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本文从自然条件、海洋渔业基础、滨海旅游基础等方面分析了茂名市发展滨海休闲渔业的有利条件,根据茂名市滨海旅游资源开发的需要,设计出“渔家乐”旅游、网箱养殖观光旅游、“出海捕鱼一日游”旅游、游钓旅游、渔业文化旅游等五种滨海休闲渔业模式并付之实施,获得了显著的效益。  相似文献   

对上海发展休闲渔业的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着近海渔业资源的衰退和海洋捕捞零增长战略的推行,上海作为国际型的大都市,必然要根据自身的优势条件,选择具有比较优势的休闲渔业作为上海渔业发展的重点战略选择。本文在总结了国外发展休闲渔业经验的情况下,论述了上海的优势条件,分析了上海休闲渔业的发展现状和存在的问题,指出了今后上海发展休闲渔业的指导思想和方向。  相似文献   

近几年随着人们生活水平的提高,我市休闲渔业发展较快,带动了部分休闲渔具、水族用品经销企业的发展,并为其他行业的发展起到了桥梁和纽带作用。为及时准确地掌握这一产业的动态,推动休闲渔业向产业化、社会化方向发展,我们对分布在东市区三河和西市区燕郊两地的休闲渔具、水族用品进行了拉网式普查。  相似文献   

陈思行 《海洋渔业》1983,5(3):137-137
<正> 西德汉堡渔业研究所的渔具工艺技术人员,从1981年起,把大部分精力转到低能源渔具技术的研究。在波罗的海和北海开展了各种类型定置网的试验,比较了不同类型网衣材料和网线直径。据说,用多根单丝网线制成的聚酰胺网能取得较好的捕捞效果。  相似文献   

国外休闲渔业研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对国外休闲渔业的研究进行了归纳和评述,其研究焦点集中在休闲渔业管理研究、休闲渔业资源和环境保护研究、休闲渔业游客及市场研究和休闲渔业影响研究四大方面。同时对我国休闲渔业研究进行展望,认为加强有关休闲渔业术语及内涵的研究;加强休闲渔业管理、资源及影响的研究;强化实证研究及定量分析是我国近期休闲渔业研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国社会经济的快速发展,闲暇时间的增加,人们越来越注重休闲娱乐。休闲渔业作为一种独特的休闲方式,逐步为中国城镇居民所接受。发展休闲渔业,不但有利于提高水产品附加值,带动渔民脱贫致富,而且有利于保护环境、恢复资源,为社会主义新农村建设开辟了新的途径。宁波市发展休闲渔业有着比较成熟的现实基础。文章在对宁波市休闲渔业发展条件和现状作了全面分析的基础上,提出了一系列发展思路和对策。  相似文献   

近年来我国海洋渔业生产中出现了近海某些经济鱼类资源衰退,产量下降现象,难免令人感到不安。但从全国海洋渔业总产量来看,还是在逐年稳步增长,特别是中上层鱼类和虾、蟹等产量。渔场也从近海向外海发展,有的渔业公司产量中外海的渔获量已  相似文献   

赵爱凤  吴小兰 《内陆水产》2003,28(10):41-42
休闲渔业是集渔业、游钓休闲、旅游观光为一体的新兴产业,是传统渔业的延伸和拓展。休闲渔业通过资源优化配置,把旅游观光和现代渔业有机结合起来,实现第一、二、三产业的相互转移与结合,从而创造出较高经济效益和社会效益。1国内外休闲渔业发展现状20世纪90年代初,休闲渔业在西方迅速兴起,并形成产业。据调查,美国居民参与各种休闲渔业活动的总人数达到了4430万人,休闲渔业总消费达到415亿美元,其对全社会的直接及间接经济总效益达到1160亿美元,实现联邦和地方税收73亿美元,给美国各地创造了106.8万个工作机会。在加拿大以游钓为主体的休闲…  相似文献   

渔具、渔具材料标准化研究一直是捕捞学研究的课题。截止到目前为止,渔具、渔具材料专业共发布和实施了49项标准,其中国家标准16项,作者就渔具、渔具材料标准化现状及存在的问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

