化学成分进行测定。结果表明,与未侵染素材相比,侵染菌侵染试材中苯醇抽提物含量、1%NaOH抽出物含量、热水抽出物含量和多戊糖含量均较高,而纤维素及木素含量较低。这表明侵染菌在适宜的条件下会侵蚀白桦木材细胞壁组织,造成纤维素和木素等主要成分含量的降低,导致木材组分的破坏。同时,侵染菌的存在会造成白桦木材抽提物组分中的显色及助色物质的含量变化,以致木材产生不同程度的变色。  相似文献   

阿月浑子炭疽病的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了4种生防菌和8种药剂炭疽病菌的抑制活性及其对阿月浑子炭疽病的防治效果。平板抑菌圈法试验结果表明,生防菌中的CN068、WCS358::phl对病原菌有较强的拮抗活性;药剂中的炭阻绝、炭疽福美和代森锰锌对病原菌的抑制能力较强。室内防治结果表明,CN068的防治效果较好;药剂中的炭疽福美、代森锰锌表现最好。林间防治试验中,两种药剂分别单独使用和交替使用防治都有显著的效果,其中炭疽福美的防治效果最为稳定。  相似文献   

通过化学方法、材面色差分析法、扫描电镜观察和化学成分分析,研究了白桦木材的蓝变和黄变,探讨了变色的原因及主要类型。研究结果表明:白桦蓝变材的变色是由变色菌侵蚀木材引起的,变色深入木材内部。木材薄壁细胞腔内充满了大量的变色菌丝体,菌丝体本身的颜色及其分泌的色素是木材变色的原因。蓝变材部分半纤维素发生降解,其各项抽提物含量比正常材高;而黄变材是由于自然环境变化引起的创伤性木材变色,存在于木材局部区域,其部分导管和少量木纤维细胞被胶状物所填充,内含物增加,木材三大组分没有明显变化。  相似文献   

针对外生菌根真菌子实体组成的有效成分,外生菌根真菌对病原菌重寄生作用,产生抗生素、酶、化学抑制物质等几个方面,分析了外生菌根真菌拮抗病原菌的机理,为生防菌剂筛选提供依据。  相似文献   

木材变色和变色菌的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
长喙壳属真菌不仅是引起木材变色的主要真菌,而且也是重要的植物病原菌。文中对木材变色的原因、木材变色对木材性质的影响、主要变色菌的种类、寄主范围、传播媒介等作了简述。  相似文献   

针对白桦存在的干燥变色这一缺陷,从干燥变色规律方面展开系统研究,结果表明,白桦木材材色随干燥温度和相对湿度的增加而加深,80℃和70%的相对湿度是材色速增的临界值.  相似文献   

采用5种木材腐朽菌,分别对30株天然林白桦木材进行木材腐朽处理,检测并比较腐朽木材和新鲜木材中未质素、纤维素等主耍化学成分的变化。结果表明,木蹄层孔菌腐朽后的白桦木材其重量、木质素和纤维素损失率最高,桦剥管菌次之,白囊耙齿菌最低;木蹄层孔菌腐朽后的白桦木材纤维素含量略高于新鲜白桦木材,其他4种茵腐朽后的白桦木材纤维素含量都低于新鲜白桦木材,其中桦剥管菌和彩绒革盖菌腐朽后的白桦木材纤维素含量较低。木蹄层孔菌腐朽后的白桦木材1%NaOH抽出物含量最低,苯醇抽出物含量中等,纤维素含量最高,木质素含量较低,相比之下它腐朽白桦木材的能力较强,适用于以白桦木材为原料的生物辅助造纸。  相似文献   

杨树肿干溃疡病是首次在国内发现的一种新病害。是由枝顶孢茵(Acremonium sp.)和镰刀菌(Fusariumsp.)引起。症状为树干外部肿大、内部变色,有腐朽现象,易被风折,为害部位主要在主干2~3m之间,3~5年生的杨树发病严重。灭腐灵、甲基托布津对病原菌有较好抑制效果,大田防治效果均达到90%左右。B8、137、B37生防细菌菌株对病原菌拮抗力较强。  相似文献   

