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碳酸盐和干旱胁迫对欧李生理特性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分别对黄山店欧李进行25 d的高浓度NaHC03溶液处理、干旱处理以及碳酸盐与干旱共同处理,测定胁迫期间该物种各理化指标的变化,研究欧李对不同环境胁迫的抗逆机制.结果表明:欧李的叶绿素a、丙二醛和脯氨酸含量在不同的逆境处理间差异显著;碳酸盐处理的电解质外渗率、POD活性、脯氨酸含量等生理指标变化平缓,与对照差异不明显;干旱处理和盐与干旱协同处理的各项指标波动很大.相关分析表明:不论是碳酸盐胁迫还是干旱胁迫,欧李的电解质外渗率、MDA含量和POD活性存在一定程度的正相关,碳酸盐处理下POD活性与电解质外渗率和MDA含量间达到显著的正相关.  相似文献   

干旱胁迫对2个欧李种源生理特征的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
以喇叭沟门和怀柔-汤河口2个种源的欧李盆栽苗木为研究对象,测定自然干旱胁迫期间和复水后的各种生理指标变化.结果表明:随干旱胁迫时间延长,2个种源的叶绿素含量、类胡萝卜素含量、MDA含量和SOD活性等指标均发生了明显变化,但除了怀柔-汤河口种源的叶绿素含量和喇叭沟门种源的POD活性与对照存在极显著差异外(P<0.01),其他指标与对照均无显著差异(α=0.05);喇叭沟门种源的电解质外渗率和MDA在处理的第32天出现一个峰值,而怀柔-汤河口种源电解质外渗率在处理前期缓慢上升,然后稳定一段时间后下降.MDA含量在处理的第44天出现峰值;不论是叶绿索还是类胡萝卜素含量,喇叭沟门种源都是在前14天急剧上升,然后下降到起始点,而怀柔-汤河口种源在处理前期迅速上升,然后在高位浮动,直至处理结束;2个种源的POD活性均随着胁迫时间的延长逐渐上升,胁迫末期达到最大值,但怀柔-汤河口种源的POD整体活性水平远远高于喇叭沟门种源;2个种源SOD活性的最大值均在0.8 U·mg-1 min-1左右,但喇叭沟门种源出现在胁迫的第32天,而怀柔-汤河口种源出现在胁迫的第14天,然后下降直到胁迫结束.与喇叭沟门种源相比,怀柔-汤河口种源面对短时间的水分胁迫可能具有更强的耐旱性.  相似文献   

为了解光合菌(PSB)对欧李幼苗抗旱性的影响,以欧李为材料,研究了叶面喷施光合菌(PSB)对干旱胁迫下幼苗叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光特性和细胞膜伤害程度的影响.结果表明:干旱胁迫下欧李幼苗叶片的膜系统受到了伤害,光合作用的原初反应和光能在2个光系统之间的分配发生了改变.叶面喷施0.5×109 CFU/mL和2.0×109 ...  相似文献   

研究在干旱胁迫下外施两种抑制剂对欧李光合作用,叶绿素荧光以及叶绿素含量的影响。结果表明:外施二硫苏糖醇(DTT)和葡糖胺(Gla)使叶黄素循环受阻,光合作用下降,气孔导度降低,不能正常耗散光能,光合器官受损伤,且Gla的抑制程度高于DTT。随着处理时间的延长,植株正常的热耗散不能顺利进行,非光化学淬灭系数NPQ降低。最大光化学效率Fv/Fm降低,过剩的光能对植物体形成光抑制作用,且DTT的抑制作用高于Gla。外施抑制剂促进叶绿素的增加。本文利用抑制剂策略,为进一步探究逆境胁迫下欧李叶黄素循环的响应提供基础理论。  相似文献   

为了探索呼吸作用在干旱胁迫下如何变化以及外源丙酮酸和琥珀酸对呼吸的调控作用,以欧李Cerasushumili为材料,研究了干旱胁迫条件下外源丙酮酸和琥珀酸对植株叶片含水量、呼吸参数和泛醌氧化还原状态的影响.结果表明:在干旱情况下,抗水杨基羟肟酸(salicyldydraxamic acid,SHAM)呼吸即细胞色素(c...  相似文献   

