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This project examines the effects of climate change on pome fruit phenology at Klein-Altendorf in the Rhineland fruit-growing region in the West of Germany, using 50 years of weather data and phenology records, including beginning of flowering (F1), full bloom (F2), harvest date and leaf drop of apple and pear, with the following results:
  1. Fifty years of weather records and pome phenology data showed a distinct separation between a first phase (1958–1987), which was 0.42°C cooler, and a second phase (1988–2007), which was 0.66°C warmer than the long-term, 50 year temperature average of 9.4°C, indicating the start of the climate change in 1988.
  2. Annual average temperatures rose from 8.8°C to 10.2°C, i.e. by 1.4°C over 50 years at Klein-Altendorf, which affected the apple phenology. A comparison of the second phase (average temp. 10.1°C) with the first phase (9.0°C) resulted in a temperature rise of 1.1°C; the temperature rise in the winter (1.2°C) was greater (by 0.2°C) than in the summer (1.0°C). This temperature rise in the last 20 years (second phase, 1988–2007) was more pronounced in the winter months January ( $ + $ 1.7°C) and February ( $ + $ 1.8°C) than in the spring months March and May both with $ + $ 1.4°C leading to enhanced early post-bloom fruit drop, and July ( $ + $ 1.3°C) and August ( $ + $ 1.6°C).
  3. Annual precipitation remained constant at ca. 600?mm with an increase in February, March and April and an equivalent decrease in May (?10?mm) and July (?7?mm) during fruit development.
  4. Soil temperatures increased by 2.6°C and hence greater than the air temperature ( $ + $ 1.45°C) over the last 50 years; this increase was most pronounced between January and March.
  5. Minimum air temperatures increased also by 2.6°C from ?6.1°C in March 1958 to ?3.5°C in March 2007. The more advanced flowering, brought about by warmer January to March temperatures, now coincides with late spring frosts, thereby maintaining the risk of yield loss due to spring frost in April, a month when the minimum temperature still continues to drop.
  6. On average, apple and pear flowering was 10 days earlier without extension of the flowering period after warm winters and appeared more severely affected than the harvest period (3–9 days) and leaf drop (2–3 days earlier) with distinct varietal differences. The apple flowering period was 4 days shorter in the last 10 years and reduced from 12–15 days to 8–10 days. Early maturing cultivars (cvs) ripened 3–4 days earlier, while late cvs ripened 8–12 days earlier. The period between harvest and leaf drop was extended by 2–7 (apple) to 11 days (pear), which requires regional differentiation according to the respective climatic zone and may be beneficial for nutrient translocation into the perennial woody parts of the tree.
  7. Since the changes in the temperature-based vegetation period did not explain the effects of climate change on pome phenology, a `pomological vegetation interval' between the beginning of flowering and beginning of leaf drop was defined and was extended by climate change in spring by 0–10 days in apple and by 8 days in pear. Based on flowering (F1, F2) advances, the Meckenheim fruit-growing region was more strongly affected by the climate change compared with other European fruit growing regions.

The nutrient uptake of fruit trees in the first and second year of cultivation was analyzed. The following fruit species and fruit varieties were examined: sour cherry (‘Schattenmorelle, Rheinland’, Hüttners Hochzucht 170?×?53, one year old tree), pear (‘Conference’, Quince A, two year old tree), apple on M 9 inoculated with the varieties ‘Pinova’ (two year old tree with one year old crown, two year old tree), ‘Elstar’ (one year old tree, two year old tree with one year old crown, two year old tree), ‘Jonagold’ (one year old tree, two year old tree with one year old crown, two year old tree) und Süßkirsche (‘Regina’, Gisela 5, two year old tree).
  1. There was low nutrient uptake in the first and second year of cultivation.
  2. In the second year of cultivation the nutrient uptake of all fruit species was clearly higher than in the first year of cultivation.
  3. In average of the proved fruit varieties the nutrient uptake in the first year of cultivation was: 8?kg N/ha, 2?kg P/ha, 6?kg K/ha, 1?kg Mg/ha and 9?kg Ca/ha.
  4. In average of the proved fruit varieties the nutrient uptake in the second year of cultivation was: 3?kg P/ha, 9?kg K/ha, 3?kg Mg/ha and 26?kg Ca/ha.
  5. Especially in the first year of cultivation the trees of the stone fruits showed a higher nutrient uptake per tree than the trees of the pome fruits. But related to the nutrient uptake per hectar this difference reversed or became infinitely small.
  6. The nutrient uptake of both the three apple varieties and the different plant materials showed only low differences.