樟子松生材的防霉防变色处理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来我国从俄罗斯进口大量樟子松木材,因新采伐的樟子松原木和湿锯材极易被霉菌和变色茵感染,在温暖潮湿季节引起边材严重变色而降等。为有效防止霉菌和变色茵的侵害,采用TBQ木材防腐剂对其进行防霉、防变色处理试验。结果表明:将湿锯材样品在6%TBQ溶液中浸泡1h后,其防霉、防变色效果可达到98%.说明TBQ木材防腐剂有良好的防霉、防变色效果。建议在木材产区或进口口岸制材并就地进行防霉、防蓝变处理后再运往国内市场。  相似文献   

To understand wood colonization by sapstain fungi and their potential biocontrol agents, it is necessary to differentiate these organisms directly on their natural substrates. In the present study the feasibility of transforming with the green fluorescent protein (GFP), the sapstain fungus Ophiostoma piceae and a potential biocontrol agent Cartapip®, an Ophiostoma piliferum albino strain was assessed. Transformants of the two fungal species were screened by polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot analyses. The GFP was expressed in spores, synnemata and mycelia of the transformants grown in artificial media or wood. The growth, pigmentation and wood colonization of the transformants were similar to that of the non‐transformants, suggesting that the presence of the gfp gene had no negative effect on the biology of the transformants. Using fluorescence and confocal microscopy, the GFP‐expressing fungi were easily differentiated from the wild‐type strains and other fungal species in wood, even 4 months after inoculation. The results show that the use of the GFP system is feasible to monitor Ophiostoma fungi in wood.  相似文献   

为了研究苏鲁两省杨树木材变色、变色真菌和造成的损失,于2005—2010年分别对9个县市杨木加工厂进行了调查和定点观察。结果表明,在杨树砍伐后,在露天存放22~80天杨原木和单板存在不同程度边材变色,其变色程度与在露天存放时间有密切关系。春夏之交砍伐的杨木比冬季砍伐的杨木更易变色;3~5年生杨木比8—9年生杨木更易变色;剥皮杨木比带皮杨木更易变色;单板变色比原木更明显,致使单板的经济价值可降低25%~30%。鉴定出引起杨木变色的真菌有23属32种,其中危害最严重的变色菌主要有可可球二孢、交链孢、球孢枝孢。其中不高双孢菌、红紫球二孢、青琐龙孢球二孢在杨木上属于首次报道。  相似文献   

八种防霉剂对橡胶木和竹材霉菌及蓝变菌的毒性试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
霉菌和蓝变菌是橡胶木和竹材变质的主要原因之一。八种防霉荆对上述木竹材霉菌及蓝变菌的毒性试验结果表明:祛霉乐防霉剂对霉菌的最低抑制浓度为2~10PPm,和MECT相当,对蓝变菌有特效,防治橡胶木或竹材霉菌和蓝变菌的最低有效浓度为0.2%,可替代五氯酚钠和进口防霉剂。  相似文献   

本文简要阐述了新型木材防腐剂百菌清(chlorothalonil)制剂防止木材霉菌、变色菌、木腐菌、土栖白蚁的研究近况,并对我国将来开展百菌清的研究提出了建议好的有以下几种制剂:0.50%百菌清+0.50%DDAC、1.0%百菌清乳剂,0.50%百菌清+0.10%IPBC等,防变色菌效果与1.0%五氯酚钠(NaPCP)相当[5]。2防止木腐菌2.1单一百菌清制剂对木腐菌(P.gigantea,A.vailanti等)防止效果较好的是1.0%百菌清乳剂,其次是1.0%百菌清可湿性粉剂、0.50%百菌清乳剂、0.50%百菌清+0.50%DDAC、0.50%百菌清+0.10%DITS[5]。百菌清防止木材6种褐腐菌及5种白腐菌的效果与PCP及CCA-C进行了比较;对Neolentinuslepi-deus,Trametesverscolor菌种,百菌清的抑制效果不及PCP;对Irpexlacteus,Trameteshispida菌种,百菌清的抑制效果较PCP好;对其它菌种,百菌清的抑制效果与PCP相当。对Gloeophylumtrabeum、Postiaplacenta、Coniophoraputeana、Se  相似文献   