盐胁迫对欧李幼苗生理响应及离子含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为给开发和选育耐盐植物资源提供科学依据,以温室内盆栽1年生欧李幼苗为试材,研究欧李在盐胁迫下其抗氧化酶、呼吸参数及离子含量的变化,探究欧李对盐处理的耐受性。结果表明:盐胁迫下,欧李植株根部抗氧化酶活性、MDA含量和电解质渗透率均随时间的延长呈上升趋势;总呼吸速率随处理时间的延长而增强,而交替呼吸(alternative,Alt)和细胞色素(cytochrome,Cyt)呼吸出现拮抗效应,交替呼吸比率上升,细胞色素途径呼吸下降。欧李根部和叶片K+含量随处理时间的延长而降低,Na+含量逐渐积累;根部Ca2+含量没有显著变化,但叶片中含量下降;根部Mg2+含量呈下降趋势,叶片中含量上升;Zn2+和Cu2+含量在叶组织中均无显著变化,根部中含量略微升高。根部和叶片中K+/Na+随盐胁迫时间的延长而降低,说明根部对K+的吸收受到了盐胁迫的影响。  相似文献   

以油橄榄幼苗为材料,在旱棚盆栽条件下进行苗期干旱胁迫试验。对株高、脯氨酸含量、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖含量、丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性进行了测定。结果显示:进行模拟干旱胁迫后,株高、脯氨酸、可溶性蛋白及SOD含量无明显变化;可溶性糖、CAT、MDA、POD含量逐渐升高。研究表明,在不同程度的干旱胁迫条件下,油橄榄幼苗的生长受到一定程度的抑制,但能够通过调节自身的保护酶系统活性和渗透调节物质含量来减轻干旱伤害,维持植物体的正常生理代谢功能,从而表现出一定的抗旱耐旱潜力。  相似文献   

试验以沙枣幼苗为研究对象,用盆栽的方法模拟土壤缺水情况,研究不同程度的干旱胁迫对沙枣幼苗的根长、株高、叶片数等生理生化指标的影响。结果表明:(1)沙枣幼苗的根长、株高,叶片数随着干旱胁迫程度的不断加深,逐渐受到影响,T_2下,沙枣幼苗的根长、株高受到影响较早,叶片数和对照(CK)没有明显区别;T_3处理下,沙枣幼苗受影响程度深浅的顺序是根长﹥株高﹥叶片数。(2)T_2下,最早受到影响的是沙枣幼苗的根、茎鲜(干),叶鲜(干)与对照(CK)相比无明显变化;T_3下,沙枣幼苗受影响程度的深浅顺序是根鲜(干)﹥茎(干)鲜﹥叶鲜(干)。  相似文献   

干旱是主要的环境胁迫因子之一,严重影响植物的分布与生长发育。通过选用辽宁阜新章古台沙地1年生杨树幼苗为材料,采用盆栽控水方法研究了不同土壤水分处理对幼苗生长状况、生物量分配、叶面积、组织器官含水量及水分利用效率等指标的影响。结果表明:干旱胁迫抑制了杨树幼苗株高和基径的生长,降低了叶片和茎生物量的积累,然而却增加了根系生物量,杨树将更多的碳水化合物分配到地下部分,导致其单位质量的根系更长,有利于其吸收水资源;同时轻度胁迫下,杨树幼苗增加了茎和根系的含水量,提高了水分利用效率;在科尔沁沙地,栽植杨树幼苗保证生长存活的最低土壤含水量为10.72%。  相似文献   

通过对燕山山脉野生欧李群体中34株实生和嫁接类型花粉形态特征进行电镜扫描观测,研究野生欧李资源演化进化以及抱粉学特征.结果表明,燕山山脉的欧李花粉形状大体划分为长球形或超长球形,极面观为三裂圆形,具三孔沟,按NPC系统分类属于N_3P_4C_5型.花粉外壁纹饰呈穿孔纹饰、条纹-穿孔纹饰和条纹状纹饰3种类型.欧李不同株系...  相似文献   