朱清澄 《水产学报》2003,27(5):499-503
尼罗罗非鱼(OreochromisniloticaL.)属热带性鱼类,为我国1978年从国外引进的优良海淡水养殖对象,具有食性杂、生长速度快、肉质鲜美、经济价值高等优点[1]。目前已在我国数个省、市开展养殖。尼罗罗非鱼性喜群游,其最适生长水温为24~32℃,水温降至14℃时,活动迟缓,停止摄食,水温降至12℃以下时便逐渐死亡[2]。因此,在我国北方地区养殖的尼罗罗非鱼,一般在严冬前开始进行捕捞。水温达到20℃以上时,雄鱼会在池边或者池底挖洞,当遇到外界刺激或拉网捕捞受惊后,便潜入洞中或软泥中。尼罗罗非鱼的这一行为习性给捕捞造成很大困难,因此各地一般…  相似文献   

Abstract An assessment of the recreational fishery in north-west Trinidad was made by questioning participants about the principal fishing methods used, location of activities, catches, effort and cost of fishing. Surface handline methods (live baiting [à la vive] and trolling) and rod and line (banking) were the most common methods used and were pursued mainly in the summer months (April to August). Total fish landings from the fishery were estimated at 1000 t year-1, equivalent to about 10% of commercial catches for Trinidad. The principal species caught were kingfish, Scomberomorus cavalla (Cuv.), carite, Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Cuv.), cavalli, Caranx hippos (L.), snappers, Lutjanus spp., and groupers, Epinephelus spp. Many of the fishermen sold their catch to offset the costs of the fishing trip and thus competed with commercial fishermen. Recommendations for monitoring and possibly regulating the fishery through a licensing scheme are made.  相似文献   

Abstract  High participation in recreational fishing in Finland was explained by the tradition of families occupying summer cottages and spending leisure time close to lakes or the sea shore in summer. The characteristics of cottage dwelling fishers and other recreational fishers were compared. The summer cottage culture enhances fishing participation of urban citizens, notably children and women. Children were often introduced to fishing while dwelling in the cottages with their family. Cottage fishers favour simple angling, but catch-oriented fishing with gill nets and wire traps is also popular. Preparing meals based on the catch is an important part of Finnish cottage life, where rural traditions are mixed with the modern and urban. Summer cottage dwellers form an important group to improve local management of problems arising from intense fishing participation and divergent interests in the country.  相似文献   

根据“蟹夹”的渔具结构和捕捞原理,将其定名为漂流延绳弹夹笼壶。介绍了“蟹夹”的捕捞对象和作业方式,对其渔具性能进行了分析,对“蟹夹”渔具管理提出了若干意见。  相似文献   

报道了山东圣海渔业集团公司渔轮赴阿曼苏丹渔场生产中有关渔具使用研究的情况 ,简述了渔场自然环境 ,目前应用的捕捞乌贼效果较好的网具主要参数 ,重点探讨了渔具改进的主要措施。  相似文献   

  • 1. 309 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park recreational fishers were surveyed to examine recreational catch and harvest of elasmobranchs and to explore recreational fishers' handling behaviour and attitudes.
  • 2. Elasmobranchs represented 6% of fishers' total catch of all fish (including released individuals), and 0.8% of fishers' total harvest (i.e. retained individuals) across all survey days. The majority of elasmobranchs caught by fishers were released, primarily because they were perceived as being inedible.
  • 3. Recreational fishers' self‐reported handling and release behaviour for elasmobranchs is largely consistent with ‘best practice’ guidelines except that fishers had low use of circle hooks and barbless hooks, and a significant proportion (33%) reported using stainless steel hooks.
  • 4. Most fishers had positive attitudes towards elasmobranchs, placing high importance on releasing sharks and rays in good condition (86%), high value on their existence (84%), and low value on catching them (63%).
  • 5. Results indicate that post‐release mortality is probably the largest source of recreational fishing mortality of elasmobranchs in the Great Barrier Reef. Future research should be targeted at obtaining better estimates of species‐specific post‐release mortality levels, understanding how post‐release survival can be increased by changing fishing techniques or fisher behaviour, and developing more effective methods of engaging fishers in elasmobranch conservation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

