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Water shortage has become an important issue for Korean agriculture. Korea suffers from a limited agricultural water supply, and wastewater reuse has been recommended as an alternative solution. This study examined the concentrations of toxic heavy metals and Escherichia coli in a paddy rice field irrigated with reclaimed wastewater to evaluate the risk to farmers. Most epidemiological studies have been based on upland fields, and therefore may not be directly applicable to paddy fields. In this study, a Beta-Poisson model was used to estimate the microbial risk of pathogen ingestion. The risk value increased significantly after irrigation and precipitation. The results of the microbial risk assessment showed that risk values of groundwater and reclaimed wastewater irrigation were lower than the values of effluent directly from wastewater treatment plants. The monitoring results of heavy metals for each irrigated paddy fields did not show specific tendency. A risk assessment for toxic heavy metals was performed according to various exposure pathways; however, the results of the carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic risk estimation showed that the risk from reclaimed wastewater-irrigated paddy fields was the lowest.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in an attempt to determine the proper nitrogen and phosphorus application levels, nitrogen split application ratio, and application method for environmental-friendly rice production in a salt-affected rice paddy field, which was located in the Saemangeum reclaimed tidal belt on the western coast of South Korea, between April 1, 2003 and October 10, 2004. All treatments were replicated three times in a randomized block design (5 m × 4 m plot) with 11 treatments (total 33 plots). We designed three treatments for the evaluation of reasonable application levels of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers (A1–A3); five treatments to evaluate the nitrogen split application system (T1–T5); and three treatments to determine the proper application for chemical fertilizer (M1–M3). There was no significant difference of amylose and protein content among the application levels, application methods, and nitrogen split application ratios (P < 0.05). No significant differences in grain yield and yield components of rice were observed among the different application levels, application methods, and nitrogen split application ratios (P < 0.05). In order to save labor in agricultural households, preserve or enhance the grain quality of rice, and reduce nutrient losses, we determined that the optimum application level of nitrogen fertilizer was 140 kg ha−1; the application split ratio of nitrogen fertilizer at four different periods was 40% for basal fertilization, 20% for maximum tilling stage, 30% for the panicle formation stage, and 10% for the booting stage; and the best application methods were deep layer application and whole layer application.  相似文献   

Estimating water footprint of paddy rice in Korea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this article is to examine the issues of low grain self-sufficiency and the high portion of agricultural water use in South Korea, and to trace the water footprint (WF) of rice products. In this study, different types of water use were described as green, blue, and gray WFs and were analysed using suitable estimation methods to determine irrigation water requirements in South Korea. Virtual water (VW) import and export of rice product were calculated based on international trade statistics during 2004–2009, and the WF of the national consumption was estimated. The WF of rice was 844.5 m3/ton, and green, blue, and gray water accounted for 294.5, 501.6, and 48.4 m3/ton, respectively. The VW import and export were 404.17 and 2.03 Mm3/year, respectively, against an import 199.5 times that of the export. Three countries (China, USA, and Thailand) accounted for over 95 % of the total VW imports of rice products into South Korea. The total WF was 5,712.08 Mm3/year, thus the WF per capita for rice was estimated at 118.1 m3/year. The internal WF of rice consumption was 5,308.05 Mm3/year, and the external WF was 404.03 Mm3/year. The WF of total agricultural water use should be analyzed for sustainable agricultural production and water management, and these results should be applied in establishing long-term policies for agricultural water resources.  相似文献   

I have observed the water quality in the Ohwada District of Kasumigaura Town near Lake Kasumigaura for a period of over seven years (1993–1999). During this observation period, sampling was performed for 3 years at 4-h intervals using an automatic sampler, and the water quality was subsequently analyzed. As a result of this long-term precision study of water quality fluctuation, important new information was obtained. First, the quantity of nitrogen found to have been removed was great, especially in the paddy fields, and this contributed to water quality purification. Secondly, the paddy fields produced algae and this algae supported denitrification in the paddy fields. However, the paddy fields increased the COD runoff. Thirdly, for determining the average water quality by monitoring, monthly sampling is sufficient, though for understanding the fluctuation pattern of the water quality, weekly sampling is necessary.  相似文献   