Supply of clear, unstained logs from an export country is important economically as well as in reducing the biosecurity risk to an importing country such as Japan. Although conditions found within the holds of ships containing logs are thought to be ideal for rapid colonization of sapstain fungi, no research has been conducted. Research-focussed log export trials were designed to determine the extent of sapstain colonisation at specific points in the processing of logs from harvesting to arrival at the export destination. Two trials were established, in the austral summer and winter, in which mature Pinus radiata logs were harvested in New Zealand and shipped to export ports in Japan. Data loggers placed above and below deck of the ships recorded microclimatic conditions. Nine species of sapstain fungi were isolated from logs during the summer trial; the most common species isolated were Ophiostoma floccosum, Ophiostoma querci, and Ophiostoma setosum. In contrast, ten sapstain species were detected during the winter trial, with Sphaeropsis sapinea, O. querci, O. floccosum, and O. setosum most commonly isolated. This research was the first successful attempt at measuring visual sapstain development and isolating sapstain fungi from the time of harvesting to arrival at an export destination.  相似文献   

Summary This study compared the susceptibility of five UK‐grown conifer species to colonization by sapstain fungi in two trials carried out in consecutive years. The conifers consisted of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi), Norway spruce (Picea abies), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta). Freshly cut 1‐m logs were exposed to the available inoculum of sapstain fungi from April to August in a woodland environment in the south east of England. Logs of each species were removed after 1‐, 2‐ and 4‐month exposure and sampled destructively to assess the amount of sapstain. In the second trial, per cent moisture content and concentrations of nitrogen, carbohydrate and phenolic compounds in the sapwood were also measured at the start and end of the trial. After 2 months, only the sapwood of both pine species had significant levels of sapstain; mean values of 37% and 19% for lodgepole pine (year 1 and year 2 respectively) and 12% and 1% for Scots pine. After 4 months, the levels of sapstain in both pine species exceeded 60% in both years. By contrast, very little sapstain developed in the other conifer species with maximum mean values of 10% for Norway spruce, 3.5% for larch and less than 1% for Sitka spruce. Overall, the moisture content of the logs decreased progressively in all species over the length of the trial. However, pine logs tended to retain higher levels of moisture throughout the trial compared with spruce or larch. The relatively higher moisture content of pine sapwood may be closer to the optimal moisture content that sapstain fungi require for infection and colonization, thereby contributing to the increased susceptibility of pine compared with the other conifer species. The pine logs also suffered from some colonization by bark beetles (Ips sexdentatus), which increased the inoculum potential and the opportunity for colonization by sapstain fungi. In addition, particular phenolic compounds in conifer sapwood may play a role in determining the resistance of some species to sapstain. Notably the most resistant species, Sitka spruce, was the only softwood that still retained detectable levels of phenolics in the sapwood to the end of the trial.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the physiological condition of wood influenced patterns of colonization by mould and sapstain fungi. The extent of fungal defacement on sawn pine lumber Pinus nigra var. maritima that had been killed by gamma‐irradiation was compared with the defacement on untreated, still living timber that had been aged for up to 16 weeks prior to being sawn. All the sawn lumber was exposed to the natural inoculum of sapstain and mould fungi in a working sawmill environment over a 4‐week period. The results indicated that the pattern of fungal defacement differed markedly in dead or aged wood compared with untreated wood. Mould fungi were most prevalent on the dead irradiated wood, whereas sapstain fungi dominated the freshly sawn lumber which was still living. The differences appear to be independent of wood moisture content and may be related to the production of inhibitory compounds by living cells in wood as it becomes senescent and dies.  相似文献   

由于木材变色已给木材工业带来较大的经济损失,因此,有效地保护木材,提高它的利用率就变得更加重要。本文对由长喙壳和其他真菌引起的木材变色,变色机理,为害,对木材性质的影响,以及我国主要木材变色病的研究进行了概述。  相似文献   

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