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The transmission of Salmonella typhimurium among adult chickens maintained in wire-floored cages was examined. Within 6 days, organisms had spread from infected seed chickens to the majority of uninoculated chickens. Initially, organisms were found in the intestinal tract alone, but by day 20, all chickens were infected, and most of these had organisms in the liver, spleen, and intestinal tract. Antibodies to whole bacterial cells and lipopolysaccharide were detected in the serum and bile of all chickens from day 24. Clearance of organisms from the tissues was not apparent until after day 33. Cell-mediated immunity to salmonella antigens was also induced in chickens that naturally acquired the infection. The role of these parameters of immunity in the clearance of organisms is discussed.  相似文献   

The characteristics of Salmonella typhimurium infection in hatchlings and adult poultry given by the intravenous, oral and percloacal routes were compared. Based on LD50 determinations, 1-day-old birds were most susceptible to percloacal infection. It is claimed that this infection technique yields predictable results in terms of mortality and numbers of organisms in the liver, spleen and intestinal tissues. Though older birds do not die when given large doses of organisms by this route, small numbers are sufficient to establish transient infection or carriage in the intestine.Based on quantitative data, the course of the percloacal infection appeared similar to that given by the oral route in hatchlings; however, the number of organisms required to establish infection by the former route was significantly less. It is suggested that the percloacal infection route may be a useful model for studying Salmonella infection-immunity in birds, particularly if resistance mechanisms operating in the intestine are to be taken into account. The possibility that it may be an important infection route in natural circumstances must also be considered.  相似文献   

Four-day-old chickens infected orally with a spectinomycin-resistant (Spcr) mutant of a highly invasive avian Salmonella typhimurium strain excreted salmonellae in the feces for at least 10 weeks. When these chickens were reinfected at this time with a nalidixic acid-resistant (Nalr) mutant of the same strain, they excreted this mutant in significantly smaller numbers (P less than 0.01) than did a previously uninfected control group. The Nalr mutant had a shorter survival rate in the tissues of the immunized chickens than in tissues of the control birds. The Spcr mutant stimulated strong IgG, IgA, and IgM responses in serum, small-intestinal contents, and bile. These were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) against antigens of crude whole bacterial cell protein sonicate, lipopolysaccharide, flagella, and outer-membrane proteins. There was some evidence of an anamnestic response with IgA in bile following reinfection with the Salmonella. The peak response of antibody-producing cells from the spleens of infected chickens, assayed by solid-phase ELISA, occurred at 3 weeks postinoculation. A strong delayed hypersensitivity reaction, detected by foot-pad swelling after inoculation with either whole-cell or outer-membrane proteins, was observed between 2 and 5 weeks after infection with the Spcr mutant. The data indicate that outer-membrane proteins are major immunogens for both humoral and cell-mediated arms of the immune system.  相似文献   

Humoral responses in chickens inoculated with an aromatic vitamin dependent (Aro-) Salmonella typhimurium mutant (STM) were studied to ascertain the efficacy of the organism as a vaccine for salmonellosis and possibly as a delivery system for antigens from enteric pathogens of chickens. Serum antibody responses in chickens that were given oral or subcutaneous inoculations of the bacterium followed the classic order of antibody production, with IgM being detected first, followed by IgG and IgA. Antibody responses in the gut of orally inoculated chickens were restricted to IgG and IgA. Weight gain measured in chickens given high doses of STM (up to 5 x 10(9)) orally, revealed that the bacterium did not adversely affect the chickens; in fact, inoculated chickens had significantly higher body weights than controls at the same age. Salmonellosis protection of chickens by oral vaccination with STM was examined in a vaccination/challenge experiment. The experiment revealed that oral vaccination reduced excretion of a virulent S. typhimurium used as the challenge organism.  相似文献   

Biological control of Salmonella typhimurium in young chickens   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effect of dietary lactose and anaerobic cultures of cecal microflora of mature chickens on the colonization of young broiler chickens by Salmonella typhimurium was evaluated. Newly hatched chicks were given either no treatment (controls), anaerobic cecal cultures, lactose (2.5%) in the drinking water, or both anaerobic cultures and lactose. Chicks were challenged per os at 3 days of age with either 10(6) or 10(8) S. typhimurium resistant to nalidixic acid and novobiocin. On day 10, the cecal contents of the chicks were examined for S. typhimurium, pH, short-chained volatile fatty acids (VFAs), undissociated VFAs, and lactic acid. Chicks given either lactose alone or cecal anaerobes alone had significantly (P less than 0.05) fewer S. typhimurium recovered from their ceca than the controls. Chicks given the combination of dietary lactose and cecal anaerobes had significantly fewer S. typhimurium recovered from their ceca than the chicks given dietary lactose or cecal anaerobes alone. Chicks given lactose had significant (P less than 0.05) increases in the lactic acid concentration of their cecal contents. Increased lactic acid concentrations were directly correlated to decreased cecal pH values and caused a reduction in the total concentration of VFAs but a significant (P less than 0.05) increase in the undissociated form of some VFAs.  相似文献   