Water shortage has become a major agricultural concern, and “The Sustainable Water Resources Research Program” in Korea is currently addressing this problem through the development of treatment systems for reclaiming wastewater and the assessment of human health risks associated with its reuse. Through this program, started in 2001, many studies have examined various water resources. Reclaiming wastewater is one way to alleviate water-shortage pressures, and one of the major potential uses of reclaimed water is irrigation. However, the main concern with reusing reclaimed wastewater is the increased likelihood of human contact that might result in exposure to pathogens and increased health risks. Relatively few studies have examined the toxic risks using reclaimed wastewater for irrigation in rice paddy fields. This study provides an overview of methods for quantitative microbial risk assessment and toxic risk assessment of heavy metal concentrations developed in the previous studies that can be applied to the evaluation of rice paddy fields irrigated with reclaimed wastewater in South Korea.  相似文献   

从1997~1999年在晚稻育秧上试验证明 ,施用壮秧剂能明显提高秧苗素质 ,表现为返青快 ,有效穗多产量增。但在连晚塑盘育秧上应用 ,遇到高温或大雨 ,有药害死苗现象发生。现把晚稻不同育秧方法壮秧剂施用效果、施用技术和注意点介绍如下 :一、施用效果1 施用壮秧剂能明显提高秧苗素质连晚3种育秧方式施用壮秧剂后 ,秧苗素质明显提高 ,表现为叶色深绿 ,叶龄增加 ,绿叶数增多 ,茎基宽 ,根数多 ,地上部、地下部百株干重高 ,在15~20天秧龄控长效果明显 ,超过20天秧龄控长效果消失(表1)。2 施用壮秧剂能增产连晚3种育秧方式…  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to evaluate nutrient losses that occur during the course of agricultural activity from rice paddy fields of reclaimed tidal flat. For this study, we chose a salt-affected rice paddy field located in the Saemangeum reclaimed tidal area, which is located on the western South Korean coasts. The plot size was 1,000 m2 (40 m × 25 m) with three replicates. The soil belonged to the Gwanghwal series, i.e., it was of the coarse silty, mixed, mesic type of Typic Haplaquents (saline alluvial soil). The input quantities of nitrogen and phosphorus (as chemical fertilizer) into the experimental rice paddy field were 200 kg N ha−1 and 51 kg P2O5 ha−1 per annum, and the respective input quantities of each due to precipitation were 9.3–12.9 kg N ha−1 and 0.4–0.7 kg P ha−1 per annum. In terms of irrigation water, these input quantities were 4.5–8.2 kg N ha−1 and 0.3–0.9 kg P ha−1 per annum, respectively. Losses of these nutrients due to surface runoff were 22.5–38.1 kg N ha−1 and 0.7–2.2 kg P ha−1 for the year 2003, and 26.8–29.6 kg N ha−1 and 1.6–1.9 kg P ha−1 for the year 2004, respectively. Losses of these nutrients due to subsurface infiltration during the irrigation period were 0.44–0.67 kg N ha−1 and 0.03–0.04 kg P ha−1 for the year 2003, and 0.15–0.16 kg N ha−1 and 0.05–0.06 kg P ha−1 for 2004. When losses of nitrogen and phosphorus were compared to the amount of nutrients supplied by chemical fertilizers, it was found that 11.3–19.1% of nitrogen and 0.5–1.7% of phosphorus were lost via surface runoff, whereas subsurface losses accounted to 0.2–0.8% for nitrogen and only 0.02–0.04% for phosphorus during the 2-year study period.  相似文献   

Delivery management water requirement (DMWR) is the use of bypass water in paddy field irrigation to help maintain desired water levels in irrigation canals and to distribute water to paddy plots in a uniform manner. Diverted irrigation water (DIW), DMWR, and the DMWR/DIW ratio were investigated for concrete lined irrigation ditches with large-sized paddy plots (100 m×100 m) during irrigation periods (May to mid-September). DIW and DMWR were measured at 5- to 10-day intervals at the inlets and outlets of irrigation ditches on stable water supply days. The mean DMWR/DIW ratios in irrigation ditches L1 and L2 over 3 years were 36 and 34%, respectively. The mean DMWR/DIW ratios displayed month-to-month and year-to-year variation. The monthly mean DMWR/DIW ratios were highest (55 and 71%) in June and lowest (<20%) in August and September. The annual mean DMWR/DIW ratios during a dry year markedly decreased to 11%, compared with 42% in other years. The decrease was due to the small DIW and farmers water management to maximize capture of limited irrigation water during the drought. The DMWRs in May and June were significantly (p<0.01) correlated with the DIWs, indicating that high DMWR in May and June are attributed to excessive DIW.  相似文献   