Tree rows of a two-year-old apple (cv. ‘Topaz’) orchard in Klein-Altendorf near Bonn, Germany, were mulched with either a) shredded broadleaf tree trunks (5?cm; 29?t dm/ha) in January 2005, b) high (6?cm; 17?t?dm/ha), or c) low (3?cm, 7?t dm/ha) shredded stems of Miscanthus in July 2004 to conserve resources and achieve closed systems; uncovered soil served as control. The following results were obtained in this MSc thesis during the 2005 growing season:
  1. Soil covered with any of the three mulches mineralised 7–14?kg less nitrogen per hectare throughout the growing season resulting in a more balanced nitrogen mineralisation. The reduction in nitrogen supply prevented late vegetative growth and contributed to good fruit colouration.
  2. The largest soil respiration was recorded with wooden chips as mulch with a peak of 1.6?CO2?m–2?h– 1 in June/July, followed by Miscanthus mulch and the uncovered control, which indicates enhanced microbial activity in the summer as a result of medium C/N ratio, warming and better aeration of the wood chips.
  3. The organic mulches preserved soil moisture with values of less than 53 centibars and with less fluctuation than in the control.
  4. The organic mulches reflected ca. 10% of incident PAR 1?m above ground, i.e. more light than uncovered soil, all without affecting fruit colouration.
  5. The two thicker (5?cm and 6?cm) organic mulches suppressed weed population by 63–67% relative to the control.
  6. The two thicker (5–6?cm) organic mulches improved potassium uptake by the apple leaves with 1.5 % K relative to 1.3 % K in the control on a leaf dry matter basis, but reduced their calcium and magnesium content.
  7. Wood chips as mulch improved vegetative growth of the apple trees during the growing season, measured as trunk diameter, of 4?mm, followed by 3.6?mm of the high Miscanthus and 2.8?mm in both the low Miscanthus mulch and the control.
  8. The organic mulches enlarged apple fruit diameter from 78?mm in the control to 80?mm with a concomitant increase in fruit weight from 180?g in the control to 185–188?g.

Zusammenfassung In einer 12-jährigen Apfelanlage mit den Sorten Elstar, Fiesta, Golden Delicious, Jonagold und Kent wurde im Jahre 2004 die Schorfbekämpfung durch Überkronenberegnung mit Suspensionen von Kalziumhydroxid (5 g/l) durchgeführt. Im Zeitraum 7. April bis 30. September 2004 wurde insgesamt 62-mal für 15 min beregnet. Drei verschiedene Zeitpunkte der Behandlungen wurden getestet. Bei Behandlung A wurde mit der Beregnung begonnen, wenn nach Mills 100% Infektion erreicht waren. Bei den Behandlungen B und C wurde die Beregnung 6 bzw. 20 h später gestartet. Bei den nicht behandelten Kontrollen waren zum Zeitpunkt der Ernte bei Golden Delicious 30% und bei Jonagold 23% der Früchte mit Schorf befallen. Die Kontrollbäume der anderen Sorten hatten keinen Fruchtschorf. Die Früchte der drei Behandlungen waren bei der Ernte und nach einer 7,5-monatigen Lagerung im Kühllager oder im ULO-Lager frei von Schorf. Die Bonitur auf Schorfbefall der Blätter erfolgte zum Zeitpunkt der Ernte an 3 Langtrieben pro Baum mit je etwa 20–25 Blättern. Bei der Ernte im September/Oktober wurden bei allen Kontrollen Schorfflecken gefunden. Die Extreme reichten von 20 bis fast 60% befallene Blätter. Die Blätter der Langtriebe aller Behandlungen waren schorffrei. Bei den Behandlungen hatten die Blattunterseiten im Mittel bis zu 15% Schorfläsionen. Das liegt vermutlich daran, dass bei der Überkronenberegnung die Blattunterseiten nicht vollständig benetzt wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Schorfbekämpfung mit Überkronenberegnung von Kalziumhydroxid möglich ist.  相似文献   