The Chinese dwarf cherry(Cerasus humilis(Bge.) Sok.) is a small shrub with edible fruits. It is native to northern and western China. This species was included as a medicinal plant in the ‘‘Chinese Pharmacopeia' and has emerged as an economically important crop for fresh fruit consumption, processing into juice and wine and nutraceutical products as well. To gain a better understanding of flavonoid biosynthesis and help develop value added products and better cultivars with greater health benefits, we analyzed total flavonoid content(TFC), composition, and radical scavenging activities in fruit extracts of 16 Chinese dwarf cherry genotypes. Fruit peel TFC ranged from 33.5 to72.8 mg/g REáFW(RE: rutin equivalent, FW: fresh weight)while fruit flesh TFC ranged from 4.3 to 16.9 mg/g REáFW.An HPLC analysis revealed that fruit extracts contained 14 flavonoids with considerable variation in their profiles across genotypes. The most abundant flavonoids in most genotypes were proanthocyanidin B1(PA-B1), proanthocyanidin B2(PA-B2), phloretin 20-O-glucoside(PG), and phloretin 20,40-O-diglucoside(PDG). Principal component analysis showed that PG, PA-B1, and PA-B2 had large,positive factor loading values in the first principal component for each genotype. Increased scavenging activity of2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) radicals was apparent in genotypes ‘Nongda 4', ‘Nongda 3', ‘Nongda 6',‘Wenfenli', and '10-32', suggesting promising applications in the production of nutraceutical products. In summary, our results will aid in breeding, fruit processing, and developing medicinal uses of the Chinese dwarf cherry.  相似文献   

Production of quality seedlings is an important aspect of successful tree planting. No information is available on the effect of nutrients and water on the growth and development of the seedlings of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss), an important component of many tropical agroforestry systems. In an experiment in central India, the growth and nutrient-use efficiency of neem seedlings grown at various levels of light, nutrients (N and P), and water stress were determined. Seedlings were given light (diffused and complete) and nutrient (N and P) treatments comprising either high N-high P, high N-low P, low N-high P, or low N-low P. Seedlings grown in complete light (800 mol/m2/s) had four times more biomass than those grown in diffused light (200 mol/m2/s). Significant increase in seedling biomass was observed with nitrogen application, while phosphorus had no effect on biomass. Leaves contributed maximum biomass, followed by roots and stem. Nutrient use efficiency decreased with an increase in the supply of nutrients. In another experiment, containerized and bare-root seedlings were subjected to five watering treatments, viz., watering twice a week, watering weekly, watering every alternate week, watering every third week, and natural precipitation. Plant moisture stress affected both growth and survival of neem seedlings. Only 50 per cent of seedlings survived in severe drought treatment (no. 4) whereas 90 to 95 per cent seedlings showed growth in all other treatments. Plant moisture stress in severe drought treatment averaged –21 bar while in other treatments it ranged from –9 to –12 bar. Shoot-root ratio was high in bare-root seedlings as compared to containerized seedlings. Containerized seedlings had shown better endurance against drought than the bare-root seedlings. The results suggest that neem seedlings adjust their nutrient use efficiency and can be grown even under limited available resources. It is also inferred that the species can tolerate soil resource depletion caused by competitor species.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of root medium pH on water transport in whole-plant and detached roots of paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.). Exposure of seedling roots to pH 4 and 8 significantly decreased root hydraulic conductivity (Lp) and stomatal conductance (gs), compared with pH 6. When roots of solution-culture-grown (pH 6) seedlings were transferred to pH 4 or 8, their steady-state water flow (Qv) declined within minutes, followed by a decline in gs. The root oxygen uptake rates were not significantly affected by the pH treatments. Treatment of roots with mercuric chloride resulted in a large decrease in Qv at pH 6; the extent of this decrease was similar to that brought about by pH 4 and 8. Lowering root temperature from 21 to 4 degrees C decreased Qv irrespective of medium pH. Low root temperatures did not offset the effects of medium pH 4 on Qv and the roots in this treatment had a high activation energy for water flow. Conversely, roots exposed to pH 8 had a low activation energy, similar to that at pH 6. When 2 micro M abscisic acid, (+/-)-cis-trans-ABA, was added to the root medium, Qv increased in roots that were incubated at pH 6. It also increased slightly in roots incubated at pH 4, but not at pH 8. The increase at pH 4 and 6 was temperature-dependent, occurring at 21 degrees C, but not 4 degrees C. We suggest that the pH treatments are responsible for altering root water flow properties through their effects on the activity of water channels. These results support the concept that ABA effects on water channels are modulated by other, possibly metabolic- and pH-dependent factors.  相似文献   