Increased challenges of weed control in the smallholder farming sector of southern Africa have often resulted in small yields. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different weed control strategies on weed flora and composition under conservation agriculture (CA) systems in Zimbabwe. This study was conducted at three on-station trial sites namely Domboshawa Training Centre (DTC), University of Zimbabwe farm (UZ farm) and Henderson Research Station (HRS) in a maize–soybean rotation for four seasons from 2009–2010 to 2012–2013 seasons. Hand weeding was done whenever weeds were 10 cm tall or 10 cm in circumference for weeds with a stoloniferous growth habit. Weed identification was done up to the weed species level, and the Shannon–Weiner diversity and evenness index was used to determine the response of weed flora to herbicides. Results showed that there were more weeds in the early years which decreased gradually until the final season. Weed species diversity was not affected by herbicide application and the results indicated that weed species diversity was small in CA systems. Annual weed species constituted a greater proportion of species, and species richness decreased with the duration of the study. Richardia scabra L. and Galinsoga parviflora Cav. were the most common dominant weed species at all sites and in all seasons. Moreover, herbicide application had no effect on the evenness of weeds in the plots but site characteristics had a significant effect on the distribution of weed species (weed species evenness). The results presented in this study suggest that herbicide application facilitates a depletion of weed seed bank/number of weeds over time. Thus, herbicide application in CA has potential to reduce weed density, species richness and species diversity in the long term which may lead to more labour savings and larger yields.  相似文献   

Monterrey metropolitan area’s growth has resulted in water transfers from the Río San Juan basin with significant impacts for downstream water users, especially farmers in the Bajo Río San Juan (BRSJ) irrigation district. El Cuchillo dam is the centerpiece of the basin’s water management infrastructure and has become the flashpoint of a multi-faceted water dispute between the states of Nuevo León and Tamaulipas as well as between urban and agricultural water interests in the basin. Subsequent to El Cuchillo’s implementation in 1994, the BRSJ irrigation district has been modifying its irrigation operations to adjust to the new water availability scenario. Compensation arrangements for farmers have been established, including crop loss payments on the order of US$ 100 per hectare un-irrigable due to the diversion of water to Monterrey plus 60% of the water diverted to be returned to farmers as treated effluent via the Ayancual Creek and Pesquería River, a process with its own water competition and environmental implications. The Mexican irrigation sector will continue to face intense competition for water given: (a) low water productivity in agriculture leading decision-makers to allocate water to higher productivity uses particularly in cities, (b) priority accorded to the domestic use component of municipal water supply, and in the BRSJ case, (c) Mexico’s national interests in meeting its water sharing obligations with the United States.  相似文献   

The use of the term biotype of insect pests of agriculture is discussed in the broad context of species, populations and individuals. There have generally been two quite distinct usages and thus two different concepts. The first is a general concept which applies, confusingly, both to individuals and to populations of a species which share certain biological characteristics, usually concerning virulence on different host varieties, with little or no knowledge of their genetic bases. This is generally synonymous with the term host race, used by many authors. The second is a very specific concept in which a particular gene or genotype for virulence in a pest is known to correspond with a particular gene for resistance in a host plant—the gene-for-gene relationship. We argue that the first concept is so general as to be of little value, and in some examples, such as the brown planthopper of rice, is potentially misleading. The specific concept depends on detailed genetic analyses which are available for very few examples and is thus of limited applicability. We conclude that the confusion of the two distinct concepts is dangerous. It is not possible to argue from the general to the specific. The term biotype has often been used to cover our ignorance of the detail of any particular insect/plant interaction.  相似文献   