High throughput profiling techniques are applied increasingly in nutritional sciences as tools for the identification of metabolic phenotypes in response to food as well as for identification of the modes of action of individual constituents of the diet.  相似文献   

The objective of the MSc project was to improve fruit quality, i.e. fruit firmness, colour and size, by mechanical blossom thinning. Ten-year-old slender spindle apple cv. ‘Gala, Mondial’ trees at Campus Klein-Altendorf near Bonn, Germany with an intense flowering of 7–8 on the 0–9 scale were blossom-thinned on 21 April 2009; unthinned trees served as control. Rotor speeds were 360 rpm or 420 rpm at 5 or 7.5 km/h tractor speed using the new mechanical thinning device developed at the University of Bonn in 2004–2006. Therein, a vertical mast supports three horizontal rotors, whose vertically rotating tines remove excessive flowers; the device was mounted on the front three point hitch of the tractor with the following results:
  1. Mechanical thinning reduced the number of apple fruit from 18 per branch section in the un-thinned control, 12–13 in the medium to 8 fruit in the strongest thinning (420 rpm, 5 km/h).
  2. Similarly, the number of singlets (one fruitlet/flower cluster) nearly doubled from ca. 2 per branch in the control to 3–4 after mechanical thinning, as intended.
  3. The natural June drop after mechanical thinning resembled that in the un-thinned control.
  4. Mechanical thinning increased fruit mass by 20 g—48 g relative to the un-thinned control.
  5. Mechanical thinning with 420 rpm increased the portion of premium fruit >?70 mm (class I) by 43?% (7.5 km/h) and 63?% (5 km/h); combined mechanical and hand-thinning yielded the largest portion of fruit >?70 mm (70?%), but with a dramatic loss in yield (55?%).
  6. Mechanical and manual thinning improved the portion of well coloured fruit (75–100?% coloured) (78–98?%) when compared to the un-thinned control fruits with 55?%, probably due to selective removal of shaded fruits from the inner tree canopy.
  7. Overall, mechanical thinning alone gave better results than hand thinning alone or its combination with hand-thinning in cv. ‘Gala’; mechanical thinning waived the need for hand thinning in this experiment.
  8. Mechanical thinning improved fruit firmness from 9.4 kg/cm2 in the un-thinned control to 10.4 kg/cm2.
  9. Neither vegetative growth nor subsequent fruit drop were stimulated by this type of mechanical thinning.
  10. The risk of both alternate bearing and over-sized fruit was waived due to the variety employed.
  11. An economic evaluation showed a net profit of € 220/ha in the weak (420 rpm—7.5 km/h) aνô € 1,844/ha in the intermediate (360 rpm—5 km/h), but a net loss of € 1,120/ha (420 rpm—5 km/h) for the strongest thinning treatment, assuming a cost of € 120/ha for the mechanical treatment and a saving of € 200 for reduced hand thinning.
Overall, the positive results of a better fruit quality (size, colour and firmness) offer the potential of mechanical blossom thinning in cv. ‘Gala’, which is difficult to blossom-thin chemically.  相似文献   