The incidence of S. typhimurium infections among fowl increased in thr region of Potsdam in general, and on various big farms in particular, 1976 and over the first half of 1977. The outbreaks included subclinical infections and clinically manifest diseases which caused remarkable loss of broilers from the affected stocks (up to 15.92 per cent). Parent stocks contaminated with S. typhimurium were to be the sources of infection in all cases. A total of 1,220 Salmonella strains were isolated from fowl and its environment, with 1,151 of them being S. typhimurium (2.98 per cent of all samples tested). The following amounts of S. typhimurium strains were isolated from different types of samples which had been collected from infected broiler stocks: 8.10 per cent from dead broilers, 5.86 per cent from dead broiler parents, 2.11 per cent from pulp linings of transport cages for day-old chicks, 1.23 per cent from litter, 1.0 per cent from hatching material (eggs or dead and jammed embryos, and 0.12 per cent from swabs used in hygiene supervision). No Salmonellae were isolated from feedstuff. The transmission of S. typhimurium, therefore, is though to have taken the route via the hatching egg and via congenitally infected chicks traded between breeders and propagation farms. The control and prophylaxis of S. typhimurium infections, therefore, should be based primarily on action in the centralised breeding stocks. Specific steps of such action are proposed. Fifty-three strains were biochemically and lysotypically analysed, with the following types being determined: ut/Ph 30 BT b, ut/Ph 30 BT c, n.c. 1/72/n.c. BT b, 2 n.c. BT a, and 1A/6 BT a. The first two types covered 84.9 per cent of all strains isolated from the fowl. All lysotype ut/Ph 30 strains isolated from fowl fell under the copenhagen variant which had rarely been isolated from man in the past. These results are likely to support the demand for a joint control programme for enteritis Salmonellae, with particular emphasis on S. typhimurium, for implementation in human and veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the immune responses of single avian influenza virus (AIV) HA DNA vaccine immunization using attenuated Salmonella enterica sv. Typhimurium as an oral vaccine carrier and intramuscular (IM) DNA injection. One-day-old specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chicks immunized once by oral gavage with 10(9) Salmonella colony-forming units containing plasmid expression vector encoding the HA gene of A/Ck/Malaysia/5858/04 (H5N1) (pcDNA3.1.H5) did not show any clinical manifestations. Serum hemagglutination inhibition (HI) titer samples collected from the IM immunized chickens were low compared to those immunized with S. typhimurium.pcDNA3.1.H5. The highest average antibody titers were detected on day 35 post immunization for both IM and S. typhimurium.pcDNA3.1.H5 immunized groups, at 4.0±2.8 and 51.2±7.5, respectively. S. typhimurium.pcDNA3.1.H5 also elicited both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of immunized chickens as early as day 14 after immunization, at 20.5±2.0 and 22.9±1.9%, respectively. Meanwhile, the CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in chickens vaccinated intramuscularly were low at 5.9±0.9 and 8.5±1.3%, respectively. Immunization of chickens with S. typhimurium.pcDNA3.1.H5 enhanced IL-1β, IL-12β, IL-15 and IL-18 expressions in spleen although no significant differences were recorded in chickens vaccinated via IM and orally with S. typhimurium and S. typhimurium.pcDNA3.1. Hence, single oral administrations of the attenuated S. typhimurium containing pcDNA3.1.H5 showed antibody, T cell and Th1-like cytokine responses against AIV in chickens. Whether the T cell response induced by vaccination is virus-specific and whether vaccination protects against AIV infection requires further study.  相似文献   

Ten Holstein calves were divided into 2 groups. Five calves served as nonvaccinated controls, and 5 calves were vaccinated IM at 2 and 3 weeks of age with 10(9) aromatic-dependent (aro-) Salmonella typhimurium strain SL1479 containing O antigens 1, 4, 12. Serious adverse reactions to vaccination were not observed in the calves. Mean maximum rectal temperature increase in the vaccinated calves was 1.5 C. One calf had diarrhea and depressed appetite for 1 day after vaccination. At 5 weeks of age, all calves were challenge exposed orally with 1.5 X 10(11) virulent S dublin strain SL1367 (O antigens 9,12). After challenge-exposure inoculum was given, 1 of 5 vaccinated calves died and 4 of the 5 nonvaccinated calves died (P less than 0.05). Thus, some cross serotype protection against S dublin was induced by parenteral vaccination of calves with aro- S typhimurium strain SL1479, although protection was not complete.  相似文献   