The growing awareness of the impact that recreational fishers can have on fish stocks has highlighted the paucity of information used to inform their management. Most of the available information on the scale and nature of recreational catch and effort has come from intermittent and labour‐intensive surveys that provide fragmented insights into often highly variable fisheries. Digital cameras offer a more cost‐effective means of continuously monitoring trends in recreational fishing effort, and it is surprising that greater use of this approach has not been made to date given its widespread use in other contexts. We share lessons learnt from four early adopter studies in New Zealand, Australia and Germany, where digital cameras have been used to monitor recreational fishing effort. Many of the challenges that we have encountered and overcome were initially unforeseen, and we suggest solutions and strategies to address these issues. We conclude that all aspects of a camera‐based monitoring system should be considered from the outset, to optimize the utility and value of the information they provide over the long term. Aspects to consider include the location and configuration of a camera system, ensuring service continuity, image quality, data storage, image interpretation and ultimately the analysis of any data collected. Robustly designed digital camera monitoring systems can be used to gain greater insight into recreational fishery dynamics, leading to more informed, responsive and effective fisheries management.  相似文献   

Recreational fishing (RF) is a large yet undervalued component of fisheries globally. While progress has been made in monitoring, assessing, and managing the sector in isolation, integration of RF into the management of multi-sector fisheries has been limited, particularly relative to the commercial sector. This marginalises recreational fishers and reduces the likelihood of achieving the sector's objectives and, more broadly, achieving fisheries sustainability. We examined the nature and extent of RF inclusion in harvest strategies (HSs) for marine fisheries across 15 regions in 11 nations to define the gap in inclusion that has developed between sectors. We focused on high-income nations with a high level of RF governance and used a questionnaire to elicit expert knowledge on HSs due to the paucity of published documents. In total, 339 HSs were considered. We found that RF inclusion in HSs was more similar to the small-scale sector (i.e., artisanal, cultural, or subsistence) than the commercial sector, with explicit operational objectives, data collection, performance indicators, reference points, and management controls lacking in many regions. Where specified, RF objectives focused on sustainability, economic value and catch allocation rather than directly relating to the recreational fishing experience. Conflicts with other sectors included competition with the commercial sector for limited resources, highlighting the importance of equitable resource allocation policies alongside HSs. We propose that RF be explicitly incorporated into HSs to ensure fisheries are ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable, and we recommend that fisheries organisations urgently review HSs for marine fisheries with a recreational component to close the harvest strategy gap among sectors.  相似文献   

Derelict fishing gear is a highly visible source of marine plastic pollution, causing mortality and ecosystem degradation with uncertain long-term consequences. The quantity of derelict gear entering the oceans remains unknown because of heterogeneity in fishing gear and effort, as well as inadequate monitoring. Prior studies have been limited in scope to specific fisheries and regions, and large-scale estimates lack an empirical basis. It is critically important for decision makers to have credible information in order to design effective remediation efforts. We estimated the amount of industrial fishing effort and the associated plastic debris entering the ocean globally each year from lost fishing gear. Using remote observations of fishing vessel activity paired with technical fishing gear models, we generated a bounding estimate for gear operation and loss worldwide in 2018. We estimate that industrial trawl, purse-seine and pelagic longline fisheries operated 2.1 Mt of plastic gear over 2018 to obtain 49.7 Mt of retained and discarded catch, representing 74% of industrial marine capture globally. The median estimate for plastic gear lost during the use of these gear types was 48.4 kt (95% confidence interval: 28.4–99.5 kt). This estimate excludes abandoned and discarded gear. Improved observation, especially of small-scale fisheries, is needed to better understand the sources of derelict gear. These findings serve as a benchmark for future monitoring and management efforts to reduce derelict gear in the global ocean.  相似文献   

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