During the term of two years this study attempts to consider consumers preferences within existing quality management systems in retail. The aim was to develop a quality index which involves sensory characteristics. Therefore, about 4000 fruits of the cultivars ‘Fuji, Yataka’, ‘Elstar, Elshof’, ‘Golden Delicious, Reinders’ and ‘Jonagold, Rubinstar’ were analyzed in three steps in the first experimental period (about 1000 fruits per cultivar). In the first place different fruit characteristics such as flesh firmness and chlorophyll content were measured non-destructive. Next the fruits were tested sensorial by consumers at four retail trade locations in Osnabrück. For the assessment of the taste an eight part of an apple was used. The remaining seven eight parts were required for destructive investigations. Coefficients of linear correlation between results of non-destructive respectively destructive analysis on the one side and sensorial determined results on the other side were calculated. Unexpectedly, the correlations between these different parameters were small. Therefore, more data will be collected in a second experimental period to develop the quality index.  相似文献   

High-stem orchards, traditionally grown on grassland, represent an important source of raw material for the processing industry and for traditional fruit processing on family-run farms such as cider, brandy, dried fruit, vinegar and apple sauce. As well as these production aspects, high-stem orchards preserve the traditional landscape and indirectly maintain the viability of rural areas. A method for the evaluation of high-stem orchards in Slovenia is presented, where, besides production functions, other aspects (e.?g. environmental) are also emphasized. This methodology enables empirical evaluation of high-stem orchards, including ecological and socio-cultural features and has been applied in the North-Eastern part of Slovenia, where the majority of these land-use systems are found.  相似文献   

A new electro-catalytic sensor for the measurement of the gaseous ethylene (C2H4) concentration in air is described here. The measuring principle is based on ethylene oxidation to CO2 and H2O on a gold-plated anode with weak sulphuric acid as a catalyst, the small ethylene molecules are trapped in the pores of the gold-plated anode; the measurement consumes ethylene. During the warming-up phase, the unit automatically calibrates its zero by employing dried, ethylene-free gas from the built-in drying and potassium permanganate columns. Thereafter, the unit requires calibration with humidified gas from gas supplied externally e.g. from a cylinder at a concentration of between 4–10 ppm C2H4; this end-point calibration is kept until switching off. The accuracy was 96–98% with a SD of 0.05–0.15?ppm C2H4 and a variation coefficient of 0.5–2%, when the calibration gas of 8?ppm C2H4was measured after the calibration. The measuring range is 0–50?ppm C2H4 with an accuracy of ±?5% and displayed resolution of 1?ppb. For a typical 30?sec measurement, the instrument draws a ca. 150?ml gas sample and appears suitable for measurement of individual fruit in an open or closed gas system, single gas samples or traditional injection of a ca. 5?ml gas sample. Temperature and humidity (and as additional options CO2 concentration, another gas or ethylene analogues like MCP) are displayed concomitantly. The reproducibility of the values was 93% with 3 subsequent measurements of a variety of fruits. The unit can be operated on mains or built-in battery providing up to 8?hours operation and weighs about 4.5?kg including battery, which makes it portable for in-situ ethylene measurement after calibration with an external gas supply. The instrument appears to be an elegant alternative to the traditional determination of ethylene concentration based on a 10?ml sample from the head space of jar after several hours of accumulation, by a gas chromatograph with N2 as tracer gas, Poropak?Q column and flame ionisation detector (FID).  相似文献   