Ritchie GA 《Tree physiology》1997,17(3):161-168
In a greenhouse experiment, potted coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings were grown in miniature "Nelder" (Nelder 1962) plots where growing space varied from 265 to 2555 cm(2) per plant. After thirty weeks, mean plant height, crown biomass and branch number increased significantly (P = 0.0141) with decreasing growing space (increasing plant density). Differences in height growth became apparent about six weeks after sowing. Furthermore, horizontally reflected radiation measured within the Nelder plots showed a decrease in red:far-red ratio (R:FR) from 1.2 at the lowest density to 0.71 at the highest. Plant height was strongly inversely correlated with estimated phytochrome photoequilibrium values (r(2) = 0.893). Field measurements made in a three-year-old variable density plantation also showed a decrease in R:FR with increasing planting density from 300 to 3,000 trees ha(-1). These results support the hypothesis that young Douglas-fir seedlings are able to detect, through the phytochrome system, the presence of nearby seedlings owing to the depletion of R relative to FR in the spectra reflected by the foliage of the adjacent plants. They then adjust their growth allometry in a way that reduces the possibility of being over topped by these future competitors.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of holding 1+0 PSB313a white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench.) Voss) seedlings in storage boxes at air temperatures of 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40°C for 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h before planting. The ability to detect physiological damage to seedlings as a result of such treatment, before planting, was also examined. After one growing season, no needle damage or mortality >8% was found for temperature treatments up to 20°C for 4 days. At 30°C and above, seedling damage and mortality increased, while bud flush, shoot height, stem diameter and shoot dry weight decreased with increasing temperature and duration of treatment. Seedling mortality in the field was 100% after the 40°C treatment exposure for 72 h or longer. Pre-planting needle electrolyte leakage was indicative of visible needle damage 14 days after planting, whereas stem electrolyte leakage and root growth potential were more closely related to end of season plantation mortality. Despite the lack of damage observed at 20°C or below, preplanting exposure of white spruce seedlings to temperatures above 5°C, during transportation and field storage, is not recommended.  相似文献   

Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is cosmopolitan pest of stored products. The effect of strong magnetic fields (MFs) on DNA damage and oxidative stress on larvae stage of E. kuehniella was assessed. Antioxidant enzyme systems, which include superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione S-transferase (GST), and malondialdehyde (MDA), the end product of lipid peroxidation as a result of strong MF intoxication that might occur in the larvae tissue, were evaluated. A simple technique of single-cell gel electrophoresis (DNA comet assay) enabled a quick detection of MF treatment on larvae. The larvae were exposed in a 1.4-Tesla (T) MF from a DC power supply at 50 Hz for different time periods (3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h). MFs caused increasing DNA damage and demonstrated using the comet assay with its parameters including tail DNA%, tail length and tail moment. DNA damage at increasing exposure times were significantly larger than the control group (p < 0.05). These parameters were detected using BS 200 ProP with image analysis software. SOD, CAT, GPx, and GST activities decreased and MDA level increased in the MF-treated group in larvae tissue compared to control group for increasing exposure times at 1.4 T (p < 0.05). In our investigation, we showed that MFs caused oxidative stress and proved to be DNA damage as revealed by the comet assay. MFs may be used to determine potential toxic effects as a control agent against E. kuehniella larvae.  相似文献   

Weixing Tan 《New Forests》2007,33(1):93-107
Impacts of nursery cultural treatments (T) on stress tolerance of greenhouse-grown 1 + 0 container white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss) seedlings (mean height 24 cm, root collar diameter 3.1 mm) for summer planting were studied. Seedlings were subjected to 12-h short-day treatments of 0 (T0), 3 (T3), 7 (T7), 10 (T10), or 15 (T15) days, followed by 0, 7, 17, 40, or 46 days of reduced N supply, respectively. Relevant physiological and morphological factors were examined concurrently. Foliar N concentrations exceeded optimal levels and differed little among treatments, suggesting a minor confounding role for N reduction. Both frost and drought tolerance increased incrementally from T0 through T15. Electrolyte leakage index decreased steadily from T0 (25% for roots, 17% for needles) to T15 (1% for roots, 2% for needles) after 2-h exposure of fine roots to − 2°C and of needles to − 8°C. Withholding soil watering for 19 days caused 80% mortality among seedlings in T0, 50% in T3, and < 10% in T7–T15. The transpiration decline curve suggested that enhanced drought tolerance was largely attributable to quicker stomatal closure during water stress and lower cuticular transpiration rate. The treatments increased root growth capacity on a per-seedling, but not per-root-mass, basis. Needle primordia were developed in all T7-T15 seedlings but not in T0 and T3 treatments, suggesting that nurseries may need no more than 7 days of blackout application for conditioning spruce seedlings for summer planting. Shoot dry weight fraction increased gradually from T0 through T15 and was linearly correlated with needle specific weight and frost tolerance, and may thus be useful in monitoring progress of conditioning treatments.  相似文献   

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