The Korean 2008 self-sufficiency rate for grain was only 26.2%. Because of this, the quantity virtual water (VW) for crop product imports is much greater than that of other countries. International VW trade is especially important to Korea due to its dependency on foreign imports to maintain food security and to establish an agricultural water resource policy. Using international crop products trade statistics during 2003?C2007, this study analyzed the virtual water content (VWC) and international virtual water flow (VWF) of major crops. The national water savings and global water savings were also estimated. Major grain products, including 28 products made from 13 crops, were selected for the analysis, based on the net import and export of products totaling more than 10,000 tons. VWCs were computed for the selected major crop products using the VWC of the primary crop of Korea. International VWFs were estimated using the VWC of each crop products. The amount of imported VW was 16,804 and 226?M?m3 was exported, so that the net imported VW was 16,578?M?m3. VW import is concentrated in wheat, rice, maize (corn), and soybean crops. A small number of countries, including the USA, China, Brazil, etc., account for over 96% of the imported VW, indicating Korea??s heavy dependence on these countries. The average national water savings for Korea and the average global water savings according to crop were estimated using VW flow from international crop products trade during 2003?C2007. The estimate of national water savings was 23,870.3?M?m3. Three major crops, namely wheat, maize and soybean, account for 95.3% of this total VW saving. Global water savings from the VW trade amounted to 7,253.0?M?m3. Korea depends heavily on VW imports concentrated in specific crops and which are primarily imported from a particular set of countries. This indicates that Korea is vulnerable to disruptions in the international grain harvest such as those caused by natural disasters such as floods and drought. Any such disruption could easily become a critical issue for governmental planners who establish food and water supply policies for Korea.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the impact of rice-husk power generation on agricultural uses of rice husk and its ash. We conducted case studies at a rice-husk power plant and organic farming groups in northeast Thailand. The case study on a rice-husk power plant showed that rice husk was useful in generating electricity without consuming fossil fuel, while husk ash, the by-product, could be utilized as silicate supplement for farmland soils. The case study on organic farming groups indicated that rice husk was one of the indispensable materials in conducting organic farming with locally available resources. On the basis of these findings, an analytical study on possible husk uses in Thailand was conducted, in which three potential major uses of rice husk were considered: i.e. (1) fuel use inside rice mills followed by husk-ash reuse, (2) fuel use at power plants followed by husk-ash reuse, and (3) direct reuse of husk for compost production. The result indicated that there would be conflicting demands for rice husk among those uses in the future. Therefore, there needs to be a strategy for balancing husk uses among them.  相似文献   

我国现代精准农业的发展方向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
农业正进入以知识密集为主要特点的知识农业发展阶段,在现代信息技术、生物技术、工程技术等一系列高新技术最新成就基础上发展起来的现代精准农业已成为现代知识农业的重要生产形式。根据我国农业发展的主要特点,近期可重点发展节水视觉系统、节肥精准农业技术体系,在设施农业发展较快的地区可发展精准设施农业,在生产规模大、机械化程度高的大农场开展精准农业生产实践。  相似文献   

In the present study, an assessment of land suitability potential for agriculture in the study area of IBB governorate, Republic of Yemen has been conducted through close examination of the indicators of land characteristics and qualities. The objective of this study is to evaluate the available land resource and produce the potential map of the study area. Remote sensing data help in mapping land resources, especially in mountainous areas where accessibility is limited. Satellite imagery data used for this study includes data from multi-temporal Landsat TM which dated June 2001. The parameters taken into consideration were 16 thematic maps i.e., slope, DEM, rainfall, soil, land use, land degradation as well as land characteristics maps. Satellite image of the study area has been classified for land use, land degradation and soil maps preparation, while topo sheet and ancillary data have been used for slope and DEM maps and soil properties determination. The land potential of the study area was categorized as very high, high, moderate, low and very low by adopting the logical criteria. These categories were arrived at by integrating the various layers with corresponding weights in a Geographical Information System (GIS). The study demonstrates that the study area can be categorized into spatially distributed agriculture potential zones based on the soil properties, terrain characteristics and analyzing present land use. This approach has the potential as a useful tool for guiding policy decision on sustainable land resource management.  相似文献   

Summary 2-Chloroethylphosphonic acid (CEPA) was applied, as a foliar spray in the form of Ethrel, to potato plants (var. Uran). The effects on water loss, chlorophyll degradation, and on the growth potential of tubers from the treated plants, were studied and compared with the effects of diquat. At concentrations of 20 and 10 g per kg CEPA brought about desiccation comparable to the effect of diquat: the effect on chlorophyll degradation was somewhat slower. Growth potential of the tubers, measured as the rate of emergence during the next vegetation period, was not affected by any treatment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess the potential of the irrigation return-flow in a water reuse system, for the supply of other local water users. Both field survey and water-budget analysis were conducted, and the Chitong irrigation district in Taiwan was selected as the case study area. The results indicate that through the regulation of a pond with the effective capacity of 20,000 m3, a stable supply of 10,000 CMD of reuse water can be generated if the return-flow from the irrigation area of 200 hectares, which is about the size of a rotation plot, is intercepted. However, as the irrigation and effective rainfall are low from December to March, which are considered high risk for water supply, the irrigation return-flow decreases accordingly, and a series of responding measures are also suggested.  相似文献   

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