Isolates of Neofabraea perennans were grouped into three categories according to their pattern of resistance against thiophanate-methyl. ED50 values were 0.067?±?0.003?ppm (mycelial growth) or 0.202?±?0.028?ppm (conidial germination) for strains with baseline sensitivity, and 1.35?±?0.30?ppm or 9.75?±?3.18?ppm (respectively) for strains with partial resistance against thiophanate-methyl. Highly resistant strains were not inhibited even at 400?ppm thiophanate-methyl. The mycelial growth assay is recommended for further research on benzimidazole resistance in bitter-rot fungi because of its enhanced sensitivity as well as simple and reproducible evaluation. A detailed protocol for this assay method is given.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to improve inner and external fruit quality and fruit colouration using four-year-old apple ‘Braeburn, Hillwell’ trees on M9 (3?m × 1?m spacing) by employing reflective ground covers and biostimulants at Klein-Altendorf, nr. Bonn, Germany (50°N). Two reflective ground covers were spread on both sides of tree rows seven weeks before anticipated harvest and two biostimulants were applied two times – four and two weeks before harvest. Adjacent trees of the same row without reflective ground cover or without biostimulants served as control.Reflective ground covers significantly improved red colouration from 71°hue in the control to 49°hue with the ground cover Lumilys® and to 40°hue with Extenday®. The red colouration of the lower surface of fruits improved from 85°hue in the control to 52°hue with Lumilys® and 40°hue by Extenday®. Apple trees with Extenday® and Lumilys® produced 69% and 44% well-coloured fruit (with 75–100% fruit colouration) compared with 16–26% in the control.By contrast, an acceleration of ripening processes was not observed in plots with reflective ground covers compared with the control. There were no differences in sugar contents (°Brix) and fruit firmness (kg/cm2), but starch breakdown in fruit with reflective mulch was significantly delayed compared with the control resulting in retarded maturation.An economic analysis based on material costs and lifespan – excluding the labour costs for spreading and removing the ground covers – showed an economic advantage, if these mulches are used more than once a year.Both biostimulants showed neither effects on inner and external fruit quality nor on fruit colouration. Fruits with Wuxal®ATRiun or Sunred® did not improve the percentage of well-coloured fruits (75%–100% fruit surface with red colouration) compared with the untreated control. Similarly, inner and external fruit quality showed no significant differences in fruit firmness, sugar content and starch degradation. An economic analysis based on chemicals’ costs – excluding the labour costs for applying the biostimulants – resulted in no economic advantage. The chlorophyll – based ‘Index of Absorption Difference’ (IAD; measured non-destructively by the DA-meter) in some cases correlated positively with the Streif (maturation) index based on destructive assessment fruit firmness, sugar content and starch breakdown in an ‘ART system’.  相似文献   

Published results on vigour and productivity from European and American trials are compared for 8 size-controlling rootstocks for sweet cherries. Taking the different conditions into account, the clones can be ordered according to their size-control: most dwarfing is GiSelA 3, followed by GiSelA 5. GiSelA 12 grows a bit stronger. Next are GiSelA 6 and 148/13. PIKU 1 and 318/17 show stronger, and PIKU 3 the most vigorous growth. On GiSelA 3, GiSelA 5, GiSelA 6 and 318/17 high yields can be achieved. PIKU 1 stands out by high yields under weak conditions. Yielding potential of PIKU 3 proves to be low. Productivity on GiSelA 12 and 148/13 cannot be assessed due to the small number of data. The problems of this evaluation and the results for each of the 8 clones are discussed.  相似文献   

