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This paper aims to find a glimmer of light and hope from Eugene O’Neill’s tragedy: Long Days Journey into Night. The Tyrones’ periodic quarrel from dawn to dark is a journey into torture whereas it can also been seen as an indication of the unremitting hope for home. Behind the uneasy tensions of the characters who still cry for individual salvation, lies a world where the conflict between reality and fantasy can be resolved through love and reconciliation.  相似文献   


Madam:– I am delighted to be able to reply to this letter, and thank you for the opportunity.  相似文献   

The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the socialist core values ofpromoting prosperity,democracy,civilization and harmony,advocating freedom,equality,fairness,rule of law and advocating patriotism,dedication,integrity and friendship.Only by actively nurturing and practicing the core values of socialism can we unify our thinking and cohere force for the socialist modernization so as to realize the grand goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way during the 100th anniversary of the founding of the founding nation and build a socialist modern nation during the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China so as to realize the realization of the Chinese nation The great rejuvenation.  相似文献   


No one would question the importance of successful animal breeding to the economy of a country such as New Zealand where more than 90% of the national overseas earnings are derived from animals and their products. The reproductive efficiency of all classes of livestock is very much a veterinary concern, as much of the daily work of practicing veterinary surgeons and many of their research projects are concerned with regular and healthy reproduction. Animal breeding, however, covers a good deal more than regular reproduction. It is usually accepted as implying that there is some objective in the reproductive process beyond mere multiplication, so that progeny excel over their parents in some selected characters.  相似文献   

Placing a nasogastric tube can be a life-saving act for a horse but is considered an occupational hazard for veterinarians. An online questionnaire was performed to assess and specify potential risks. 123 equine veterinarians completed the survey, and the majority admitted using the mouth to handle the end of the nasogastric tube (sucking or blowing air) and having accidentally swallowed or aspirated stomach content or medications. This can potentially lead to aspiration pneumonia or pneumonitis. Mineral oil seems to be especially dangerous as aspiration may be asymptomatic at the beginning and lipoid pneumonitis may develop. Furthermore, 60% of responders would also handle the tube with their mouth if the horse was presented with fever and diarrhea or reflux formation, which might be affected by Salmonella sp. or Clostridium difficile producing toxins. The fact that nasogastric tubes are rarely being disinfected increases the risk of infection. 50% of veterinarians would use their mouth to suck or blow air into the tube during nasogastric intubation, even if the patient was presented with suspected poisoning. Rodenticide zinc phosphide is particularly dangerous as its breakdown product is a highly toxic gas. Inhalation leads to serious symptoms in humans, including pulmonary edema and neurological signs. Alternatives to mouth use (lavage, big syringe, or suction pump) when passing a tube should be considered, especially if a patient is presented with duodenitis—proximal jejunitis, diarrhea, or suspected poisoning. Awareness needs to be raised among veterinarians that nasogastric intubation is an extremely hazardous occupational practice.  相似文献   

The Joy Luck Club written by Chinese American writer Amy Tan depicts the conflicts and reconciliation between the Chinese-born mothers and American-born daughters, reflecting the clashes and fusions of two different cultures. This paper sets out from the intercultural perspective to probe into the cultural factors which contribute to the failure in communication, and strives to get inspirations from the four pair of mothers and daughters to eliminate cross-culture communication barriers.  相似文献   

With the expansion of investment overseas, a large number of Chinese people work abroad, some work in rich countries and regions, but the majority work in poor countries and regions like Western Africa. Due to objective and subjective factors, many overseas employees have mental health problems, which affect personal health and the enterprise's stable development. This paper cuts in from the definition of mental health problem, introduces the indicators of and analyzes the factors causing mental health problems, and finally comes up with guidance on how to keep overseas employees in good mental health and solve their problems.  相似文献   

A host of grassland management systems have been published and recommended. Whereas earlier approaches to grassland management emphasized the systematic resting aspect, the systems published since 1966 have tended to stress the degree of utilization of the grassland sward. In an attempt to accommodate the periodic dry periods that are so typical of the semi‐arid grasslands of western Transvaal, the Potch system of management was evolved. It aims at the development of a fodder reserve, firstly by delaying the commencement of summer grazing, and secondly, by allowing prolonged periods of absence in the grazing rotation. High utilization grazing within the concept of controlled selective grazing is prescribed. This approach was tested and demonstrated over a period of five years in an experiment comprising 240 beef breeding cows. It appeared that generally, summer grazing only commenced after the third week of November, and that the mean period of occupation amounted to 20 days, with a period of absence of 87 days. A conception rate of 85% of all the cows and heifers mated, was achieved. A stocking rate of 0.53 LSU ha?1 could be maintained in an area where the general grazing capacity is 0.33 LSU ha?1.  相似文献   

《Veterinary microbiology》2015,175(2-4):319-324
The bacteria present in the uterus during pyometra have previously been studied using bacteriological culturing. These studies identified Fusobacterium necrophorum and Trueperella pyogenes as the major contributors to the pathogenesis of pyometra. However, an increasing number of culture-independent studies have demonstrated that the bacterial diversity in most environments is underestimated in culture-based studies. Consequently, fastidious pyometra-associated pathogens may have been overlooked. Therefore, the primary purpose of this study was to investigate the diversity of bacteria in the uterus of cows with pyometra by using culture-independent 16S rRNA PCR combined with next generation sequencing.We investigated the microbial composition in the uterus of 21 cows with pyometra, which were obtained from a Danish slaughterhouse. Similar to the observations from the culture studies, Fusobacteriaceae, the family that F. necrophorum belongs to, was the operational taxonomic unit (OTU) observed in the largest quantities. By contrast, the Actinomycetaceae family, which includes T. pyogenes, constituted only 1% of the total number of reads. Thus we cannot confirm the previously reported role of species from this family in the pathogenesis of pyometra. Finally, we identified a large number of sequences representing three families of Gram-negative bacteria in the pyometra samples: Porphyromonadaceae, Mycoplasmataceae, and Pasteurellaceae. It is likely that these families comprise potential pathogenic species of a fastidious nature, which have been overlooked in previous studies. Our results increase the knowledge of the complexity of the pyometra microbiota and suggest that pathogens in addition to F. necrophorum may be involved in the pathogenesis of pyometra.  相似文献   

With the development of globalization, intercultural contact is becoming increasingly axiomatic and pervasive;however, the values and behaviors of a particular culture may not be understandable and family values may not be acceptable in another culture. Therefore, communication among people from different cultures will become more complex. This paper aims at revealing some different family values possessed by Chinese and Americans and intends to introduce that different cultures have a strong impact on the family values.  相似文献   

This paper, based on the material processes and relational processes, aims to analysis the deep meaning of chapter one of Pride and Prejudice. The relevant theories will come first in this paper. I will then analyze this extract from three aspects: the analysis of the objective plane of narration, the analysis of Mrs. Bennet' s discourse and the analysis of Mr. Bennet' s discourse.  相似文献   

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