The serological response of two groups of chickens was followed by three techniques after experimental infection of one group with Salmonella typhimurium. Results obtained illustrate the greater sensitivity of the microantiglobulin (Coombs) test over more conventional methods for detecting salmonella agglutinins. The possibilities of the diagnostic use of the microantiglobulin test in the field are discussed.  相似文献   

Chicks infected with Salmonella typhimurium at 1 day of age were treated with normal intestinal flora starting 3 or 9 days later. Chicks were reared on the floor in isolated pens with wood shavings for litter. Cloacal-swab cultures were the main criteria for determining S. typhimurium infection. A single treatment reduced the infection period, but multiple treatments hastened the process considerably: after 6-8 weeks, birds given multiple treatments yielded sporadic or no isolations of S. typhimurium. It appears that litter from birds colonized by a protective microflora may serve as a vehicle for transmitting the flora to succeeding groups of birds.  相似文献   

To investigate a possible mechanism involved in the enhancement of Salmonella typhimurium infection in chickens concurrently infected with Eimeria tenella, S typhimurium was given orally to chickens 7 days after E tenella inoculation. The number of viable S typhimurium decreased in the ceca of chickens not inoculated with E tenella, whereas the number gradually increased in the ceca of chickens inoculated with E tenella. Cecal contents were analyzed for pH value, oxidation-reduction potential, and amounts of short-chain fatty acids and bile acids. In the ceca of E tenella-inoculated chickens, the oxidation-reduction potential significantly (P less than 0.05) shifted to the oxidative phase, and the concentration of volatile fatty acids (acetic acid, propionic acid, and butyric acid) significantly (P less than 0.05) decreased. In both aerobic and anaerobic incubations, the number of viable S typhimurium in vitro decreased as the molar concentration of fatty acids increased. Experimental evidence indicated that multiplication of S typhimurium in the ceca of E tenella-inoculated chickens was associated with decreased concentrations of volatile fatty acids.  相似文献   

The effect of carbohydrates in the drinking water of broiler chickens on Salmonella typhimurium colonization was evaluated. Results indicate that mannose and lactose (2.5%) significantly (P less than 0.05) reduced intestinal colonization of S. typhimurium by at least one-half, as compared with dextrose, maltose, and sucrose. Lactose and mannose also significantly reduced (P less than 0.01) the mean log10 number of S. typhimurium in the cecal contents. Although mannose was the most effective sugar at blocking colonization, lactose may be more practical because it is effective and costs much less than mannose. Provision of carbohydrates in the drinking water had no significant effect on weight gain.  相似文献   

The effect of Corynebacterium parvum on resistance to Salmonella typhimurium infection was evaluated in young chickens. One-day-old chickens were inoculated subcutaneously (SC) or intraperitoneally (IP) with 1.4 mg killed C. parvum and challenged by IP injection with 5.0 X 10(7) S. typhimurium 4 days later. Spleen and bursa of Fabricius weights were not altered in the C. parvum-inoculated chickens. A transient increase in thymus weight occurred 3 days after inoculation with C. parvum. Phytohemagglutinin-elicited cutaneous hypersensitivity was significantly suppressed in the C. parvum-inoculated chickens. Morbidity due to Salmonella infection increased significantly from 15% and 21% in the control groups to 43% and 46% in the chickens inoculated IP or SC with C. parvum. The results indicated that inoculation of 1-day-old chickens with C. parvum suppressed cell-mediated immune responsiveness and decreased resistance to peritoneal infection with S. typhimurium.  相似文献   

Gnotobiotic chickens infected with Eimeria tenella (5 X 10(4) oocysts per bird) received an oral inoculation of 100 Salmonella typhimurium two, four, six or eight days after coccidial infection at four days old. When S typhimurium was given two or four days after E tenella infection, S typhimurium counts in the caecal contents were similar to the counts in birds infected with S typhimurium alone. When S typhimurium was given six or eight days after E tenella infection, counts of the organism were significantly greater than with S typhimurium infection alone. There were no differences in the number of chickens positive for S typhimurium in the caecal contents, bile, liver and spleen between the two groups.  相似文献   

Groups of healthy chickens with a light experimental Salmonella typhimurium infection were fed on a diet containing 225 g per ton (1016 kg) of neomycin for two days. This brought about only a slight reduction in the incidence of chickens that were excreting S typhimurium in their faeces. Examination of caecal contents two days after the cessation of treatment revealed the neomycin had not had any effect in eliminating infection. In one experiment, the neomycin administration resulted in the emergence of enormous populations of Escherichia coli in the alimentary tract of treated chickens that possessed multiple antibiotic resistance of the transmissible type. For these reasons the practice of feeding broiler chickens on diets containing neomycin immediately before slaughter should be actively discouraged.  相似文献   

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