The overall objective of this work was to improve fruit quality, break alternate bearing and reduce hand thinning using fewer chemicals in fruit crops. A device was constructed for mechanical thinning, which consisted of three independent horizontal rotors with ropes and freely adjustable angles on a frame, mounted on a front three point hitch and powered by the tractor hydraulics. This can be adapted to any fruit tree trained as spindle, Solaxe, (tall) vertical axis or fruit wall (le mur fruitier) irrespective of rootstock employed. Rotor speed varied from 300 to 460?rpm at either 5 or 7.5?km/h tractor speed. Eight-year-old or twelve-old apple trees cvs. ‘Gala’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ were mechanically thinned in 2007 between pink bud and full bloom (flower bud stages 6–8 or F1–F2) near Bonn, Germany; non-thinned and hand-thinned apple trees of the same block and variety served as control. Mechanically thinned flowering branches showed a similar amount of ethylene efflux (0.4–0.6?ppm C2H4/branch) as non-thinned flower branches, preventing potentially unexpected subsequent fruit drop, except for those removed by the rotors. The impact of the horizontal rotors on the branches was from the upper side and removed excessive flowers right to the tree trunk viz. the centre of the tree canopy, where fruits of lesser quality are expected leaving 2–3 flowers per cluster. Leaf damage was less than??10%, even at the fast rotor speed of 420?rpm, which was associated with negligible wood injury. Mechanical thinning induced firmer and sweeter fruit, i.e. tastier apples with longer shelf life, relative to control fruit from non-thinned apple trees. The greatest efficacy in terms of final fruit quality in the grading/sorting was achieved by a rotor speed of 360?rpm at a tractor speed of 5?km/h: Fruit mass increased by up to 20?g and the proportion of fruit larger than 70–75?mm by 10–30% compared with the fruit from non-thinned trees. Mechanical thinning with this newly constructed device led to a 10–20% reduction in yield, but increased returns due to better fruit size and colouration in apple with the potential to overcome alternate bearing.  相似文献   

The importance of the predicted temperature increase as a consequence of change in climate on strawberry and raspberry production is discussed with regard to flower initiation, dormancy and temperature optimum for photosynthesis on the basis of a literature review and temperature data from the location of Geisenheim, Germany. June-bearing strawberry and biennial fruiting raspberry cultivars and remontant cultivars for both species are considered. In the future, problems will be expected for flower initiation of June-bearing raspberry and for breaking of dormancy of strawberry and raspberry cultivars with high chilling requirement. The predicted temperature increase will lead to early flowering and cropping of the berries.  相似文献   

The objective of this PhD project was to investigate the nutrient translocation associated with the mulch from the grass alley to the tree strip. Therefore, a historical, approved 40-year fertiliser trial with apple cv. ‘Gloster’ on M9 rootstock at a spacing of 4 m?×?1.5?m was employed at Klein-Altendorf Research Centre, University of Bonn, Germany, which comprised mineral nutrition (1?t/ha??CaO? $ + $ ?NPK), an organic plot (10?t??FM/ha pig manure) and an unfertilised plot as control. Grass alleys were mowed 5?× in 1995 and 3?× in 1996 as commonly practised in fruit orchards; foil was spread on the tree strips to capture the biomass transferred with the mulching. Overall, ca.??60% of the grass mulch dry matter (mowed at 2?cm height) remained in the grass alleyway, while ca.??40% was translocated to the tree strips, which amounted to 550?kg??DM (Dry Matter) in the unfertilised plot and 800?kg??DM/ha/year in both fertilised plots with the five mulches in the wet year 1995. Grass mulch contained 2–3%??N and 2.2–2.9%??K in the unfertilised control plot or 2.1–3.9%??N and 2.7–4.1%??K on per leaf dry matter in both the inorganic NPK and organically fertilised plot; the nitrogen content of the grass mulch increased during the growing season in the wet year 1995, but remained low and constant at 2.5%??N in the dry year 1996. By contrast, calcium was decreased from 0.5–0.7%??Ca in the unfertilised plot to 0.3–0.6%??Ca in the organic plot. Overall, 25–50% of the grass mulch was translocated from the grass alleys (ca. 4,000 m2) into the tree strips, representing an organic fertilisation of 10–25?kg??N, 2–4?kg??P, 15–25?kg??K, 3–5?kg??Ca and 1–2?kg??Mg per hectare and year. This would theoretically be equivalent to ca 50% supply of??N,??P and??K and??10% of calcium as required nutrients by fruit trees depending on rate of nutrient availability. Its subsequent partial availability reported of 54%??N within??90 days after mulching and large nutrient content are discussed with respect to the low nutrient content in leaves dropped from the fruit trees in the autumn, where the nutrients had been previously translocated into the woody perennial parts of the tree. This nutrient cycling should be integrated in environmental-friendly sustainable fertilisation strategies for fruit orchards.  相似文献   

In 2015 within an initial test for the biological regulation of the White Scale (Diaspididae: Pseudaulacaspis pentagona) in a fruit orchard near house gardens in Pfinztal-Soellingen near Karlsruhe on heavily infested mulberry (Morus nigrum) a predatory gall midge Lestodiplosis diaspidis (Kieffer, 1910) (Nematocera: Cecidomyiidae) has been detected. This is the first record of this beneficial species for Germany. The importance of this gall midge as an antagonist of White Scale should be investigated in further studies.  相似文献   

To the 11th leaf the influence of two planting systems on yield and fruit size of apple cultivars ‘Golden Delicious, Weinsberg’ and ‘Jonagold, Rubinstar’ grafted on the dwarfed rootstocks M 9 and P 16 was investigated. The planting systems “Slender Spindle” (3.25 × 1.25 m) and “Güttinger-V-System” (3.50 × 0.60 m) were compared. In average of both cultivars and rootstocks the “Güttinger-V-System” let to significantly higher yields than the planting system “Slender Spindle”. The difference between the planting systems amounted to 121.7 t/ha from the 3rd to the 11th leaf. In this period the annual per-hectare yield of the “Güttinger-V-System” was in average 13.5 t higher than the yield of the “Slender Spindle”. The simple fruit weight of the 3rd to the 11th leaf was affected by the planting system. For both rootstocks and cultivars the simple fruit weight of the “Slender Spindle” was significantly higher than that of the “Güttinger-V-System”. However the fruit size sorting showed for both cultivars no mentioning differences between the planting systems. To the additional yield of the “Güttinger-V-System” face additional costs for the installation of the orchard and for the formation of crown. Thus the decision for this planting system will be influenced in a high measure from the producer price.  相似文献   

The influence of honey-bees’ pollination on parameters of yield of the three highbush blueberry varieties ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Reka’ and ‘Brigitta Blue’ was investigated. Four pollination variants were realized: 1. without cage; 2. cage with bees; 3. cage without bees; 4. fine-meshed bag. Total yield, fruit weight, seed production and phenology of the three varieties were examined. An enormously positive influence of honey-bees on yields of ‘Bluecrop’ and ‘Reka’ was found: total yield was by 500–560% higher in cages with bees compared to cages without bees. The results of fruit weight and seed production were similarly clear. However, ‘Brigitta Blue’ hardly responded to different intensities of pollination: regardless of the variant, total yield was extremely low (in cage with bees only 35% of the ‘Bluecrop’-yield) and couldn’t be improved by intensive pollination. The same applied to number of seeds per fruit. However, the mean fruit weight resembled that of ‘Reka’, but wasn’t influenced by the intensity of pollination, either. ‘Bluecrop’ lived up to its reputation as most profitable standard grade with highest yields in all variants (3.7?kg/m3 bush in cage with bees), highest fruit weight (1.6?g) and maximum number of seeds per fruit (98). A direct correlation between fruit weight and number of seeds per fruit couldn’t be established.  相似文献   

Whereas the rise in temperature during the past 30–40 years has already had clear impacts on the phenology of fruit trees and pathogenic insects, there is a lack of such correlations for fungal pathogens. An examination of fruit rots indicates that pathogenic fungi react differentially to climate change due to their complex infection biology. The appearance of the black rot fungus Diplodia seriata in Northwestern Europe is best explained by rising temperatures during the vegetation period. An increase in fruit rot caused by Nectria galligena is anticipated when milder and more humid winter months favour canker formation on twigs and branches, thereby increasing inoculum for fruit infections. An increasing importance of Neofabraea alba and Glomerella cingulata and/or G.??acutata as storage rots of apples in Northern Germany cannot be safely correlated with the climate change at present. Research on fungi is currently being expanded at the OVB Jork in order to ensure a faster identification of new pathogens and a more thorough investigation of relevant features of their infection biology.  相似文献   

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